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Lady J

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Posts posted by Lady J

  1. 22 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

    Jeff will keep going through employees over and over because he has no respect for them and doesn’t want them to succeed. He has trouble even letting Gage pick out a light fixture. He lives to berate and bully people including his clients. He will never be more successful until he can stop treating his staff like crap and actually value and nurture their talent. And why is there so much eating in this show?

    Jeff is an ass. He lets behavior go and even encourages it, and then goes for the jugular, all the while acting like the injured party. Let your employees know up front what you expect, and go from there. He and his employees are unprofessional, but he asks for it.

    • Love 10
  2. 54 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

    I loved Howard in this one.

    I know we don't really see much about what their actual jobs are...maybe that's why I have a hard time believing they would put a random physics researcher in charge of allocating grant money. 

    Also had a hard time believing that the easy bake oven would produce something that hot. ;) (My mom used to just put my little cake pans in the real oven because they didn't actually bake otherwise.)

    Howard has come a long way, but he is still Howard, no life insurance.

    • Love 10
  3. 12 hours ago, FrankieTankie said:

    Jenny is a piece of shit .... she’s acting like she runs everything and she’s the boss . All the indoor idiots (Jenny.. tyler... Megan aka horse teeth and gage) just sit around and judge everyone else like they do all the work .... all I ever see them do is kiss Jeff’s ass and eat lunch ... worthless group of people .... I truly believe Jeff keeps worthless people around just so he can bitch and complain 

    It might be the editing, but Tyler always looks like such a douche.

    • Love 8
  4. 2 hours ago, Frost said:

    I am fine with the arranged marriage.  I'm unhappy they made Anu into a bully.  Her behavior at the restaurant on their first date to the wait staff was horrible.  All four of the women in relationships with the four main men are domineering.  Bernadette and the allowance she gives Howard.  Penny basically always getting her way.  Amy ordering Sheldon to play with his phone when she thought he was being inappropriate.  And now Anu.   She stated outright she wants to marry him because he's tall and he caved because she proposed.  I find it irritating.  

    Note to Chuck Lorre - strong, confident women don't have to be harridans!!!!

    These " men" are basically children, I guess they need strong women.

    • Love 5
  5. 1 hour ago, WhosThatGirl said:

    Wow. I feel alone that I didn’t like this episode. It was just eh to me. Also I don’t want Haley back with Dylan. Granted I don’t want her with Arvin either but.. this episode didn’t get very much laughs from me.

    Not only did I not like this episode, but I think I'm done with the show. It's been a long time since I've found it funny.

    • Love 6
  6. 9 hours ago, msrachelj said:

    yes, another man portrayed as inferior and pussy whipped by his wife. my husband refuses to watch some of these shows for that reason. emasculating. you can be a man and be tender and be an equal without being a cowering fool to your dominant wife. (raymond, king of queens, list goes on) their relationship looks very unhealthy, true. 

    Good point, but Raymond was an ass !

    • Love 8
  7. On 8/22/2018 at 1:53 AM, film noire said:

    Intentionally or not, she did the one thing Jill Shields asked her not to do; bring the media to the very lip of his grave.

    I think quietly respectful would have been choosing to mourn the man privately, while allowing his family and widow to bury him -- she and Bryn (and any friends they felt close to) could have mourned together in their own way, remembering what they loved about Dennis and saying goodbye.

    Instead, this; cameras clicking away, capturing private moments, the very thing Jill Shields says was painful to her family. 

    Bethenny should have honoured their request to stay home, and not put her own needs above theirs.


    But it's all about Bethany .

    • Love 13
  8. 3 hours ago, gingerella said:

    Eh, I just dont get the Carole hate here. I think of all the Ho's on this franchise and possible all the franchises, she is the smartest, most well-read/traveled/socially & politically astute/saavy of all these women. She doesn't need this show, from what I've seen over her tenure, she used the show as a platform/opportunity to get exposure for her first widow's book. But she's always come off far more erudite and intellectual than any of these Ho's - past or present. She has a true New Yorker attitude and when she realizes/see/confirms that someone is full of shit, she no longer has any fucks to give, and I totally understand that. I think all these women are pathetic excuses for human beings and Carole seems to me to be the only normal one amongst them.

    Dorinda is an angry, abusive alcoholic. She is also a shit stirrer to the nth degree and lies about it all the time. She doesn't seem to need this show for money, but apparently she needs it to feed the empty hole in her soul.

    Tinsley is an emotionally stunted woman-child who lives off Mommy and Daddy and has zero base in reality. She cant even handle finding a luxury apartment so she 'has to' live in a luxury hotel. She doesn't need this show monetarily but she needs it to feed her ego that she's still important and A-List.

    Sonja is a sad, delusional person living in the past, still pretending she's married to a Morgan. She pretty much lies all the time. She needs this show to pay the bills.

    Bethanny is a mentally unstable meltdown, who is so angry and deluded that she seems incapable of seeing how much of a c^nt she really is to people, thus has no clue why people hate her. She will sell anything, and anybody to further line her bank account. She needs this show to hawk her products ad naseum.

    Ramona is also deluded, trying to convince herself that her life post-Mario is BETTERTHANEVER and yet she constantly says hurtful things about pretty much everyone, and aligns with whomever is stroking her ego at the moment (wait, that's all of them, right?!?).

    LuAnn is an alcholic whose rage about her life comes out full force when she's drunk. She can be straightforward and decent when she wants to but sadly turns on a thin dime and then I remember who she really is. I want to like her but she just is so full of herself that I cant. She needs this show to feed her pretend caberet/countess career.

    Carole...to me, she's the only one who doesn't have a substance abuse issue or any real 'issues', to be honest. She is an astute, intelligent woman who has manners, intellect, a true appreciation for the arts, and is a no bullshit kind of gal. She is the only one of the bunch I'd ever even consider sitting down with for a drink, let alone a full meal. I think she'd have interesting things to talk about outside of herself (Hello B, D, T, D, R & L, who only seem to be able to drone on about themselves all the fucking time). And if she's been snarkier this season, I see it as her being totally over all the bullshit with Bethanny and most of the rest of them. If she's sidled up to someone as dimwitted as Tinsley during this season, I can totally understand why - it's mind-numbing for me to watch this shit show, I cant even begin to imagine having to sit with these harpies in real life and hear all the damn yelling and shrieking and talking over each other ALLTHETIME, so yeah, I'd maybe start talking to the vapid one who doesn't participate in all that as much as the other do. And as others have said way up thread, she doesn't need this show like the others seem to. She'll be fine with her actual, legitimate writing career, or anything else she decides to do in the future.

    I totally agree.

    • Love 6
  9. On 8/9/2018 at 6:07 PM, KLovestoShop said:

    This has to be at least 10 Millennial husbands in recent episodes who don’t want stairs.  And not only that, they don’t want to do a stitch of work on their house, be it inside or out.  “I don’t want a lawn because I don’t want to spend hours and hours cutting it.  I don’t want stairs.  I don’t want a deck if it’s real wood and I don’t want to have to refinish it.”   And what was with the MN husband and the refrigerator that was too big and cost too much in electricity?  

    Another probably producer-driven scenario is the thing about wanting the exact kind of house they grew up in.  It mostly seems to be men, but once in a while it’s the woman. Do they think that living in the kind of house they grew up in will insure a happy life?  

    Yes, if they can play video games.

    • Love 5
  10. 14 hours ago, Angeleyes said:

    She made such a big deal about needing a tub for her Shaman baths (?) and plenty of space for fire walking then chose the house that had neither. How lucky that she found a house shaped exactly like her spirit animal. She has a web page for her business, but conveniently does not list her fees. Business must be booming if she can afford such an expensive second home. 

    She'll have to take a Shaman shower.

    • Love 8
  11. On 6/7/2018 at 2:59 PM, abc123 said:

    I put this question into the Recipe Box thread, but not sure if anyone saw it...  --> Does anyone know if we'll still be able to access the recipes online after the show ends? 

    Here are my last few ideas while this show is still on:  I'm going to miss this show so much.  It was just a fun show where you could get some great ideas that almost always were winners.  The hosts all have so much chemistry.  Damnit, Mario...why do you have to be so gross?  I do believe that at least Michael knew about his antics.  And I'm sure the others knew from rumors.  I have shows building up on my DVR, so I'm looking forward to more of their IDGAF attitude and humor as I catch up. 

    Favorite Guests: Geez...I can't think of anyone really specific.  Just people who the hosts fangirl over and are really receptive and fun.  I like celebs who actually cook and eat and/or are enthusiastic.  I can't believe the # of guests who admit that they literally never cook and clearly can't even cut a carrot properly.  Hollywood must really be made of starving people and/or those who get meal delivery. 

    Lease Favorite Guests: Idina Menzel - acted like such a spoiled brat when the Rockettes came in and "interrupted HER segment."  Paula Deen - telling Clinton he was like a turd in the punchbowl.  Jamie Lee Curtis - taking over the interview with Clinton and being so weird about what they were making.

    How about Nene Leakes dissing one of the grandmas ?

    • Love 2
  12. 11 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

    I was also distracted by Morticia the real estate agent! ?

    Re the couple in Chesapeake, VA: Wow, Marcus really is handy with the renovations. That kitchen was great! I couldn’t believe the house with a different flooring in just about every room. That tile was fugly.

    What's was the deal with the agent's teeth ??

  13. 7 hours ago, ChitChat said:

    I noticed that many of them did a tie-dye effect on  top of their cheesecake, but it didn't come out that way once baked - at least not when it was cut into.

    I didn't like the second challenge using the herbs.  I felt bad for the lady that was sent home.  What the hell does one do with coriander?  Granted, the guy who won had parsley and managed to make something good. Shouldn't a disqualifier be when you don't follow the directions such as "naked cake?"  Why do they get a pass when they iced their cakes?

    Yeah, the cilantro lady got screwed.

    • Love 11
  14. 17 hours ago, slothgirl said:

    ALRIGHT! We get it! Fashion for the rest of the season and forever after is supposed to be YOUTHFUL!

    Go &#@ yourselves judges! Sheesh. Like every time PR, the brand, makes a tiny step forward (or Foe-ward as Alyssa would say) it takes a huge leap backwards... yes lets have models of varying size, but let's not forget that women over 25 SHOULDN'T EXIST!

    What a crapfest/snoozefest. Josh actually did come the closest. Gah. Burns me up to say that. And Helen would have probably won if she had made her top rich black and stark white instead of grey and well, a much darker grey. And this is coming from someone who LOVES grey. Adding the yellow shoes was a good touch if the top had been either more playful or at least kept the high contrast of the polka dots

    Char: "I just hope they can see past what isn't good and see what is good..." Which would be what, Honey? Bless your heart.

    Thankfully Anthony is safe. That's all I care about on this show anymore... my precious Anthony staying as long as possible.

    Please can we go ahead now and create his spin off?

    I wonder what Isaac's QVC customers think of that, so youthful, LOL.

    • Love 3
  15. On 11/21/2017 at 3:41 AM, MsJamieDornan said:

    I was watching briefly with the sound off and Wendy Williams was the guest. I'm not sure Wendy said more than 5 words during the cooking segment. Carla was babbling and gesturing wildly. Wendy seemed almost afraid of her and once even moved closer to Michael.  Carla had an "Erica Badu" type  hat on and she kept swinging her head around and almost poked Clinton's eye out.

    I kept noticing the look in Wendy's eyes,, fear, plain old fear.

    I think they were trying to make pecan pie with tofu....eeww.

    That was 5 words too many, can't stand .Wendy !

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