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Lady J

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Posts posted by Lady J

  1. On 11/29/2019 at 11:36 AM, Empress1 said:

    I just watched this episode. I thought the guy's change in looks was really ... I don't know, weird? Drastic? Was he coloring his hair? And he wasn't wearing it curly either. He wasn't old (I'm guessing they were 32 at most since he said they met in undergrad ten years before), but he looked really different. He was much cuter when they met.

    She was insufferable. You could tell the realtor hated them.

    Probably not since their budget wasn't very high, but I'm guessing it was worth it to be rid of them.

    I hated them and I was just watching ! 🤣

    • Love 1
  2. On 11/14/2019 at 8:01 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

    I would have chosen the third house for the Indian couple.    I'm totally over the "house must face" a specific way too.    The four bedroom would have been better, the living/dining area was huge, and the kitchen was lovely.   The back yard wouldn't have been that bad to clean up, level, and they could have done a lot of maintenance free artificial turf, or something similar to minimize the yard work. 

    The first house was OK, but is going to need so much work, that I don't think it was a bargain at all.    They could also hire someone to mow, and I bet  it wouldn't take 20 minutes to do the front and back, and if they got rid of any bushes they wouldn't have to maintain them either.    

    The husband was a real A Hole , they picked a crappy house so he didn’t have to mow the lawn !

    • LOL 2
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  3. 10 hours ago, deaja said:

    So far, Kyle Maclachlan is the best part of the show to me.  I am not sure if I like Carol or not.  She's being pretty inconsistent so far.  Second episode, she was very concerned about her patient. This episode she was super insensitive to her patient. I'd like to see some consistency.

    I see all of the bad things, but in spite of it all , I enjoy it. Who can say why ? 🤷‍♀️

    • Love 6
  4. On 9/27/2019 at 10:19 AM, kariyaki said:

    I don't care for Kate Micucci either. I really disliked her in her stints on Scrubs and Big Bang Theory. I liked her here, but under the provision that it's a one-shot deal. If she shows up in subsequent episodes and annoys the piss out of me, I'm sure my opinion will change.

    I really disliked her on BBT.

    • Love 4
  5. On 9/13/2019 at 6:02 PM, mlp said:

    The menu made me hungry all over again.  The price is a lot more than any dinner would be around here but not as bad as I expected considering it's a fancy restaurant in New York City.  

    The two of them need to stop saying totally, I’m thinking of making it a drinking game. 🍺🍷🍺

  6. On 7/29/2018 at 6:29 PM, Lura said:

    Well, we know she goes to church at least one Sunday a month -- for the food.  She loves those potlucks.  You notice that her nice pastor is always ready to make some glowing comment for the camera.  That's because she takes him cookies and Happy Good Friday Hot Cross Buns.

    Not to mention the collection plate.

    • LOL 1
  7. On 8/8/2019 at 10:27 PM, ChitChat said:

    I'm glad to see him too.  I'm even happier to learn that Fredrik and others stepped up to persuade him to come back to NYC.  Luis always had such a joy and positive energy around him.  It's sad to see him feeling so down.  I truly hope that he can work through the hurt and discover happiness again.  It's also nice to see that the friendship between him and Fredrik goes beyond this show.   I'm pretty sure that Ryan feels the same way about him too.  

    Those sellers must really be kicking themselves for not taking that $9 million cash offer from the start.  I can understand asking more if you get into a bidding war, but to up the price like that makes no sense to me.  The seller asked for $9 million, and that's what was offered.  With no other buyers waiting in line, it wasn't a smart move in trying to suddenly ask for more.  We almost walked away from buying a home when the seller asked for more earnest money a few weeks after we made the offer and paid the original fee.   It really ticked us off.  Luckily we were in the driver's seat and he backed down, but we were prepared to walk away.  You've got to know when it's a seller's or buyer's market, or the history of the property you're buying.  Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth though!

    I find myself wondering what happened. Did they manage to rent the property, is it still on the market ?

  8. 2 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

    That voice!  Strident, whiny, uptalky.  Nails on the chalkboard!  I thought they showed her in a business at the beginning of the episode, so why would she see clients at home?  And why would the clients need to use her bathroom?  Cake consult can’t be more than an hour. She needs an open concept home to watch a kid almost old enough to get a job?

    Ithaca looks gorgeous.  I want to go there in the fall now. 

    You should go, Ithaca is beautiful. It is on Cayuga Lake , with beautiful falls, gorges and Cornell University. 

    • Love 2
  9. 1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    I liked the Navarre FL couple too.    I knew they were going for a fixer, at least their version of a fixer.    The last one was nice, but that price was way too much.    I'm glad a couple finally went for a decent price, and not the house that is way above budget.  

    The new one with the divorcee in Ithaca drove me crazy.     Her voice was terrible.    Also, I wonder if her custom cake business using that regular kitchen is working out?     It's a nice kitchen for a family house.    

    I googled the Ithaca baker, because I’m not far from there. Her Facebook looks like she is pretty successful.

    • Useful 1
  10. 1 hour ago, SweetieDarling said:

    To me, this isn't so much about her addiction, but her total disregard for the law and not being one bit grateful for the slap on the wrist she was given rather than jail time for the felonies she could have been charged with. She should At Least go through the motions and show up at meetings and refrain from drinking, even if only for her probation period. imo, this compromise will only feed into her already over inflated ego and belief that The Countess is above the law.

    This x 1000 !

    • Love 11
  11. 11 hours ago, mojoween said:

    “The Werewolf Transformation” happens to be on now and it amuses me that when Leonard left the barber shop after Sheldon stormed out Leonard said “when you tell this story later the word we use is ‘quirky’.”

    Now I'm wondering if this is a callback or happy coincidence.

    Remember when Preya Called Sheldon quirky, and Howard said “ that crazy bastard is looking at quirky in the rear view mirror ?”  I just remember because I love that line.

    • LOL 10
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  12. 37 minutes ago, msmarjoribanks said:

    I liked the Raleigh couple, and figured they'd go with the second place. I liked the location and style of the third one, but it did seem too small for them, close to the top of their budget, and without remodeling to do that would add to the value (although I liked that the husband thought about the value of the location).  The second was a good compromise with style and location and it seemed like the things like didn't like were easy fixes, especially as the husband knew what he was doing.

    But good lord that woman was loud !

    • Love 4
  13. 12 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

    Ramona is disgusting. Every season she says something atrocious to another person, and doesn't say sorry. She always says "I apologize" which I don't consider to be the same thing as saying "I'm so sorry, I was wrong." Every year I have more and more contempt for this woman. Barbara is "masculine"? Says the woman who butchered her face and now has a lopsided nose.

    I think Mario is still running 🏃 

    • LOL 4
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  14. On 3/8/2019 at 4:47 PM, CherryAmes said:

    I agree with you here but like I said earlier they can be pretty inconsistent with Howard.  In an episode from earlier in the year Bernadette is burned out and comes home and hides in the Wendy house in their backyard  Howard knows she's doing this and doesn't get mad at all and instead is picking up two babies from daycare. coming home and holding down the fort while giving Bernadette the space he knows she needs.  Yet in this episode she leaves money on the table for him to buy take out and seems very unsure about whether he's capable of looking after the children for a week-end.  🤷‍♀️ like I said earlier, whatever fits the plot on any given day I guess.

    Oh well I still liked this episode a lot!

    Remember though, Howard didn’t get mad because he didn’t buy life insurance like he was supposed to.

    • Love 4
  15. 22 hours ago, snarktini said:

    Watching a couple buying in Nashville. He wants to downsize the yard (because he maintains that) but still wants a giant house. She wants to downsize the house (because she maintains that) but still wants a giant yard. 🙄 Maybe they should switch jobs for awhile.

    They had some interesting ideas about how big rooms have to be to count as "large". Lol. I live in a 3 BR 1300 sf flat and to me that's plenty large! Also, they require a rec room and it seems very important for one of their kids to have a "teen suite" 🤣

    They are more positive than most couples, which is nice to see. Less bitching about fixable, unimportant things. It helps they have the budget so they can be demanding all they want! (615K in Nashville goes a long way.)

    He seemed to be very concerned about impressing people.

    • Love 3
  16. 10 hours ago, PinkRibbons said:

    I thought the episode was delightful! Bernie and Penny had an interesting little storyline, Johnny was fantastically funny as Leonard realizing what Beverly had done (although I may be watching wrong because I don't think I was supposed to find "the experiment's not finished" sweet but I kind of did), and I LOVE cocky Amy. Mayim throwing those glances left and right got a hearty laugh out of me each time.

    I love the way Amy manages Sheldon !

    • Love 8
  17. 17 hours ago, SHD said:

    I really liked the striped outfit with the huge cuffs. It looked really well made and had a nice twist on the corset concept. I was surprised it wasn't in the top three.

    I didn't understand why Georgina kept going on about the winner's "color story." On my TV, it all looked like a boring ivory color. 

    I really want to smack anyone who says “ color story”

    • Love 6
  18. 11 hours ago, SmithW6079 said:

    No, Raj's father, Raj is not a good man. He's an insecure, insensitive d-bag. I thought the arranged marriage story had potential, but it just fell victim to Raj's usual douchebaggery.

    I don't get the whole concept of a modern arranged marriage anyway, especially if they have the right of refusal. Why bother to arrange a marriage then? I didn't understand Anu's and Raj's accusations at each other that they were looking for the "easy" way.  She admitted the reason she went for an arranged marriage was that she was tired of dating, and an arranged marriage bypassed those steps. 

    I thought the only likable people in this episode were Zach, his wife, and Leonard. I think Zach chose Leonard as the father because he likes Leonard and thinks he's nice. I think folks are taking this sitcom plot entirely too seriously. If Leonard's "health issues" preclude him passing along his genes, should he be sterilized so he and Penny don't accidentally have a baby? 

    And speaking of babies, it annoyed me all over again that Penny unilaterally decided they wouldn't have a family.

    Do you really want someone who doesn’t want kids to be a mother ?

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