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Posts posted by lovemesomejoolery

  1. 10 hours ago, SentimentalLady said:

    I got rid of the landline when my husband got a wireless heart monitor.  But we get a lot of calls on the cell.  Today I heard from Kentucky and Wisconsin ?  I notice that some callers have the same first 3 numbers as our phone numbers.  As if we are more likely to answer a familiar number.  I just don't answer.  I was blocking them but my list is full.  I have a friend who calls with a blocked number.  She has to leave a message.

    I actually have had a few calls on my cell phone from numbers THAT WERE MY OWN CELL NUMBER!!

    The first time it happened, I thought I was losing my mind!

  2. 1 hour ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

    @lovemesomejoolery - Thanks for that tip about Gly Oxide.  I bit myself the other day, and it's driving me nuts!

    When I had cats, I used to get litter from Amazon on subscribe and save.  It was great not having to schlep around 40 lb. boxes of litter.  Then the brand I used stopped offering it that way.

    Have you tried Chewy.com?

    I swear by Gly Oxide.  In fact, it was my primary care physician that told me about it. I had a freak out moment when some sore appeared and thought I had oral cancer.  My doctor saw me that day, looked at it, and said it looked like something he would get if he ate Doritos and they jabbed him in his cheek while chewing.....and I looked at him and laughed, because I had eaten Doritos and found this thing at the gumline a day later.  He told me to get Gly Oxide and I used it 4 times a day and within two days it was gone.  It was soothing from the first dose.  This was 15 years ago......when I recently looked for it, it was non-existent.  It came in a bottle about the size of eye drops.  The one at Amazon was much larger and you had to buy it in a two pack, which was fine - one for me and for the husband.  I think it was around $15.  Worth every penny, in my opinion.

    I'll check out Chewy again.......pricing didn't hold up against Target for my Scoop Away unscented the last time I checked.  The unscented is the key....harder to find.  Mr. Lovesme doesn't like squeezing up or kissing our two cats and smelling pine.....which really just means it reminds him that they use a litter box to poop and he's kissing litter box dust! 

  3. 27 minutes ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

    Amazon just launched Prime Now here yesterday.  I was almost out of a personal item (okay, it was pee pads for my lovely leaking bladder) that I normally order from Amazon.  I knew I'd run out before my two day delivery so I thought I'd have to schlep to Walgreens in the heat since my car is temporarily out of commission.

    I looked on Prime Now (which offers free same day delivery) and holy cow!  The price was 30% less than Walgreens.  So I placed my order and had my delivery in my hot little hands last evening, which is when I'd scheduled it.

    I'm in love!  It was an awesome experience.

    I already use Safeway delivery for my groceries, but Prime Now offers groceries through Sprouts (an organic farmers market type store for those not familiar with it) and I'll probably use them for my produce so I can replenish my fruits and vegetables often without having to pay a $10 delivery fee to Safeway for an order under $150.  Hopefully, with Amazon's purchase of Whole Foods today, they won't change from Sprouts.  WF is waaay too expensive.

    Anyhoo, Amazon is soon to open a new fulfillment center here any day now.  Prime Now already has a large variety of products, but with the fulfillment center I bet I'll be able to get just about anything without even waiting the two days.  There's no way the Q can compete with that.

    There is no way any one can compete with Amazon.  I use them quite frequently, since we have a fulfillment center in Baltimore (I'm about 30 minutes outside of Baltimore).  I have found them to be less expensive on a whole lot of things.. A couple of days ago, the lock/handle on our sliding glass door to our patio became very loose and almost fell out.....my husband tried to fix it but decided to just get a new handle and replace it, since he couldn't tell what was wrong with it, and he didn't want the whole thing to come off and then not be able to lock the door until he was able to get a new handle.  He went to both Lowes and Home Depot and couldn't find the right size he needed.  We got on Amazon, and they had it and it was $11 instead of $21.  AND we had it delivered that evening.

    I have purchased my cat's food there - Hill Science Diet is much cheaper than Petco or PetSmart and I don't have to schlep it in my house (wish that cat litter was less expensive at Amazon - my brand is not.  In fact, it's almost twice what I pay at Target).  Drugstore items have been less expensive, too.  I have even bought those DiBella biscotti they sell at QVC on Amazon!  I was having trouble finding a product called Gly Oxide (really good product if you bite the inside of your mouth - it's a  liquid gel of hydrogen peroxide that clears up the issue asap) in any of my local stores - Amazon had it!  Ordered it on a Sunday morning and had it that evening.

  4. 1 hour ago, zoemom said:

    I know this is a bit random, but hey, that's what this forum is for right?

    For those of you that still have landlines do you get tons (I've had eight of these this morning already!) phone calls that appear to be coming from various places across the country?  Today, and its only 10 a.m. here, I've had calls from Austin TX, San Modesto CA, Newark NJ, Selma AL, Reno NV and Shreveport LA.  I answered the Shreveport call because I have relatives there, it was some guy trying to sell me an extended car warranty.  My car is 8 years old.  I hung up on him. 

    I've been paying extra to have an unlisted phone #, but I'm going to tell the phone company that they can go ahead and list me.  The only reason I had it unlisted initially was because of stalking issues I had with my Ex, who was still able to find out where I lived (thank you Mr. Google).  The "Do Not Call List" is a joke.   Anybody have any suggestions?   I can't go wireless because my fire/home alarm are tied into the landline and I'm not in the positon right now to shell $$ out to go completely wireless.

    The hot temperatures(its 83 already and it's only June!) and a nasty case of poison ivy are making me especially stabby today, so apologies in advance for my crabapple disposition!

    We still have a landline along with caller ID.  If I don't recognize the number, I don't answer.  To be honest, my landline phone is a call screening device at this point!  99% of the time, the caller hangs up.  If they leave a message, it's like the calls @Lady J mentioned - the one from the supposed "IRS" saying we owed money has been showing up frequently.  I've thought about giving up the landline, but it's tied to a package deal with Verizon Fios for internet and cable tv, and when we tried to get rid of it, it was not that much money we'd get back versus the hassle of letting everyone know our new phone#. 

    But.......to answer your question, yes!  When I look at the list of calls that have come in, a slew of them are from all over the country.  Telemarketers are no longer using 800 numbers.  They are probably using their cell phones!!

  5. 7 hours ago, seahag said:

    (((Cricket & Joe))) praying for peace for you this weekend.  It's not an easy wait.  If you're up for it, do something frivolous and fun.  

    I am celebrating my 35th anniversary of being cancer free.  I am still not all the way back from pneumonia, but feel like a humanoid for the first time in a month.  We've had poor air quality warnings this week, so it's been an indoor week.

    Still missing my pooch, but I have lots of pics to remind me.

    I have not read much of the other board since I got sick, but I agree that it's been kind of bringing me down.  

    I am not a big fan of Hobby Lobby, for many reasons.

    Always love hearing you say "35 years cancer free"



  6. 5 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:


    What the fresh hell is going on?

    I'm stabby too.  Just left the glue gun hell hole that is Hobby Lobby, shopping in 80+ degree heat for over an hour, dripping wet, get to the checkout line (now 6 carts deep), hear the cashier call for help over the PA 3 times, to no avail.  The manager shows up to help her void a transaction, then proceeds to walk away...and the Irish/German redhead in me kicked in.  I yelled, yes yelled at her to tell me where she would like me to leave my cart full of ($160 bucks) merchandise, since she wasn't interested in taking my money, and apparently no one else was either.  She sweetly invited me over to lane 12 (we were in lane 1) and checked me through.  

    We finished as besties.

    I'm a fan of Hobby Lobby, too, if only for the breadth of stuff they carry.  You can find ANYHING in there.  The one drawback in my store is that there are very few cashiers. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Cricket said:

    Good evening, all.

    BB- Thinking of you. First few days, weeks afterwards it the worst I though.

    Prayers welcome... Joe goes in for the Pet Scan tomorrow to search for cancer other than the liver. We take the disk to his surgeon to hear the results Monday. Another weekend to stress...

    I have determined that since I have always struggled with patience, this is my ultimate test from God.

    I watch a lot of Weather Channel, Q (for comedic relief) and HGTV  and Yankee games just to limit my news intake. I don't think it is healthy to take in too much negativity.

    @Cricket, you and Joe are my thoughts and prayers. 

    1 hour ago, Lord Donia said:

    Happy birthday week, @SentimentalLady!

    My peaceful place these days is ignoring the news, but I finally got some financial issues straightened out with the Social Security peeps, and that made me smile.

    I gave my bathroom a good clean and am enjoying the sense of satisfaction from that. Ah, that bleachy smell! My best friend is back in town after a visit with her grandkids, and we went to see Wonder Woman and had a great lunch at my favorite restaurant.

    My cat doesn't like to be held but she often plops down on my hand and gazes at me in a mysterious yet comforting way.


    She is so pretty!  One of mine doesn't like to be held, either (I force myself on her, though, and she is starting to come around.....).  That mysterious look yours is giving you is to die for - what a beauty!  You can tell she loves her mamma!

  8. 5 hours ago, SentimentalLady said:

    You and @PearlClutcher perfectly stated how I have been feeling lately.  Add to it three 98 degree days out of nowhere.  On a positive note my husband and I both celebrated birthdays this week.

    I do chuckle everytime I see "azzhat".  I don't know if I ever heard that before coming here.

    OH!  Happiest of birthdays to you and your husband, my friend!  Hope you did something fun to celebrate!


  9. I don't know why I do this to myself, knowing that I'm in a "I feel sorry for myself and the world" sort of mood, but I read this article about a young woman whose fiancé was killed in a car accident a few months before they were to be married.  She had a photographer take pictures of her, in her wedding dress, and since this photographer had also taken pictures of them when they announced their engagement, the photographer was able to photoshop her fiancé in the wedding picture.  The young woman said it helped her with closure.  I can see how that would be.  Just incredible to me, and has me crying.

    Here's the story:


    Bride 2.jpg

  10. 49 minutes ago, Jaded said:

    I got a heating pad for my cat Captain which I have wrapped in a towel for him to lay on. I placed it on the side of my bed where I don't sleep against the wall. Had to do something to try and stop him from wanting to lay over the side of my laptop keyboard for warmth from the fan and etc. when I'm online in my room...


    Great idea!  And, it goes without saying, Captain is a cutie-bug.

    9 minutes ago, PearlClutcher said:

    Now for some canine fun.


    What a beauty!  Is he/she yours?

  11. 2 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

    Hahahahahahaha!  I know that's right!


    FUNNY!  And true!

    1 minute ago, walnutqueen said:

    Oh, the dreaded Rainbow Baby - I hate that little mo'fo soooo much!  I do hope TPTB fix it, lest y'all have to rely on the kindness of strangers to get an avatar, like I did (not really a stranger, some kind fellow PTVer read about my technophobia and helped me out).


    Most days find me in a stabby mood.  I've learned to live with it without killing anyone (or becoming suicidal).  It is a constant exercise in self control.  ;-D

    But if I ever DO lose my shit & Break Bad?  I want Keith Morrison to narrate my Dateline episode.

    That is the key, isn't it? 

    Loved your comment about Keith Morrison!

  12. 56 minutes ago, PearlClutcher said:

    I'm in a real mood.  People not getting the L&L idea, hate for Iris, and other assorted crappola.  I loathe the Skunk for obvious reasons.  Over at the Q board there are azzhats criticizing people for making suggestions in the Suggestion Box for jeebus' sake. Agree that Iris has gaudy joolery and L&L is just storage.  LR takes pics of shifty looking food and her and her crew are nuts. Why do I even care?  We have real first world probs.   I wonder if watching the Q and the heat is getting to me.  I'm finding myself getting stabby with myself.  Anyone have one of those days?

    I'm sorry you're feeling crabby..........or stabby!  Frankly, I'm having one of those weeks!  I'm not feeling particularly snark-ish about anything to do with QVC so haven't posted much the past day or so.  

    I sometimes try and find correlations to what's going on in the world with my own little existence of being, whether it's at work or with my circle of friends and perhaps even on Q boards and this forum.  Everything feels so topsy turvy, if that makes sense.  People seem angry and impatient and rude everywhere you go (I am NOT, repeat, NOT, saying people here are angry, rude ad impatient), whether it's the grocery store, the doctor's office, on the road driving, in parking lots, in stores, everywhere - it's crazy.   When did it become acceptable to be, as you say, an azzhat?  It exhausts me. 

    For me, I'm worrying about those REAL first world problems and I guess I can't really get too hot and bothered about LR or Shawn Killinger or any of them at this point in time.

  13. 10 minutes ago, ennui said:

    Starting in 2018, all cars will be required to have rear view cameras. 

    I think self-driving cars will be a lot like an attraction at Disneyland. Think of the little cars in the Haunted Mansion ride, only without the track.

    My car s three years old, equipped with a  rear view camera.  I still don't trust the thing - I have to physically turn my body, as taught in driving school, to check for other cars.  That said, the big old sticker on the display, along with the instructions in the manual, say to NOT rely on it solely.  My attitude about it then becomes "Why have it at all?".

    Where it does come in handy is in a crowded parking lot - the thing beeps when something comes into view, like a person walking behind you that you didn't see or another car coming out fast from a parking spot.  For that, I find it useful.

  14. 47 minutes ago, Bronx Babe said:

    Guess what, folks?  I left a voice message for my brother and he just called back.  Couldn't believe it.  I told him I hoped it was O.K. that I was whispering to Mom in order to make her feel better: "Philip, your son, loves you!  He said you were and are the best mother and is hoping you pull through!"  Phil was actually pleased I was doing this and said "Anything that makes her happy at the end of her life" but then followed this up with "But I'm not really concerned with our mother right now, tell me about you"  Cold-blooded much, lol?  He immediately started pumping me for information about all our relatives, what I've been doing, etc., then asked me:  "Will you be able to cope with our mother's death?" and I answered "Yes I believe so although of course it'll be traumatic and I'll be grief-stricken" and he goes "Of course I'm immune to all this because as you know I cut myself out of the family a long time ago"  He says "I'm glad you made the choice to look after our mother" and I tell him it wasn't a choice but a duty but he insists it was a choice so I just replied "Okay".  Phil kept telling me he was very glad I informed him of Mom's condition.  He said to keep in touch and we ended with "I love you".

    Wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles.....

    It sounds like you had a good conversation then?  He showed concern for you as well as gratitude for taking care of your mom - whether choice or duty, it was his way of thanking you.  

    I hope this gives you some measure of peace.  It wasn't an easy phone call for you to make, but you've done the right thing by letting him know.  I'm relieved that he called you back.  Maybe in your mom's passing, the two of you can reconnect in some small way? 

  15. 2 hours ago, Lord Donia said:

    My bald spots ain't getting any thicker and I've been on a wig-buying kick. I ordered this one mostly because it was on sale and I figured I could cut and style it better:

    wig 1.JPG

    And this is what it looked like when I got it:


    Oh no!  I'm sorry it didn't work out like you thought.....can you fix it by cutting it and styling it as you had planned to do with the other one?

    Seeing Mama made me giggle!  One of the best characters, ever!

  16. 2 hours ago, Lord Donia said:

    @Bronx Babe, thanks for keeping us updated on your mom's condition. I'm relieved to hear she was moved to a hospice facility -- every place I've had contact with over the years has been absolutely wonderful. It's so nice to be able to spend unlimited time there, with visitors welcomed and made comfortable. Peaceful wishes to you in this most stressful of times.

    As for informing your brother, knowing the little I do about you, I think you'd feel bad if you didn't. Best to email or leave him a voicemail and pass the responsibility onto him. It doesn't sound like he's apt to respond but this way you don't leave yourself open to him possibly accusing you of deception at a later date.

    My own dad is back in the hospital again after losing consciousness. His blood pressure continues to drop despite a series of different medications. I'm hoping he doesn't have another stroke, but being so far away makes the anxiety even worse.

    I'm sorry to hear about your dad.  I was within an hour or two of both of my parents and know my anxiety was at an all time high when their end was near.  I can't imagine what it would be like to be so far away.  I'm sending positive thoughts your way.

  17. 3 hours ago, Bronx Babe said:

    I have another conundrum I'd be blessed to have an opinion on from you and others here.

    My brother (who lives in San Francisco) has been estranged from Mom for over twenty-five years.   He never calls or writes me either.  We've never been really close but I've learned that he went to a psychotherapist years ago who told him to "remove" himself from the "toxic" relationship with my mother (and she and I never found out what it really was)  Two years ago, in a nostalgic state, I actually phoned my brother.  The first words out of his mouth were (and I quote) "You understand I want nothing to do with our mother"

    Should I inform him when Mom passes?

    My opinion is yes, inform him.  What he chooses to do with that information is on him.  By telling him, you remove yourself from the situation between your mom and him, and let him decide how to react.  You won't have to feel guilty about not telling him or wonder if you did the right or wrong thing by not telling. 

    At that point, you will have done your part and then some.

  18. 3 hours ago, Bronx Babe said:

    Dear Friends,

    I put Mom in  hospice and yes, it was the best decision I could have made.  She was brought first into the hospital as I had initially requested.  They were attending to her and there was already a hospice nurse there to gently tell me that Mom could be immediately brought to Hospice By The Sea and that I could ride in their ambulence to see the place and get Mom situated.  I couldn't believe it was that "easy"  -- I just assumed I'd have to call a dozen hospice places and that the whole experience would take a lot of time and frustration but it really was like a band of angels helped to relieve Mom's and my suffering. 

    They put Mom in a lovely room that's decorated like "Old Florida" -- white shutters, wall art with shell motifs, a beautiful lamp with an abstract sea design.  She was admitted Friday and one doctor said she could maybe last one night or two but now it's been three days and Mom is still hanging on.  Everyone is amazed but I keep telling them that my mother has always been a survivor, and now she's in the fight of her life.  I do realize it is now literally only a matter of time.  The place is only fifteen minutes from where I live so I've been able to spend the night there and then visit her during the day.  My cousin (who happens to be a nurse) has been by my side to lend support, and my best friend as well.  I'm still dreading that final call, but in the meantime, I cling to the fact that Mom is still here, even though she really doesn't know I'm there.  Her eyes are always shut although when I speak to her they flutter -- she can still hear I believe. 

    Hospice By The Sea is remarkable -- a complementary breakfast is offered to family who stay the night.  There is a family room, snacks (cookies), coffee, etc.  The staff is excellent.  The medical technicians are treating Mom with dignity.  They really are angels.

    Oh, @Bronx Babe, I am crying because I am so happy that you are having the great experience that I and others knew this could be.  Hospice By the Sea sounds lovely, with good people and a great atmosphere.  What a relief this must be to you to not only find an awesome place where you can not only have your mom receive hospice care but that you can participate and be with your mom - which is what all good hospices are about.

    I am holding you and your mom in my heart. 

  19. 3 hours ago, CanuckGal said:

    Sending hugs to @Bronx Babe azz well. I'm in a similar situation. Hugs to all who are having difficulties and suffering through loss. <3

    Am so happy you are back with us, but sorry to hear you are going through a difficult time.  You be strong and take care of yourself, too (or azzz well, as you say - which always makes me laugh!).

  20. 1 hour ago, TexasTiffany said:

    Was Hildie the one who had a couple glue a gazillion feathers covering the bathroom walls? Feathers, in the humid bathroom and you need to CLEAN everything avoiding the feathers. 

    I just watched a youtube video with the straw on the walls of that little girls room. It's not just a matter of a failed design. Those people wouldn't be starting with a clean slate anymore. It's the cost of getting rid of the damage and re-doing everything over again. The "look" Hildie was going for could have been achieved with a painting technique rather than gluing straw on the walls. What a horrible mess. The mom said her daughter would probably be picking the straw off the wall and putting it in her mouth. Hildie dumbass made a hazardous room for a child. 

    Yep, Hildie was the feather woman!  I read an interview somewhere, and the show went through great pains to "fix" whatever a homeowner didn't like.  You can imagine that Hildie's probably were all gutted!

    I always liked Vern Yip's designs as well as Laurie/Lori....she was a redhead who thought the most important thing was fabrics.

  21. 1 hour ago, walnutqueen said:

    Since Pamela effing Hupp has been caught, I've shifted my "kill if I'm dying" list to any & all animal abusers.  I just can't abide the thought of sharing a planet with them.

    I have a lovely little family of fixed semi-ferals who were born & raised in my back yard jungle.  It has been a haven for all creatures since I bought this place in '88, and I am an equal opportunity feeder - all critters are welcome to the unending food, as long as they don't fight.  My raccoons, possums, skunks & wild birds all find it an excellent place to raise their young, and they all get along.  Right now, I am teaching this lesson to a couple of neighborhood tomcats who want to fight each other on my property.  I've been unable to catch them, but I turned the hose on them the other day when they were killing each other in an impenetrable thicket.

    The only way these creatures will ever suffer or be abandoned is if I am unable to find someone to inherit this dump when I die.  That's really the only drawback to being a reclusive old cat lady.  :-)

    This sounds exactly like what I want for myself when I finally retire - a place where I can commune with nature and wildlife....including feral cats!  I have two indoor cats right now that came from a good friend of mine who has a bunch of ferals in her yard -  she feeds them daily, she spays and neuters them and brings some inside to be indoor cats (seriously, I can't even say how many cats she has total - I the 20's, all cared for, all spayed and neutered).  One of them wandered into her yard and gave birth to my two, and she trapped the two kittens and their momma, put them in a huge cage and took care of them until two months after they were born, we scooped them up, took them to the vet and they've been with us ever since.  Before these two, I adopted a feral cat from a shelter.  It took some time, but she became the sweetest, most loving and well adjusted cat ever.    

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