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Posts posted by FineWashables

  1. Thank you so much, Quof!  So you don't let it rise overnight in the fridge before freezing -- didn't know that.  I'll give your method a try.  It's so weird that although so many sources urge cooks to freeze extra dough, absolutely no one tells you at what point to freeze it or how to deal with it when it comes out of the freezer.  

  2. MelsW, you gave us a recipe for pizza dough over a year ago, and made this statement:


    This dough freezes really well.

    I need your help desperately!  I have never been able to figure out how to use the frozen dough when I remove it from the freezer.  Am I supposed to leave this out at room temperature and if so, for how long?  Am I supposed to defrost it in the fridge?  It seems as if no matter what I try to do with frozen dough, I end up over proofing the dough with all that sitting time -- at least, I think that's the problem. When I leave dough overnight in the fridge I get such a good flavor, but when I try to defrost dough, I get a very different result. This happens no matter whose dough recipe I use, so please rescue my pizzas! Thanks in advance.

    • Love 2
  3. Quote

    What I would love to see is someone just cooking regular healthy food. I grew up with meat, starch, canned veggie for dinner so this is what I know. How can I make veggies taste better? How do I pick certain veggies that I've never seen before in their raw (read uncanned) form?

    IKR! When gorgeous Eddie won this competition (last year? the year before?) I was so excited because I thought we'd finally get healthy food made by a professional athlete and trainer who'd actually show techniques and preparations to improve everyday eating without sacrificing flavor. Weirdly enough, he won and got his show, but instead of cooking -- or even talking about his own food -- they've got him jackassing around eating bbq. WTF??? Is there even one person in America who gives one single shit about watching somebody else eat random food the audience will never taste? I know Guy Fieri's built a career on it but to be fair, he also has a show where he cooks.

    And enough with the Southern food.  Damaris Philips's show isn't much of a hit and neither are the Deen boys, thank the gods. And who wants to watch a (non X-rated) show about meat? I was a bigger fan back in the day when chefs had shows where they taught us how to cook, back before the Choppedification of the FN.  Clearly, that's just me.

    • Love 3
  4. Let's put the diner characters into a food truck instead so they can get out of that fixed location and start meeting new people. The girls can sell their cupcakes -- they do still make cupcakes, yes?? -- from the truck.

    If you've got a genius like Garrett Morris on the show, then please use him for more than one line per show.

    I agree with the poster above who wants the show to introduce us to Max's mom. Anne Heche would do a good job of that, and so would Sean Young. 

    But the biggest change viewers need is for the writers to stop it with the tired old tropes. Yes, Han is short. Yes, Oleg is gross. Yes, Caroline used to be rich. Yes, Max has big boobs.  Next, please.

    • Love 5
  5. I am ashamed to say it, but I can't wait for this season to start.  This is one of my guilty pleasures. Glad to see they changed things up a bit with the Truth Booth too.

    I wonder if even one couple who identified as a "perfect mate" is still together from previous seasons.  Anybody know?

    • Love 1
  6. Here's a little twist that would have made the Maddie vs Fun Bobby scene much more effective: when Fun Bobby starts in on the rapist lines about how this is the way adults do business, he should have said, hey just ask Cash, she's known me for years, she knows the score. At least then that part of the story line would have had some resolution.

    Creepy producer or not, Maddie signed a contract, so going home with Mom and Dad didn't resolve any of that.  I wonder how the courts will feel about a minor returning home to a father she claimed to be too afraid to live with.  

    • Love 6
  7. This was a clever show throughout its run, based on a clever premise. The last four episodes seemed to be a Beat the Clock version of how to cram every tv romcom cliche into a finale.  I think the characters all deserved better.  When Mr Washables and I saw an episode description three weeks ago that said "Molly encounters a former student" we both said, well the student must be pregnant and so Mike and Molly will adopt a child and then find out she's pregnant for real.  We were kidding because we assumed the writers could do better.  Guess they're too busy polishing their resumes.  That said, glad to see Carl and Victoria got together again.

  8. Based on what Daario said when Dany stood there in the fire -- "So the stories are true!" -- they knew the legends about her, but didn't really believe they could be true.

    I thought Margery was going to mercykill Loras there in his cell so he wouldn't have to deal with more torture.  I know she said he was the family's future, but it also looked like she gave up on him ever pulling himself together.  I know I have.

    I don't think Brienne has ever had a man look at her appreciatively.  It was a strange experience for her to see a man check her out -- from what we've seen, everyone looks at her like she's some strange monstrous person because of her size.  I wonder if she's going to get curious about it.  I'd enjoy seeing her find a lover!

    • Love 6
  9. So the primitive man gets a transfusion of Kree blood, and this gives him superpowers.  Okay.  Then how come the Krees clearly do not have superpowers of their own?  They were destroyed so easily by the Inhumans; the Krees had no defense against their attackers. How do you pass on genetic material that you don't possess yourself?  This makes no sense whatsoever to me.

    We saw Ward in an earlier episode reveal his true face to his followers; hence SquidWard.  Where does a squid face fit into the origin story we saw last night?  At no point did anybody look like a squid. 

    I think they're just making this up as they go along.

    • Love 3
  10. We saw someone (sorry, can't remember who) advise Ramsay to get Sansa back because he needs a legal heir, and she's the only one who can give it to him. So he sent bloodhounds for tracking rather than attack dogs for killing.


    I know Theon Greyjoy/Reek has had his bits cut off and so could never be her husband, but I imagine that he and Sansa could pair off on this adventure. They're close in age, no?


    If the Red Witch does, indeed, have the power to raise the dead, then why would she raise up Jon Snow instead of her man Stannis?


    Not enjoying Arya being blind.  I'm hoping that girl from the temple who was hitting her with the stick is Arya's Frenchman who can change shapes, and that once Arya has learned to rely on her other senses to kick ass, she will have passed some kind of test and he'll restore her sight.  


    ETA: The two guys are riding through a huge spread of empty land.  With hundreds of miles of land around them, they just happen to stop in the exact spot where Danerys dropped her ring, and immediately saw it buried in the dirt -- we saw him have to clear out the dirt when he picked it up. Sure.  Please try a little harder, show.

    • Love 2
  11. I kept waiting for Giyera to yell "Big Eye Tuna!" or "Ladyfingers"! Then I was so disappointed when Ward revealed his true self and Givera didn't yell "Squid!"


    Puzzling how they have these outfits designed to prevent any and all attacks, but Giyera doesn't even bother to wear a cup.



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  12. I guess it's just me, but I can't stand the brunette, whichever one she is.  (I've watched 2 seasons of this show faithfully so far and somehow have never heard or seen their names before coming to this forum today.)  The blonde is ok, but the brunette is absolutely unbearable.  She's like a female version of Larry the Cable Guy.


    Otherwise, this show is perfect!

    • Love 3
  13. Also -- and I almost hate to pick holes at this point -- how is it that Ben has never seen a sunrise, yet has an ongoing game he plays with Adam about eating prime rib and other fancy foods unlikely to be served to kids who share a piece of stale bread every day?  How would Ben even know about these things?

    • Love 7
  14. I"m trying to tie last week's revelations into this week's revelations.  I keep coming back to the fact that Pockmark's wife is known to the police and that Pockmark placed the stuffed toy he got for their son in a brick cell.  So, I'm wondering if Ben isn't Mr and Mrs Pockmark's bio son, and Pockmark is kidnapping boys to be Ben's friends? Surely he couldn't have chloroformed Adam and stuffed him into the box in the back of the pickup in a public place in broad daylight without any assistance, and he was there with his wife. Only problem with my theory so far is that when he was working on the box, he concealed his soundproofing activities from his wife.

    • Love 1

    Pretty much everyone on NCIS, most notably DiNozzo (punch-worthy, insufferable overgrown frat boy) and Abby (quasi-'goth', perky, self-enamored annoyance)

    Oh yes.  He's so smug and so satisfied with himself.  And now that Abby's like, 47 or something, maybe she could update her hair?  What woman goes all those years through the run of the show without changing her hair even once? 


    I hate Sherlock on Elementary, and not just because Jonny Lee Miller squiffs me out with that pale, flabby, shiny skin.  This Sherlock is pretty much a recycled version of Frasier Crane. So boring, no matter what he's given to do.


    I hate Carrie Bradshaw.  I've never understood why that show was held as an icon of new feminism when every week, we heard the Carrie character whine because she doesn't have a boyfriend.  But it's okay, because she hearts NY!  Ugh.


    I hate Kramer.  There's no way I would have wanted to spend any of my time with that guy.  Nothing intelligent or even provocative to say, ever.


    And for any HGTV fans here: I loathe Chip Gaines from Fixer Upper.  This guy is absolutely beloved by all these viewers, but he turns my stomach with his "look at me!" schtick. People named him the Sexiest Man Alive! He should hang out with DiNozzo, who's got the same non-personality.


    I feel much better now.  Thanks for letting me vent.

    • Love 2
  16. I seem to be alone on this, but I was really impressed -- maybe even for the first time -- by Travis Fimmel's acting skills at the end of the episode when he was speaking with Floki's voice.  Gave me chills.


    I hope this isn't considered OT.  I found this interesting: There is, in fact, a mausoleum for the Mercian kings, in Repton Abbey, in Derbyshire:  


    "The abbey's crypt was constructed over a spring in the early 8th century, and is thought to have originally been a baptistery.[5] Later in the 8th century it was converted into a mausoleum for King Æthelbald of Mercia (reign: 716–757). King Wiglaf (died c. 840) and his grandson Saint Wigstan (killed 840) were later also buried in the crypt.[5] It is thought that these royal bodies were first buried in the ground to decompose, before their bones were interred within the crypt.[5]

    Following reports of miracles associated with Saint Wigstan, the crypt became a place of pilgrimage.[5] However, following the Viking invasion, Wigstan's bones were removed and taken with the fleeing monks and nuns."

    • Love 3
  17. Ms Blue Jay, I'm loving everything you're saying this week.



    Also, Nick's gigantic smile reminds me of a celebrity, but who?

    It's Phil Dunphy from "Modern Family," I tell you.


    I'm totally convinced that Lantern 7 is onto something with the theory that Tai's comments at Tribal were calculated for effect.  I was thinking Tai screwed up, but I like this idea better.


    Wondering: Now that everybody knows that Neal left without passing on his idol, don't they figure that there's now another idol in the game, hidden around camp?  Isn't that how it always works?  How come nobody's searching?

    • Love 3
  18. Pick a story line and stick to it, show.  Right now there are way too many characters with way too many problems, and it's hard to care about any of them when we keep switching away to some other story.  Have a main plot, and a subplot, and let's see the main characters develop through these plots before bringing in more story lines and more characters. We can't suspend belief in the hole-filled stories if we don't first believe in the characters.

    • Love 1

    Still, even with the questionable cheftestants sometimes, a winner we're not all totally in favour of, and Tom's occasional douchebaggery, I'll take Top Chef over any and all of Gordon Ramsay's reality cooking shows. All day.

    Yes, a thousand times yes.


    I was yelling at the tv too when Amar said in the kitchen that his dessert really wasn't a financier.  If you call a dish something, and the food isn't what you called it, then it's impossible to avoid the conclusion that either your technique or your understanding of the dish was faulty.  I remember a cheftestant ages ago making a soup that ate like a chowder, or vice versa, and getting eliminated.  Apparently a rose by any other name does not taste as sweet. 

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    I didn't even know there was a julia.

    Thank you.  I thought it was just me.  I swear I've never seen this girl in my life.


    Just how many boobs did Anna have stuffed into that bra of hers?  No way there were just two in there.


    Tai shouldn't worry about going home with an idol in his pocket because underpants don't have pockets.  Just saying.


    I don't understand why Tai is getting flack for turning on his alliance with Anna when she spent the entire episode going to every person on the tribe to talk trash about Tai and explain why he should be voted out.  I couldn't help noticing that for a professional poker player, she sure telegraphs her agenda really clearly.  She was absolutely transparent and so not one person bought what she was selling.

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