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Everything posted by KittyMom4

  1. @Wiendish Fitch I am in the same boat as you. I am fastidious as well (my dad did lose all his teeth due to poor dental hygiene) I brush 2-3 times a day, I floss every night, and use a fluoride rinse. At my last visit the hygienist said I had a lot of tartar build up, I asked what I could do to prevent that, and she recommended an electric toothbrush. Said the rotating movement is better to remove the tartar buildup. We'll see at my next visit, although I have noticed a difference when I feel my teeth. I'm close to 60 and feel the same way as you! It took a long time for me to be comfortable with who I am and what I like and I am enjoying every minute of it. I will not have fashions, trends and fads dictating what I'm allowed to wear, eat, do, or feel.
  2. I grew up in a very small town and graduated in '85. I knew everyone, even if I didn't know them well, I would recognize familiar faces or names. I've been gone from there since '87. It is strange to go back there now (my parents still live there), I know no one. My parents will mention names that I have no idea about. It is a natural transition, families move on, kids settle in other areas, it's just a strange feeling to see another family living in my best friend's old house. Thank you for saying this. I was raised Catholic but no longer practice the religion, do I still talk to God? Every day. Are my parents disappointed that I no longer go to church? Sure, but I don't need to sit in a church to feel better about myself. My pet peeve today: thinking I would have an easy commute to work with so many people being remote or off for the holiday week, but no, there was an accident, and the expressway is backed up, leaving me to creep along in deadlock for 45 minutes for what is normally a 20 minute drive. Do the sheriffs/pd sit at entrance ramps and direct you to an alternate route? Nope. Instead everyone is still piling up on entrance ramps hoping to squeeze in. No way to turn around at that point so it just gets worse and worse. I don't listen to local radio, I do podcasts or Sirius XM to avoid the annoying local morning shows so I did not get a traffic report either. Ugh.
  3. It's not helping, if anything it draws more attention to her face. I've always admired how good everyone's skin looks at tribal, most likely the lighting is kinder there, but it's horrifying to look at Sue in daylight or firelight. I know women who look like her, exactly like her, and even with make up and contouring there is something so off-putting seeing how plastic their faces ended up looking. Great descriptions of everyone, nailed it.
  4. Smug is all she can pull off with her skin pulled so tight it looks like it's ready to snap. Jeebus, does the woman never splash her face with some water now and then? And yes, why is no one telling her she has dirt all over her face, especially before they go to tribal? Editing to say that I hadn't read all the comments, so finding out she was using mud to contour made me roll my eyes so hard. I get the vanity but what in the world? Is this a version of the Emperor's New Clothes?
  5. Yea, it was cute but wasn't as impressed as the judges were. But for 30 minutes, it was a good idea. I thought a cook book/recipe book, and she could have done a MUCH better job of it. I think she struggled as time went on. Overall did well. And yes, "Lady Flava" needs to be retired, sheesh. I was a fan but she has been on my last nerve the last couple episodes. Rooting for Rafi!
  6. Hate her, hated her when she was in cahoots with Rome, hated her when she attempted to vote of Sol the first time, hate her even more now that she's accomplished her little "revenge" elimination. I feel petty making fun of someone for genetics they can't control, but in this case I laughed out loud at this comment. Those teeth are ginormous, and they go on forever in her mouth. SAME. Could not believe she turned around and did that after he saved her. Won't care if she gets voted out. Ugh, she's been background noise in my book since day one, yet every time she accomplishes one thing she acts like she is the only one who has ever done it. I hope she is gone soon. It's her face that makes me cringe the most, and the more weight she loses the more ghoul-like she looks. Without all the make up her face looks jumbled up and a bit harsh. I don't understand why women do this to themselves. I actually guessed her age to be in her mid-to-late 60's, she does not look good for 45 or 57 IMO, I think plastic surgery can age you more than you'd think.
  7. Mr. KittyMom rewound it and said they looked like something in our cats' litterbox. He wasn't wrong, very boring and kinda unappetizing to me. They ooo'd and ahhh'd so much it made me think that maybe they looked better in person. I think even though the trifle looked like something a 3 year old created while playing with play-do, it probably tasted better than an overbaked, dirt flavored cake. Her cupcakes were awesome, and even though her voice is a bit irritating on my ears I'm rooting for her to win! Hahahahaha!! I couldn't believe it when I saw what he'd done, wth???
  8. EA was my old position, and while I loved the people and the perks, I am glad to have a position now where my physical presence isn't mandatory, it only matters that I get the work done.
  9. Every job I've had has been an 8:00am start, but I know there are different start times in different areas, maybe it's based on traffic or travel time? Since in NYC a lot of people use public transit? Definitely old-school mindset, I think you should work the hours you are most productive, if you're an early bird, be there early, if you prefer to work later into the evening, come in later, as long as you're getting your work done, what does it matter?
  10. My peeve for street parking: the neighborhood garage/yard sale. I live on a small narrow side street, no sidewalk, no gutter, there is room for 2 cars to pass each other but if you veer to much you are driving in someone's front lawn. I couple summers ago 3 of the neighbors organized a combined yard sale without notifying the rest of the street. That Saturday morning* I got up to do my weekly errands/shopping run and someone had parked so that I couldn't get out of my driveway. Even if I could there were so many cars on both sides that I would have barely made it through. Once the person who blocked me in left, I set up my sprinkler to "water the grass". Petty? Sure, but no one parked there the rest of the morning. *By early afternoon the crowds had died down.
  11. @carrps I'm at your table, found her to be almost as annoying as the lady with the (faked) Boston accent on a previous Baking Championship show. I didn't think any of her bakes showed much skill, at least not to the level I expected to be on this show, and her persona seemed...um...forced? faked? I can't exactly put my finger on it but when she told Holley she was naming her 'mouth' cake after Hollie I felt that was mean, and maybe a bit more telling about Lillian's actual personality. Whatever her true personality is, her decorating skills were lacking and, IMO, they all pretty much looked messy and uninspiring. Me too! I didn't find him arrogant, thought he was just giving Manny some good information to help him. I will agree with this, there has only been a few cakes I've been awestruck with. Not sure if Halloween is just tough to decorate for or if the wrong people were chosen for this type of challenge. I watched a pervious season a couple weeks ago and it seemed everyone on that season knew how to decorate with gore, scariness and horror. This season seems like they're just bakers who can (mostly) decorate a cake. I also remind myself that its "BAKING" championship, not "DECORATING" championship, so overall the taste and baking skill is what is mainly judged.
  12. @Ancaster, years ago, when I worked in a different office, there was a little kitchenette that was shared among the nearby offices. It had a small sink, coffee maker and microwave. Someone started leaving dirty dishes from the cafe in there, next to the sink. They would sit there for days until I or someone would bring them back to the cafe. I got disgusted and typed a note that read "Please return your dirty dishes to the cafe, your mom doesn't work here" and taped it to the wall. A few days later it was taken down and an email was sent around that read, paraphrasing, "We don't need snarky, rude comments posted, if you have an issue with something please address it directly or come see us." from our HR dept. Don't get me started on my thoughts about HR, but if I knew who was leaving them there I would have addressed it directly! The point of this rambling post is: If I feel like cleaning up someone's mess, that's on me, if not, I'll let someone else handle it. If the higher-ups don't want to address it then I'm not going to.
  13. Who does this? I've always emptied mine into the trash! The lady's room at my office always has long dark hairs in the sink, there's 3-4 women with long dark hair so I have no idea who it is (not that I'd call them out on it) so I just take a paper towel and wipe it out so it doesn't clog the drain. Along with that, my peeve is whatever person does their make up in there and gets lip gloss all over the counter and doesn't wipe it up. That shit is sticky/greasy and just smears unless you get a towel with soap and go to town on it.
  14. I didn't understand it either, while I'm sure the conditions on this show are vastly different than in a real bakery, there still has to be some kind of time management skill necessary.
  15. Same! I thought it was gross, not scary, "I have acid reflux" is not a representation of Halloween. To me it did not strongly resemble a sheep, I did not see what the judges saw. I have no doubt she can bake but I don't think the Halloween Baking Championship is really her strong suit.
  16. @TVbitch I always wondered if they were allowed to do a 'test bake' on the set so they could figure out where everything was. I have no idea if they do but they all seem to know where everything is. Manny is my fav right now, I like his style and his enthusiasm, and his bakes are interesting.
  17. Right? She also bragged about her chocolate cake being a favorite of her customers and then the judges told her it needed more chocolate. In the first episode she asked how long to cook a cookie crust, it was my first clue she wouldn't last long.
  18. Carly....oh my. I'm hoping she has a fantastic staff because she showed me no talent or skill in 4 bakes. Maybe it was nerves but she just seemed like she was completely lost in the kitchen. I'm glad they did not prolong her agony. All of these are exactly my thoughts. I thought his concept was interesting but it did NOT play out well. It was just a ball of pale gray/pink blah. Did not get what the judges were so enthralled with.
  19. I was annoyed with this attitude as well, it's been happening the last few seasons where either anyone looking for the idol is immediately put on the chopping block or if someone DOES find one, they feel it necessary to share the news with anyone or everyone, because if it's found out after the fact, again, on the chopping block. Isn't the point to find the idol so you have immunity which, (as Jeff ALWAYS points out) equals POWER? I say good for anyone who is actively hunting an idol and doing whatever it takes to get further in the game with actual strategy rather than relying on alliances that disappear quickly or a social game that can also turn on a dime.
  20. I will come sit at your table, I had the same reaction when I saw her. This is a bit judgmental but as soon as I saw the botox and filler in her face my immediate thought was "she's desperate and will do anything for attention."
  21. This past March Mr. Kittydad and I were booked on a flight to Florida with a stop in Atlanta. Of course being in upstate NY you can never predict the weather in March and sure enough, we get a freak snowstorm that morning. Our flight was due to leave at 6am, but did not depart until 7am. We originally had an hour and a half layover in Atlanta, which would have given us plenty of time to get to our next gate, but yep, now we only had about 30 mins - and anyone who has flown through Atlanta knows that's not enough - I was hoping the flight attendants would make this announcement on our plane but we got crickets. Mr. Kittydad and I and 2 other passengers were running to the train, then to the gate with seconds to spare, thankfully we made it, but we were so annoyed that there was no consideration. It wasn't our fault the flight was delayed, it's like the airlines just sign off on any responsibility once you're booked. And this is why I no longer enjoy air travel. It's a mess of airline greed and passenger rudeness. Which brings me to the other thing that happened on this trip. So like I said we boarded the 2nd flight with seconds to spare, we had the window and middle seat, the gentleman on the aisle was already seated and got pissy with us when he had to get up. Then, once we were in the air and the seat belt sign was off, I needed to use the restroom so I let him know I would need to get out. He didn't move, other than to push up his tray, I literally had to lift my leg over his legs to get out. My husband decided to hold it until we landed in Daytona. Jerk.
  22. Peeve: People who don't clean up after themselves at work. Specifically related to the coffee station in our breakroom. Almost every morning I go to make a coffee someone has used sugar or sugar substitute and spilled the contents all over the bottom tray and the counter but can't be bothered to wipe it up. Just rude.
  23. Please don't assume they are doing this "on the clock" one of my coworkers who is fully remote splits her day, she logs on early, works for 3-4 hours, punches out and runs errands, goes to the gym, preps dinner, or just reads a book for a couple hours, then punches back in and works the rest of her day. She has a job that sometimes requires her to work until 6-7p, sometimes later depending, so she is able to get her 8 hours of work in while not burning herself out. This is what I do when I am remote. I'd rather start early and get my work done so I can enjoy the afternoon before my husband gets home from work. When I started my new position, I was offered fully remote and declined for exactly these reasons. I was starting with a new team and wanted to get to know them and them to get to know me. They are all younger so there's already a something that separates me, and they'd worked in this field for years where I was brand new to it. I have always worked in person so it would have been a HUGE shock to my system to start a new job and be remote. I was already leaving coworkers I'd worked with for 20+ years, it would have made me miserable to be home with no personal connections. We have flexible remote days, 2 a week that we can use if we want to, so it's really the best of both worlds for me.
  24. Go to the interview, my daughter got a job where all of her coworkers hold political and religious views that she disagrees with. She enjoys the work and her coworkers, she's just learned to go with the flow, make non-committal remarks or just not say anything at all.
  25. Poor William, he can't seem to keep that mink out of his food. Thank god they use subtitles, I don't understand most of what he says. Timber following the bear tracks and noting how fresh they were, and then kept going! I was practically hiding under my covers on his behalf. I am interested to find out if the "pee stick" really works. Hid moose house celebration was well edited, good job producers! Honestly, he's my pick to win. He's annoying but he has his sh*t together. Nothing seems to rattle him. He built an awesome shelter. Has plenty of food and seems to be consistent in getting more. Sarah, what a sad life she's had. Talking about her husband's stroke made my heart hurt for her. Glad he ended up being ok. Dub....is strange. I don't connect with him. Nothing personal, just a weird vibe. Isaiah, the writing was on the wall when he started building that shelter. He was doing too much and not foraging/hunting enough to make up for the lost calories. I'm hoping the chest pains were from anxiety or dehydration/lack of food. He seemed like a nice guy, I think he overdid it with the shelter.
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