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  1. I'm catching up on the news. It's really awful.
  2. Yeah. An alert snarker on reddit pointed out that this harks back to an SNL skit where Kris Jenner crashed a thing with the three Kardashian sisters [her daughters] claiming to be a fourth sister. Same lame cringey stuff. Agree, those Temu fashions for Jesus are cr*p.
  3. I agree with @Dehumidifier. And, it's good to hear from you, @ChiCricket!
  4. @lookeyloo - a few after-the-day virtual hugs for you, and hopes that your memories and the deep love between you and your son are a comfort. @Lady Edith and @SunnyBeBe, I've never been to a wedding like that. I'd never even heard of the "saved" and "unsaved" seating plan. So I learned something today! I made the long drive yesterday to the hotel where our photo seminar is being held this weekend. Slept well. Woke up early. Time to go online before things start happening. The cut finger saga update. 🙄 I saw, when I got to the store Thursday morning, something I had forgotten about: liquid bandage. That stuff is the schizzle when it comes to a cut on your fingertip. It hurts like a sunovabeech when applied until it dries (quickly), but protects the cut, lasts quite a while and doesn't add bulk to the fingertip. That little cut is still nagging but the liquid bandage shuts it up. Yay. A few months ago I splurged - bought a cool bed platform for the back of my minivan. This was its first outing. I slept in the minivan Thursday night at a great rest stop on the Interstate. It's got a nice building which is a state "welcome center", staffed during the day, with excellent restrooms, and the restrooms are open 24/7. One-night parking/camping is allowed, it's all well-lit, with security cameras, etc. The new platform did not disappoint once I got it properly set up (at home). This seminar is a 9 - 10 hour drive from home. I just can't do that in one go with any degree of comfort, so breaking it up with an overnight stop makes it do-able. I'll stay in the minivan overnight at a rest stop on the Interstate on the way home. On this trip I'll have saved the cost of two nights in a hotel, out of five nights away. Sweet. All I need when I'm on the road, is a bed and a bathroom, a place to be off the road, rest, and sleep. I hate spending a lot just for that. I estimate that by the time I've spent four or five nights in the minivan on road trips I'll have saved more in hotel bills than the bed platform cost me. The coolest part is, that it's easy to get into and out of minivan, and it folds up for storage into a box about 2 feet square.
  5. Thanks. That idea crossed my mind just now as I was coming home from the store. Good to know I can do that!
  6. I'm gonna be a contrarian here. IMO the answer to the second question is, it's none of our business. She's not a public figure. They are apparently keeping their online wedding page private. AFAIK she's not doing monetized social media. The only reason anybody GAF about her is her connection to the formerly-on-TV Duggar family.
  7. You'll need to order me some cheese to go with this whine. I'm preparing and packing for a road trip, a long weekend that will include a photography seminar. I got up early and have been going through my task list. But - an hour ago I made an awkward move to catch something falling off a shelf in my home office, and cut the pad of my index finger, near the tip, on not just paper but the edge of a manila folder. I've cleaned it up and put Neosporin and a bandaid on it. I have discovered just how deeply biometrics are embedded in my life. My phone unlocks - with my fingerprint. But not of course when I've sliced that part of my finger and it's bandaged, so it's back to the passcodes. Same with other devices. Also, of course, for the life of me, among all the bandages in my drawer, I can't find a single fingertip bandaid. Off to Walgreens' in a minute to fix that. I hope this silly little cut quits bleeding by tonight. Maybe it's just me, but after I wash my hands I need to replace the fingertip bandaid, and TBH even if I kept that part of my finger dry I don't like to think about wearing a not so clean bandage on that fingertip if I'm eating or handling food, among other things. Of all the strategically awful places to suffer a cut! Any other finger, any other PART of that finger, wouldn't have been as stupendously inconvenient. But, I managed to do that. Maybe it's a talent. 🤷🏼 ETA: I hope that once I have a properly fitting bandage on the fingertip I'll be able to wear a nitrile glove for many of my cleaning/packing tasks to keep it clean. I was gonna say "fingers crossed" about that but fingers aren't a good luck thing for me today.
  8. I wonder if Daddy has any money left to pay for lawyers to defend Jason's case. After, you know, his oldest brother's big debacle, that we've speculated must have drained the Duggar coffers of a substantial sum. The trial was in 2021 and appeals went on until this summer. That's got to amount to a lot of coin.
  9. Of course. I forgot for a mo how pretentious he is.
  10. So why is it necessary for anyone to see the feet of someone doing a podcast? I follow some podcasters via their YouTube channels. They're shown on video as they are speaking, often with someone else they're talking with. And - I've never seen any feet. Or legs, come to think of it.
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