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Everything posted by Omeletsmom

  1. NBCSN is showing the free dance at noon EDT and the men's final at 5 EDT today. Probably just the last flight or two as both programs are scheduled for 2 hours.
  2. Holy Hannah; what happened to Zagitova and Kostner?? That was very...unexpected.
  3. It wasn't so much the sitting on the front porch people watching thing -- people have been doing that forever -- it was the way she described it. Calling it a creeper post makes it sound really skeevy. Also, you're in the military, people, you're going to be moving in a couple of years. It doesn't pay to be too picky. This is not going to be your forever home. - - 23 year military spouse.
  4. The Hampton, Virginia lady -- creeper post?? WTF?
  5. I'm not a fan of Carolina Kostner, but that was a lovely skate. The stone faces in the K & C when Zagitova's score was announced were amusing.
  6. My TiVo listed both the one that showed last Wednesday and the one that was on last night as new. I think the fifth season officially started last night? It's nice to see Doug out of the sling, but he still can't wield weapons. :-( I do not remember what the name of that weapon from Wednesday's show was, but, man, did they cut through the boars like butta! So cool! I was not terribly impressed with the skills of the rookies they had on last night; I hope the talent pool for the rest of the season is better.
  7. It was just a minor one. I expected tornadoes here, but the earthquakes have been a surprise.
  8. Wow, Jennifer Garner looks STUNNING. (I'm running a bit behind because I paused the TV for an earthquake).
  9. Sadly, while we have Cox, we use a TiVo and not their box, so we do not get on demand. :-(
  10. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/columnist/brennan/2018/02/23/wrong-russian-won-gold-medal-womens-figure-skating-2018-winter-olympics/366111002/ Hahahahahahaha! Did she not see Medvedeva muscling through those jumps? Or the Flutz so obvious that even I, who can barely tell one jump from another, could see it without the slow mo?
  11. I am seeing it at 3 am on Sunday morning on NBCSN, but it is only scheduled for two hours so I doubt it's the whole thing.
  12. Is that what it is? The first time I saw one of those segments, I was wondering what he had done to his hair. It's also odd that he and Ben are sitting so far apart. They both look like kids wearing Dad's suit.
  13. How do you have the EXACT SAME SCORE?? It seems very unlikely.
  14. Gee Tara and Johnny, tongue bath, much?
  15. Yeah, but she was never going to be there after that short.
  16. Seriously??? That was ridiculously overscored.
  17. It's better than the Kermit jumpsuit she wore at Europeans; but no, it does not suit the music.
  18. I believe short track speedskating was in the same arena; it was a scheduling thing.
  19. I Will Wait for You always makes me cry because of the Jurassic Bark episode of Futurama.
  20. I wish they had used plain kineseo tape; it's very distracting.
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