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Posts posted by LittlePeas3

  1. That episode was interesting.  What I would have liked to see was a Callen/Anna conversation discussing the fact that Hetty didn't aid Anna's name being cleared.  
    I don't mind Roundtree (and I think I predicted a couple of episodes back they were going to make him an NCIS Agent), he seems pretty decent.

    On the Nell front, seriously, we've been will she/won't she for ever so long now, and they finish it with Hetty saying take your leave and think about it.  FFS, just make up your mind already!  Knowing our luck, it was supposed to play out in episode 24 and that one didn't get made.  

    While I will be sad if the show ends, I really need it sewn up neatly.  I don't think I will cope if it finishes on episode 23 this season when a 24th was written to wrap it up nicely.  

    4 hours ago, Bobbin said:

    What's with Kensi Bligh and the matronly, no makeup look? It's unusual for adult actors to age out of the franchise, but that may be the case here. The mothership rotated out all but McGee and Gibbs. Maybe that's the plan here.

    I have been wondering about Kensi's make up for a while.  I noticed in some shots in this episode she looked quite nice, and in others, old. Maybe lots of things are being tightened, budget wise and the makeup department is one.  

    I hope the next episode shows Deeks with his new hair cut!  He again looked beyond scruffy. 

    • Love 1
  2. 7 hours ago, JayDub said:

    If Nell and Eric were eliminated this would be a decent show.

    if only they behaved like they did in season 3 or 4, mature, far more normal, less like clowns (in Eric's case...) 

    • Love 2
  3. That was an interesting episode, are they hinting at adding Devon whatever his name was to the team too?  It seemed so random how much they sang his praises, from Nell right through to Callen and Sam.  I don't mind Fatima joining the team, she melds well.  Goldberg is pretty cool too.  Eric was ditzy and bizarre and goofy and annoying.  

    • Love 1
  4. OMG, CO'D's eyes were pretty when he and Sam were on the plane 😉

    Apart from the Densi banter, which was beyond ordinary and just filler, I didn't mind the episode.  I do love a bit of Sabatino, his banter is fun.  I have no idea who "Offset" actually is, but he seemed to do a good job for someone who isn't a professional actor.  

    It was nice to see Hetty, and Nell and Beale weren't annoying at all.  Densi however, were there for the sake of being there, they really didn't do much at all.  Wouldn't have minded seeing more of Anna though.  

  5. Oh Wow! I loved this episode!  It was captivating, which is something I can not say about any of the previous episodes this season.  No Nell/Eric rubbish, the Kensi/Deeks banter was more case related than anything else, and Anna and Callen are back together.  The part about Sam having dinner with Catherine is a bit MEH! but otherwise it was great.  

    In relation to finding a new agent, I know some have suggested Anna, but what about Darius?  Surely there is some potential for him, as he is now defecting to the US with his partner.  

    It was really good to see Hetty back in the swing of things, the block out glass was so Hetty and I did like Eric's reaction to that.  

    • Love 1
  6. 15 minutes ago, ymeagain said:

    All I can say is someone obviously is dedicated to their blog, it took me 3 tries to make it through the episode and evidently my attention span sucked because I still didn't pay anywhere near this much attention to the episode.  Jaffe is certainly a crappy writer.  I wonder why they persist with her rubbish? 

    • Love 2
  7. I am seeming to think this whole episode is BLAH!  I've tried to watch it twice now, and been distracted by so many different things 😞 I much prefer Sam with De Champs than K/Catherine.  I find her to be an idiot and ultra annoying.  

    Although I haven't seen this episode fully and properly yet (maybe tonight LOL), I have seen the preview for next week and I am looking forward to what it might bring.  I am also looking forward to when ECO's hair cut comes onto our screens, because at the moment, he looks like a walking floor mop with his straggling, ridiculous mop of hair!  

    • Love 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Linda956 said:

    I've got nothing.  Another boring episode and no Hetty.  Also, I hate to nitpick, but dear God, Nell's wardrobe!  What grown woman wears jumpers?  (Unless they're Amish or in a cult).  I don't remember the last time I have even seen them on racks in the department store and I stopped wearing them 50 years ago when I was in grade school.  I have to believe Nell's character makes her own clothes.  There's no other explanation for it.

    I've given up on Nell's clothes and Deeks' hair, both are beyond ridiculous and despite all the comments on the NCIS: LA official facebook page, which must be getting back to the show creators etc, nothing is even looking like changing. It's a shame, because both Nell's clothing and the way ECO's hair looks definitely detract from the show

    • Love 4
  9. This episode was nothing brilliant, but it seemed to jump from one scene to another. There was action, but I am hoping it was setting up for something coming up.  I think I am more excited about the last 30 seconds of the episode, with the potential for Anna, than I have been about the whole rest of the season.  Mama Deeks was a nice touch, but if this is going to be the last season (while this is presumptive on my part, it seems inevitable with the poorness of the scripts), Callen needs some happiness too.

    • Love 1
  10. I see this episode of only being of value if there wasn't going to be another 13 episodes of the season. It gave us an idea of where everyone was heading.

    While nothing was definite, we actually had Callen addressing his feelings, yes, it was long and drawn out, but he did. I thought Anna suited him and was a little shocked he didn't at least try to stay in touch with her when they left Cuba. 

    We got confirmation that Sam is considering other options, well, we knew that subliminally, well actually, quite overtly without actually saying it out aloud.  

    The Kensi and Deeks debarcle, seriously, 3 months is nothing to stress over when trying to get pregnant.  Kensi even said this and then went on to cry about not being pregnant.  OMG, I know the need to get pregnant is not rational at times, but really? 

    And the Nell and Eric crap, fake sword fights in ops and for two people who seem to spend a lot of time together, they don't do a lot of communicating.  I know he spend a month or so away, but why would Nell need Sydney to move in?  She spends all her time (until this season), complaining about their relationship, surely, her moving in would drive a bigger wedge between them and send her even more nuts? (maybe that's what happened!)  And why wouldn't she consult Eric?  And omg, I am too invested in this crappy relationship.  It just seems like the last thing that Nell would really do.  Besides, wasn't Sydney living in San Francisco? 

  11. 23 hours ago, 123BP said:

    Maybe Hetty didn't count him because he wasn't her agent when he died, so she didn't lose him.

    I wondered that too.  But surely he was "one" of her children? 

  12. I will say this first, I really enjoyed it, but I haven't seen Skyfall 🙂

    There was action, the whole team were involved.  They actually all did action stuff, I don't think we have seen Chirs O'Donnell run and jump etc this much in one episode for a while, I thought maybe they were all citing they were getting to old for that kind of thing.  Especially as a couple of episodes ago it was only Daniela Ruah who was doing the action stuff.  

    I am really liking the Nell awakening - that she doesn't want to be like Hetty.  I find it odd that it has taken her 10 years, but ok, good to see she has gotten there and won't make it to 65 (or older) alone and still ordering people around.  

    The man who was dissected and his body parts used to hold notes and phone and then left in pieces, I thought initially that they were reverting back to that serial killer in season 9 who joined all the bodies together and I was totally grossed out (again).  I was so grateful they didn't spend too much on that.  I did like the early hint of a teacup full of blood though, gross as it was.

    Callen's blinding love and respect was very evident in this episode, but the question at the end, how many of us are there?  It does make you curious - Callen, Hunter, this guy.  How many more?  Hetty is the master at managing people (and manipulating), how many more children did she raise?  And was she working for her own agenda or a higher powers?  

    Hetty always said Sullivan was  the first agent she had lost.  In my calculations, this guy should have counted.  Why didn't she count him? She acknowledged he was dead. Or was it she acknowledged Sullivan was the first NCIS agent?  

    Rogers, I didn't realise I had missed him.  He was starting to grow on me.  Did he take that list at the end and put it in his pocket to oust Hetty or because he was manipulating the witness into spilling the beans? 

    I do think they are winding Hetty down, if Rogers is going to charge Hetty, I see her vanishing without a trace, as opposed to winding up in jail somewhere.  

    • Love 2
  13. 4 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

    I have been one of this shows hold outs that it was still a good fun action show that knew its characters but this episode lost me.   Not the Beale stuff because he has always been stronger and braver then the team gave him credit for.    The Nell stuff really annoyed me because from day one she has wanted to be an agent  and that has suddenly stopped and  Hetty has in fact been grooming her to take over for her and for years the show has in fact been showing how she is a good fit for the job.  Now suddenly Nell is not doing either.   The show has become more a romance then an action show where Nell is unable to do her job because Beale is in danger.  

    That is not This show.

    That has never been this show.

    Unfortunately, while this hasn't been this show, in reality (and yes, NCIS LA has been beyond reality in many ways) people do let their feelings get in the way.  Nell has been showing cracks for the last season or so.  This "falling in love" thing has taken her in a different direction, away from becoming the next Hetty. We've seen glimpses of the Nell she could have become, but we've seen the Nell with the squeaky voice and the one who hasn't been able to cope as well.  

    4 hours ago, Kelda Feegle said:

    pretty sure someone in wardrobe hates her 😞

    OMG, absolutely. And this idiot on the NCIS LA FB page keeps saying this is how she dresses in real life.  Seriously, how can anyone dress like this in real life?  Where would they even find this style, short of making it themselves?  Apart from that, does LA get cool enough to wear a pretty heavy corduroy pinafore under a butt-ugly, not even matching shirt like that, ever?  

    6 hours ago, Ellee said:

    ‘Can’t be just about the job, G. At some point the job ends.’  Sam

    I can’t be you, Hetty.  I don’t think I want to be you.  Close(?) to what Nell said  

    G also said something close to that when having a drink with Hetty. 

    Will have to watch again to see if Kensi had a comment along those lines.  Deeks was with LAPD for a week wasn’t he?

    Are ‘they’ telling us to enjoy while we can?  If that is what it is, I might find myself watching the show a little differently.  Instead of missing the old show I might find myself enjoying it more.  Then again, I could be all wrong on the ‘supposed messages.’

    Seeing Hetty again made me smile. 

    Kensi and Deeks have been hinting this for a while?  Last season it really started when she went into that missile silo.  And he especially, has been on about starting a family. They have all evolved, a lot. 

    I'm guessing it could go a couple of ways, they find a new "Hetty", but I think it would be very hard to replicate her, They spent the first few seasons building innuendo about her life and all the things she did before joining NCIS. After watching this episode, I feel we could see her swan song with the episode ECO is writing.  

    The other way it could go is G taking over, but, Sam has a huge impact on G, and we might even see him actually reconcile with Alex and ride off into the sunset with Anna.  Cheesy, though, for sure.  

    Other random thoughts about this episode:  

    Did I miss, in the really crappy earlier parts of the season, which I've only watched once, because they were so crappy, that Beale had actually left NCIS?  I knew he was in San Francisco, but I didn't realise he wasn't really coming back.  Or maybe, because I knew he was only out for a 5 episode arc. 

    If Deeks was away for this episode, will he breeze back in for the next, or will he be MIA again?  These random "LAPD Assignments" really suck.  In some way, it makes me wonder if the stupid IA investigation still is going to get dragged out.  The writers really should have made him cross over to being an agent so long ago.  

    If this is called Kill Beale: Volume one, why is the next called Mother?  When will we get Volume 2?  Is their going to be a second?  Or did they just do the play on words with Kill Bill and just left it open?  I kind of thought, with the episode name, it would have worked better with Beale not being saved by the end of the episode.  

    Thoughts about "Mother", at least ECO helped co-write the episode.  There is the continuity of the fact that he has been on the set for almost the whole show, as opposed to some of these writers, who haven't seemed to have watched previous seasons and can't keep anything straight, so it is hoped he keeps things aligned better than some of the current writers. 

  14. OK.  They have seriously lifted their game.  This episode, while in the grand scheme of 11 seasons and 8 episodes of NCIS LA, is only mediocre, however, compared to episodes 1-7 of season 11 and a good deal of season 10, is unbelievably brilliant.  

    There was a storyline, it gelled quite well, there was action (albeit in reality just Kensi - are the others all claiming age is against them?), Nell was in the Hetty role and actually back to far earlier seasons and seemingly in control (of her emotions and more), despite that she was dressed like she had no idea how to,  and wardrobe need to do something with her look.

    I enjoyed the suspense, was waiting for a bomb to malfunction when they were in the abandoned school - even though Sam is a master bomb-difuser and never gets it wrong - and the only thing missing was shooting the main guy in the shoulder to figure out whether he really was working for t he 5 Bitcoins or if he, indeed, did  support Al Quaeda (yeah, I don't know if I spelled that one right).

    • Love 3
  15. 3 minutes ago, Linda956 said:

    Count me in as another who doesn't like the insurance agent. I find her *obnoxious.  Also, it would appear that Nell is still running Operations.  Sorry, but telling us how great Hetty is as their boss and she's never there is ridiculous!  I love Hetty, but if Linda Hunt can't or doesn't want to show up any more, they should hire someone else to replace her.  It's completely unacceptable to think no one's in charge.  Also, did anyone notice that when Nell & Fatima were talking near the end of the episode, no one else was in the facility?  It was completely empty.  Does anyone work there anymore?  Compare that to regular NCIS.  The main room looks like Grand Central Station.  I also don't think Sam, Callan, Kensie and Deeks were all together in any scenes last night.  They might as well be on different shows. 

    Nell reminded me of the Nell in much earlier seasons when they seemed to be grooming her to replace Hetty.  

    I think Sam, Callen, Kensi and Deeks did 1 scene totally together, at the boatshed.  Sam, Kensi and Deeks were together when they arrested the guy who drove the Ferrari.  but you're right, that was very strange.  

    • Love 1
  16. I wonder if the writers have finally gotten the message that the route they were going down was pathetic? 

    This episode seemed more like the old formula. I too, hated the insurance lady, the auctioneer didn't sound like a regular auctioneer, but Nell sounded more like her own self, less whiney and panicky, which was so much better than the first 6 episodes.  

    I think I could actually watch this episode again.  The first 6 episodes have been ultra ordinary and not warranted a second watching. nor could I even bother, but there were a couple of things I missed and would like to figure out.  

    I must confess, I don't understand the Bruce Wang comment.  I know Bruce Wayne was Batman, but that is all I get.  Can someone please explain this?  I am sure I will have an OMG Doh! moment.  

  17. 21 minutes ago, piedmontgirl said:

    Who are the British guys that everyone seemed to know? Were they in a previous episode?  I don't know about the actors who play Hetty and Nell, but the actor who plays Eric was on a planned leave so he could appear in a stage production of "Angels in America".

    I have no idea who the "distraught father" was, but Steve Valentine was in Crossing Jordan.  

    • Love 1
  18. 6 hours ago, anna0852 said:

    The back half of this one wasn't that bad. Decent plot line and we got to see Jennifer Kim again. I could have done without all the accent jokes in the beginning and the weird split screens and definitions of british slang. Maybe I just watch too much Call the Midwife but I  knew what was being said. 

     I really liked seeing them all dressed up, everyone but Deeks reminded me of undercover in the past.  Kensi especially looked like she did when they dressed her up in the early seasons.  Of late, she looks just as scruffy as Deeks does.  He really  really needs a hair cut!!!! The premise in the illegal gambling establishment was blah.  I do like Jennifer Kim though.  The spit screen bit seemed to be very Ocean's 11 to me, but I haven't ever watched a James Bond, so I really don't know about that one.  The accents did me in though - they all didn't have to have the same one, you can tell where a person in England is from because of their accents, they are not all as sharp as the one Steve Valentine has.  The accents really grated on me.  

    19 minutes ago, GussieK said:

    Pretty silly, but people here have been aa skiing for more undercover work, so you got that. Also another big shootout in the middle of LA. These people get involved in more shootouts than anyone in history. I don’t watch the other franchises. Is it the same?  

    Not so sure about NCIS NO, but the mothership rarely has shootouts in the middle of Washington DC.  I remember watching in season 5 when DiNozzo crossed over thinking they didn't use their weapons much. as he held his funny and was shooting one handed and waving his gun around like an ameteur trying to look professional.  You rarely see them shoot on NCIS.  Gibbs, maybe, but he was a sniper, so you would expect him to know what he was doing.  I know DiNozzo was a police officer, but seriously, he sucked at looking convincing shooting at a suspect in the crossover.  

    ETA; the writers aren't going to make it a new thing between Jennifer Kim and Callen, are they?  

  19. 39 minutes ago, LittlePeas3 said:

    It is certainly beyond far-fetched, but in all reality, a lot of things we see on this show are far-fetched.  Hetty still working, at her age is one, Deeks being able to keep his job looking like a hobo, is another (and I mean looking ridiculous compared to when he began).  

    I think you are right, but what's her name (The IA Lady) knew that the other guy was a corrupt cop for other reasons and she knew Deeks confessed when the "Mole" shot her. So she has been holding that over Deeks to help her when she needs it, witness when his old boss kidnapped some witness because corrupt cops were going to allow a supervirus that would kill crops to bring down a country's crop system was going to be sold (and evidence was pointing to him being the corrupt cop).  Sorry, names are missing this morning and I am too lazy to look them up (5:37 am here).  

  20. 6 minutes ago, 123BP said:

    And this is yet ANOTHER absurdity. This IA investigation is in its 4th year. There is no way in hell an IA investigation takes that long. Whiting would be fired for incompetence. If you're going to have a show that's tenuously rooted in "reality," you simply can't ignore some things and expect viewers to just shrug it off.

    It is certainly beyond far-fetched, but in all reality, a lot of things we see on this show are far-fetched.  Hetty still working, at her age is one, Deeks being able to keep his job looking like a hobo, is another (and I mean looking ridiculous compared to when he began).  

    • Love 1
  21. 12 hours ago, ymeagain said:

    What happened to Whiting and the IA investigation of Deeks about Boyle's death? Did that get closed and I missed it? I actually liked Whiting cuz she didn't take any crap.

    Whiting knows that Deeks killed Boyle.  She's been using Deeks when she feels she needs him.  

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