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Posts posted by LittlePeas3

  1. 5 hours ago, VartanFan said:

    Let’s not forget that Brady knows Joey. They were all over each other at the ultra hoedown in season 1.  

    Evidently, I slept through that bit of season 1 on my binge before this was released LOL I had forgotten about that totally.  Even still, that makes 3 people out of the 20 or so who were there.  And no family members like kids. 

  2. this season was so LONG, but only 12 episodes. 

    They left so much up in the air (or maybe I skipped it to watch the bits I wanted to know more about).  I will go back and watch it, but I am stingy and have only access to 1 netflix viewer at a time and Miss 12 wants to go back to watching Gilmore Girls so it will have to wait a while.

    Thank God Charmaine lied.  Hopefully that means we don't need her anymore.  Maybe the next season can cover more time and not be so dragged out?  

    I kept expecting Brie's ex to attack her again.  

    Cameron is so shallow.  He fell in love with Mel on the first day, listened in to conversations to find out she was pregnant, stocks the fridge to feed her, buys her a fan to woo her and then tells her that her "baby daddy" is not good enough for her and that he loves her, all in the space of what?  A month to two months at the most? Then he ups and quits as he has scoped the town and she is the only one he likes there out of all the potential women who dropped by the surgery to check him out. So much for practicing country medicine.  What a douche.  

    The one character that didn't annoy me this season was Lizzie.  She evolved as a character when interacting with the older generations.  Admittedly, I skipped her and Ricky and then Denny so that may have aided me liking her.  She was so sweet with both Doc and Hope throughout the season.  

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  3. Doesn't Joey have kids?  Wouldn't you want your kids at your wedding?  On top of that, the only person at the wedding that knew the bride and groom was Mel.  Everyone else was there as a filler,  

    I am finding Cameron drooling over Mel annoying.

    I am also finding the Denny storyline has been done before, even if it wasn't on this show.  It just seems predictable.  

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  4. 10 hours ago, CheshireCat said:

    I'm pretty sure they used Switch recently, I'd say this season or the previous one. Although, that doesn't mean that he wasn't outed before 😉

    Reflecting on that, can you imagine Callen as a life coach? Run and hide! 😂

    I thought the "King Pin" episodes, when he went undercover as Switch to find King, was then end, Hetty even said it was compromised then.  And then later, he went to see her when she was at a prison farm or something similar, to check? 

  5. On 5/26/2022 at 6:25 PM, CheshireCat said:

    Finally watched it properly. There were a lot of things that I liked about the episode. It had a good pace, we had Kensi and Deeks as one field team, we had Sam and Callen as the other and we had two people in Ops. That worked very well. Killbride was there but not pushed into our faces or too grumpy and we actually sort of got an explanation for his grumpiness. Although, didn't he live in DC before? Did he not drive in DC during rush hour?

    I really enjoyed the arms dealer and her glee over Killbride being so miserable in LA. That was fun!

    And not only did we get Sam and Callen partnering up again, we also got a bit of improv undercover work. Yay! More of that please! I also liked that moment between Sam and Callen when Sam told Callen that each time things got good for him he started to push people away. I like that it got addressed, that Callen didn't deny it and that was a really nice friendship moment between them. I don't want all of their moments to be like that as I enjoy their banter but I wouldn't mind if we got more of that every now and then. In general, I'll be happy if we get more Callen and Sam working a case together next season than we got this season. They just work as partners for me and that's one of my most favorite aspects about the show.

    Did Sam really think that Anna's always been good for Callen? I remember when Callen first revealed that there was a thing between him and Anna, Sam seemed a bit exasperated. He was teasing but still, he seemed to be believe that Callen was asking for trouble, too.

    I really appreciate that Sam is supportive of the relationship and didn't try to talk Callen out of it because of who Anna is. The relationship has been rocky enough, so it's good that Sam didn't make it even more complicated but did more or less the opposite. I also appreciate that TPTB allowed Callen to get to that point. I've always said that I don't care who he's with as long as TPTB allow him to be happy because he deserves some happiness. If Anna's that person, I'm okay with it. I'm just happy for Callen.

    The episode would certainly have worked as a series final but I'm glad that it's not. I really want to see what I'm expecting will be a bit of a crazy wedding and I hope we get to see it. (Though Callen strikes me as the kind of guy who'd be happy to elope and tie the knot at a beach somewhere with just the two of them present. I don't think Anna would want that, though).

    I liked the proposal. I think it was true to the characters. Yes, it sounded like Callen might be breaking up with Anna but it didn't feel like the writers had come up with something just to add drama. It connected to the conversation Anna and Callen had at the beginning of the episode and it felt natural because it needed to be addressed. And the rest was simpe and straight-forward and very fitting.

    I felt a bit sorry for Rosa who was thrust into all the craziness, though. Oh, and who dressed Killbride? He looked hilarious! But the three older guys were a nice touch. It reminded me a bit about the scene in Dirty Dancing where the owner of the resort laments that the young couples of today don't want club vacation with their parents anymore.

    If we get more of what the last three episodes were in terms of teams and pace and focus on the characters for next season, I'll be content.

    ^ This.  I could have written all of this.  

    My one question about this episode is: Wasn't Switch outed ages ago?  Despite this, I did love the "life coach" comments all the way through that part of the episode, I kept giggling.  

    I also loved at the end, Kilbride, Sam's dad and Arkady.  Kilbride's clothes were priceless.  His comments about Arkady were too.  When Arkady called him and Sam's dad comrades, I thought he was going to climb over the table.   

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  6. I so hope the deep fake stuff is finished.  It was a horrible storyline and I really hated it.  Well, more so the coming and going of the episodes and the lack of continuity.  They needed to do them in succession, not one here, one there.  The ending, with Callen and Anna saying I love you would have been more convincing if they actually looked at each other.  It just seemed like they said it for the sake of the ending, rather than actually meaning it.  

    Finally, they also found a new reason for a cast member to be missing other than having to do a deposition.  How original!  

  7. 2 hours ago, Good Queen Jane said:

    The show might be more interesting if Grey Sloan isn't a teaching hospital. Instead, it can be a research hospital. That way Nick and Kai can stay in Seattle and do their research close to the ones they love. We will also not have to have scenes with the hapless interns/residents who we don't care about anyway and who really haven't added anything to the story lines in years. Instead of bringing in new residents, the hospital can have a bunch of new attendings. Bailey said they hired some new ones. After 18 years, the show can focus on the attendings and all the groundbreaking surgeries they are doing.  

    I love this and wish it was true.  This show has been on for 18 years, like the "intern" and "resident" program, it needs to evolve too.  As someone who has watched from the beginning, they need new storylines if they want it to keep going and to feel relevant.  Covid seems to have put a huge dent in the storylines, the just haven't recovered,  While it would have been stupid to deny Covid happening, I really wish they had.  A whole season of Meredith in a coma, while we got to see Derek and George and Lexie and Mark, really slowed things down.  It needs life and direction again, and Meredith and Amelia joined in on innovation, surely there could be some cardio research happening? They have 3 cardio thoracic surgeons (if Teddy returns) and Owen could come up with some new trauma-based technology (also if he returns).  There is plenty of scope there :)  

    • Love 1
  8. So, since Teddy and Owen are on the run for doing dumb sh*t, who can they humour me with and bring back?  Can we have Arizona (since we don't have a pediatric surgeon) and Callie (who cares if we have 2 orthos?  We've had 3 cardiac surgeons!)  

    I enjoyed Jackson and April back too - April can replace Owen :)  and we rarely see the new plastics lady anyway. 

    And  I say who cares about the interns and the residents, they are all boring!  

    • Love 3
  9. ok, I am watching this while writing. I also haven't read the thread either.  However, WTF was Meredith thinking?  There was blood coming, why didn't she wait before the surgery?  One day wasn't changing anything. And then she had to justify it to Nick and Helm?  Wow. 

    Why are they now looking like breaking up Maggie and Winston?  He's the one that made her likeable for me.  They were becoming my new Link and Amelia, the semi-decent relationship.  It makes me sad, surely we could have one decent, stable relationship.

    How did Bailey become chief?  She has a meltdown every time there is a problem.  She is an amazing surgeon and a good teacher, but seriously, is a terrible leader.  

    Owen and Teddy's cagey exit made me laugh.  I was actually starting to like them (shock horror).  I didn't realise until tonight how old Owen (Kevin McKidd) was starting to look.  I know, he has been on the show for 13  years.  He is allowed to get old, I just hadn't noticed until now.  I can't believe Amelia took the kids to meet them at Joe's, surely there was somewhere else she could have taken them?  She seems to have bonded with Teddy too, her reaction to them leaving was beautiful.  

    How cute is Harriet?  She is just as cute as a button.  I wished there were more scenes with April and Jackson.  It just seemed like they belonged. So much more than the stupid interns that seem to have been interns/residents for more that the normal amount.  Besides, they annoy me.  

    I was so hoping Catherine had passed when Jackson was doing that stupid obituary.  I then became so disappointed when they panned to Catherine holding Harriet.  The walking out and off into the distance was sweet, but strange too, I would have thought Richard would have at least waited to hear about the program.  

    The program reviewer lady was right, they are all so familiar with each other, they bicker like family.  It needs a shake up and making Meredith Interim Chief really isn't the answer.  She is part of the problem too, just like Bailey and Richard.  

    Jo and Link, at the end made me hopeful their friendship could be sustained.  I like the fact that they are one of the only friendships that seemed to be plutonic, because there are people, in real life, who can have friends and not sex.  Meredith and Jackson were the same.  THey just didn't show the interactions as much on the show though.  

    I was hopeful, when Amelia and Link were talking, that there was going to be a new beginning for them, but alas, no, Kai appeared and dashed my hopes :(  

    I loved the flash backs, I really wanted Cristina to appear at the end to console Meredith - she is missing having a "person" right now.  Maggie is wrapped up with her and Winston's issues, (his brother is a douche) and Amelia is wrapped up in her own.  As much as she has Nick, he doesn't know her history, they are still in the getting to know all about you phase, and Bailey is too pissed with her to be there for her.  She has constantly had someone being there for her, first Cristina, then Derek, then Alex.  She has lost her way a lot without them.   

    • Love 5
  10. I really enjoyed this episode too. Like others have said, everyone was in their pairings, Callen and Sam had their "witty" repartee going, yes, we had to deal with the adoption saga from Kensi and Deeks, but, theoretically, teenagers are more able to do things for them selves so don't need them both around every minute of the day, so they can continue being part of NCIS, but I am forseeing something more for Roundtree and Fatima.  Their working relationship seems very early Kensi and Deeks - they confided everything to each other and watched lots of movies etc together after works, just not on the big screen in the boatshed. 

    I kind of cringed when Kensi and Deeks went in without back up and not knowing how many people were in there, that was a bit pathetic, but the bad guy getting hit by whatever Kilbride had was karma and somewhat satisfying. 

    I love when Arkady is on, but even more when he annoys Sam too.  I didn't see him saying no though. 

    Sam's dad is going to rock up at the boatshed one episode at a guess.  Maybe he will like the big screen there too :) 

    For the 300th episode, I would have thought some sort of coming together at the end of the episode would have occurred.  As I haven't seen the last episode yet and it isn't that far into the future, I am assuming that type of celebration will happen then if there isn't a cliff hanger.  I will have to wait and see,   

    • Love 1
  11. 22 hours ago, CheshireCat said:

    I guess, since the LA office doesn't exist in this way, they are taking a bit more liberties. I think it would have been okay with the original premise. They used to be a non-traditional investigative branch with all their undercover work. Now though...

    This! I miss the original premise so much!  I loved the undercover personas.  If they aren't going to do undercover any more, they should be dressing more professionally and Deeks should get a haircut! The casual clothes and the fitting in with the "baseline" of the area was fine when they were undercover, but they don't even really needs ops and the boatshed anymore, they could do it all at ops as they never seem to be undercover.

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  12. Link seems to be spiralling.  Between Amelia ditching him for a non-binary person and Jo proclaiming love and thus the need for space, he doesn't seem to be coping well.  It's a shame, I liked Link and Amelia too.  

    I liked Winston and Maggie until they introduced his deadbeat brother.  They just seem to want all drama, yes, I know, it's a drama program, but in real life, there are happy couples.  I need to say, I really didn't like Maggie before Winston became a permanent character though.  While it is nice to see no one is perfect, his brother brings out the worst of him.  

    I liked how Nick shut Bailey down, he was awesome.  Haven't really liked him much, but experienced surgeon = not prepared to take crap from Bailey and I seem to think he isn't going to bow down to Meredith if challenged in the OR.  He might win me over yet, even though I am still a firm Derek and Meredith believer.   I still maintain Riggs is the best of the rest.  

    Richard stoned was priceless.  I liked that one.  I also liked Amelia being the voice of reason for Teddy.  Teddy struggling to come to terms with Leo's choices as a 4 year old are valid, I just find the script writers of Grey's make things very over the top and don't often do subtle.  As a result, they also resolve things really quickly too.  EG Owen's PTSD etc.

    • Love 5
  13. 7 hours ago, MarylandGirl said:

    Oh, that would be a logical reason for them to come back. Is it bad that I sort of hope they *don't* save her life? It just seems unrealistic to be able to have two life-saving surgeries like that. But then, I don't want Richard in mourning, so I don't know.... Maybe if the surgery just buys her some time as opposed to a cure.

    Though I'm all for Koracic coming back for whatever reason!

    she can die.  I don't get why she is there busting balls about leaving anyway, Jackson is in charge of the foundation these days anyway.  I get her name is on it, but seriously.  We can lose Catherine.  


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  14. So, I just watched episode 17 of season 18.  Richard drank Catherine's cannabis drink.  And then at the end, she said her cancer had progressed. 

    This is sheer speculation, I haven't read any spoilers and this is me putting 2 and 2 together and making 22 of it :)  

    Since Jackson and April are coming back in the finale, does this mean she will die or will there be yet another life-saving miracle surgery and she will survive?  While I love watching Debbie Allen, she gives her all in every scene, I find her overbearing and downright rude a lot of the time and Catherine dying wouldn't be a bad thing.  Maybe Korascic will be back too and he and Amelia (and Meredith because she almost became a neurosurgen) can save her life again? 

    • Useful 2
  15. I may be going against the trend, but I liked this episode.  Possibly because of Addison, but also possibly I skipped the Owen/Teddy bs about Leo after they did the daycare drop off scene and some of the stuff with Winston's dumbass brother.  I need to add, I did skip the Schmidt and whatever his name is scene at the end too, because while Schmidt annoys the heebie jeebies out of me, his boyfriend is FAR worse!  (I enjoyed the maybe 35 minutes I did watch :D )

    I loved the way Addison breezed in and called everyone on their stupidness was brilliant.  She was a fresh breath of air for sure.  I wish there was some continuity with storylines though.  I know Derek used to call Richard his mentor early on in the piece, but at the same time, we knew he trained (as well as Addison and Mark) in NYC, but Richard has always said he did his residency at SG and then came back straight afterwards and hadn't left.  They never explained how Richard became his mentor as far as I know, and I may be a bit crazy, but I have watched from the beginning at least 5 times. Is this just another thing that was needed for the storyline, like the hip transplant that happened randomly at some stage in Boston?  

    Despite saying what I said earlier, Schmidt didn't annoy me much this episode, probably because there was very little interaction between him and Helmouth and Cyclone Addison was calling it as it played in the OR.  He was sweet at the end with the patient, praying with her.  

    I like Jo's new man, how they will keep him in the show, I have no idea, I liked Henry with Teddy and I am guessing it ran down the path that it was just to difficult to come up with a storyline.  I felt for Jo, needing to choose general over obgyn.  It was a tough choice.  Link, meanwhile, is becoming a douche.  I seriously expected fireworks between Link and Owen in the OR with Amelia.  Surely, working with two ex-husbands would have been challenging.  I don't recall seeing Owen and Link in an OR together much.  At least some more Amelia action would have been good.  Especially with Addison.

    I love seeing Maggie and Winston together, Maggie evolved so much when they paired her with him, I do like him.  I just dislike his brother.  

    While I love watching Debbie Allen, of late, Catherine just annoys me.  Especially now Jackson isn't there to bring her back a bit.  She carries on like she is doing everyone favours, but really is a petulant 5 year old having a temper tantrum, without being reasoned and above all, polite.  Good on Addison having a go at her.  I wish Meredith had put her in her place too.  Richard seems to be losing his backbone again,  

    Meredith at the end had some passion and was a bit feisty, but it shouldn't have been at Nick, it should have been at Bailey and Richard and Catherine.  Sun or not, she should be in control of her own destiny, not tethered to GS because she is MEREDITH GREY and they created her genius.  That is emotional blackmail.  

    Bailey was almost as bad as Catherine tonight, petulant, whiny and demanding, especially to Jo.  Surely, a polite conversation - the we made you bit is getting old, they are trying that on Meredith too.  


    Despite all my venting, I liked the fact that we had a character to follow through the episode.  Addison was in it and didn't take any crap from anyone either, however, in the past, that would have been Meredith calling all their BS.  

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  16. Again, a character away to give a deposition.  Seriously, the writers need to come up with another excuse,  surely, a training course, didn't want be on the episode, had to fly to the moon, all better examples than a deposition.  

    Wow, that officer was broken so fast.  What a dumb storyline.  

    It's nice to think fostering goes through a really thorough screening process, but seriously, who goes through someone's house when they come to pick up a sweater?  And honestly, do you really need a permit to rebuild a closet?  OMG.  Yes, I am fixating on this because the storyline in general was meh. I am also thinking the deep diving into their backgrounds to be a federal agent would be more intrusive in some ways than being a foster parent.

    Sabatino was just not utilised well in this one.  

    In terms of Callan, like he was going to the mountains with his sister.  Rather than drag out the deep fake crap, they should have just kept going.  

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  17. While I am torn over my feelings for the deep fake storyline, I did have to laugh over the phone message for Kilbride.  The fact that he had to convince everyone that it wasn't serious was just laughable.  

    Katya's obsessions seem to be mirrored by Callan's.  He is obsessing over this as much as Katya obsesses too.  Even Anna obsesses, even though she doesn't see it.  I wonder how much their "training" as kids got them to have that deep focus?  

    I do have to say, I missed Nate.  His and Callen's relationship is so nice to watch, I love Callen and Sam's relationship, but this is something fresh, something we haven't seen for a while. 

    I think I missed an episode somehow.  I don't remember this woman Callen is pursuing to give him information about training?  Australia were only a few days behind, then there was a double episode in the US and we didn't have one that week and fell behind.  Now I feel out of the loop. How did Callen come across her (not Katya)?

    The parallel storyline with the Iranian, seemed so redundant.  It ended abruptly.  It seemed to be used to solely introduce that guy as a relationship pairing for Fatima. Sam played some random bit part, and Kensi and Deeks' potential adoption seemed so meh and in  the background after all the constant push for adoption, babies, desperation, blah blah blah.  

  18. On 4/22/2022 at 2:32 AM, mythoughtis said:

    I would like to know what is going on behind the scenes on this set.  Where was Deeks?  Why do we have Shylah?   What can’t one of the techs that are always in the background become the leader in ops? 
    are we limiting the number of highly paid cast per episode in favor of the newbies ( who are presumably less well paid?)

    is there a list of social issues that every show is required to write scripts about?  This episode  being Alzheimer’s?  

    My educated guess is that the main actors have various other projects they are working on and while they want the freedom to do something different, they also want the $ that comes with NCIS LA, so they don't want to give that up.  

    They often use the "_____ is testifying in court today" to explain why someone isn't there.  It is old, but they use it because it is vaguely plausible.  So many shows are now bringing in the social issues, Gray's Anatomy is the King of Social Issues! They even force them which is becoming a bit much, but like NCIS LA, I have been watching from the beginning and need to see the end.  

    In regards to the ops issue, I got so excited the mention of Beale, I thought they were going to bring him back for the episode.  Even though him and Nell became very crazy at the end, at least it was crazy we knew.  

    I don't know what others felt about Nate and Callen, but it seemed really stilted and off.  Callen and Nate always had a pretty free flowing relationship and this seemed forced. 

  19. 21 minutes ago, izabella said:

    Helm was on Station 19 helping Carina with a rape kit, and she was compassionate, competent, and behaved like an adult the entire time.  Why isn't that Helm on Grey's?

    beats me, Disney + has kept 1 week behind Grey's all season here in Australia, they stopped playing Station 19 the one week behind at the half season break.  I haven't seen any since then :( I don't mind Station 19 as a stand alone, the cross overs with Grey's annoy me.  Helm has potential to be decent, when she stays away from Levi and doesn't worship at Meredith's feet.  I am just grateful that they didn't turn Meredith into a lesbian to "fall in love" with Helm, that would have been the limit.  

    • Love 1
  20. I actually liked this episode, apart from Winston's brother.  He is a total douche.  Who in their right mind pretends to have died just to surprise their sibling because they think the result will be funny?  It was nice that it had a storyline to focus on a patient and not just the comings and goings of the hospital staff. 

    Why do I feel Bailey (who is the crappiest chief ever - she has a panic attack every time something goes wrong, going as far back to when she was just a general surgeon and Meredith was the intern when one patient metabolised the anaesthetics fast and woke up open on the table and Bailey yelled and screamed and blamed Ben) is going to go back to general surgery and they will keep Grey and stop her from going to Minnesota by making her chief of surgery?  Before Covid, Meredith was a decent head of general surgery.  Mind you, she had decent interns in Stephanie and Jo and Penny and co. The current interns bore me.  As a whole, they bring me no "joy".  The new guy had potential, until he kissed Bailey.  That was creepy. 

    Jo and Todd were cute this episode, but him not being a medical professional makes me struggle to see how they can make this a long term relationship.  Teddy telling her that she married a patient (Henry) for insurance purposes cracked me up, most likely because I am in the middle of watching season 7 for the upteenth time and Henry has just made his first appearance - I liked Henry and wished they could have kept him, but again, he wasn't part of the hospital, so a relationship outside of the hospital is difficult to show.  

    The last few episodes have been meh with too much time spent in Minnesota/with Minnesota characters, why is Webber stepping back until he is cleared?  I don't understand.  

    I liked grouchy Owen.  I personally think he should have sent out the attendings too, surely Amelia should have been overseeing her staff?  No idea who the other fillers were, but I am sure they had patients too?  Especially with a shortage of staff and Grey being sick.  Bailey needs to step up and lay down the law a little bit more, too many people are doing whatever they please.  

    In terms of the residency program, I would have thought the board would have been notified, rather than Bailey?  I guess it's a bit hard to have a board meeting without Callie and Arizona and there was no discussion of who got Derek's place on the board either.  Not to mention Jackson isn't there either and he held the head position.  It was only ever Cristina's shares that passed to Alex and Alex left them for Jo and Jo sold them to Korascic.  That was a mouthful and a half going through all that.  Random thought though, how does Korascic get a seat on the board when Alex didn't have one, the board voted Bailey in even though Alex held the shares?  

    I do have to say, Maggie is so much not annoying anymore now that Winston is in the picture.  He has made her much more likeable.  I do like him too though.  

    I also loved the Amelia and Owen interactions.  When he was demanding to be reinstated and she threw the pen at him was hilarious.  Especially when she told him he could keep it.  

    Meredith being sick and not calling in was very irresponsible.  Her ignoring the phone calls and messages from Minnesota didn't bother me half as much, and Zola answering her phone for her was classic, also something my 12 year old would reply to when asked something on the phone too :D Their interactions (Zola and Meredith) were sweet, but I am agreeing with others, 12 year olds don't want to blindly follow their parents!  We moved 4 years ago, and if we had to move again now, my 12 year old would happily go to 2 places, 1.  being where we moved from previously as she still talks to her friends all the time and 2. where my family live as she would love to live near her cousins, but anywhere else and she would be demanding to stay here.  

    • Love 4
  21. such a boring episode.  Wow, I have so few words.  Switch, so used and so bad.  The fact that Sam had to call King first to check he was still viable... really?  Surely, Switch has been officially retired now?  

    What was Callan doing?  

  22. There seems to be a huge lack of continuity of late.  Main characters in one episode and not the next. Jumping between storylines.  While I can live without Roundtree, but surely Sam's input to Callen when he is looking for Hetty would have been something usual?  I kept hoping he would turn up looking for Hetty in the Middle East.  Anna's appearance seemed random, as did Nate just walking up to speak to Kilbride.  Knowing Nate was appearing soon, personally thought he would appear with or around Hetty, not in LA.  

    Should have thought Keen would be with Hetty,  but his comment to Callen about the project with teens in the 70s and 80s about not being part of the program was a huge "DUH" moment for me - he was held prisoner in Vietnam from post Vietnam War era! How would he even know about the project?  Besides, other than Chegwidden and Co, I doubt Hetty would have even contemplated telling Keen about anything.  She plays everything super close to her chest and rarely shares more than necessary.  Keen was always portrayed as being prepared to do anything for Hetty. 

    The deep fake storyline threw me, I didn't see that part coming.  It made a little more sense bringing Anna back for that, but only if they keep her in the next few episodes or keep on with that thread in the storyline.  I hate when it jumps so much that it is as if it hasn't happened for a while and  then BOOM! it is all back on again.  

    I don't know if it is just me, but the characters voices all have a bit of a higher pitch than usual to me, almost like they are chipmunks and they are speeding up the dubbing a little to fit more in.  Am I imagining this? Kensi and Deeks are the worst.  



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  23. I finally got to watch this episode.  I can't believe how blind the characters are at times.  The amount of people who looked in on Schmidt, and left him washing his hands.  And then letting him walk away, unsupported, to sit in a very wet ambulance bay/ Bailey, when it came to Hayes, ignoring what he was saying and how much pain he seemed to be in, and begging him to stay, Bailey just is a crappy chief.  She had potential in the first few seasons, but now, she is just hopeless.  All things crazy goes on, she has no idea what is happening in all her departments.  And when she does find out, she panics and is certainly not cool headed.  Why do I think the series will end when Meredith is Cheif?  

    I felt for Teddy.  She had to leave Owen to take the heart, she didn't know if he was alive or dead, and then was frozen.  I am not a huge Teddy or Owen fan, and their story, but their interactions are usually better than in this episode.  

    I am so Team Amelia and Link.  I just can't get behind Amelia and Kai, it seems so forced in some way.  Poor Link had to find out by seeing them kissing.  It was beyond wrong.  And then, one minute, Link was in such pain about Amelia and the next, he was kissing Jo and more with so much feeling, and it didn't look like pain

    And then there is Meredith.  Every time I looked at EP, all I could see was botox or fillers.  Her furrow between her eyebrows is gone and her top lop didn't seem to be doing much moving and seemed all wrong too.  

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  24. This seemed such a shallow episode.  Who really cares about an ambassadors kid who is an influencer? Yes, I am over 40 and couldn't give a rats backside about influencers.  This show has veered so far away from the original premise of undercover and naval issues it is not funny.  If I hadn't been watching from the beginning, I would have ditched it by now.  


    Having watched some original episodes of late in the break, I can not get over how much Kensi's accent has evolved, it is so nasal now and high pitched and any "exoticness" it had is now gone.  

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