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Posts posted by LittlePeas3

  1. On 4/13/2024 at 2:04 AM, iMonrey said:

    Camilla Luddington is pregnant in real life  . . . no? Either that or she has gained a lot of weight. Her face seems wider and fuller and she's thicker around the middle. I figured that's why they wrote a pregnancy story into the show, but then it turned out she wasn't pregnant, so WTF.

    I get that the suicide attempt story was meant to be all serious, but whenever they do these kinds of stories where someone is standing on the edge of the roof, I just want someone to sneak up behind them and yank them down. There were so many opportunities for that to happen. And I know, I know, you're not supposed to do that. But I can't help yelling "just grab him while his back is turned!"

    I came here looking to see if anyone else thought Camilla Luddington was pregnant too. I honestly thought that Jo would be pregnant after she saidnshe was late. 

    On a side note, does Amelia ever have Scout? I found it odd when Amelia said the Shepard legacy would end with her. Meredith and Derek have kids, her other sisters have kids, Lucas is not the only Shepard son or daughter that can become a surgeon, she even has a kid!

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  2. Having watched this on YouTube with the image enlarging randomly, I was less than enamored. Catherine was her usual 'holier than thou' self, Richard was on the drinking, will he won't he cycle yet again. I actually love Amelia supporting Owen, even if I still believe in her and Linc. She seemed like the voice of reason. I am disappointed Teddy lived, surely she has storylined out? She bores me to tears. I am not surprised Meredith has dragged Amelia into her research.  I do like how she said she had researched a lot more than she let on and wasn't becoming a crazed lunatic with a manic phase.  Jo and Linc at the end felt very soap opera-ish. I really miss Alex.

    Am I the only one who seems very meh about the interns? And seriously, Schmidt is so douchey and incompetent and we barely saw Helm.


    I would love to say I'm out, but 20 years has me invested to the end. 

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  3. For finales, I think it was ok. 

    I'm glad they wrapped up Kensi and Deeks with a pregnancy, I kind of expected it some how. The wedding was sweet. 

    The thing that miffed me the most was Nell. While I didn't mind seeing her and Nate, Sabatino could jump off a cliff for all I care, didn't Nell and Beale leave NCIS because it became too stressful and she didn't want to become Hetty? I didn't think she wanted to take over from Hetty. 

  4. Part 2 thoughts: 

    Part 1 was more interesting. This half is boring. I was excited to see Meredith, but she resembled Amelia with a brain tumour and deLuca when he didn't sleep. She was almost manic. I was just glad she seemed more normal at the awards. 

    I skipped all the Teddy crap, I would prefer she died. Owen makes a better chief anyway and he is better without her. 

    I was hoping to see Jackson and April. But no. 

    I am quite meh about the other couplings they are throwing at us. I am not interested in Helm and Yasuda, or Adams and Simone (so much so I just had to look up her name).

    Bailey looking around for Addison was good. I personally think they could have won jointly. 

    I didn't think I would miss Maggie, but I do. Winston is just hot, so I appreciate the eye candy there. 

    Jo and Linc were inevitable and Sam was a goner as soon as his friend named his child after him. 

    Amelia seemed lost at the awards. I forsee her and Meredith butting heads in the future. I don't see Meredith as bringing down any research Derek did, I see it as her taking it in a new direction. I just find it odd that a general surgeon is getting funding for Alzheimer's research. She has had no training and not even done a fellowship in neurosurgery. 


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  5. So, I've skipped to the end to write this without reading all the comments, as Disney + in Australia has decided to not show both episodes at the same time and are releasing them a week apart, so episode 20 thoughts will come next week.  

    My random thoughts for episode 19.... Yasuda can not pull off anything resembling Yang.  She seems so forced.  I love the attitude the character brings brings, but for me, the actor just doesn't seem the right person for the role.  And her with Helm, so convenient.  

    The extended turbulence, well, for a group of surgeons who supposedly work under extreme duress in the theatre, they were not calm.  I get that they were in a different situation to a theatre, but still, Nick and Winston kept their cool the most, the other 4 lost the plot.  I did like the "chilling on a cloud" comment by Catherine.  I have to admit I laughed so hard.  It was a priceless comment.  

    Jo and Linc - they are not for me.  Their friendship was great, this push to make them a couple is very meh to me.  They just come across as friends.  Linc's jealousy seems so petty.  

    Simone and Adams - I don't feel it for them either.  

    Teddy, I have to say I have been spoiled on this one and I know that there is a collapse in the next episode, but of all the regulars, I wasn't disappointed when she left, she lost major interest for me when Henry died.  I loved her with Henry.  

    I have to say, the more I watch, the fact that I was so hopeful at the start of the season, the show is failing me.  The storylines seem forced, characters who don't have amazing chemistry are being pushed together, not to mention the storylines seem to hark back to ones from the past too.  I get that after 19 years, the creativity for new storylines surely must be drying up, but at the same time, if you can't bring new and fresh, why are they continuing to bother? 

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  6. On 5/6/2023 at 3:38 AM, Madding crowd said:

    I’m tired of the whining, snotty interns. I agree interns need less hours and more pay but I also don’t want to watch people be rude to each other. Simone and Lucas are ok but I can’t stand the rest. They are missing the connections and charisma of the original MAGIC.

    These interns suck.  They annoy me so much.  I think I would rather go back and watch the old episodes.  Mind you, the other doctors are boring me too.  Seriously, the group of department chiefs or random selection of doctors discussing intern pay was bizarre.  I am genuinely wondering how this show will be sustained another season.  They seem to have run out of ideas for new episodes.

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  7. Wow, I know I am late to the party being in Australia and 2 weeks behind courtesy of Disney+, but I can't decide which character I detested more in this episode, Levi or Maggie.  Levi and his yelling is just plain annoying, and his "chat and drinks" at the bar at the end of the day was more than forced, it didn't even sound genuine. Why couldn't he have quit and become a bar man and Helm was Chief Resident?  So much more love for this than what we have.  He is such a douche. 

    And then there is Maggie.  Was she always so one-sighted?  I used to love her and Winston, (just like I loved Linc and Amelia) why must they ruin the decent character couples?  She has become so annoying.  I really have no interest in what "research" she is doing.  I feel for Winston.  He is such a nice guy and Maggie is treating him like crap.  Worse than crap is probably a better description. And then there was the way she treated Amelia.  The total dismissing of her peeved me off.

    Watching Jo and Linc, I kept expecting Jo to say she was pregnant.  I don't know why, but I have had that gut feeling for a few episodes.  Jo and Linc were so good as friends, I just don't see the chemistry between them as a couple. 

    I enjoyed the interns in this episode, but they don't give me the same "love" as I had for MAGIC. 

    My motivation to watch Grey's these days is waning, yet I have watched from the beginning and intend on watching until the end. However, it is getting harder by the episode.  

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  8. Thanks to the wonder of international sharing of television shows, Disney + finally dropped this episode.

    They were all so wooden.  So much feeled forced.  It was such a disappointing episode.  I need to rewatch to see how long ago EP checked out.  So many others seemed to have checked out too. Gut feeling here - I think this is the last season - I hope this is the last season if it continues in the same vein, wooden performances, crap storylines, or even rehashed storylines...

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  9. I wonder how many episodes the 4 main characters of Sam, Callen, Kensi and Deeks will be on this season, together? 

    While I didn't hate this episode, I do have to wonder if they have run out of actual military storylines?  A treasure hunt with an admiral?  I would so love to see something that involved a couple of them going undercover in the military like the earlier years.  

    There's just so little to talk about from this episode.  The fact that it is 3 days afterwards and I am the first comment speaks volumes.  

  10. First the writers break up Amelia and Link, the most stable of couples, and now it is looking like Maggie and Winston, the next once most stable couple.  Yet they torture us with Owen and Teddy (who I don't mind separately and may have yelled at the TV when he went to Germany to be with her for the one night stand many years ago.  WHY?  

    I actually hope Nick will stay.  While I love the amount of female surgeons there are on Grey's, I still need eye candy, and Link and Winston aren't enough.  He is also good as a teacher too.  

    It looks like they are throwing Link and Jo back together too.  I still wish it was Link and Amelia.  I know, I am wishing for something that just won't happen.  At least I feel Link and Jo is marginally better than Link and Jules.  

    I wonder who will be Yasuda's pairing, since Jules and Blue and Adams and what's her name seem to be paired?  

    • Love 7
  11. No crazy chase the criminals, Sam and Callen together, I even didn't actually hate the Deeks' Mum this episode. Surprisingly decent, on the whole.  

    I didn't realise how short Chyler was until this week, she looks even shorter than Nell!  

    I just realised why I liked it so much, no Fatima.  Not that I thought I disliked her, things seemed the flow well in this episode.  I at least wanted to watch until the end.  

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  12. I was so excited to see Jackson and to see Tom, and then there was Catherine and the whole episode was tainted for me.  This episode would have been good without her.  Boston was ruined with her there.  Despite this, I love watching Meredith and Jackson together.  They only ever had rare scenes together.  They're good.  Jackson seems in his element there. I can see a spin off with Meredith, Jackson, April and Tom.  Ideally no Catherine - she can go to Seattle and look after Grey-Sloan.

    They've definitely dragged the Lucas is a Sheppard though.  It should have been resolved a couple of weeks ago.  It is now becoming stupid.  Even though Amelia's reaction was very funny.  This wouldn't have happened if Meredith hadn't made Amelia his mentor.  

    This episode was full of spin off ideas - and Bailey Addison with the PRT too. That whole arc was another Grey's PSA if ever there was one. 

    Did anyone notice there wasn't a single surgery this episode?  Just lots of storylines.  No Maggie and Winston, no Schmidt (thank goodness), no Teddy and Owen.  

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  13. 2 minutes ago, CheshireCat said:

    This. I kind of also want to see where Callen's (and Anna's) story and Sam's story is going. I think they're solid characters and I'm curious about them.

    Me too.  I want Callen and Anna to be happy at the end, if that happens, his character would have evolved from total lone wolf/grey man to someone who is ready to be a family man.  While it was good to see Aidan, this storyline was beyond bland.  Fatima, Chyler and Roundtree were fillers at best and blah! I want Callen and Sam together, with their witty one-liners poking fun at each other.  I want Kensi and Deeks doing similar. Oh, and give us something on Hetty rather than innuendo and hearsay. 

    On this show, they kick ass, not sit behind desks interviewing people. There are car chases and gunfire and explosions. If the actors that play the main 4 don't want to be full time, either make it a shorter, punchier season or pull the plug but give us closure.  

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  14. haven't read the link above, but this episode was boring.  And where were Kensi and Deeks? Again, no explanation too.  I am so disappointed with how this is going.  I would stop watching but have been watching from the beginning and just have to watch until the end.

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  15. I like the new and improved Helm.  I want her back,  I also want her back as Chief Resident.  She will keep the interns on their toes and she will make (hopefully) Schmidt even more likeable. She also seems to have the balls to say what she thinks these days, which is refreshing. (There was a quote to go with this, but when I spelled also incorrectly, I somehow managed to delete it) I hope she is back soon. The interns won't know what has hit them.  Schmidt just yells lately.

    14 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

    Yeah, I tend to think if you are openly telling people how your husband ruined your life, your marriage is in deep trouble. 

    I'm also confused about Zola.  Is she not in what should be several times a week therapy?  Is the only thing being done just looking for a new school?  It seems like her problems run much deeper than her intelligence level. 

    Finally, how does that hospital operate with what appears to be only one senior resident and a small group of interns?  I guess I don't understand how the interns have time to make sex videos and do pumpkin carving when the hospital lacks so much necessary staff. 

    TPTB/writers must have their favourites.  We have chiefs of departments and Winston.  There are no surgeons.  Bailey and Richard would count, if we actually saw them operating, but they are just general surgeons and of late, just wander around the hospital, they rarely do surgeries.  They have kept so many of the older characters (Teddy, Owen) who are becoming redundant and left the hospital with out decent characters whose storylines actually have somewhere to go, other than down the toilet.  April running the ER would have been far more interesting than Teddy.  

    Zola - I don't know what to say here.  I would definitely have thought therapy was a must.  There is a lot they are missing here.  I get this though, they could spend several episodes just on this, but then there would be no hospital scenes.  

    7 hours ago, DEL901 said:

    Why did Bailey take her child Trick or Treating inside the hospital?   I didn’t see anyone else doing that.  

    And there was that throwaway line at the end where Meredith told Zola that they’d start looking for schools outside of Seattle .

    I know, right?  What idiot takes a kid trick or treating in a hospital? Bailey seemed superfluous in this episode.  And Pru.  Why do they keep putting her in a pram?  Surely, she is big enough to walk?  Are they trying to make her younger so she can be Luna's friend, ala Sophia and Zola back in the day?  She is far too big to be using a pram! Then there is the fact that she had already trick or treated.  I know I am in Australia and it isn't a huge thing here, but wouldn't 1 trick or treat excursion be enough for a 4 (guessing her age) year old?  There is only so many sweets and chocolates a kid that age needs.  

    I like how the writers have Maggie and Winston actually talk to each other.  Hopefully, this means they won't head down the married, bitter couple route like T/O.  Their arguing reminds me of the viciousness between Meredith and Derek when he wanted to go to DC to do the brain mapping trials.  It annoyed me when it was done with Mer/Der, it's annoying me even more with T/O.  Either resolve it or break them up! 

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  16. Did they mention where Callen was? This was a bigger mystery to me that who is/was the body stitcher people.  That part of the episode was meh to me.  This one seemed more about the case and no detracting, or in this boring episode, interesting, filler. 

    Like others, Sam's dad and the Arkady references were the only interesting things happening.  Here I was hoping Arkady would come in for banter with Sam.

  17. https://screenrant.com/greys-anatomy-season-19-meredith-exit-storyline-details/?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_campaign=Echobox-GAF&utm_medium=Social-Distribution&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR1PrAKyBW817es_HUkvbaslE4VpFL8ZPRDwF1rbELEGs6TnOBJQr0Gh9cg#Echobox=1666411003 

    Not sure if this belongs here, or in the Media link, but what do we think of Meredith only being in the first 8 episodes? I think I would have preferred random 8 episodes through the season, as they could just have her "behind scenes" managing the hospital. 

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  18. Did anyone else find the start of this episode superfluous rubbish?  It seemed more like filler than actual substance to the episode. 

    What skills does Roundtree have to be working in ops?  I would have thought Fatima was more Ops trained than Roundtree.  What happened to Chyler? 

     Sam taking his dad to a specialist appointment, is that the new excuse for not being in the episode as opposed to making a deposition in court?  Both are kind of lame.  

    Despite enjoying Callen and Anna, this episode was boring.  Last weeks' episode was much better.

  19. 32 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

    They are a teaching hospital.   “Condoning” is not their space…they teach the facts, and some people find the facts uncomfortable, but teens have sex and need to understand consent and pregnancy prevention.  Teaching them how to make it pleasurable and safe for their partners also helps to minimize both unwanted pregnancy and helps the young people understand their own bodies…such as the most effective way to get the pleasure without the risk of pregnancy was taking care of things themselves.  

    I wish they had spent more time on consent…a great chance to teach but with great comedy potential such as the English video using serving tea as a proxy for secular consent.  

    I love the fact that they tried really hard to debunk that porn is not pleasurable sex.  That pleasing your partner is a good thing, not trying to replicate what they see in porn as being the socially acceptable norm.  And then add in the be safe and considerate and don't assume consent is a given, that was a good thing. 

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  20. 3 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

    So do we know which sister married/dated/had a fling with a guy from Barbados?  

    ETA:  I think it's Nancy.  She's the oldest, who lives in Connecticut.  Lucas said he grew up in Connecticut.  Amelia also said she doesn't talk to his mom, and Amelia and Nancy never got along.

    Being Nancy would really explain Addison being thrilled to see Lucas.  In season 2 (I think) or maybe 3, Addison was very excited to see Nancy and they seemed to have a good connection. I have to say I love having Addison back, even as a guest star, I do like the thought of bringing in her hubby and her son too.

    3 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    I had hoped to never see Kai again. But they are back to show neurological tests that Zola can do like no adult that Kai has ever seen in their research. And as everyone ooh'ed and aww'ed over Zola, I cringed. That's not the way to be with a super smart kid.

    This is the most I've ever liked Schmidt. Keep him as a side character, stop the not-funny comic stuff+ and I may learn to tolerate him.

    Better Blue than Linc who appears to be slated for Jo. (Unfortunately because I thought his best pairing was Amelia.)

    Kai doesn't seem to have a personality (IMO).  She seems to be going through the motions more than Ellen Pompeo has done in the last few seasons.  I too preferred Linc with Amelia.  They had decent chemistry.  Jo and Linc are wrong.  I still preferred Alex and Jo (way more than Alex and Izzy).  

    Schmidt seems decent, when he isn't trying to be the Chief Resident. He needs to stop apologising all the time. That is becoming annoying.  

    I love how Griffiths just looked up Lucas and knew who he was.  You would think he would just tell everyone.  They were all misfits and the bottom of the barrel anyway, it's not like he was invited there because he was amazing.  

    I have to admit, I snorted with laughter when Owen went into Teddy at the end and he was trying out all the erogenous zones but really just touched the back of her knee and it was hot and steamy immediately.  Hopefully, we get to have them being civil now and not the ridiculous jibes at each other.  

    Zola...this has been coming for a while.  Maybe she will be accelerated through school like Maggie was?  

    How is it Richard approved Bailey rather than Meredith?  Is he still "Chief of Chiefs"? I would have thought Meredith should have been the one to ask?  I would have also liked to have seen some interaction between Meredith and Bailey and Meredith and Addison too.  Even dinner at Meredith's at the end with Lucas and Addison and Amelia.  That would have been way better than seeing Amelia with Kai.  I was hoping for that anyway.  

    I have to say though, I do maintain that Richard is starting to look old and even a bit frail.  

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  21. I am liking this new season, all but Schmidt.  He's lost his marbles, literally.  Fire him and hire the new and empowered Helm.  She seems to now have found some priorities.  

    I like Adams too.  Even though he doesn't have the "think on his feet" comebacks needed to counteract the other interns thinking he is sleeping with Amelia.  

    I am peeved that we are only getting EP for 8 episodes because I am really liking her so far too.  

    Poor Zola.  What a horrible thing to go through so young.  She needs her Mum around more and same with Maggie.  Maybe that is why Meredith won't  be in as many. 

    I have to say, I love Bailey's hair.  I think she wants back in too, but doesn't know how to say it, even though she has done many other projects and is planting "seeds".

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  22. This was underwhelming. 

    It started with Sam and his dad, then Sam never made it to work.  I would have thought (and hoped) we would have had Callen and Sam banter about Sam's dad while they went about their investigations and Sam could have been witty about Callen's choice of wedding venue. 

    Kensi and Deeks - wow, that was overkill.  The time spent discussing Rosa (is that their foster daughter's name?  I tuned out a little) was worse than listening to the mind-numbing baby discussion.  

    Roundtree and Fatima - they have some chemistry as partners, like Callen and Sam, and Kensi and Deeks.  Why must they insist on mixing up the pairings?  TPTB need to stop making us want something we don't want!

    In terms of the storyline, I believe, they went over the top investigating the janitor. 

    Was Hetty going to be dead?  Of course not, she is forever an urban legend.  She escapes everything, relatively untouched.   

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  23. I liked this episode enough to want to keep on watching.  So many episodes of the last few years, I just want to turn it off and not bother, but this one had enough to keep me engaged the whole time.  

    Like others on here before me, Ellen Pompeo seemed to be actually "there" and not going through the motions, and I did love the part at the end between Meredith and Amelia and the comment about her seeing Amelia in Lucas.  I really wanted to yell at the screen a lot of early Amelia could be contributed to a brain tumour (at least when Meredith first met Amelia), so let's hope we don't head down that route with Lucas.

    I will confess, the others haven't made too much of an impression as yet.  I fear there are a couple who may become annoying... the one who's mother died at the hospital for one.  Jules too, maybe.  

    I think Blue will be interesting.  In terms of dealing with patients, he seems the most polished, but there is a lot of time for him to stuff up yet.  I think the one who was told to shut up, I think I will like her.  And I like Lucas too.  I don't know if it is the related to Derek and Amelia thing, or something else yet, but, in my opinion, he has the potential to be interesting.  Especially because we need to see Richard's reaction with Mer and Amelia over the fact that Lucas said, "It's a beautiful day to save lives." I'm looking forward to that!

    In introducing the new interns, I was so glad the other characters played smaller parts, I think it would have been overwhelming should they have had bigger parts in the first episode. 

    I'm happy Link and Jo are friends again and talking and laughing.  Link seems to be doing a Meredith (season 2-ish when Derek chose Addison) and sleeping through a heap of people, Jules included.  I can imagine Jo's black scrubs getting a much bigger storyline. (Black scrubs a far more practical than pale pink anyway). 

    I like Maggie and Winston, he is a break for her high stress.  They just compliment each other, or at least for me, anyway.  

    Amelia, being a surgeon, I love.  Especially having grown so much as a person to be stable and reliable. She's going to be great with the interns. 

    Richard, I've always liked him, but (and not meaning to be rude or mean) I think he needs to retire.  He's looking old and fragile. All I can say is thank God we didn't have to deal with Catherine in this episode.

    Bailey, she needs to get her butt back into the OR and teach, she's good at it and she was a crappy Chief.  

    Owen and Teddy - separately, as doctors, I like the characters, together, they just annoy me.  As doctors, they both teach interns well and are good mentors, together, they frequently make dumb choices and just are poor communicators.  (Exclude the bit where Owen helped people medically commit suicide without going through the processes - this was compassion over consideration for his medical licence.  

    And then there is Meredith (and Nick).  As I said (and others have said) before, EP wasn't just going through the motions.  Meredith makes a good chief.  I remember early on, when Derek proposed (I think), he said Meredith keeps moving when everyone else can't.  She got the hospital functional again, and, from what I gather, without Richard or Bailey.  Admittedly, to the detriment of her own relationship with Nick (and possibly to the detriment of her relationship with her kids if Zola was asking for Nick's phone number from Maggie, or it just could have been because she seemed sad all the time). Nick being residency director is good.  He seems to have the ability to take young doctors under his wing and nurture them (witness the dr last season who seemed actually capable but obsessed over Bailey.  It would be good if he came back).  He also seemed good with Lucas too. While I still think Mer would have been good with McWidow, I have conceded that is not going to happen and Nick does compliment Mer.  The fact that he walked away for 6 months and didn't do anything showed a greater understanding of her than I had expected.  He knew somehow that she was too stubborn and too busy to be chasing him.  I did want them to kiss in that long line of doctors waiting for organs and shock some people though.  :)  

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  24. This had such potential for drama and a decent storyline, but no, Jack can fly a plane and with help, landed it and they got the pilot to a cath-lab nearby.  It would have been far more dramatic and interesting to crash the plane, have some injuries and be stranded and needing real rescuing.  So much more interesting the many of the other "dramatic" issues in town.  

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