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Everything posted by ForReal

  1. Last night I saw an episode with Hannah. I don't really remember why Booth tried so hard convince himself that he was in love with her, but it was as uncompelling this time as it was last time. I also saw the episode mentioned previously where Booth went sniper mode and was on a table imaging taking a shot. Turns out it was the episode where the Gravedigger was assassinated. I have to say, that was one of the goriest openings of all time. It was interesting how her death impacted everyone. Loved Caroline admitting she was scared in an attempt to make Sweets feel better.
  2. I like McGee when he's reached the point of feeling like he's really on the team instead of about to be sent away all the time. I remember reading a comment once and have observed it to be true how Abby's voice was deeper and she was more of a cool chick instead of a quirky girl. I liked the episodes where Kate has to toughen up to keep up with Gibbs, like when they flew somewhere and she asked where the bathroom was on the plane. Yeah, I like these old episodes.
  3. I remember a fine scene with Booth on a table with his sniper rifle, setting his sites on something outside the window of a big building. Actually, I just remember Booth on the table. I like the Christmas in the lab, can't bear to watch when they are buried, really liked when Mr. VNG dies and she tells him he was always her favorite. I don't recall the fly in Hodgin's neck?
  4. I agree, too. I was fine with Booth being better at reading people -- there is certainly a place for instinct and gut reaction during an investigation, and Bones' all logic, all the time approach would not be successful without it, but it was that Booth "let" her be the smart one so she'd be happy. They both had strengths and weaknesses, and when they appreciated both in each other, they were at their best. I recall times early on where Bones clearly understood social nuances, and then later was almost completely socially inept. So yeah, the writing wasn't even, for any of the characters. In a post somewhere on here, I commented that sometimes Cam rubbed me wrong, but watching shows lately I find she had a sharp wit and delivery that I very much enjoy. Or maybe that's just a quarantine perspective 🙂
  5. I've been watching a lot of Bones lately because it seems to be on all the time, and I have notice afresh how patronizing Booth is to Bones. I was watching an episode where Bones was trying to get better at reading facial expressions so that she could learn to interview people as well as Booth does (with his inherently awesome people skills 🙄). Angela told her that Booth lets Bones be the smart one because he knows how much it means to her, so maybe she should let Booth be the people person. Really? She is the smart one. Certainly, it wouldn't hurt her to acknowledge that other people excel in other areas, but that he "lets" her be the smart one? Please.
  6. The last episode I saw was with Blake and Jean on the bus, which felt hopeful, so when I saw a spoiler about his wife coming back, I wasn't sure I wanted to watch that even if I was able to find the series again. I like Jean's character and definitely would watch her on her own.
  7. I watched the first three seasons and couldn't find four or later. I'll be interested to hear how you like the show.
  8. Even though I thought the therapist was being unprofessional (since his soon-to-be ex didn't seem like she wanted to be an ex), I didn't think Reba should have felt so guilty, since she didn't know he was married. But I figured that was some sort of southern Bible-belt reaction or something.
  9. I just saw the episode where he confessed to Bishop that he was having an affair. The whole exchange was just so flat -- I was sure he was lying about the affair, it just didn't ring true. Now, after watching it again, I think that Bishop's acting was too flat, as well. At the time I thought she was portraying shock, but this time around it just seemed like weak acting. Like I said earlier, it felt like the show had just decided to get rid of him in an expedient way, which unfortunately did not enhance the show in any way.
  10. Ugh, or the one where the therapist with whom Reba gets the hots finally admits that he's still married. What a huge violation of his professional responsibilities, particularly considering he counseled Brock, Barbara Jean, and Reba over the same sort of situation.
  11. That was a sour note for me, that Cheyenne and Van don't seem to realize that they screwed Kyra out of her trip. Brock and Reba's finances are a bit of a mystery. Wasn't there a point where he sold the practice to play golf and Reba got a good chunk of it? And was able to buy Brock and Barbara Jean's place and rent it back to them? And then there was the tax bill that messed with both households' finances. I thought the early years when Reba struggled (remember the food stamps episode) were realistic but kind of downbeat, but I had to laugh when she suddenly became a successful real estate agent. Now there's a career that while it can be financially rewarding, tends to wreak havoc on family life. So, yeah, I over-think this show, too.
  12. I know this is getting to the point where this should go under a different topic, but the other day I saw the episode where Hollis Mann came back for a case. I don't recall exactly how she left, other than an episode where she blew up at Gibbs for something and he had spent the whole time fixing her electrical system or plumbing or something. Anyway, she felt the need to apologize for leaving him, and the whole time I kept thinking, "He doesn't seem like he minds all that much." At the time I thought she was smart to leave, since she clearly need someone more talkative and demonstrative, but feeling the need to come back and clear the air with an apology to Gibbs just underscored why they didn't make it in the first place.
  13. Even though I disliked that particular romance of Gibbs' and skip her episodes, I, too, found it nonsensical that she disappeared out of fear and didn't even give Gibbs a chance to protect her, which is practically his purpose in life. But yeah, oh, well.
  14. Well, the actor did nothing for me, personally, but I also felt that his affair should have been a cover and that their relationship should have failed for other reasons. I mean, even Gibbs liked the man, so it felt...expedient that they offed him that way. It doesn't feel like Bishop has learned anything from her divorce, other than maybe it's better to date a coworker so you have stuff to talk about 🙄
  15. I guess we may never know if she was secretly (or not so secretly) pining for Gibbs or if she and Vance were meant for each other. I didn't mind the actress, but I won't miss her.
  16. Are you talking about Jared? I liked him a lot, but he was underutilized, especially when he came back in the last season.
  17. I got AcornTV for Doc Martin, but I've really enjoyed Brokenwood Mysteries, too. I've found some of the music on Spotify. I believe there is another season of Brownwood coming, isn't there? I like the Australian and New Zealand shows a lot, but I wish there were more people to discuss it with. I am watching the final season of Seachange right now and have lots of thoughts on it. I also really liked The Good Karma Hospital. Such a nice change in scenery from U.S. shows.
  18. ITA. I am liking imagining the show without judges, just a host, and voting determining who moves on. It's not a competition anymore. I felt the same way. I thought from the start she would win because she's the total package -- not the package that has what it takes to be a successful entertainer, but the package that makes her the perfect winner of TV show like AI. I liked her, I liked her song in Hawaii the best, but I doubt I'll be hearing her again in my music-listening future.
  19. I follow a FB page on Acorn TV/Doc Martin, and they say a tenth season has been confirmed. Plus this: https://www.newsroom24.co.uk/2020/04/11/doc-martin-series-10-is-officially-going-ahead-details/
  20. I like Ruth better than Joan, too, because she seems more like Martin and seems to understand him better. Plus she makes me laugh!
  21. I always saw Tony and Kate as sibling-like. The only time I ever saw her look at a coworker with some heat was the time she bumped up against Gibbs in the submarine doorway when the boat dipped, and who can blame her. I don't recall her looking at Tony like that. Being an only and lonely child, I could see Tony enjoying the big sister aspect of their relationship, and I figured that was why he named his fish Kate. With Ziva, I always saw it more as a true friendship that grew into something more in the end. She saw past his buffoonery and he saw past her badassery. I didn't see chemistry, but they both went through some stuff and stood by each other and I can buy that they chose to be together in the end.
  22. Hopefully Lionel will take a paternal interest in Just Sam's career and help her out. He seems to adore her, and I believe she can find work as a sing-ger. I'm just not sure I'll ever hear her on the radio (at least on the stations I listen to).
  23. I often wonder if perhaps Alejandro DID win last year, but declined first place. I seem to recall that he bailed out of a trip to NY to be on Ryan's show because he had a fear of flying. Maybe they all agreed that his being the American Idol wouldn't be positive experience for him (or the show). Regardless, it seems like Laine has received little love from AI, which is a weird way to treat a winner.
  24. I thought that, too, especially Luke Bryan in his barn-styled office.
  25. Wouldn't that create an interesting dilemma for her and Fez, I mean Torres.
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