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Everything posted by Reghan

  1. Sashbra is going to be a thing now...............
  2. Well that escalated quickly........Carol you could do so much better!
  3. Where the hell did he find cigarettes in the zombie apocalypse? If he smokes as much as I think he does he should have run out months ago.......
  4. Rick: "Damnit Morgan! That's it, go to the timeout room!"
  5. Aww Carol you remembered how much Sam loves in ant cookies!
  6. They're backkkk! Now Sasha and Abraham can pretend to not flirt...
  7. Walking Dead is looking way to happy for an apocalypse show.. XD
  8. Looked like a commercial at first... I was like...really with the commercials already...Dx
  9. Yeah haha I remembered that much. I figured something out haha. thanks though :)
  10. I need help ASAP. Can anyone tell me Garcia's favorite foods? I'm struggling with this chapter haha.
  11. Thomas Gibson did a fabulous job directing. This was a pretty episode to look at (If that makes any sense).... I'm super pumped for episode 18! Matthew Gray Gubler directed and Kirsten+Erica written. I loved Nelson's Sparrow and I'm excited to see where they take this one. This wasn't as good as I hoped, but it definitely wasn't bad... I'm just sad that we have to wait till the 16th for episode 17. Enough with the waiting game....
  12. It could have used more scenes with the team, but other than that I really liked it! Garcia trying to walk up the hill in heels..HAHAHAHA so accurate!
  13. I feel like I'm the only one that actually liked it...... I generally am most of the time these days haha.
  14. Here we go guys! Please let this be good!!!!!
  15. I agree with Mariana, schools shouldn't have to put trigger warnings on everything. If a student has an issue with something than they can go to the teacher privately to discuss alternatives. I mean seriously they'd have to put trigger warnings on literally every book we read.
  16. Considering I had to read Romeo and Juliet in 9th grade....I mean I'm pretty sure most people had to read it. If it's a trigger than don't go see it.....duh. Problem solved.
  17. He has an accent too!!! omg jesus <3
  18. Maybe that's why Daryl isn't showering. Why shower if you're gonna die?
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