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34 Excellent
  1. F**king Arya!
  2. I predict that Carrie will either employ the hacker or what's on his laptop (with Max's help).
  3. So, since Dany and Jon are unaware of their real genealogical relationship (she is his aunt/he is the heir), and they had a fling and Dany got pregnant, then the child would Jon's first cousin and his child, whilst for Dany it would be her child and grand niece/nephew. The child would also be the heir to throne in either case. This could more fun than Cersei and Jamie and their kids/nieces/nephews.
  4. Battle ground goofs - Wondered about that as well. Not unlike Rickon not running a Serpentine pattern from Bastard Bolton. Like, if I had the dragons I would only use them to attack the fleet where it would be difficult to fire that crossbow them. Stay away from the castles. Right. It is not that Theon is weak; he is, but he is smart enough to know and accept that fact. More to the point, he knew that he really could not save Yara, so what is the point of giving Euron the pleasure of killing them both? This way he has a chance for revenge, and then he will die exacting it. Nor does he really care about what people think of him, it is what he thinks of him. Ever since the very first episodes when Arya and Nymeria parted company, you knew there would be this reunion - what a beautiful scene. No, Nymeria can't come with her. But you know that Nymeria (and her pack)will follow Arya from a distance and protect Arya when it matters. Ellaria Sand will poison someone we don't like.
  5. I love the fact that Mr Wrench is back and I'll bet he is thrilled to be working with Nikki, a partner equal to, if not smarter than, his prior partner, Mr Numbers. This series just has the smartest bunch of criminals. I hope Gloria, Winnie, Nikki and Wrench make it through the next episode
  6. I don't get why it wasn't easier for Varga & co. to kill Nikki and then disappear her and Ray (and have missing persons issue) an instead set up NIkki with the police as a murder suspect - she is too clever to get caught in that. Especially with Gloria and Winnie at the table. I forgot, did they remove the stamp from the crime scene?
  7. They had just met - a quick fling - Kevin did not know her name.
  8. Prediction :Kevin Sr., Grace, and company shall kill Kevin Jr who shall arise from the dead in Miracle on the day of the seven year anniversary of the Departure.
  9. "So the right winger radio guy is totally in Dar's scheme. Don't get yourself killed, Max!" I actually think that Dar is in the right winger radio guy's scheme. All Dar wanted was to be appointed Director by convincing Keane that he was the guy. But as insidious and sneaky as he has been, he gets played again, by Alex Jones. Back to Duh!!!!. Glad to see the good guys get some points on the board. Quinn will kill the bad guys and probably die doing it. Worried about Max. Where did Alex Jones get the funding for that troll operation? Like from the Koch Brothers How was Quinn able to tap into Dar's presumably secure phone? And he can obviously pick a lock with one hand? - Ha! - Movie magic!
  10. Well, now we're f*@%ed! Running out of good guys. Was Astrid out on leave or does the German FIS know about this? A cringer.
  11. Keane is the only way out. Keane on the phone looked like someone who knew they were being tapped - the way she blew off Carrie - Keane knows something is up. So its Saul to Carrie to Javadi and Keane vs Dar'a black on black ops team plus the incumbent President. Just can't figure out why Astrid and Quinn haven't figured Dar out.....and joined the rest of the club. Long shot - Quinn kills Dar.
  12. Dar shall be fired (or arrested), Javadi arrested or killed on US soil, Tova will be arrested by Luskin, Keane will appoint Saul as head of the CIA...Not sure about Carrie, Quinn, Astrid or that Deep Black ops company. A really good Season
  13. Keane becomes more interesting. What happens to the FBI agent's body? Is it discovered or washed? Carrie has his gun so the staged suicide just went out the window. The bad guy must have seen Carrie so why didn't just go and pop her at home? Carrie saw the guy so why would she just go home knowing he has been watching them? That company could only exist with full support of the CIA/NSA unless we have a'Parallax View' scenario with a rogue military and senator. So, in the end, Carrie will gather Saul, Astrid and Keane will save the day and Dar and Tovah will pay.
  14. Great episode. Carrie’s been played again. The hostage drama. The rock thrower and the sentimental shot in the arm. Carrie jumping on Quinn to save him. Dar almost surprised at Saul’s theory that the Iran thing may be a Mosad foil, and again at Saul’s seeing Javadi - again, Dar is so evil, and if not he is Duhhhh??? And finally, Carrie’s last minute finding Quinn’ phone in the rubble. What did Quinn mean by his comment to Carrie about the SWAT team – ‘They’re not cops.” Has the PEOTUS really been kidnapped or is this SOP? If Dar is the only bad guy here, then it is too easy. What of Sekou’s two Muslin brothers at his work place? Who was that weird woman chaperoning the PEOTUS?
  15. I think that the guys watching Carrie are FBI, and not CIA and do not, therefore, may not know who Quinn is. If they were Dal's black ops guys they would. I don't feel that Dar has been driving the Sekou bus. Disagree that it was the other guys at work placed the bomb. They're like Sekou, lite stuff. Although the bomb certainly adds underscoring to his case with the pres elect.
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