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  1. Been thinking the same thing. The recaps sound like they were written by Kris.
  2. Eff you Reza. You show your ass more with each installment of these train wreck reunion shows. Reza's tears ... not buying any of it. Him yelling at GG "get off MY show! Get off MY show!" Didn't know Andy had renamed this crap-fest "Reza's Shahs of Sunset".
  3. Yes! Tamara needs to discuss this with Heather. Definitely a more interesting storyline than any of the current boring Vicki/Brianna/Kelly and her creepy Voldemort husband crap. It would be a great opportunity for Terry Dubrow to get some more of his coveted screen time too. On Botched Terry has often times mentioned that either he or one of his associates does both nipple tattoos (post revision of boob jobs originally done cheaply in 3rd world countries) and also belly button tattoos (post tummy tuck revisions). He raves about how realistic the results are. Get on this Tamra - your bikini shots look so odd, plus you'll get more screen time.
  4. I finally figured out who Kelly's husband reminds me of. He looks like Voldemort.
  5. RE: Kanye video diary. Now that the creative genius has conquered the music and fashion industry <snort>, I believe his gigantic delusional ego has plans in place to become the next great documentary film maker. Adding film star, director, and film producer to the list in his bloated head of "stuff I know I'm the best in the world at". In addition to the BS spiel that Kim gave in this episode about how "Kanye loves giving young videographers the opportunity to tag along and film" , in the previous episode Kim bragged about how he has someone video taping everything he says and does 24/7 whenever he's in the studio, etc. (they showed video clips from his recording studio during that episode trying to bolster his side of the Taylor vs Kanye crap).
  6. I had to switch over and watch Goodfellas (for the 8-10th time probably) on another channel b/c Vicki is just insufferable. She's worse than ever. Crap, I believe the BS and loyalty of mobsters like Paul Cicero, Tony Stacks, Jimmy Conway, and Johnny Roastbeef more than ANYTHING coming out of Vicki's mouth. I did catch most of the "heart to heart" talk between Tamra and Vicki. I'm not a big Tamra fan in past seasons, but dayum ... I was sitting here watching that exchange with my jaw dropped just like Tamra. Un-frinkin-believable that Vicki is not one bit contrite, not willing to admit any wrong doing, and has the balls to continue to try to turn every detail of her and Brooks GIANT LIES back and place the blame on the other women. The OG from the OC is well past her expiration date and needs to be off this show. And no, adding Brianna as a cast regular does not invoke any sympathy for Vicki if that's the angle she's using as her story line this season. I can't watch the OC franchise anymore - done. I will follow along the de-lish snark here after episodes.
  7. $$ for the Koven's koffers.
  8. So Blak Chyna has announced that her goal is to gain 100 pounds during this pregnancy. There are clips on ET and elsewhere that show her cooking and eating some very rich, stuffed with extra butter large cuts of meat. (didn't post any food pix of anything green or remotely healthy looking diet). She steps on the scales and is tres excited that at 4 & 1/2 months she has already gained more than 25 pounds - and just can't wait to pack on another 75 pounds in the next 4-5 months. My intent is not fat shaming ... but there is no obstetrician or doctor that would encourage actively trying to gain 100 pounds as a pregnancy goal. Yes, some women will gain that much weight while pregnant - but doctors will tell them during every monthly check-up to slow down with the calorie intake for health reasons for both baby & mom. Wonder if Rob will add 100 pounds of "pregnancy sympathy weight"?? http://lifestyle.one/heat/celebrity/news/blac-chyna-reveals-much-weight-gained-4-months-pregnancy/
  9. Yes, yes, and yes Trooper York. This post and your other post just one just previous to this one are spot on. John is in a no-win situation. He actually did the right thing when upon witnessing that drunk, loud, and obnoxious Rey was inappropriate and was harassing his invited guests tried to get him out of there. John initially approached him pretty discreetly to steer him towards the door and avoid drama. Rey was having none of that and amped everything up. Sonja and then Ramona jumping into the fray - Sonja for the camera time and Ramona because she's a drunk idiot. John raising his hand in front of Ramona did not bother me. He didn't touch her, just set a boundary that the crazed drunk fool needed to back the hell up. She was the one getting all up in Johns face screaming with spit flying and her arms flailing. Run John run!! You do not need this crap. Every week you get the 'outer borough loser edit' by Bravo. That's the role they cast you into and it's never going to change in this show. Dorinda hopping in a taxi and leaving you and your party should be the last straw to your relationship with her. She was in complete agreement with you about Rey and Ramona needing to be shown the door, even going outside and calling out Ramona yet again. But then Dorinda once again turns on John. Dorinda is not good girlfriend material. She gets all up in arms when any of the women say anything about him, and then turns around and leaves John every time. Mario cut his losses when escaping Ramona, John needs to dump Dorinda and get off the reality show.
  10. About Edgar Hansen. Does anyone else remember a few weeks back one of those 5-10 min "after the catch" (or whatever the small one-on-one interview shows after the main hour long show are titled)that featured Edgar? I've looked for it online and can't find it now. I've only seen it air once. Edgar seemed kinda burnt out on Bering Sea crabbing and lamenting that he knew on the Northwestern he would always be 2nd in command/business decision making to #1 Sig. He wasn't putting Sig down or anything, just sounded like he was re-assessing his life and which direction he wanted to proceed. Wanted more family time, less long hauls away from them. Edgar mentioned wistfully that as soon as that trip was over he was very much looking forward to returning to Florida and his multiple investment properties there. I think he also mentioned he has a charter fishing biz in FL. Just doing a quick google and twitter search ... Edgar's name does come up connected to rental properties in Key West, Siesta Key, and others. Edgar just doesn't seem as into crabbing As he used to be portrayed on the show .... JMO. Sounds like he does have some interesting business and investments in FL. If so, I wish him well.
  11. Agree. In fact if my memory is correct from last nights show I believe the #'s that Edgar/Northwestern brought in for this trip were about the same # of pounds that Sean caught. I'll pay closer attention when I re-watch this episode, but I think the numbers that Mike Rowe quoted when going thru "pounds per ship" at the end of the show that he said The Northwestern had a total of 170-180K pounds for this catch. Very close to what Sean was able to bring in to process on time too.
  12. Monster storm. These guys all have my respect for being able to do this work. REALLY enjoying rookie Capt. Sean and the Breanna A. Smart & ambitious 23 y/o. You could tell he was dreading making that call to Sig to let him know he was 20,000 pounds short of his promised quota - so happy that Sig was cool and seems to recognize the hard worker that Sean is and wants to continue their working relationship next season. (it helped that Sig knew how bad the weather conditions were b/c he'd been in communications with Edgar after the Northwestern deck hand made his whiny call to tattle about Edgar).
  13. Yep. owls, coins, medallions ... oh my. Santa Muerte is a form of cult /worship in parts of Mexico. Daniel would be aware of it as well b/c of his Central American roots. Likely why he curtly answered "No" when Celia asked him if he was praying as he stood in front of that owl alter and also why he recognized the owl coin and quickly tossed it overboard. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Muerte
  14. Lots of info at link below about the practice of Santa Muerte, in Mexico. Some of the symbolism from this episode seem to be present here - owl statue, coins (owl on the coin that was tossed overboard), and much more. Daniel would be aware of Sante Muerte culture b/c of his Central American roots, which explains his standing in front of the owl memorial and answering "No" when Celia asked if he was praying and also him throwing the owl coin overboard quickly. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Muerte Santa Muerte "Nuestra Señora de la Santa Muerte or, colloquially, Santa Muerte (Spanish for Holy Death or Sacred Death), is a female folk saint venerated primarily in Mexico and the Southwestern United States. A personification of death, she is associated with healing, protection, and safe delivery to the afterlife by her devotees."
  15. The John screen time on RH-NYC is comparable to yucky Ken screen time on the RH-BH. Cannot stand that LVP has no storyline that doesn't include Ken ALWAYS attending functions and inserting his dickish opinion on everything and everyone, he annoys the hell outta me. So now Dorinda is now never without John always attending functions (a bra party, really?) and bringing the drama.
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