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Rock knocker

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Everything posted by Rock knocker

  1. Good point about the governor. The turbine is meant to be able to be cabled down for maintenance, which will be really exciting while bear holds the winch down with his chin. The blades are clearly not balanced, so that is going to be fun. If it was turning as fast as shown last night I would expect something to fail. I think the barter deal included everything we saw erected at the turbine site, which includes the pipe column and truss. Which if true pushes the price into the tens of thousands of dollars. Wet doug fir at random dimensions isn't going to be worth much more than $1.10/bf, with the cedar less than triple that. So youb do the math.
  2. They traded some wood for it. Good catch about the wind, trees and the spinning turbine. They just reversed the juice on the generator and turned it into a motor for looks
  3. Is this really a Alaskan Bush People post?
  4. He left an episode or two ago to "do something I have to do, in the lower 48".
  5. 12' long by one foot nominal width by one inch nominal thickness is twelve board feet. You have to remember that board feet is a measure of volume. Five thousand board feet is a lot, and if you noticed, they didn't talk about the dimensions. If you cut a bunch of 2x3's, and the other individual need floor joists, then what? But to think you could cut 5000bf of standing lumber with no tractor in four days is not believeable.
  6. The boat has a diesel engine and probably only a 12v electrical system. Given all the problems they have shown us with the ill-maintained batteries and boat electrical, a method of charging the batteries independent of the boat isn't a bad idea. Did you notice how nice the concrete forms for the turbine base were? With nicely placed and bent rebar? And then the folks who started to mix the concrete are limited to only using fists and forearms as tools. You gotta wonder why they didn't actually show the Brown's making the forms, bending the bar and pouring the concrete? You don't think that some hired hands drove eight miles from town on the roads that google earth show just behind Brown Town and did all that work do you? Next week Noah shacks up. Will his chivalry survive?
  7. It is truly a rare opportunity one has to appear mentally and emotionally stilted on national TV
  8. General felonies, misdemenor DV and addiction to controlled substances are disqualifing issues.
  9. That Detroit Diesel engine is fully mechanical, meaning that it needs zero electricity to run after it is started. On the show the showed the engine grinding to a stop, which it wouldn't have done, and Billy and Noah working in the engine room while the engine was off. They also showed the boat slowing when the problem happened, which may or may not occur depending on the throttle (air, cable and linkage, hydraulic, etc). How did the engine room get so quite? Only a fool would shut a running engine down in that situation, it's running, keep it going.
  10. I'm just so pissed that this needs it's own topic From Feb 1, 2017 1) We start the episode off with Bear cleaning his 1911. He does this by pointing the gun straight at his chest and cycling the action multiple times. Even Mr Cupcake disaproved of the potentially lethal way of treating even a demonstrably unloaded weapon. 2) Then Bear asks for cooking oil so he can pour it on his several hundred dollar gun to lube it up. Do I need to point out how dumb that is? 3) Rain and Matt go hunting, and lacking binoculars, they use their scopes on their rifles to see what is rustling in the woods. You never scope anything with your rifle mounted scope that you don't want to shoot. Lacking binoculars? Either save your pennies or squint real hard. 4) Rain and almost shoot a deer standing on a road. I don't know about Alaska, but everywhere else shooting on or along a trail or road is illegal. There is no reason to believe that the road wasn't in use.
  11. This link here will be a game changer. It shows just how remote Freddy's mine is, and why they had to bring a crew out from Oregon. It is so remote that folks can only handle the arera for a little bit of time, much like deep sea diving. https://summitcountyvoice.com/2012/02/03/fairplay-gold-mine-critics-get-help-from-udall-bennet/
  12. Saul's sister sure doesn't sound like she's from (rural?) Indianana
  13. He's so broken down Ami could kick his ass whe she was broken down.
  14. I don't think water would remove the fingerprints without scrubbing, which there seems to have been none. But we've also seen in Noah's version of events Noah talking to a non-existatnt Gunther, cutting a non-existant Gunther, being stalked by somebody not there, writing about killing his mother when he didn't write about that. Just because his version showed him raping Helen is not really a reason to think that happened.
  15. But Helen's version didn't end that way. I think in his mind he thinks he's a rapist.
  16. The cops couldn't figure out it was a self inflicted wound? Those cops will never make the Law & Order crew.
  17. And the tower..... Why do all that with a dog underfoot? That's just dangerous and imperils the poor pooch, cause they don't know what "run like hell" means. Did you notice that they got the tower up about 40%, into a rickety and unsafe position, and then they all congratulated themselves and called it good.
  18. How long before the actress playing Noah's girlfriend freaks out at his inability to speak English? He can't even say similar (there's no u in it you idiot!) No Ami at all in this episode.
  19. After a lifetime in construction, that was the first inspector I ever saw at his desk in a suit looking like a lawyer, complete with law books piled up behind him. Normally you would expect boots, plad shirt and jeans, with the reading material consisting of worn NEC, IBC or IRC. And maybe some plans up for review.
  20. Tony fires the captain, and then makes noise that he'll have Gene run the barge. Only problem, is that you have to be a licensed captain to do that. Busted
  21. Dadgummit, I thought moment was right and the butter churning was going to morph into a Cialis™ momemt, or better yet, an actual paying Cialis™ commercial.
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