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M. Darcy

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Everything posted by M. Darcy

  1. 4/5 with one * Somehow I knew Friday’s FJ :-)
  2. I am taking it as a personal affront that all 3 missed FJ.
  3. I’m actually reading The Twelve Caesars right now!
  4. My thought process for FJ - dish? What dish?? Oh! Hasty Pudding! Old theme songs?! Old! That’s just cruel Jeopardy. Heh, I have a feeling I would have sung all my responses.
  5. My guess was Amazing Grace even though I knew it was wrong from having seen the movie. But it was the only English Hymn I could think of.
  6. Aw, no one knew Possession. Wonderful book - the movie not so much (the Victorian portions were good, the modern painful to watch).
  7. Perfect week - perfectly wrong! 0/5 :-(
  8. Perfect week so far! Not one FJ correct!
  9. I am so glad Rachel spent so much time pointing out exactly who Rumsfeld was. I was afraid all with all the other big news yesterday, it might get lost in the shuffle and it wouldn’t be covered.
  10. I thought it was 1793 - I figured Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette getting executed might have moved others up the line of succession in other countries. Especially since she was Austrian.
  11. No, Frank Sinatra was also in the clip. She was just pointing out the guy who most people would think looked familiar. Heh, I just think more about the guy from Barney Miller.
  12. Heh, when Rachel showed the clip from The Manchurian Candidate and said someone would look familiar, I immediately thought of James Gregory (Deputy Inspector Luger from Barney Miller). But I guess Frank Sinatra is a bit more famous :-)
  13. My thought process for FJ was Camelot, Camelot, Clarence, Camelot....oh yes! Camelot!
  14. DC is a few episodes ahead. It’s a many years old spoiler but just in case
  15. That wedding was the greatest thing ever! And as always, Pat’s comment made it perfect.
  16. I’ve seen some of the Vivien Leigh items on display at the V&A. Coupling! It’s a great show. For Sherlock/Doctor Who fans it’s written by Steven Moffat and was inspired by his and Sue Vertue’s relationship.
  17. Wow. That was something. Heh though honestly, not knowing A Room With A View should disqualify you as champ immediately.
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