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  1. Yeah, that was my thoughts also. It sorta like they did in season 2 also. Jemma put her hand on Fitz's knee and everything was alright. My fingers crossed that this sweeping everything under the rug won't work long term for her/them. I have little faith though.
  2. Not really news that she is on the show but the picture and the description of her being street-wise makes be think she is an undercover cop, perhaps drug related (it is Colombia after all). Maybe 3x11 starts out with a criminal trying to escape and then we see a him a "Flash" moment, him being captured by a woman and then she is gone. We've already seen Joey as a newbie. We don't need a new one. Having Yo-Yo be a trained law enforcement agent having already had her abilities for some time makes the transition easier and can perhaps create conflict with Daisy down the road as to whom should be in charge. A 23 year old hacker with limited experience or a seasoned cop/undercover agent. We know from spoilers that Daisy will be dealing with leadership issues in 3B.
  3. Which I hate. It made sense with some of the other time jumps they have done but there is too many emotional consequences this time to not deal with them The article said Fitz and Coulson would deal with the aftermath from what happened on Maveth. Are they going to put their thought about it on hold for 3 months? Are Fitz and Simmons not going to talk during that time either? Well, of course they will but in stead of showing us they are just going to tell us which I find very unsatisfying.
  4. Malik does think a few steps ahead which is why he needed Coulson alive to send FitzSimmons to the warehouse. He isn't clairvoyant so there is no way he foresaw Coulson diving through the portal just before they closed it.
  5. I don't see why it would go after Jemma or any SHIELD member. I think it just wants to destroy/rule the world and then use it's host's memories to it's advantage when it comes to dealing with the team. I hope they don't mess with Jemma for the rest of the season. Let her get over what happened and have things happen around her and not to her. I want that for the whole team actually. For the most part I want the drama to be externally and not internally. The only internal conflict I want besides FitzSimmons (because that seems to be a given every season) is Fitz/Coulson dealing with what happened on the planet and maybe Lincoln's dark past coming back to cause trouble for "Laisy".
  6. I don't want a long time jump either but like a week would be fitting. I want to see Jemma go through the stages of grief but I don't need to see the first few days. The can just have an scene explaining her behavior. The denial stage isn't so interesting imo. It's more the Guilt to Acceptance that I want to see and could provide some angst for FitzSimmons.
  7. It think it's hilarious and a testament to how little they must know we care about "Laisy" that the only real spoiler revolves around them. He could have said we would see the grumpy cat mug again this season and that would have had more people excited.
  8. So this isn't exactly a spoiler, more of a clarification so I put it here without tags. The scene at the end with FitzSimmons there was an editing mistake. If you look closely you can see Fitz in the module for a brief moment which alters the scene completely because if Jemma had seen Fitz then she goes to the pod only looking for Will. That isn't the case. Jeff Bell said that the way it was meant to be interpreted is that Jemma doesn't see Fitz and approaches the pod to look for both or one more than the other. She turns around, sees Fitz and is thrilled he made it back but also sad Will didn't. I hope this clears things up for people. You can listen to the podcast here. He also talks about Ward, Coulson and the secret warriors.
  9. Just like Ward came to a point where he wasn't redeemable, I think we're past the point with Fitz and Simmons being happy nerds again - or at least for quite some time. There is so many emotions and feelings that needs to sorted out first. However I would like for them to get together and be happy before the series finale. I want a few episodes of fluff after all the angst.
  10. For all the faults Jemma might have kissing Fitz and going in for a third as he pulled away while knowing all she wants is Will isn't in her imo. She loves Fitz, that much I think we have seen in 3x07 and 3x08. She also only talked about Fitz in 3x10. There is a lot of complicated emotions going on. As Jed said in an interview today: In the scene in this episode it's a mix of sadness and relief. Of course she is sad that Will is dead or still there (at this point she don't his fate) but she is also relieved that Fitz came back.
  11. Sorta spoilers: Jed Whedon on last night's episode and some teasers for the next part of the season. Link!
  12. I laughed out loud at your side note - totally agree. As for FitzSimmons, I actually thought of a scenario based on Fitz feeling maybe not unworthy but a consolation price. It's in their thread. Maybe gimme your thoughts? :)
  13. My feelings after the episode was the calm before the storm. The spoilers leading up to the episode pointed to Ward but somehow other people got into my head that Fitz could die or be possessed. It was an irrational fear as fear often is. Needless to say, I was relieved, calm after the episode. Then someone said Fitz was visible for a second and Jemma approached the module to see if Will was in there and then the scene could be interpreted differently, especially from Fitz. So as I lay my head on the pillow to catch a few hours of sleep the storm started inside my head. We know there is more angst coming. There kind of has to dealing with the aftermath of everything that happened and culminated in 3x10. The storm in my head lead me to a scenario which I think is a very plausible outcome and progression of their feelings as they are now. So hear me out and some may not like it. It is specific because that is how I spec hehe. Might even turn this into a fanfic. 3x11: We come back after a few days, maybe a week has passed. Jemma is dealing with the loss of Will and the guilt she must have for him dying saving her. She has a scene with someone (I hope Daisy) where she explains what she is going through (indicates she knows Will gave up his life for her and how he died) and that Fitz is giving her a wide berth. Jemma thinks he is just giving her space to grieve. Later on we get a Jemma/Fitz scene where they make small talk - are you okay and such. Fitz is distant and leaves as soon as the subject goes to Will or feelings or similar. He leaves and Bobbi (whom has witnessed their interaction) tells her it can't be easy for Fitz and he might think he is the consolation price. Jemma says that isn't how she feels but she needs time to heal before she can pursue a relationship with Fitz. Bobbi lets her know she might want to tell him that. Then the heartbreaking scene. Very late in the episode, Jemma seeks out Fitz and tells him she wants a relationship with him, she just needs some time (maybe the L word is mentioned for the first time). She tells him to believe her when she says she wants him. Fitz says that's the problem, he doesn't believe her. He can't be with her knowing she wishes he was Will, that he will forever live in his shadow. He turns to leave as Jemma grabs his wrists to make him stay. He tells her to let him go, figuratively and literally and walks away. As I said heartbreaking. I think their feelings here is natural from what we have seen so far in S3. While Jemma needs to grieve for Will and rid herself of the guilt, she still loves Fitz and he in return saw her walking towards the module, cry in his arms and perhaps be very messed up the first few days following. Neither is really to blame for how they feel here, I think. Fitz walking away like that seems plausible to me even if he is so in love with her. That might be the most "forced" thing about this scenario but it can be done in a believable way imo. Now as for the rest of S3 or part of it, we see them working together with the team, their relationship on the back burner but not gone as we see hints of them trying to move on. Some have said we needed Jemma to pine for Fitz a bit and we could see that here. She loves him and she tries to let him go but she can't. Eventually they get together though. It could happen in a number of ways but in my head Fitz overhears Jemma talking to Bobbi/Daisy saying that she is at peace with what happened with and to Will. She has moved on but she hasn't moved on from Fitz. She is still in love with him and she doesn't know what to do (wouldn't it be "fitting" if Fitz hears the L word for the first time when she isn't actually saying it to him? hehe). Fitz later on approaches Jemma and asks if she really meant what she said to Bobbi/Daisy and we get kisses and happiness. What Jemma tells Bobbi/Daisy is what I think Fitz needs to hear and he can't get that from Jemma in 3x11 because she would be lying and Fitz wouldn't believe her anyway. Any thoughts?
  14. She was looking for Fitz and Will. When she saw Fitz she was surprised he was there. The eye-movement gave it away. She really thought none of them made it back. Then she was filled with a mix of relief and sadness which was great to see. Their story isn't over yet so we'll see how it pans out in 3 months.. argh 3 months.. so many days!
  15. The showrunners knew Ward was HYDRA when they hired Brett. They said in a recent podcast that Ward being HYDRA was foreshadowed as early as the pilot. They didn't say what in the pilot was meant as foreshadowing though.
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