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Everything posted by Hiacios

  1. I don't know about you guys, but I'd rather be around a person that annoys the shit out of me than a person who literally puts shit in my water.
  2. Just because supposedly 99% of people on Reddit don't like Alex and Gina doesn't mean that they aren't liked more than Cody and Makani and given the recent events on the show I think it's quite obvious that Cody and Makani fan base plummeted.
  3. No, Alex was going to offer Makani some pizza at the 2nd group buy but Makani kept acting standoffish towards them and acting like she is better than them. She put herself in that position by not communicating or tying to make friends with the other campers because she has this am better than you attitude. SMH. She then goes and allies herself with Cody and Chris knowing that the 4 campers don't like those 2 there for putting herself at a disadvantage early in the game. Makani is the type of person who doesn't feel that she should be held accountable for her actions against others. I absolutely hate those types of people who think that way!
  4. "they own it" LMAO! They don't own up to anything they have done on the show and they wont after it ends. Cody and Makani are the most hypocritical, conniving lowlifes I have ever seen on TV. Examples of their hypocrisy: Makani was standoffish to the 4 campers and constantly antagonized them, she left the 2nd group buy and didn't vote for the tent but expected to use it then she later steals their food and tent and goes and spends 30k on her temptations after she critisied them for every pizza and hamburger they got. SMH. Cody tells the viewers on episode 1 that his plan is to get rid of everybody so he can get all the money, convinces the majority to not get anything at the first group buy so he can make them quit, he tells everybody that he doesn't need the money but then goes on to criticizes the 4 campers for spending the money on the tent, pizza, hamburgers, when he spends 15k after 15k on his, Chris, and Makani's temptations. What a complete hypocrite.
  5. Here is what Alex had to say about the episode. https://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/2017/04/mtv-stranded-thrive-nugget-alex-apple/ Here is Alex answering a question about the rules of the game. Bruce, thanks for writing in. There are two simple rules. The rest is left to the cast’s own whims and reactions. Majority rules at a group buy (i.e. can’t purchase anything that a majority does not vote for). You cannot physically touch, push or endanger another cast member to use or destroy an item. If no one is around it, use it or destroy it as you please. Furthermore, you could not steal an item while others were on a temptation. Those were the basic rules, so other than that, you’re merely seeing authentic reality of how we all reacted. It’s one of the best parts about the show (that it delivers more authentic “reality” television). Crew members are not around nearly as much as other shows, and the people playing the game are not constrained by a copious amount of rules. Now from what I understand Cody and Makani premeditated putting their shit in the water to poison Alex and Gina thus endangering them so I don't get how Cody and Makani are still in the game?
  6. Yep, I have said from the start of the show that those 2 are vile, conniving individuals but people on here kept defending them. SMH. It's great to be validated!
  7. I'm so glad Laurel is gone, man so is such a bad person.
  8. No you're not the only one who thinks that. I personally don't see why Stassi wants to be friends with a person who thinks that she is better than everybody and constantly has a bitch face. Fuck Tom and Ariana they are imo the worse people on the show.
  9. You are completely wrong: Alex was getting water from the stream when Cody came over to him to brag about the 15k temptation he and Makani took and then he told Alex that he was going to wash his ass in the stream in which Alex got up and left and said that he wasn't getting water from that stream again. Cody is a psychopathic who only cares about himself and will do whatever it takes to win that include putting his shit in the water to poison his competition. You cannot defend his actions because they are that of a psychopath. This looks like an interesting show, thanks for posting it.
  10. I want to know what the winners of DWTS margin of victory were. Why won't ABC release the final results for previous seasons?
  11. Basically, Nelson made a deal with both Cory and Shane but tricked them both by going for his bell instead. Cory is a snake who has screwed over people on this show numerous times but when it happens to him he can't stand it. lol.
  12. Yeah, she only acts that way because of who she has to deal with, Camilla, Laurel, and Nicole. It's like people on here expect her to stand down everytime one of those bitches pops off at her.
  13. Here is an excerpt of what Alex had to say about this episode. No pot, no problem The previous episode left viewers with a bit of a cliffhanger as the pot was stolen by our opponents hoping to starve out Gina and me or force us into dehydration. Cody is laughably obsessed with what he perceives as our dehydration. Unfortunately for him, each camp has dozens, if not hundreds, of water sources, if you just know where to look. As the tide recedes in Fiji, fresh water springs up through the sand in small running ripples. In order to obtain water, all one has to do is test the small streams coming up through the sand. At least half are fresh water, good to drink, purified by the sand. Upon arrival at camp eight, the short-sighted play to dehydrate Gina and me hit another roadblock. There is a giant freshwater stream extending from a waterfall deeper into the jungle. The water moves at a fast pace and is fit for drinking without having to boil it.
  14. So a woman who associates herself with a man who treats women like garbage doesn't reflect on her character? I think it speaks very well to her character and makes her dumb and classless. You are who you associate with because it determines your dignity, integrity, and character. I don't like Shane for various reasons but I never got why he was on the on the underdogs team.
  15. You calling a woman who goes back to a man who disrespected her numerous times classy is beyond me! LMAO.
  16. I just hope it all backfires on Cody and Makani those repulsive, contradicting, woe is me, disgrace for human beings!!!
  17. They can catch an illness from drinking water contaminated by Cody's shit/piss. Eilish and Alonzo proved that.
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