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Everything posted by hielandfoodie

  1. Didn't Gabi sign a prenup? Would that keep her from taking everything and tossing Stephan out?
  2. Really didn't care for Gabi/Stefan sex mania. A little gross and way over the top for me.
  3. Basically a yawner. Could have been 15 minutes and over since we all know that Marlena will live.
  4. I love this show and look forward to watching it. I hope Hallmark continues to produce it!
  5. So, all of you who think ranching is easy need to spend a few weeks working on one, You'll change your mind quickly about "rich people."
  6. Diana is nothing more than a characature. What an insult to the actress! She's more like Cruella DeVille. Ugh.
  7. I wish Xander would go away permanently.
  8. Leo must die for sure along with Ted. Both are useless characters who are actually more like charicatures.
  9. Message to Sheilah - get over yourself and go away permanently!
  10. I loved Victor's comment to Xander when Xander said he deserved a shot at running Titan. Victor said the only shot Xander would get was between the eyes. ROTFL
  11. I wish this Abby/Gabby/Dr.Laura story line would end quickly.
  12. Does it seem odd to anyone but me that Chloe did not ask for the name of her admirer?
  13. So, Anjelica is finally out of the way permanently. Will Lucas be charged with her murder? He probably will not remember what happened. Stay tuned ...
  14. Is anyone else wondering why John sat there having a long conversation with Marlena while she was still in a straitjacket? Why didn't he get right to it and get her out of it?
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