This is a competitive show, and it's fine to snark about the show and its participants. However...
Don't be confrontational toward or combative with other posters. The show's participants are fair game for criticism, but this is a friendly community and everyone is expected to be civil toward each other, even in their disagreement. Disagreement is to be expected and you should try not to see someone's conflicting opinion as a personal attack. However, if you think someone is attacking you, report the post, don't engage.
If you don't like someone's opinion (ex: they're not nice or they're annoying you) and would like to never see it again, hover over their name/avatar and select "Ignore User" to use the site's handy Ignore function. If you think someone's breaking the rules, report their post- the moderators will check it out and take action if necessary.
From your ICA Mods,
Drogo & Lady Calypso