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Everything posted by sleekandchic

  1. Not sure about timing of server setup, but Hillary left DC for NYS before Bill's presidential tenure was over. She wanted to run for Senate and needed to establish NYS residency. Just saw that info on some show in last couple of weeks.
  2. MSNBC carrying Hillary's speech at Children's Defense Fund. Introduced by Marion Wright Edelman. (Hillary, no makeup, no styled hair! ) Pundits today said Hillary should address her loss, or her call for unity, or her support of Trump! She just mentioned her loss, but this speech is about children. Also, she mentions President Obama several times, with great respect and affection.
  3. I find it so interesting that DT loves his son-in-law so much. I do find the Little Trumps, Jr and Eric, to be ignoramuses when they speak. I wonder if Secret Service will prohibit the sons' frequent African kill trips? Risk of gun accidents, maybe? God, I hope so.
  4. Hear ye! Hear ye! Tuned in to MSNBC at around 3:30pET. Splashed across the screen: BREAKING NEWS: Scarborough: Trump considering Nikki Haley as Secy of State BREAKING NEWS: Scarborough: Trump considering GOP rivals for cabinet So I guess Joe is working the phone with Trump, then using him as a source? I'd assume that's okay with Trump? Otherwise wouldn't Trump cut Joe off for not keeping their convos confidential? I think there's a real unsavory element to Joe's yapping on the phone, then running to tell his news division what he's learned. Just another way to feed Joe's massive ego. Or is Trump being calculated and using Joe for his own purposes? Maybe Joe doesn't realize he's being used as a pawn? I just can't understand how two mega narcissists like Joe and DT can maintain a friendship. ----------- ETA: scoobie1, hi! You beat me to it! I share your shock.
  5. The president-elect is already on a Twitter tantrum against the NYT early this Wednesday morning. I can't wait until he begins his official state visits with heads of states around the world. The UK: That Kate Middleton is a 10+. My type in every way. Perfect breasts. The Queen is very nice lady, but TOO OLD. VERY UNFAIR to William and Kate! Liz should retire! Her breath smells bad, like death. Germany: Angela Merkel OK! Very respectful. But too old for me, saggy breasts hang too low. I'lll be generous and say she's a 5. Her English needs to be improved. Don't like needing a translator. Why must she pronounce her name Ang-EL-a? Wrong! I pronounced it the RIGHT way throughout trip. Like Angela Lansbury! -------------- Omg. I can see it now.
  6. The Daily Beast story in the link given by Duke Silver above reminded me that Bannon OFTEN uses the excuse that he "doesn't remember" saying this or that, or doing that or this, or lashing out at him or her. On its face, that excuse seems phony, ridiculous and self-serving, right? But look at the photo of Bannon accompanying the Daily Beast piece. The man is a heavy drinker. He's bloated, bloodshot, rheumy-eyed, overweight and, often in other pictures, sloppy and dressed like a homeless person. His skin is often mottled, with sores and scabs. So maybe it's TRUE that he seldom remembers what he says or does? Maybe he's often one shot away from Bannon Blackout Bonanza? Makes his appointment as Chief Strategist for the WH all that more comforting, doesn't it? Blech!
  7. Thanks very much, @oakville! Your observations make me feel a little better. Since I was flipping back and forth between MJ and CNN, I did wonder if I was being fair or if I had just landed on the couple of times Joe called Trump, President, while refusing that honor to our current prez. I really give you a lot of credit for sticking through the entire show every day, oakville! I think you have nerves of steel! :) I especially go kookooluks when Joe asks a question, then 10 seconds in, jumps on the guest, interrupts and/or attacks the guest for daring to answer! It's rare that a guest gets to finish his thoughts. Joe really should do the show solo, no Mika, no Willie. Just Joe in a big spotlight every morning. He can talk about 1992, the years when he was in Congress, Reagan, the Original Bush, and how smart, prescient and intuitive he himself has always been about politics. And TrumpTrumpTrump! Take a breath. TrumpTrumpTrump! ;)
  8. @oakville, thank you for your daily recaps. I flipped back and forth this morning between MJ and CNN. I really can't bear Joe anymore. To me, he's a sore winner. But since I did not watch the show beginning to end, I wanted to ask you if my observation is correct or faulty concerning Joe? Whenever he refers to 44, he calls him Barack Obama. He never addresses him as President. As a matter of fact, I believe when he talked about Thurday's Oval Office meeting, Joe actually referred to the men as "the President and Barack Obama"!! I also thought he used "President Trump" often, leaving off the "-Elect" on purpose? Am I right in my impression, oakville? Did Joe do that throughout the entire show? I know he mentioned he's been speaking to Trump and giving him advice, but his disrespect of President Obama is really obvious and despicable to me. As I said, Joe (and other Trump people too, like Jason Miller and Jeffrey Lord on CNN) are sore winners. Still blaming the Democrats for Trump's own words!
  9. News shows this morning are showing Ellen DeGeneres' monolog from yesterday: "We had an election yesterday. Big winner was...alcohol." First time I smiled since November 8th. @Ceindreadh and @ruby24, I personally find listening to people who voted for DJT explain their reasons for doing so, to be an exercise in futility. So many of the harmful, dangerous things that Trump espoused -- and that his rally supporters cheered WILDLY for -- are now pooh-poohed by his fans. For example...oh we don't believe he's really gonna build a wall...oh there will never a deportation force....oh he's not going to be a warmonger.... So that leaves me feeling that there were really only TWO things his supporters lived and died by: (1) Utter belief that Trump is a "great and successful businessman" who can singlehandedly shake up the DC establishment, fix the economy and create millions of jobs. AND... (2) Hatred of Secretary Clinton. I have deeply-felt conclusions about the TRUE reasons Trump diehards would rather pick up their "muskets" than see Hillary in the Oval Office, but there's no point in indulging myself here. I will say only that this country's major parties will not nominate another woman as president for at least another generation. With the newest revelations about Trump's Russian ties, with Gingrich's breezy admittance that THE WALL was a campaign device, with Kelly's book-revelations of Trump's attempted and/or successful bribery of journalists and the inside help he received from Fox News...these things are the tip of the iceberg. I think we will be appalled and infuriated by ongoing news of the machinations involved in the Trump victory. Watching him in DC yesterday, I saw and felt a man completely out of his element. And, yes, a scared man, too. Much will depend on the people he surrounds himself with, as well as his willingness to educate and to enlighten himself. To read voraciously. I don't feel optimistic at all. And now that Trump is getting the highest-level security briefings every morning, when he sees our covert ops around the world, our undercover human operatives, our planned maneuvers and attacks? How do we trust that either he or one of his advisors won't run to the Russians with our secrets, for leverage or for personal profit? My trust is nil. So, I no longer care a bit why his supporters gave him their votes. We are ALL stuck with him now. I hope our press remains hypervigilant because Trump will do his utmost to marginalize their watchdog duties to the public.
  10. You know, yesterday I observed Pence, his wife and daughter, after voting. They looked glum and faraway. Then Trump and his wife showed up to vote (why didn't they bring Barron? For gods sake!). They looked addled. I was sure their internal polls gave them bad news. Meanwhile, Sen Kaine and Secy Clinton looked ebullient, alive, happy. WTF happened? How did it all go to hell? Should I stalk Silver and Wang? Could they REALLY be THAT wrong? Jesus Christ Superstar, help us all.
  11. Later today, I will buy elegant stationery. I want to write longhand to Secretary Clinton, to Michele Obama and to our President Obama. They deserve my thanks and gratitude, my respect and honor. I know I don't have to tell anybody here that within three months after President Lincoln was inaugurated, seven states seceded. The confederacy was formed and a rogue President named. Then...Civil War. Brother against brother, father, uncle, son, cousin. All in the name of Slavery, the greatest evil EVER against our brothers and sisters. Lincoln was an extraordinary man. His melancholy made him personally fragile, but phenomenally strong outwardly. Look at his photos during that time. He seemed to melt, to dissolve. But his inner turmoil was his outward armor. He held us together. He loved us. He KNEW what he was fighting for. "With malice toward none, with charity toward all, with firmness in the right as God gave us to see the right...." When I was little, my parents took me to Ford's Theater, then across the street to see the little bed where Lincoln died. I burst into tears. I felt him and his agony. I imagined his feet hanging off the short bed. I will take solace that Trump seemed conciliatory tonight...that he did not encourage his audience to chant "lock her up." Or to call for hate against Muslims or Mexicans. Let's try to be proud, let's try to grit our teeth. Let's channel President Lincoln. He's our icon, our strength and light. Help us Abe. We need you. My husband and I want to start a family. Now I won't, and I am bereft. I'm 33, time is running out for me. However, I have clients who are the most vulnerable among us. I will protect them with my life and love, against fear and prejudice. I can't sleep or concentrate. It bothers me so VERY much that he has the House and Senate on his side! Hang in please!
  12. My heart aches for our great President Obama, his wife, children and family. My heart breaks for Mr and Mrs Khan. My love and hand are extended to Hillary. What a warrior you are, Madam Secretary. I feel sorrow for myself, my husband, family, siblings, clients. May God have mercy on the United States of America. We've been through worse. We SHALL overcome. Christie eleison. Kyrie eleison. Be strong please. We will need strength, resilience and commitment to each other. P.S. oh. I am suspicious of tonight's results. Yes, Donald. Rigged.
  13. This is a reply to wings's question about what we fear if Trump is elected. So many reasons, but I'll stick to my deepest concerns: Trump is a liar and a phony. And he lies so effortlessly. "I never said that"; "I never met him, don't know who he is"; " I never touched any woman inappropriately; never met any of those lying accusers; no one has more respect for women than I do." And as he tells those lies, he KNOWS there is video and audio PROOF to show that he's lying. But he doesn't care. He can't be trusted by us or by our allies. No one can trust a chronic, pathological liar. And the manner in which he pits American against American, and how he attempts to sow hate and distrust among us, all the while scapegoating people of different religions or origin or colors, make me see Hitler every time I look and listen to Trump. Bannon and Conway are tortured dissemblers of the truth, using circuitous, doublespeak word salads and blatant hypocrisy to present their lies and obfuscations. They are Goebbels to Trump's Hitler. And we will see and hear them every single day in a T administration. Trump's promises to accomplish almost all his agenda on "Day One" betrays either a basic misunderstanding of our democracy and its mechanisms or, maybe worse, the Big Lies he's willing to tell his (mostly) poorly-educated supporters in order to get their votes. He won't care if they're disappointed when they realize they've been betrayed. And I believe that Trump has no interest in governing. He wants to be a monarch; he wants to do the photo ops, the state dinners, the international travel. He wants to be introduced by trumpet flourishes. He, therefore, will turn over the daily nitty gritty to Pence, an irrational, ridiculous, hypocritical bigot, who believes he can pray the gay away and mandate funerals for fetuses whose mothers legally abort. I believe FBI Director James Comey intervened improperly last Friday to derail HRC's path and to prop up Trump's. The basic dirty nature of what he did last week needs to be repudiated and rejected. Manipulating an election is unAmerican and treasonous. We need to send our response loud and clear on November 8th. And we need to be prepared that Comey might not be finished with Hillary yet. President Obama has been a statesman, an intellectual, a humanitarian and a gentleman of the highest order. I so much respect his constant efforts to measure his words when speaking -- to be thoughtful in how he expresses himself as our representative to the world. His efforts always to use diplomacy before considering military intervention are praiseworthy. The thought that Mr Obama could be replaced by that ignorant, lying, racist, misogynist person, as MY president, makes me sick. And with Trump's ultra-thin skin, his hair-trigger temper and his self-confessed ignorance and lack of any intellectual curiosity, yes, I believe he will want to use nuclear weapons to even scores and to put other countries in their place. If Trump teams with Putin and the other despots he admires, God help our world. He will be commander in chief, and in the final analysis, no check or balance or cooler head will stop him from doing what he wants to do. Add to all that, the fact that the Trump Organization will continue with business as usual with his children in charge, and Donald Trump's every decision, domestic and foreign, will be with HIS financial interests of primary concern Donald Trump can never be a worthwhile steward of the United States. He will destroy us in a hundred ways. He doesn't love his country. I don't believe he loves ANYBODY (including his children or grandchildren) other than himself. He is dangerous.
  14. I dared not say this out loud, but I made up my mind that if the Cubs won tonight, I could rest easy that Hillary would be our next president. An Indians' win would portend very very badly. An irrational thought hatched during an irrational campaign, I grant you, but.... Congratulations to the Chicago Cubs!
  15. @HumblePi, I think that photo might be bad luck, since it's a play on Truman's holding up the actual, erroneous "Dewey Defeats Truman" headline of old. So , showing him now holding a "Clinton Defeats Trump" headline might mean that he's showing another wrong headline, maybe? Maybe I am being hypersensitive. I'm on the brink, I tell you. The brink. And now, I'm leaning toward the opinion that the FBI Director, a supposed Boy Scout/patriot, is perhaps a grudge-holding mole, willing to subvert an American presidential election? Willing to install a truly unqualified candidate -- one preferred by the Kremlin -- in the Oval Office? Can that be? My husband and I planned to start our family in 2017. If Trumps wins, our plans will change. I can't bear the thought of that man, his cronies, advisers and family, and foreign interlopers sitting in the White House.
  16. Guys, there's a new SuperPac-for-HRC ad based on the 1964 iconic ad that LBJ ran against Barry Goldwater to warn against the use of nuclear weapons. The little girl in the original ad appears in the new one, as a concerned mother who warns against Donald Trump. Prominently used in the new ad is footage from Morning Joe! Joe is shown questioning Trump's judgment in asking earlier in the campaign, "if we have nuclear weapons, why not use them?" Would love to know how Joe feels being used in an anti-Trump ad! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/donald-trump-daisy-ad_us_581728e1e4b0390e69d103e7
  17. I love all your colorful and clever nicknames for Trump! However, my favorite will always be "effing asshole." Contrary to what I heard on morning news shows today, it's my opinion that Trump's longing to cancel the election and to install himself as president was NOT an attempt at humor. Rather, he just spoke out loud what he thinks is the only logical conclusion to this mess of an election. Herr Trump must prevail! He DESERVES to win! Effing asshole!
  18. I breezed by Fox and Friends, and Newt Gingrich was their guest. After asserting that the election is still winnable for Trump, Newt said, "hey look at your competitor, Morning Joe. I watched this morning and they began with a 13-minute attack on Hillary Clinton. You know it's bad when MSNBC is attacking Hillary." [That's not a verbatim quote, but very close.] Well, no. I submit that Joe's raison d'etre until November 8th is to attack, mock and belittle HRC. He loves the shtick with all his heart. And Mika's false outrage over some of the hacked emails is laughable to me. Mika reads them aloud, with her emphasis on words and phrases that supposedly put HRC in a bad light. Oh the drama. Thank God that John Heilemann said the emails show the inner workings of a campaign prepping itself for events and questions sure to occur. Heilemann said it would be political malpractice not to prepare itself for all possibilities. So, Mika, please stop with your "I am so shocked"-implied moralizing. Why is it so important to Mika to portray herself as a chaste, naive and innocent flower who gets the vapors over bad behaviors? Joe and Mika also annoyed me in ridiculing the Clinton campaign's careful reworking of a policy tweet. I guess it's better to just tweet out psychotic crap at 3am. Judicious editing and prepping are wastes of time, worthy of mockery now? Most of the Wikileaks's dumps are pathetic. Does Assange believe this stuff is harmful enough to destroy HRC? Julian is quite the baby, complete with temper tantrums and loaded diaper. Have Joe and Mika discussed in any depth (5 minutes or more) the fact that none of Trump's emails/memos have been leaked? Joe! Stop with the, "When I was running MY campaign in 1994...blahblahblah." The punchline is always how perfect, astute and successful he was! I despise people who are in love with themselves. How did Joe EVER get along with Trump? The narcissism is chest-deep for both men.
  19. " Mika and I agree...." "What Mika and I are saying...." Why is Scarborough speaking for both of them? Unacceptable. Joe belongs on Fox. Mika SAYS (in past) she's voting for HRC. But her comments, sighs, eyerolls show she is Trump sympathizer/rationalizer/apologist. Switched to cnn. Other than shapeshifter Hagageddon Conway, there have been NO DT surrogates! Lewendowsi, Lord, Scottie, Kayleigh. All MIA. Interesting to me.
  20. DT's penchant for telling tiny, minor girls that he will date them in 10 years, and his self-appointed carte blanche to walk into the dressing areas of pageant contestants (including teens), reflect his bizarre sense of entitlement and extreme self-delusion. Remember his appearance on Dr Oz a few weeks ago? Oz asked him who he saw when he looks in the mirror, and Trump replied that he saw a 35 year old man. I am feeling high levels of anxiety and distress. In the days before the second debate (and just after the Access Hollywood release), I knew terrible things were to be expected. But that stunt press conference with Bill's accusers, as well as the Trump campaign's thwarted attempts to seat the women in the family box and to confront BC face-to-face, really affected me badly. I felt true anger on the women's behalf. Then Trump going after Bill during the debate, and also blaming Hillary for treating the women "even more viciously than Bill," made me tremble. But then...learning that the entire Trump family was complicit in using the four women as pawns and instruments of humiliation against Hillary, made the entire travesty even worse for me. Jared Kushner (ivankas husband) coordinated the women's appearance; Jared, Tiffany and the two daughters-in-law agreed to give up their seats in the family box; when the spouses were formally announced, Mrs Trump came in, as did Mr Clinton, and they shook hands. But surprisingly, trumps three eldest were right behind her, like ducklings. This procession was against protocol (Chelsea and Marc stayed in their seats) but was a compromise because the Commission refused to let the accusers march in behind Mrs T. This tells me that Mrs Trump had been willing to be an instrument of ambush. Were the women going to spit in Mr Clinton's face? Or refuse his handshake? I don't want to hear that the Trump family was "forced" to participate in that stunt. All that implies to me is that they're morally compromised and mentally deficient. But now? With the nothing-to-lose last debate? With Trump threatening at his rallies that unsubstantiated accusers of President Obama!!! might now come forward*...with Trump willing to absorb all the burning hatred and limitless vengeance of David Bossie...with the campaign's BOUNDLESS DESIRE to humiliate Hillary...I am starting to imagine TERRIBLE possibilities for the final debate. I can't even share where my imagination is taking me...too numbing. I want Wednesday over with and then dealt with. Quickly. Then Election Day please come SOON! I live in NJ, and I've already voted via mail-in ballot. I just could not wait for November 8th. My only saving grace today is knowing that a WOMAN will be defeating the incorrigible misogynist and sexual predator. Yes, he will refuse to concede; he will yell that the election was stolen; he will even say that he NEVER wanted to win, not really. But Donald Trump will know the Truth...He got beat by a girl. (* Their attempt at hurting Mrs Obama, I'm sure.)
  21. I thought Trump made a fatal, tactical error at the second debate. He tried hard to avoid Anderson Cooper's repeated questions about whether Trump actually ever followed through on his so-called "locker room banter." Trump danced and danced, but finally said, "No, I haven't." I immediately thought, uh-oh. I knew that lie would enrage his victims and that many would now be willing to talk on the record. On a lighter note, I thought Trump's interlude with the cute toddler Mini-Trump revealed that Trump is terrified of kids! For a father of five, including a still-little boy, Trump looked so uncomfortable with Mini-Me and couldn't wait to get the kid back to his parents.
  22. The PEOPLE story published last night is very effective: http://people.com/politics/donald-trump-attacked-people-writer/ Most of my intellect thinks poorly of Trump supporters, especially the people who are interviewed at the rallies. They mimic what others say about Trump as a "successful businessman who will create jobs," and throw in a big helping of intense Hillary hate. But I also feel a little sympathy for the supporters. They BELIEVE every word, every assertion and every PROMISE out of Trump's mouth. Thank God, it looks as though DT's chances of winning are slimmer every day. So the supporters will never need to learn the Truth of their candidate's lies and false promises. For example, I have been convinced for a long time that he would tear up his list of conservative judges and, instead, nominate moderates and liberals to SCOTUS. And I also believe he would let Roe v Wade remain the law of the land because he just does NOT care about those issues. Not really. They were the means to his end. Remember when the John Kasich aide (and later Kasich himself) confirmed that DT Jr offered him the VP spot? The Kasich people were told that Kasich had the chance to be the most powerful, influential VP in the history of the United States. That the VP in a Trump admin would handle foreign policy, legislation, the economy, on and on. (No wonder Pence isnt budging and is making a fool of himself and his "supposed" values.) I believe Trump wants to be King, not president. Pomp and circumstance, holding court, redecorating the family quarters with gold toilets and Italian marble, and full license to unleash his immoral and illegal predatory moves on limitless numbers of women worldwide.
  23. Yes! You know, when Trump speaks of public office, and especially of the Presidency, he sounds confused, to me. He gives the impression that the Presidency is actually a monarchy, or, maybe, a dictatorship. He "promises" to do this or that from his first day in office. During last night's debate, he berated some recent decision of President Obama, then said he was sure Hillary had been consulted even though she was no longer in office. God!
  24. Something just ain't right with MiJo. Like, really askeeeewww. Can't bear them. I'm not a big fan of Nicolle, but she and Willie looked at the lovebirds as though they were kookooluks. Nuts. Insane. Can't wait for election day and President Hillary.
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