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  1. Hello all. As a testament to my free time, obsession with television show openings, and the upcoming March Madness, I present the bracket that will definitively answer which US show of this century has the best opening: https://brackify.com/bracket/1327/Best-TV-Opening-of-the-Century Now, a quick explainer for FAQ: Why brackets? Because they're the best way to determine objective bests. Who picked these? Why is show [X] on there? I picked them all, using an objectively rigorous criteria which incorporated the opening's music/theme song, images, relation to show, cultural impact, and how much I subjectively liked it. Yeah, but....show [X]?? A thing to keep in mind is that this is specifically about the show's openings, not the show itself. For instance, I was never able to make it through ten minutes of How to Make it in America, but that opening was great, hence it's inclusion on the bracket. Ok, so why isn't the opening for show [y] on there? It was great! Any absences can be explained by me either never having seen it (I made an effort to look at openings of shows I never watched, but I couldn't sample everything from the past 16 years), or my thinking that it wasn't as good as the 64 I chose. But show [y]'s opening was so good! Look, if you make a best show opening bracket with blackjack, and hookers, and Firefly's opening I promise I will visit it and vote. How did you decide on these rankings and seedings? They're ranked according to how many views the Youtube video of the opening had (i.e. I blatantly stole Rembert Browne's old Grantland brackets methodology). In cases where the show's opening might be different from season to season I used the first season's version. Ok, I'm still not sure why this exists though? Me neither! Chalk it up to me finding an easy enough to use bracket creator and thinking that it'd be a fun time. I figure that if there's anywhere on the Internet that would get some enjoyment out of it it'd be here! Thanks/enjoy!
  2. For a while the Hotel ads were super focused on Lady Gaga, and would alternate between American Horror Story: Hotel and American Horror Story: Lady Gaga. I admit, I kind of want to see American Horror Story: Lady Gaga.
  3. The last month has been a bit of a bummer TV-podcast wise with the demise of Firewall & Iceberg and Hollywood Prospectus, but Joe returning instantly wiped away those blues! Welcome back, Joe!
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