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Everything posted by ByTor

  1. I watched it again. At about 27 seconds she completely missed a move & just stood there.
  2. I tried workouts like Jay's, they always do nothing for me. Hitting the cardio heavy is the only thing that works for me. You'd think an "expert" like him would know that not everybody's body is the same and reacts the same way to the same exercises.
  3. I always thought that "yeah' sounded like it was spliced in.
  4. Not one worry at all, I know you really meant it as a question 😊 She made the team very young, and I just kind of looked at her as a naive person who let the DCC fame get to her, but still remained that naive kid at heart. Like that rumor about she & Dak? If it did indeed happen, I do believe that she really thought he was serious about her. And her texting Shelly about losing point, to me, was sad. I don't know, maybe I'd feel different if I actually knew her, but I just saw something in her naïveté and a sort of vulnerability that made her likable.
  5. Hey now..Alyssa is a good fucking person, and don't you forget it!!
  6. πŸ˜‚ Though I gotta say, I like Jenna, I can't help but have a soft spot for her.
  7. It looks like it's attached so it doesn't flap open, that would be EXTREMELY annoying! https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci7uhLQufsH/
  8. Zero She sent a naughty picture privately to her then-boyfriend, so what? PLENTY of people do that, and they do NOT expect that to be made public. She was a victim but treated as a criminal.
  9. I wondered the same thing. Maybe he found out by a friend of s friend of a friend that she was in TC, but yes, how would he know the DCC director & her email address?
  10. Could be, but I was on Mitch's side in pointing out she hadn't answered the question that was asked. I took her reply to be that she just expanded on why she looked up to her mom as a hero when she was a kid. Like she's saying that now, what her mom accomplished cements that she was a hero. I thought he was being a nitpicky PITA.
  11. he wants her to want, or at least act like she wants, to be married to him. He never said that. He didn't like her doing it every week. Absolutely! Like a little kid who just learned the word and now uses it at every possible chance. Sorry to her fans, but I cannot STAND her.
  12. The funny thing is, Taylor of the controversial haircut was considered immature in her season, but if it were now she'd be just like a majority of the DCC.
  13. Same. Even though she never should have made it, I felt actual joy over Loni's reaction when the team was announced.
  14. I did. No bueno LOL I have considered auditioning for them, they are the only sqaud even I could make. Who knows, maybe they'd like the gimmick of having a 54 year-old (bless my heart).
  15. As weird as this may sound, I actually had a random dream a couple weeks ago that she DID audition again!
  16. It's pretty much the premise of The Goldbergs, which takes place in "1980-something" 😁
  17. It just makes me laugh that she says it was a little trick she learned on DWTS. She never heard of filming yourself & watching back before that?
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