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Posts posted by KnoxForPres

  1. 10 hours ago, Barbara Please said:

    I was astounded by the amount of food Holly could eat. That isn’t normal. Since she was this way since childhood it Is possible there’s more going on medically. I don’t think it’s entirely a psychological issue. 


    Also, Holly facial expressions, and childlike demeanor reminded me of the snotty nosed kid in Bad Santa. All she needed was blonde curly hair!


    Did you see the ginormous slices of bread Ray used for his sandwich? He has a problem with food too. He’s just not eating nearly as much of it as Holly was. 

    Yes!  He was slicing his own bread- which surprised me in a way. But it’s like three or four slices width wise  were close to the heel  and he said, fuck it, calling that a slice. 

    Holly seems so detached. She seemed a huge people pleaser but not in a mitigating way. She liked to look at people giving her good advice with wide eyes and a hint of humor but it all felt fake. 

    I’m pretty new to this show so have seen eh, maybe 7 or so- but I’ve seen some real self loathing or denial. She seemed liked you could wind her up on her back to “play normal person”. 

    Which in retrospect makes me incredibly sad but yet- I couldn’t connect with her all and sadly didn’t care what happened. 

    The only thing I had great interest in was Zack the dog and his sweet loyalty. I do feel they do little Z right. 

    • Love 11
  2. 8 hours ago, Dani said:

    Unfortunately I just don’t think the writers are putting that much thought into it. The necklace caused Delilah to panic and try to push Eddie away. As a result Eddie decided to back out of the recital at the last minute allowing Rome to step in and reveal that Jon has arranged for him to know the dance all along. 

    The necklace could mean Jon knew or it could just be a plot device. At the moment the show is too full of things that make no sense for me to distinguish what is important. 

    Ugh!  I hate that we’re out here wondering. That is weak writing indeed.

    I reach a point where I don’t care. Was I supposed to care about the Barcelona storyline?  Bc I care more about debating  cheese on hash browns. (Always a yes)

    We need answers. Suicide by massive debt -but!I I let my hot secretary know about apartment blocks and desire for others to get a restaurant.  There are sweet children here- connect some dots. 

    When you think of really great shows that have things happen (Mad Men comes to mind) I wish we’d all get together and throw in a few bucks and we could make a story.  That people get paid for this....nothing- and worse I’m watching. 

    • Love 2
  3. The only engagement party that involves tea bags without innuendos would  be with the Bates. They’re like the gift that keeps on giving.  

    Im with @zenme  Carlin is the epitome of optimism. And she’s very beautiful. She’s very close to a lot of men’s dreams come true in a way. Myself if you masked yourself and burst into song to let me know you were going to propose I’d be apt go “what the fuck is happening.”  If you then rolled out a luggage piece that still had the 29 dollar price or whatever I’d really start feeling weird. 

  4. Today was a big day and I feel we got hopeful news. Turns out there was cancer in both ovaries and cyst had erupted.  All markers they took were negative for cancer. He wants her to undergo 18 weeks of chemo to lessen her chances of return. He called it palliative and her wish and she said yes. She’ll lose her hair and all that comes with chemo but this is good I feel!  My god ovarian cancer is a scary search even if you keep it to the Cleveland/Mayo clinic types which I did(I was the only one to look this up including have a librarian in the family- but I get it). So this is good!  Her spirits are high and ready to take it on. 

    • Love 11
  5. I didn’t mean to put brake lights on this good conversation  and am sorry if it came off that way. I think I have different views and that’s ok. I’ll become a reader/non poster on this sub forum and wish all of you nothing but happiness and success- however that is defined :)

  6. 14 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

    I don’t have questions about people’s finances, I bet the show is paying for a lot of it.

    They may be. Which makes me a little sad Clint must have answered “a line dancing bar-which peaked in popularity in 2003- complete with empty dance floor and odd people staring” when asked his desired wedding venue. 

    • Love 5
  7. On 1/17/2019 at 7:43 PM, Hero said:

    My dad has stage 4 kidney disease and his doctor has told him he should start looking for a kidney. I'm pretty numb right now. My dad is hesitant to have me and my siblings checked out to see if we are a match, because he feels guilty about potentially having to take a kidney from one of us. 

    We all told him that having him here and alive is definitely worth parting with a kidney.

    I'm trying really hard to keep it together, especially at work where I am face to face with people constantly. 

    In the end, it's his call if he wants a kidney or not, but i'm not ready to lose him. 

     Take it one day at a time. You kids can discuss and decide what are best next steps and options but as DeLurker said, who is always wise, take care of yourself. And having a good solo cry of the why is this happening variety has been cathartic for me in my life. 

    • Love 4
  8. 11 hours ago, millennium said:

    Every time Matt's in a talking head I think I'm watching "I Almost Got Away With It."

    When I heard Clint sobbing to his mother and the words preceding "crack" were bleeped out, my first thought was that he finally noticed how Tracie's lycra dress tends to ride up.

    An uneven episode overall, not much to see.

    I had not thought of this but holy cow you are spot on and I can’t stop laughing. 

    I think Clint smoked crack. Possibly for the first time.  His demeanor and reactions were so strange- even for him.  But yeah bud, when an addict gets a taste they’ll hit the streets for more.  These people get involved with additcted felons but it’s like they assume they’ll come out reformed and wholesome. Hell they could watch a few Interventions as a crash course to prepare for release. The naiveness/stupidity on this show is scary. 

    I do have compassion for Caitlin. She wants a normal relationship but again, expects a twelve time felon to live up to the demand.  Im sure Matt thought she was cute which she is (though looks have gone down since release) but I wish he had passed on her knowing he has no intent to be a responsible adult. Silly of me on that wish, I know.  

    Michael acting as if he’s in a unique situation that requires tactical moves and missions makes me exhausted. I care so little about those three but do have an investment in that ridiculously cute child and want only good for her. 

    I think you can in possible slang or maybe it’s a real term “flatten your bid”  where you don’t use good time, etc and release without probation or parole. I wonder if maybe some of them did that hence the on camera drinking, etc. Otherwise I’m at a loss for words if they’re violating on tv. 

    • Love 6
  9. 3 minutes ago, BuyMoreAndSave said:

    I would like to let it go but I don't have the luxury of doing that. Every time I have to clean up after her, or the bird screams, or my husband is gone for hours doing things for her such as cleaning up her house when we could be spending time together doing something fun, then that is an impact on my life. Just like before she moved in with us I wanted to live my own life and she would not let me due to placing demands and guilt-trips on us. I can ignore the hoarding but not if it becomes an unsafe situation (which, if she stays here, is probably only about a year away from happening) or she moves out and leaves things for us to waste our time on cleaning up.

    In other news she just went to the hospital. She went out to dinner with my husband and his cousin and apparently she got nauseous and started throwing up and it turned out she was having atrial fibrillation. The illness that she had caused heart damage so she has an artificial valve and possibly a pacemaker (not sure) and she can get atrial fibrillation at some times, but this is the first time it was bad enough to send her to the hospital. They think that she will be ok. I hope that my not talking to her for over a week and wanting her to move out did not cause this to happen due to stress, but I'm not sure she knows I want her to move out since I did not discuss it with her and I don't know if my husband did. But even if it did cause it, she created the tense situation in the first place (and she also created her own health problems because she let a minor problem turn into a major one) so I don't think I should feel bad about it.

    You shouldn’t feel bad about it but you need to see your place in this and what you do and do not have control over. 

    You’re in control of you- and just you. Not her, not her health. You’re also not a victim. You’re a fully able (to my knowledge this forum is long so if you’re disabled I apologize) working adult, yes?  Work gives us such a sense of purpose and satisfaction.  

    I’m an animal lover and would probably get on Amazon and have found head gear to wear- but growing up as a kid our neighbor in Baltimore had birds and admittedly I was scared but they were sweet. Is it that mean?  Is there no cage?  Most problems have solutions. Let’s work through this.  As a whole forum. 

    • Love 4
  10. 33 minutes ago, BuyMoreAndSave said:

    Yes I am carrying resentment because the situation is still ongoing.

    I told my husband I have a deal. If she pays each of us 12.5% of the sale price of the house (approximately $37,500)* I will consider all up to this point to be forgiven because that will be repayment for services rendered. Namely, cleaning up and selling the house, real estate services (me finding an apartment that fit her and the bird's needs on about six weeks' notice), petsitting services (the vet charges $35/day for petsitting and we took care of her bird for almost a year and could have been evicted if someone found out, plus we got it on a waitlist for a bird sanctuary in case we hadn't been able to find an apartment that accepts pets), and most importantly hundreds of hours in consulting fees (arguments/negotiations) and pain and suffering. She is a multimillionaire because somehow she had a very successful career despite the rest of her life being a disaster, so this wouldn't be a problem for her financially. She also has to know that this is where the money is going, aka my husband can't tell her a cover story to spare her feelings. If she actually does this she and the bird can continue to live with us and I will clean up her messes without complaint and she can hoard as much as she wants in her room as long as it does not become a biohazard or vermin situation or structurally unsafe. Otherwise she has to either a) admit she has a problem and go to counseling and make amends for the way she has treated us, or b) leave in the next three months and she cannot leave any items behind and that is the end of my interactions with her (my husband and future kids will still visit her). Of course that leaves the question of what happens if my brother becomes homeless so that's something I have to think about.

    I've done a lot of work for free in my life (unpaid internships and so on). A lot of people in my generation have. In fact I think I've done more work for free than I've done for pay. I decided last year that I'm done working for free and this is another example of that. My husband and I have both done a lot of work and had a lot of stress as a result of her actions and she has not compensated us at all for any of that in any way.

    Of course it's good sometimes to help family out of the goodness of your heart but in the long run there has to be a reciprocal relationship and it can't be all one side giving and the other side taking forever. Even if it's just being nice to someone and supportive, that counts as a reciprocation, and it doesn't cost anything. Unfortunately due to growing up in a dysfunctional family (which I also wrote about on here in the past) I have been taken advantage of by family members many times. I've done things that could have gotten me in serious trouble to help family members and they continued to cause more stress in my life instead of reciprocating through their actions. In fact I've found that the more you do for people, the less they appreciate it and the more they start taking advantage of you. I'm done with that because I have to have some self-respect.

    As an example of taking advantage BTW, my dad owes me $500 because I pay his phone bill and then he pays me back when he has the money, but he hasn't paid me back in over a year. It's not because he doesn't have the money because he started getting more money this year from Social Security retirement. He probably thinks I forgot about it or something. Tomorrow I'm going to tell him he has to pay up in a reasonable time frame or I'm going to close the phone service down.

    *this may seem like a lot for a fixer-upper house but in the NYC area it isn't

    I’d stop paying your dads phone bill, I’d completely leave your mother in law to your husband and I’d just stop- full stop. It’s heavy to read it much less live it. They’re in control and can handle as necessary- brother is hard but you can deal with as needed too. The other-  Is what your doing working?  Are they getting it? Nothing seems to change so give that part of you to them and for real let it go. Breathe out and in your car or room yell I am done with it.  And mean it.   Unless you have a better idea I see you have to either stop or lessen it. Do you agree?

    • Love 3
  11. On 1/8/2019 at 5:59 PM, Frisson said:

    I got excited to discuss our mutual love of sci-fi with a guy who had seemed really nice (no penis talk or dick pics) so far. So he asks me if I could time travel, what time would I go to? I answered I would go to the future because the past sucks for women. He asked if I was a SJW, and what I would find to “cry about” in the future. Really? We can’t admit that women have had a harder time than men in the past? Come on! I’m feeling a bit discouraged about my prospects online...

    Im thinking like where Shakespeare did his original plays? Do we have to be so serious?  As a general rule people like to have fun!  Like lots of fun. We laugh, have great sex, just have a damn good time. I’d check seriousness at the door. Go out- live life. 

    This isn’t directed to you but all this seriousness. Life is way better. 

  12. On 1/11/2019 at 12:25 AM, DeLurker said:

    My daughter’s friend’s dog needs his nails trimmed, but he gets so stressed the groomers have said they can’t do it.  The vet’s office has tried but due to the dog’s extreme anxiety, they said they could do it on a future visit but they would need to put him under anesthesia first.

    Does this sound normal?  My dog’s have always worn down their nails by walks, although the vet tech’s take care of Kook’s dew claws since they are pretty substantial.

    Anesthesia seems extreme.

    That’s my dog. And yes, it’s true. I asked earlier at some point in this thread if they knew of a help but no one did. It’s horrible.

    Knoxie goes and has gone on long walks and they just won’t wear them down. I’ve scoured the Internet like you wouldn’t believe. 

    I can also give PSA.  I went to brunch one Sunday and I still get a Christmas stocking as an adult and the goods were on a table in a bag (!) and we determined Knoxie had eaten 15 plus mini Reese cups, 10 Hershey kiss, and maybe 20 other bite size- all milk chocolate upon return. 

    Well- as you can imagine that scared me. They asked how much, when, what kind. I told them and they were like can you get here in 30 minutes and time matters. Whole thing was insane. They have an IV which forces them to puke and she apparently puked a ton of chocolate and foil wrappers. Whole thing cost me 118 which I felt was a bargain as they treated her as “get her here  now”. 

    What I learned is bakers or unsweetened chocolate is no joke. Semi sweet should also be taken seriously.   And size of dog matters.  I probably would have been ok not taking her but consider scarred but smarter. 

    • Love 5
  13. On 1/13/2019 at 3:39 PM, Sun-Bun said:

    Yes!!! Do that, @BuyMoreAndSave; not only will it make you feel better, but there’s a 80-95% chance she won’t even notice anything missing either. It’s a win-win for you both, really—-just make sure it isn’t too obvious and just gradually c**** away at those annoying piles of junk. If she mentions anything missing(she likely won’t), just play dumb and say something like, “You have so much stuff you don’t even remember where you put it all, huh?” My husband is a bit of a book hoarder(never mind that with most books he’ll read one for a few chapters then never pick it up to read again), so I’ve had to do that myself just for my own sanity and to not overload our small library. Works like a charm and Goodwill is a regular stop for me and those damned books.


    And @KnoxForPres, it’s *definitely* time to nail down some marital expectations with your guy if that’s what your wanting. Make sure it’s a relaxed moment and he’s not feeling browbeaten at all—-just let him know it’s a new year, you’re hoping to start firming up major life plans for your future together, and give him a time frame for when you’d like to see an engagement occur. If he can’t handle that, well, you might want to reevaluate some things. 

    Like I’ll never forget having that chat with my husband at a party, of all things; we’d lived together for a year, been together nearly three years, and I’d already let him know that marriage was definitely my ultimate expectation back when I moved in( I gave him a 3-5 year window originally). My grandmother was in poor health by then and I told him over our second or third glass of wine that I was hoping she’d be able to see us finally married and settled...and that I wanted to be official by the time he hit 50 and I hit 35.  He appreciated the honesty and said he’d already been looking at rings. A year later we got engaged and married at a simple beachside ceremony in the islands. 

    You gotta be straight up and honest with your partner though. Don’t ever be afraid to let them know what you want.

    Yes to you and @theredhead77.  I guess I was raised and surrounded very much by traditional courting but I’ve made it to 39 and always lived alone with a cat or a dog.  I’ve never had a roommate outside of college.I never dreamed or cared about a wedding. I find them a waste of money (solely to me- not to people that do care and long for that- including my beloved sister).

    So- I kind of sit on the conversation.  I’m not rushing to the altar. Like right now I’m sitting alone with my dog going to watch Dirty John (listened to podcast so spoiled) and I’m blissfully happy. So it’s two fold. I love this guy so much and have never had feelings like this before- but I’m ok. We don’t want kids so that’s not a worry.  I Iive downtown and moving in with him takes me to the suburbs.  I’m far from unhappy. I think that’s why initially I said I’m equal hesitant- because I am.

    @BuyMoreAndSave Seems like a shit ton of resentment you’re carrying.  Maybe a big deep breath and let some of that go?  Do what you can and and just a whew - big exhale- it’s gone.  And resolve yourself to it.  

    • Love 2
  14. 9 minutes ago, DeLurker said:

    @KnoxForPres - putting aside any relationship definition stuff right now, maybe just tell him that you could use his support that weekend because this is a bfd and your nerves are going to be raw by then.  He might be thinking his presence would be intrusive at such a personal time too.

    A lot of guys don’t get hints - some just aren’t wired that way.  Having 4 older brothers, I’ve heard them fuss repeatedly over the years saying “WHY can’t she just say what she means?”  

    Thank you. I took your advice and told him please be back by the the 21st because we will have the party of all times or it will be hard but I need and want you here and he said he will be back by then!  He got it. Thanks @DeLurker

    • Love 8
  15. On 1/9/2019 at 12:09 AM, Bastet said:

    Yes.  And when it's a woman hoping to eventually marry and a man dragging his feet in perpetuity, we as a society are quick to dismiss the woman as a delusional clinger, but when we untangle those relationships we know details of, often it turns out the reluctant male has done a number of things she - and not unreasonably - perceived as potential for a changed attitude given time, given the way they contradict the "I don't want to get married" statements.  If you don't want it, ever, regardless of how things progress - and, bless, because I never did - make that clear by both word and deed. 

    Each party has to understand for themselves what that marriage contract/other relationship agreement in lieu of one means to them and their understanding of/comfort with the relationship and take it from there.  But no one can do that if both parties aren't honest with themselves and clear with their partner about their current understandings and future desires.

    Of course you are!  Cancer strikes fear in the heart, especially when preceded by the word "ovarian."  The wait for biopsy results is agonizing, whether they are yours or a loved one's (been there, more than once, for both), and you just have to slog your way through.  There's an extra layer of "Wait, what?" difficulty in wrapping your mind around a cancer diagnosis, just waiting to learn more when you didn't fear it as a possibility to begin with. 

    Don't try to lull yourself into any false sense of security if others are putting it out there but you're not fully feeling it; allow yourself each one of the myriad emotions you are feeling, while acknowledging this battle is primarily your sister's and thus tailoring your outward responses to her cues and then finding outlets for your own emotions where they differ.  There's no set battle plan for any of you; just do the best you can, and the love that motivates you will be appreciated, even if you occasionally err and say/do something that happens to strike her wrong based on her own complicated feelings of the day.  And not hiding entirely, while not at all focusing on, your fear, leaves open the possibility for her to, in a moment when she needs it, come to you and say, "I'm thinking positive, but goddamn I'm scared."

    I wish the best for her.

    Such wise, kind, and thoughtful words. Thank you. So much. This board has been active so anyone and all who said such kind words- thank you.

    On task I can speak for myself. I’m 39 will be 40 in May dating a guy going on 3 years now. I’m never married, no kids. He’s divorced once - no kids. He’s 38. 

    What I find interesting is I get outside pressure (geographically I’m in the South) of “have you looked at rings!”  No, however he has brought that up. I find myself equal excited and hesitant so I don’t push it. I suppose I should. 

    He has a very nice truck and in the last year has put easy 15 grand into an “off-road vehicle” that be bought. I felt a bit slighted. This has involved hours of research, message board talk etc. I find myself wishing he he had that gusto for me he does a vehicle. 

    And to bring it full circle he’s set to go on a camping trip with a new found friend (who’s 23- sweet little kid I’ve met) but this trip ventures into January 21st when we learn if my sister can breathe a sigh of relief they got it all- or not. I’d like him to be with me but he doesn’t seem to get that. I’ve done the hinting a normal person would and can tell he’s not getting it. 

    Maybe it’s a girl thing?  I feel like if his brother of all our same age had that I’d want to be there.  

    More I post here I realize it’s just like a way for me to get shit out. And I’m grateful for it. 

    • Love 6
  16. On 1/6/2019 at 3:13 PM, DeLurker said:

    @KnoxForPres - that is some shocker.  So sorry for all of you.  Do you live close?  Because when my friend went through cancer treatment, she was most grateful for what her family and friends did to keep her kids’ lives as normal as possible during that time.

    Yes- not only local but able to work from home at her house if needed . Which has been awesome. We binged watched Dirty John these last two days.  

    The guy won’t give you a ring hits a hit real oh shit for me- so I’ll watch  and see what happens  I’m there! 

    • Love 1
  17. 1 hour ago, Sun-Bun said:

    Hang in there, @KnoxForPres; that’s so scary and tragic when sometimes cancer rears its ugly head so suddenly. I wish I could tell you it’ll be okay; you just have to stay strong and somehow stay positive, no matter the outcome....a dear longtime friend of mine just got diagnosed with Stage 2 colon cancer and I’m just as hopeful yet frightened for him, so I’m there with you right now. All you can do is to offer comfort and support in the meantime; sorry you and your family are dealing with this though...healing thoughts here for your sister.

    As for you, @BuyMoreAndSave, whew!! What a doozy...my heart goes out to you enduring such a stressful situation like that one. Between your dad/bro and your monster-in-law with the bird from Hell, it’s a wonder you’re staying as sane as you are still, so that’s impressive in and of itself.

    So how’s your marriage holding up as you endure all this mess, if you don’t mind me asking? Because it sounds like your husband is being completely insensitive to your feelings and comfort levels. This is NOT what you agreed to with him originally, and based upon your own explanations here, he seems a bit oblivious to just how much all this is affecting your own health and mental well-being. Because he’s the one who brought all this extra stress upon you both; would you be strong enough to force an ultimatum on him(“it’s either she goes or I go”)? Would you be willing/able to live on your own for a while if you had to??

    Because it sounds to me like nothing is going to change unless YOU make the change. And life’s indeed too short to waste it living with such stress and misery...I wish you the best though and hope you find a solution that somehow works for you all in the meantime...

    Thank you very much.  She’s the kindest person in the world who gave my parents no grief and me, well, I was the wild child.

     I see myself in @SuzyRhapsody daughter. Oh Suzy, I was given every path to have an amazing life and made it hard, so hard. But I did it. I definitely had some low times in my 20s (though didn’t seem that way at the time- felt adventurous) but today at 39 I have my bachelors and have been gainfully employed at current job for 12 years with promotions, raises etc. I had a great backbone, as your daughter does which always whispered “you can be so much more”.   

    • Love 7
  18. Reading all of this is a lot. And I wish I had the wisdom to know what to say. But I arrive here today for a different reason and just need anonymity to get it out. 

    My sister had a large ovarian cyst that required removal and a recommended total hysterectomy.  The procedure was yesterday and during the surgery the doctor discovered ovarian cancer of the right ovary . She is 44 and has 2 children 12 and 14- and thankfully a wonderful husband. The hope is they got it all with removal of the malignant ovary but they took multiple specimens which in two weeks (!) we will know more. 

    This is so unexpected. We all thought this would be routine and I’m desperately trying to repeat “She Will be fine” in my head countered by driving around and having moments of terror. 

    I don’t really need responses as much I need to get out I’m scared and very hopeful. The general vibe is “positivity! Prayers!” Which I agree with but this just knocked the wind out of me and I am scared. 


    • Love 14
  19. I don’t know that I can keep up with show much longer. There is so much “it’s so special to live close and have times where we can just get together and enjoy each other” with saccharine smiles that I feel like I watch the same episode every time. It’s off putting to me this season that it hasn’t been in the past.  It feels like they are projecting perfection hard.  A level of “thou doth protest too much”  

    Also- I find all the fiancées/boyfriends tp be damn near interchangeable.  I live in TN and am not surrounded by toothy kind of weird acting people. Carlin’s intended looks like he could be the hairdressers intended  brother. 

    The outlier is Tori’s husband who looks and acts- normal. Poor guy. He was a damn adorable baby and she’s concerned about the head of hair. You could tell that stung a bit and he handled like a champ which made me sad. 

    Whitney and her hysterics of forgiveness and shame and tears is beyond weird. I think we’re dealing with people who have either had major things happen- or minor- can’t tell but somehow she’s to apologize. It doesn’t sit right with me and seems off.

    As an aside, we grew up with a few  families who had four kids and were actually wealthy but it was a known you get water at meals. Ever noticed these cats always have teas and sodas?  It’s not really a big deal at all but I mention it bc I always think of it. I know production likely pays or comped, but I still see parents going “sweet tea” knowing it’s not on their dime. 

    • Love 5
  20. 4 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    A woman his own age? Who might have a career, family, resources, and opinions of her own? Hahahahahaha. Marcelino fancies himself a modern day Henry Higgins. But Brittany is no Eliza Doolittle. And I mean that in the nicest possible way. I like her. She seems thoughtful and intelligent. I hope she can find another way.

    I've colored my hair with henna for over 40 years. Avigal auburn mixed with a combination of coffee and water gives me a vibrant natural looking deep auburn. For about $10 every six weeks or so. 

    I have to confess I did not see that coming, and I am here for it. Poor Sarah, who seems sweet, if somewhat naive. Megan is an idiot. Pass the popcorn. 

    Here’s hoping (and agreeing) Eliza Dolittle she is not. 

    She has an almost zen like quality about her. I hope she finds someone who will let her take leisurely showers before looking at mermaid gift shops and oral sex.

    Im grateful Marcel(Idon’t care spelling) showed his true colors early. She was accepting and appreciated everything. Even the green dress she was funny yet thoughtful about. All he had to be was kind. And he was a controlling, food stealing  dick instead which she handled perfectly.

    So ole Clint’s girl was a “bombshell” big boobed blonde in pics and comes out out a two tone haired candy corn teeth woman. 

    The audience gasps “shit!  He was catfished!”   

    Clint says “she’s so much more beautiful in person”.

    And then proceeds to drop money on her. I found the salon online and women’s cuts start at 85+ and I feel they did 350 plus on her hair. They did a good job. 

    Is the ginger named Caitlyn with Matt?  They are just a train wreck. As said above when he realized she’s the best he can get so he not it broke my heart. She’s neurotic to be sure but cute enough to steal some guys heart-though realize this bar is very low. 

    The player just bores the hell out of me. It’s like if you watch A Million Little Things. I knows there’s a twist- and I don’t give a shit. 

    • Love 7
  21. On Daily Mail they posted Chris Watts (the one who murdered his wife and daughters) is getting multiple letters from women. They post some of the actual letters as well as some pics the women have sent (they block the eyes). 

    I’d like to think people figure out who they are and they feel immense shame. But I’m not sure. Anyway- what a weird phenomenon.  He put his adorable innocent children in oil barrels and they’re professing love and offers of friendship.  

    I can imagine Scott Peterson gets his fair share of love letters. What a world we live in. 

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  22. 48 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

    She said she spent $12,000 for phone cards for him, hence the title of the episode. She must suck at math because if she wasn’t getting that much money’s worth of calls, or somehow seeing who he was calling, then she’s dumber than I thought. The majority of the calls probably went to his wife.

    As for Caitlin being turned away, if you look back on other pickups, they are always outside the facility. I am sure there are rules about cameras on prison grounds. And production forgot to clear it with this prison. Or forgot to tell Caitlin where to park out on the road.

    Yeah I know the title and what she said. My real question is why did he make post release plans?  It doesnt make sense to me. 

    I have a hard time believing if it’s even true that 12k went to phone calls. I bet it’s been, cough, commissary money.  So he could have “Fritos”  (bartering or who knows what) bc he quote hates the food they serve and needs some money for only wholesome reasons!

    Its just so manipulative across the board. And the outsiders love the control and the letters:/calls so I’m not sure who’s to blame. One thing you can take to the bank. Should I ever fall in love with an inmate, I won’t go to the exterior of the yard as an attempt to feel closer. 

    Its like they reach a low and then go yaaahhhh I can get a little lower. 

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