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  1. BUT - Marion did save George's bacon with the stenographer, AND got Bertha to dump Turner. Plus, Marion did go to her 'At Home' when no one else did. Marion has proven herself 'loyal' to Bertha - albeit inadvertently - and Bertha would probably enjoy the fact it would drive Agnes nuts in the process. Larry's main job is to make little Russell heirs that carry on the Russell name with an acceptable society woman. Marion fits that bill, and Bertha does like her....I don't see Larry having any issues making our 'Larionship' dreams a reality.
  2. OK saw a post earlier about what Ada would do with the money and Peggy working for them...and for the life of me can't find it again. They got 2 out of the three they wanted open. I totally see Ada opening the third school, Peggy Head Mistressing, and of course....the pagents would be off the chain, because we KNOW our Ada loves those pageants! But I LOVE the idea of Ada opening a school!!!!!!! /I mean...c'mon HBO - you renewed the hot mess that is AJLT - Please....have mercy on souls who thirst for Victorian soapy drama! We need to be heard!
  3. If we are lucky enough to get a season 3....they should just full throttle the camp lean in and have each previous episode recapped by Mrs. Fish sipping tea while spilling it to us!!!
  4. Yes...but...pricey. Very, very pricey to make. I expect the backlog left from the strikes has resulted in bidding wars for CGI and FX people to get projects completed first - and only so many of those folks good enough to go around. And I'm sure a LOT of those same folks are busy rendering Dragons and Westeros for House of Dragon. So hopefully the formula of 'can we profit off another season' shows YES. /HBO...y'all done did this to me with Carnivale. Not again, please...
  5. So wait a minute....does ADA now own the textile company? AUNT ADA IS A WOMAN OWNED BUSINESS, Y'ALL! HBO - You just cannot leave us hanging!!!! Season 3 announce NOW! - Will Peggy work for Ada now to help her get her papers in order? - Will Oscar get redemption by helping Ada invest? (I can see Ada being all 'I trust you because I am the nicest person on this show and the world needs more Adas anyway.' and giving Oscar a second chance.) - Now that Ada has money - is she gonna be on all the rich widower's radars and we will get 'Sex and the Gilded Age' - but with finger brushes instead of Beejs? - I need season 3 because I am too invested in the Bordin/Mrs. Bruce romance and you CAN'T leave me with just a gloved hand kiss at the Opera as the cherry on the sundae to this, HBO - you just can't!!!!!! - And Turner needs to be continually shown up because she is so very much fun to hate!!!! HBO DON'T LEAVE US HANGING!!!!! RENEW!
  6. True....but it's oddly comforting in a world of chaos to know Aunt Ada's bullshit mean love story she waited her whoooollllleeee life for at least came with a hella cash prize...and we knew we wouldn't end up seeing Agnes scrubbing floors. The predictability is welcomed when the stakes are pure soapy and I love it! ---------- A very odd detail, and perhaps it's just with Marion's dresses I noticed it....but I noticed they 'reused' one of Marion's dresses from season one. (The navy blue with the little flowes and the sheer bodice and sleeves! LOVE THAT ONE!) It's so rare we see characters doing normal people behavior - like wearing clothes again we already wore once...which god forbid Bertha ever does. MAN though....Marion's Met 'cloak'.....UGH.....just....hideous. (BTW - did Marion's met dress sleeves do a weird blurry thing on y'alls screens, too? I swear her sleeves looked super blurry - I think my hi def was trying to vomit it back up.) Bring on Larion so that we can see Agnes stress over having to receive 'New Money' on 61st street please!
  7. AND....doesn't it technically constitute 'Old Money' since his family was, apparently, 'Old money' in Boston. Or, with the basic collapse of the Academy, does Old Money take a back seat to Bertha 'Muscle with a Bustle' Russell now that we have a broke Duke stealing Gladys away from cute nerdy dude. Dear HBO...It's Christmas - PLEASE announce season 3...with 10 episodes!
  8. Me to Mrs. Bruce: YOU GET IT, GIRL! I don't care I love Larry and Marion and I don't care how obvious it was or who knows it. So an alarm clock mechanism that doesn't use oil will SURE come in handy for a rail road guy who needs stuff to run on time! I don't care...i love John's earnestness and I love he will have the Russell's backing him. Armstrong will just always suck, but hey - it's nice that some things never changes. Ada in charge of the servants but Agnes owning the house...OHHHH....GIRLFIGHTS!!!! And Marion's Met Dress was the Pretty in Pink Prom Dress of the Gilded Age.
  9. This bugged me, too. My first assumptiion is that they of course have a security person in on it. Oscar went with her during the day during normal business hours - I know they did something similar in American Hustle, but they also explained HOW they did it. This was all Here one day, gone now with Oscar's Money - PEACE OUT! It was just....weird that there wasn't even a half assed 'Oh, that company closed Friday'...just 'This office has been empty' ?????
  10. Hetty Green is fascinating. Girl would make the Couponers look like Moira and Alexis Rose on Rodeo Drive.
  11. Too bad Turner didn't answer the door, since Maude just happened to use Oscar's former partner in crime as her 'residence.' Wasn't Maude the one who asked Oscar how he knew Turner/Mrs. Winterton at the Duke Dinner? Did Maude know whose address she was using as hers? Would Turner be an unseen partner in this and give them Oscar as a mark? Seems too coincidental for Oscar's scam lady to just happen to use Turner's house as her 'front'? Would Turner have gone 'long game' and try to get the Van Rijhn money because it WAS Agnes who got her fired. A long game to make a little cash and get revenge in the process?
  12. Ohhhhh......I like that idea! AND...it leaves Marion with a reputation-saving out. Although I don't think Bertha would have time to give two hoots about whoever Larry wants if she is too busy trying to reign the Duke back in for Gladys.
  13. I will love it if Mrs. Fish and her thirst for gossip finds out who and where 'maude' is....because you just know if anyone is gonna fine it out, She and Aurora Fayne could use their social networks to CSI: Gilded Age the sh*t out of it! (And Aurora is the ultimate BFF, so yeah - she will Badger and Skinny Pete this if she can find out who screwed Oscar.) I love Larry and Marion and I don't care who knows it! I think Bald Valet guy will end up working for George - George already knows he can trust him so....can't just have him out there, hanging out in his apartment, being retired and stuff. But I can totally see George hiring him because he knows he can trust him. So the Van Rhyns will either get an unexpected Ada inheritance or Marion will have to fast track Daschell....but you can't have Agnes and Ada go broke...and you most certainly will NOT have Christine Baranski playing poor! But one way or the other, there will have to be a financial save. I am so invested in Jack's Clock Saga and I have no earthly idea why - but i love the ingenuity and his hopefulness. And I am so loving the Mrs. Brook/Bourdin flirtation - she's never been hit on in her entire life and I love her confusion and then her 'Oh....tee hee.' I am going to have such sadness after next week!!!
  14. Dashiell is either gonna have to do something so awful - like touch another woman's arm or something, or Dashiell is gonna end up with a back ache: You CAN'T let Marion marry this dude - she CLEARLY belongs with Larry! Come ON - you already crushed Aunt Ada's happiness under a bootheel - please don't subject us to boring Dashiell and Zanita Shin. (I swear the kid is gonna Ye Gads! us any minute!) But they can't just let Marion break an engagement can they? Was that a thing to just 'rethought this and not so much now' breal an engagement? OK - the center box war....Turner can't win this one, but not sure how effective her bargaining is: They either go to the Met or say at Academy...but Winterton's have one choice and one choice only....and it ain't Academy, so not sure how Winterton's followers will still go to Met or stay at Academy? It just seems like, once again, Turner has underestimated her position. Why do I feel like they are going to set up some redemption arc for Armstrong regarding John's clock thing? Like...she is gonna give him the money he will need for some guild membership or something. She's just so unnecessarily evil. (I mean...jeez lady....you moved up in the world from your Mom....be a little less bitchface all the time?)
  15. Now....They did go to Chicago and Mankato a time or two. And the Class Reunion was pretty upscale! lol /Shout out to former TWOPers from the 'Little House on the Prairie and the weird mime who raped Sylvia' board.
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