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Posts posted by ABay

  1. Given that so many nominees are from premium cable channels I can't afford, I will once again be watching for a glimpse of actors I like on non-nominated shows. And, of course, in the hope that someone will make a complete ass of him/herself on stage or the red carpet.


    ETA: And to cheer on TDS, TCR, and @midnight which were all nominated.

  2. From an old cartoon parodying Of Mice & Men: I'm going to hug it and squeeze it and call it George.

    From MST3K: It's not so much the apocalypse. It's the humidity.

    From Psych: You must be out of your damn mind.

    From Life on Mars: Am I mad, in a coma, or back in time? (I ask myself this all the time when faced with an asshole administrator. So...daily.)

    From Ashes to Ashes: Fire up the Quattro! (for turning on the PC)

    • Love 3
  3. "Cheye Cheye Rod-ri-gweez" and "there's a giant lizzard threatening the east coast" are right up there as WKRP classics along with "God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly."


    A lot of my TV quotes are actually from movies...but I saw them on TV so that totally counts. Holy Grail is especially quotable:"Run away! Run away!" and "Brave brave Sir Robin"  I actually sing the second one to my very skittish cat: "When danger reared its ugly head/He bravely turned his tail and fled." Really, I quote half of Holy Grail way too much and could go on and on. Much like Brother Maynard explaining the number of the counting.


    The cats are the recipients of many of my re-used quotes. As I mentioned on the other site "Shut! Shut! You is talky meat!" from Angel gets quite the work out around dinner time (i.e. every time I go near the kitchen).


    "Somewhere between Christmas and being buried alive."
    reminds me of a favorite from Mame:

    How old do you think I am?

    Oh, I'd say somewhere between 40...and death.

    • Love 1
  4. I really enjoyed the thread on TWoP where we talked about lines from TV shows we use in our own lives. If there's an equivalent here at PTV, I couldn't find it, so I've created the topic.


    And I'll start: I was just thinking of how much I miss TDS and TCR, which made me think of Jon & Stephen at the Emmys, which in turn led me to a phrase I use all the time in spite of the fact that no one seems to appreciate it:


    "Good evening, godless sodomites."


    I also use "godless killing machine" to refer to my cat.


    Over to you in the studio...

    • Love 2
  5. Does anyone remember Lie to Me? Tim Roth was the lead. One of his assistants was quite tall. Or so it seemed until I saw him guest starring on Castle and he looked about average. So everyone in LtM must've been wee little folk. The opposite happened with J. August Richards from Angel. He and the other actors seemed average because they were roughly the same height (or that's how I recall it) and then I saw JAR on another show and he looked enormous.


    Back tot he episode....still hate Gordon.

  6. Thanks, @Athena. They were filming near Prague while I was there last year, but unfortunately I didn't know that until I got home. Whenever it's pouring in the early episodes, I imagine it's the major rain that hit shortly after and flooded so much of Europe. The library they use quite often is, I believe, in a monastery near the castle in Prague and I think they also used Cesky Krumlov a lot. But I don't recognize the spot used as Holy Cross and it looks like a cool place to visit.

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  7. My favorite in the series is the one where Stephen is in bed and says that opening the pistachio is like French kissing freedom. And the eagle slowly sidles away from him.

  8. I like all of the Musketeers, including Treville, and remain surprised at how more I like Aramis than usual in this adaptation. Athos has been my default favorite since the book, so I tend to be a bit more judgmental about on-screen depictions. Which leads me to this nitpick. I'm rewatching episode 3--this is where Lady DeWinter addresses him as Athos as if it's his real first name and nearly made me sprain my eyeballs with the rolling--and I think I've figured out why I am not as in thrall to this Athos. He's too damn small. Tom Burke is a fine actor--he was very good in a thankless role in The Hour--but the outfit really emphasizes how thin he is and that his shoulders are a bit narrow (in my utterly subjective taste). ETA: Actually, I think he's kind of pigeon-chested. I am insanely shallow to be picking on him and it's not like I find him hideous or lacking in any other way. I just kind of expect Athos to have a bit more physical heft to him.

  9. Thank you kindly. It's tragic that my genius was lost to posterity when TWoP closed.


    On the other hand, if there's a 10th anniversary rewatch here in the fall, only I will know how much I repeat myself and steal from others.

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  10. I was just settling in for the History marathon of America: The Story of Us. Because it's the 4th and I thought it would be innocuous wallpaper until the outer edges of Arthur arrive and knock out TV reception. And then the short-fingered vulgarian (TM Spy) himself, Donald Trump, showed up as one of the talking heads during the Jamestown segment. Click.


    That's probably not an unpopular opinion but I needed to share.

    • Love 2
  11. Did anyone else get the beginning of yesterday's show for today? I was so confused and then I fast forwarded and the new show started with the break.

    The intro, reading of the categories, and first 4 questions were pre-empted in my area so the weather jackasses could inform us that it was raining.

    • Love 2
  12. Summer shows get more of a chance to pull me in than shows debuting in the fall or midseason because there's less competition. I'm usually desperate for new content by June 1. In the fall, I'll give every show that sounds even remotely interesting a try. Some don't make it past the first few minutes, others get a few episodes. By the time May rolls around, it's a good year if I'm still watching 2.

    • Love 1
  13. Concurring with the drop in Tim's quality. It used to be that when I went back to Buffalo to visit family, I would always stop at the nearest Tim's for English toffee coffee and vanilla creme donuts. I can't get either of those here in Dunkin' Donuts country (I've heard heard rumors some place in CT has vanilla creme donuts but I've yet to find them since Krispy Kreme crashed and burned). I still indulge in the toffee coffee but go to Paula's--a local place, not a national chain--for fantastic vanilla creme donuts.


    Why don't you have these, CT? Why?

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  14. The show gave me so much pleasure, I will always love it even while fuming at its multitude of failings. I nitpick because I love! Among the major things I'd change if I could time travel: play by the rules of the mystery genre or don't play at all; Lindelof is not allowed near the internet.


    On rewatches it always amazes me how little I like most of the characters. Each of them has moments when I do like them, even Charlie and Claire who I can barely tolerate alone or together, but for the most part I just want to smack them upside the head and/or tell them to STFU. So many assholes on one plane. Oceanic should screen their passengers better. Why did I keep watching, why do I still rewatch? In fact, I didn't keep watching. I gave up watching for a while because I was fast forwarding through entire episodes. When they announced that they had an ending date and a plan, I went back . The betrayal that was the finale stung but it didn't destroy the rest of the series for me because lots of it was fun and interesting independent of the outcome.


    What stands out for me in the long run is that the show was so innovative in storytelling: the flashbacks (tedious though they became), flashforwards, flash sideways (tedious as they always were) as an integral part of every episode and used not just to move the plot but to develop character; Roshoman everything--each season has at least one crucial scene with multiple characters that is revisited throughout the season and shown from the point of view of a different character, usually as the starting point of their -centric episode; related to that, the really clever use of previous stories in the episode where Nikki and Paolo die; how often characters were doubled within episodes.

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