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Posts posted by ABay

  1. A DVR malfunction deprived me of Weds show but I saw what I guess was last night's online. Paul F. Thomkins(? I enjoy him but always screw up the last name), Heather Campbell, Brett Gelman. I really did not like that last guy. For those who are intrigued by the fluctuating points, the online stream has all of the games in order.


    Still giggling over "bats could get in there".

  2. I've learned not to investigate anything in dark, spooky places or warehouses
    I've learned that it's mandatory to investigate any allegedly haunted place, and gory crime scene, in the dark.


    Another thing TV has taught me--everyone wears shoes indoors at all times, and everyone stores their shoes--when not being worn--in their bedroom closet. No one has a front hall strewn with sneakers or walks around barefoot or in socks.


    TV Lessons I've Learned was one of my favorite TWOP threads, so I'm thrilled to find it here!

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  3. The only characters I didn't hate on NCIS were the agent who isn't Dinozzo and Ducky (because I will always love Illya Kuryakin).


    I'm currently rewatching The Borgias and have to catch up on DaVinci's Demons and WTF is up with Naples? Between Prince Alphonse in one and King Ferrante in the other it's a wonder the city wasn't razed and salted. On the other hand, in The Borgias, I am deeply in love with Cardinal Sforza and Machiavelli and want a mini-series of them conquering the Renaissance world together.

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  4. Snickers used to have some awesome ads. I used to sing "pretty pretty panda" to my tuxedo cat and still use Great Googly Moogly on occasion.


    Stop me before I add more! I loved this Staples ad and can't believe it doesn't air every August!


    And from Office Max. My favorite part is giving a dictionary to the kids who misspelled lemonade.

    • LOL 1
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  5. So...hi...I recognize many of the screen names as fellow TWoP refugees. How are you all adjusting to this place? As someone said in another thread, it's very bright in here. I think all the white space is putting me on edge. Usually, on TWoP, when I got pissed off I could turn it around or just go away for a bit and ignore it. But since coming here with all the glare and white-ness I have had to fight the urge to spew fire on 2 different threads (not in the Commercials area. You're all cool.) and was only partially successful in controlling myself. It's like the place is both too familiar and too different, bigger and smaller at the same time.

  6. I vehemently disagree. River, Amy, Clara are interchangeable. I'd also appreciate it if Moffat could see beyond female biology but if he can't do it by now, it's not going to happen. I'll just hope the next showrunner comes along soon and has attitudes toward women that date from sometime after 1950.


    I actually cringe at the way the women are presented in the RTD era because those companions are generally presented as having no life apart from the Doctor

    ? Clara literally exists solely to save the Doctor, River's whole reason for being is to kill the Doctor and then save him. They have no existence without the Doctor. Amy's entire life is about the Doctor. What I prefer about Rose (forgetting about the Twu Wuv crap), Martha, and Donna is that they did have lives apart from the Doctor but they came into their inner awesomeness because of him. They became better people because of their time with the Doctor. I think this is also true of Sarah Jane and Leela. Romana was born awesome but gained some compassion.

    • Love 3
  7. Every time I see Ricky Gervais I get fixated on his weird vampire teeth. His incisors are so long and seem too far forward. The first time he hosted the Golden Globes, I thought they were part of a joke. About an hour into it I realized they were just his teeth. (Yes, I know. I'm not proud it took that long. Don't even ask how many years it took me get the "Oil can what?" joke in Wizard of Oz.)

    • Love 1
  8. There are certainly characters I do not like, usually because they eat up screen time that should've gone to characters I like. However, lately I find that it's not so much the character per se but the fan or media reactions to them that inspire my wrath.

    • Love 4
  9. I am SO HAPPY to see other fans of the Life on Mars UK finale! It's the finale I measure all others by, or at least all other dramas. It has everything I want: tears, laughter, lump in the throat, exhilarating ups and downs, and knowing the characters will go on even if I don't get to see them anymore.


    I appreciated the finale for In Plain Sight. It was very low key, no "dramatic" deaths of major characters, just very much in keeping with the tone of the show overall. It was clear that there were changes but the relationships and work would go on. I would've appreciated the end of Warehouse 13 more if they hadn't caved to cliche and stuck Pete and Myka together. Other than that, it was pretty satisfying.


    Still burning with red hot hate for the finales of Chuck, Burn Notice, and Lost.

  10. In 1983, I was old enough to drink. And did. It was really the only way to survive the Reagan Years.


    Here's the thing, I remember bad parts of the late 60s and the 70s because I was very young but aware enough of the world to understand that police officers really shouldn't attack peaceful protesters with fire houses and police dogs (or pepper spray but that's another decade) and to personally feel the effects of discrimination against women. But those decades are far enough in my personal past to be sweetened by time and emotional distance, even while acknowledging the bitter.


    The 80s, not so much. I was an adult, albeit a young one, and it makes a difference in how I remember the times. I miss my college friends and hanging out with them but I'm not at all nostalgic for the decade.

    • Love 2
  11. I record the show and watch later just so I can fast-forward through Helping Hands and Moving Scenery (and commercials). Watching the YouTube clips of Ryan & Colin from the Drew Carey years...so much more variety in games. They need to get some of those back into rotation.

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  12. This is the first adaptation of the Musketeers in which I've liked Aramis. not loathed D'Artagnan, and did not immediately love Athos. I don't know what to make of that but I'll happily watch the second cheesy series when it comes out.


    It's a pity Capaldi can't come back as Richeliue when he clearly spent lots of time learning how to twirl that cloak dramatically for the opening credits.

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  13. Meh. I'll give it another episode and hope it improves but I was mostly bored. Maybe part of the problem is that I remember the 1980s too clearly and don't feel the safety of historical distance that I do about the 60s and 70s.

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  14. I'm glad for new episodes but are we just going to get musical guests and their time-eating performances every Thursday from now until the CBS gig? They are my least favorite thing on the show aside from the weird guest characters that occasionally show up.

    • Love 2
  15. There's a Depends commercial running right now where a woman is musing about how wearing Depends makes it possible for her to leave the house and go out and do active things, like kickboxing. Then there's a scene of her working with her kickboxing trainer, and as she lifts her leg in a perfect roundhouse kick, all I can think is, "She's peeing right now."

    Cannot stop laughing at this. May need Depends.

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