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Posts posted by ABay

  1. God, I needed that yesterday. Very funny show, helped tremendously by fast-forwarding through Helping Hands as always. I also (with poster upthread) loved that Heather grossed out Ryan or whatever that was when he cracked up during props.


    Ryan's 7 Dwarfs name should be Gangly.

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  2. I didn't say "just an actor" @SilverStromm. I said "an actor." Which is what he was. I remember going into hysterics at a routine Williams did as a guest on a talk show and at times during Mork & Mindy, and he was a revelation in Good Morning, Vietnam. His death certainly merited a screen banner and perhaps a brief cutaway between shows. Breaking into programming should, imo, be saved for things like 9/11, Bin Laden's death, the Pope being shot, and so on.

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  3. The best thing about Shark Weeks past was the ads. My favorite included two little kids in swim gear backing slowly away from their inflatable kiddy pool as the theme from Jaws played.


    The worst thing about the current Shark Week is that it "inspired" Shart Week on Comedy Central.

  4. It looks like it's just the first one because the running time is 2 hours. It also looks like it's running as part of Faye Dunaway day since it's followed by 3 Days of the Condor and Chinatown.


    If I understood the question.

  5. The distinction between "bring" and "take" seems to have vanished.


    It also seems that very few people understand how to use "underestimate" and "overestimate." I first noticed the problem in an ad for a dentist or something similar. One of the spokespeople earnestly informed us that "you can never underestimate the power of a smile". I've noticed it so often since then that I wonder if I'm the one getting it wrong?

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  6. That's actually a valid literary device.  It's called the "Historic Present," and its purpose is to make the narrative more vivid, in order to make the reader feel as though he or she really were there as an eyewitness to the events being related.

    Yes...none of this does anything to reduce the irritation level at its use. Indeed, it only saddens me that historians encourage a lack of imagination on the part of the viewer who is usually watching dramatic re-enactments of the events under discussion. And this:



    The Romans, for example, used it quite frequently in prose to great effect.

    just makes me glad they're all dead.

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  7. Here's the thing--someone sticking their arm in front of you is not going to stop you smashing into the windshield or dashboard. Your seat belt is going to do that. All sticking an arm out is going to get you is a broken arm, and no control over the steering wheel. So, please, if I'm your passenger, just keep your damn hands on the wheel.

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