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  1. Am I the only one who thinks Miranda is absolutely stunning? I realize her and Leah have the crazy two toned hair colors going on half the time, but I am rewatching season 5 where both sets of the parents sit down. And Leah looks like a hot mess compared to Miranda
  2. I guess I'm just really confused. Why go through the adoption and the changing of the names if they planned to have the bio dad remain in their lives? They are all old enough to know who their dad really is, as many of you have pointed out. And why would the bio dad give up those rights to have them immediately come stay with him for weeks? It sure seems like he still wants them to remember him as dad. None of this makes logical sense! Their stories never add up. And quite frankly, I'm getting annoyed with myself that I add to their salaries by watching to be lied to in return.
  3. I read a statement by her right after the engagement saying they do not "plan" to partake in poligamy.
  4. I 100% believe that Aurora as Aspergers. I thought she had daddy issues at first, but she seems almost socially awkward much like how Dayton was when we first met him.
  5. I agree. I had to take notice, because she has made so many previous statements about her slender figure as if she was trying to make the other wives feel bad. That was also her thing at first, she was the young skinny wife. It will be interesting to see how it pans out if she continues to gain weight. Also, it is important to point out that they do not live healthy lifestyles. And they are on TV, so it surprises me that she put on lbs
  6. Wow has Robyn put on weight! I was confused when she said she was only 4 weeks. The doctor even mentioned that the baby was still super tiny, so she can't blame all of that on new baby. Seems as though she's fully engaged in the brown lifestyle and diet
  7. "I only studied calculus and geometry in college" -Robyn wow cal and geo 101 what a scholar
  8. Yes I agree! The gleam in her eyes! They remind me of two teenagers. He was so on board with Robyn having a baby and was not nearly as gentle with Mary when she brought up her baby desires. I wonder if that's weird when they announce to the other sisterwives like "hey we're gonna be baby making!"
  9. I found it interesting when Gwendolyn was staying behind on the wrestling trip and going to stay Robyn's they told her to be respectful. Kind of sounded like she was going to a sleep over not her other mother's house. They keep telling us they are one big family but are they really?
  10. Thanks for clarifying for me Mary Mitch!
  11. I can't tell you all enough how much I despise Tamron Hall. Every time I hear her say "I ask the hard questions" I can't help but shout at my tv YOU ASK NOTHING!!!!!!
  12. I still LOL when Chrisitne informed us that PMS is a real thing.
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