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Never Again

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  1. I missed part of the show but on Reddit they said there was big beef from Melissa ro Asaf. She’s always angry but does anyone know why
  2. Sit with me at the cougar table, girl, I’m 7 years older than mine. It never mattered much and now we’re both just heading toward old age!
  3. I was sure I remembered she introduced herself as a judge and wondered why her chyron said barrister. Maybe I misremembered?
  4. If Bowie is a judge, then I’m a judge. And I’m no judge. If she really is, If I ever commit a crime, I hope I go in front of her. No intellectual, deep-thinking, impartial and careful decider of justice here. Just a very gullible pick-me making stupid choices. I’m sure I’d go free
  5. I feel it’s more of a Cody/Derrick thing. You let your BFF (that you met two months ago) take the reins and when you had your chance to get rid of him you didn’t but that’s ok he will win and you’ll be happy about it because that’s what friends are for (keep smiling…)
  6. I really just want to see what’s happening in the jury house already
  7. So hey what if…what if...Jag (assumedly) comps out and chooses Felicia to sit next to him at F2. Knowing he won nearly every comp since jury started and she won a single one all season by a (very literal) stroke of luck. And therefore he knows he’s a lock to win. But he doesn’t consider that the jury decides and the jury is made up of people who all voted him out. What if they decide Felicia actually deserves it more, going by that criterion. And Jag is making some people unhappy these days. This is not a written test where there only one correct response. These are human beings with emotions and they may remember hugging him goodbye and walking him to the Julie door before that wretched twist came, and they hopefully feel he just does not deserve the win. Can you imagine a less competent player than Felicia but I would love to see her beat him. Manifesting….
  8. Precisely! The Reverseverse! Comment of the season! 🏆
  9. A bar-hopping, club going, mathematician who quotes poetry! (Very well, then contradict yourself) Multitudes, indeed. Maybe I’m amazed!
  10. Not so fast! Your work has been excellent but won’t be done until you explain how one can be a bar-hopping club-going mathematician? My brain can’t compute
  11. What the country fuck? Amen, sister (or brother, idk why I think I remember from years back that you’re female, but I could be wrong). But amen
  12. Matt blew the chance to get Jag out. What a freaking idiot. Why come on the show only to hand someone else the 750K? Matt let me break the news to you, Jag is not going to put your kids through college. Jag is not going to buy you a house or a Maserati. Jag is going to take that money and forget you ever existed. You could have got him out of the way tonight but you instead gave him the opportunity to comp out. What a buffoon
  13. If you’re still playing and you’re sitting there with a guy that very early on was evicted unanimously, was saved by a ludicrous twist, went on to win innumerable HOHs and POVs, some in record time, and a time comes that he wins neither and you don’t evict him then you deserve what you get. And it’s not just losing. It’s losing with your name in lights on the very top of the Loserboard.
  14. As a reminder I’m not forgetting that Cirie got here by having it rigged for her in the beginning. Yea she’s sly and clever in her social game. But she probably would have been voted out week one because of her prior status/fame, but they only introduced her after the comp was over. And then of course having her son there secretly is an insane five steps up the ladder. Not only are they guaranteed ro never vote against each other but early on when they landed in different alliances they spilled everything to each other. She started on square 3 and I’ll be pissed she wins. Luckily she can’t win a comp to save her life so even if she gets to F2 I can’t see her getting the votes. But she should never have gotten even this far. I can live with stupid play and big mouths and awful comp players but can’t stand when it’s completely unfair. Idk it’s just annoying me today, probably bc I didn’t expect to see her here this late in the game
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