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Oinky Boinky

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Everything posted by Oinky Boinky

  1. See Autolycus is a good guy. Well from the story... FIFTH temple sixth time Five men five feet 10 feet no-one FIFTH, sixth, Five, five, 10, one I tried to make that add up to 99 (:-P) but it didn't work. Any other ideas. Could this be a numerology thing? Anything about the variation on how the numbers are denoted?
  2. We had a good night. Whoever protected who - now knows some good information or the target was a 2 kill.
  3. I think the best for a day one no DL is that you have a lot of votes to DL and it ends in a tie. Even better you put on some heat and someone has to defend them self or someone lies and gets caught out. Say it is 5 to 6 for one and another - you get a voting history, hints of alliances such as masons and villains. You may see if you touched a nerve based on the next NK target. I come from games with no story, no clues and the only way it gets done is to rattle people. I mean it, no story, no clues, just people yapping at each other and testing them and then examining voting history and targets. Every one falling in line and voting no DL causes people to sit back and no information is gained- no one defending, no one back peddling. It's a fait accompli and the tendency is not to stick your neck out. Having 2 or 3 people with DL votes against them produces good information. Rattle people, make them work, I very often vote to stall things or rattle people I want to hear from. That is also a good reason to start a DL on someone who is not posting. Sorry I wasn't going to go on the usual anti NO DL rant.
  4. You know the clues are so hard they hardly ever help us. Doing the sorting of the characters is very helpful but not sure if it is in this game. There are so many and so many ambiguous ones there is lots of room to hide or false claim. You can pretty much claim your role but say you are the hero version. The other overwhelmingly helpful thing is voting history. Last game to me it was pretty glaring that we as villains were voting together and by the 3rd vote it was kind of ouchy. Now we have one less day of voting history plus we absolutely did not DL a villain. Does anyone think that voting no DL thing is something only heroes do? I don't.
  5. It does. Thank you. I like the idea of twilight actions for the sequencing.
  6. Twilight - can anyone explain what this is other than we can still talk about the game while we wait for night? Thanks Drogo. I do quotes of the day on my FB page. Friends really liked 3 of the voices in my head want to sleep, the 4th one wants to know if penguins have knees' I may steal the 22 is the new 12.
  7. Thank you all. The upshot of it is I have 25 years at what I was doing but retired and came back as a casual. I now get to be pushed around by a 22 year old because she has 'seniority' over me and likes to run to the union.
  8. I wasn't looking for a DL in that - maybe by the second day if someone hasn't shown up and they aren't helping at all. It is remarkable the turn out so far.
  9. You know I had a fairly bad day at work. It started in tears. Tears that maybe have happened 2 or 3 times in 40 years and usually take a few hours to develop. There's no excuse. I don't even have hormones anymore. Sheeesh. I contributed yesterday. I'm trying to help. For anyone who thinks I was too quiet - well there you go.
  10. Interesting - I just went through the discussion to check for non contributing flying under the radar types and the only one who has not posted is Crazed Spruce. That is kind of impressive. You all will have your no DL. I'm not voting for it. The villains love the no DL- it's one more day to get a leg up on us. I am a hero. I hope I last long enough to be helpful. Whoever is protecting and you don't know who to protect - you may be happy you protected me. I know there are more important heroes to guard. My ability is really useless right now, going to take a few days to be of any benefit but I would like it to ripen.
  11. Well I was at work. You all know how I feel about no DL and it is like banging my head to reiterate it. No DL leaves the town exactly where they started and I would like you to think about the towns lack of ability to get a DL done in Sherlock and how that served you. I have been debating about getting into all that again or whether to lie low. That works as opposed to what I do and get killed right out of the gate. In any case I think we have run out of time.
  12. There was also the baby that did not get cut in half. Bible - brain not working. Abraham? I should start googling stuff instead of trying to find it in the hoarder brain I own.
  13. Read the story. Watched the video. Think I love her but that fighting is a little cheesy. Only thing that jarred me in the story was this.... 'You've already started. You saved that baby” he told her. What baby? How do you save a baby? you don't throw out the bath water. Crib, playpen, Car Seat - CS Crazed Spruce. That's it, all I got. Drogo I like your Mac Be clue but the clues are always so obscure it is kind of hopeless.
  14. I didn't ask for a tie I asked for a slowing down of the steamroll.
  15. And when you took your vote off me if you put it on Drogo it would tie the votes in so much as you might not want commit to that direction but slow it down.
  16. For reasons I said before. Mark the only gift I was given was to know your role. You don't want to vote against me.
  17. Thinking about the troublemaker. Is this overt or covert? Overt they would be in here yapping and stirring the pot. We aren't seeing that so it must be covert trouble making abilities and I wonder what that might be. I was really drunk, paralyzed in that ditch, I think Caprice slipped something into my protein shake.
  18. I vote #2. Drogo and Biz came up with this pretty fast - smells of night planning.
  19. Drogo if you robbed a villager are they now the robber? You can't trust that person on that basis because you don't know what they robbed. They could rob a werewolf identity and have you claim they must be a villager. How you left them holds no guarantee.
  20. This seems like the start but have there already been night actions? If that was night I was asleep or dreaming through it too. (Bob if we have simple questions during day can we ask you or do we have to PM? I'm a little confused are we going to have multiple nights that cycle quickly or just one night and one day? a little busy today and don't want to miss the whole thing- if it goes til Monday that is great) Well if anyone knows anything - time to speak. I am a Villager also, I was drunk in a ditch all night, weird dreams or did I wake up? By the light of the moon I saw something, heard something.
  21. Machiabelly - do you play golf in PEI? I am going there to play for the first time next June.
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