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Oinky Boinky

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Everything posted by Oinky Boinky

  1. OK as soon as HM said he was Scruffy that was not pushed. The Damien Lewis clue was as good as the FH one on day one. Regarding the TJ thing- I had thrown it out that the Jack in the poker game could be TJ...ack. However I don't think Egavasc would clue against TJ two days in a row. Regarding Janus the two faced god it has been niggling that perhaps with so many players we might all have a twin. And our heroes are travelling to TWOP. OB and Jesse OK and someone else
  2. Thank you Mach. My trust list is growing. Machiabelly Curious Parker - villains don't start DL lists usually. Onion Knight Jesse Saoirse (fondly remember the days when I just had to remember if there was an 'e' in Stacy) Not sure: Think Firearcher was hinting at being the Professor??? Think Drogo was hinting at being Hedonism bot (inviting 12 people into his bed + an absolutely filthy martini) The chain smoking I thought and dismissed in the same manner. Before my daughter set me straight I thought 'Mom' would be the one with the scrub bucket - very funny that. Serial killers...? Do we think hypnotoad is in the game? As the old dead TV shows part of the Futurama story same as old politicians or new clues? The Mom group may be that we have two groups of evil factions. And no Jesse and I are not in them. I do have something suspicious on my chest but not sure what to do with it.
  3. The villain team... the villain team would have little to gain and way more to lose by coming out hard for each other. As I think Mach said if one is outed both are and DL'D with day protectors not common. So 5 or 6 villains are going to risk 30 % of there mass for what? Or a small subsection of villains is going to risk a higher % I am willing to take the risk for the value to the heroes. Yesterday a DL on Jesse followed by the usual NK on me would have been very bad. Mark those words. You will see.
  4. RIP Scruffy More characters....
  5. This made me laugh. My one cat had me trained to give her 4 pans and clean them every day. 1. Foil pan like a turkey roaster was demanded to pee in. 2. Foil pan to pee in back up. 3. Plastic litter pan to poo in. 4. Plastic litter pan #2 to walk around in and think about things. And if any one of them not cleaned every day it is deposited beside the pan. When I think of people in some circumstances with animals - it is just bad for everyone. I met a lady where my guy and I needed to take a shower at her place. Her geriatric cat used her shower as a litter box. Someone says here use my shower - you realize it is a cat box and are too polite to say you changed your mind. The whole house reeked. Ugh!
  6. Happy birthday Lisin BAGGO!! (pitches bag of Fireball to Lisin)
  7. Cute very cute. Now now Drogo you can't be hinting at being hedonism bot during the night drinking.
  8. yes you did misread it. Regarding brain slugs. I was just wondering if there might be some in the game and how it would work. My Benjamin Braddock reference is because he says in a very deadpan voice. "I'm worried about my future' When you have a brain slug you speak in a very deadpan way and it made me think of Benjamin Braddock. 'I'm worried about brain slugs' That's all. Some people might think that was amusing. But maybe not everyone is as old as me and saw the Graduate at the theater first run.
  9. Absolutely not responsible for no DL. Maybe responsible for the full house clue not being carried to the incorrect conclusion. And slowing down the no DL vote would not have happened by my jumping on it. Sort of like how Biz held off. I really don't want to be argumentative about all this. The day ended 50% better than it could have regardless of no DL.
  10. Glad you said paraphrasing - I said 'I was no DL really (doesn't happen often) just left my vote on HM to slow it down.' I said I was in effect no DL (by staying on the HM vote) I never did say I didn't want a day one DL- not out of character. I did not want a very bad DL.
  11. Someone asked to get things started so at least we would have a voting record. I started the DL on HM based on the Damien Lewis clue. When he said he was scruffy. I just sat on it. No harm no foul. It changes the numbers required in other voting trains and slows things down. My form of no DL. If I seem unfair to ask for protection there is an instance when it is justified. Sorry if anyone feels slighted by that. The greater good and all. At the very least I have stopped a very bad DL NK combination.
  12. It's OK really. You will see. I am probably out in this game early again but on the reveal you will know what to do. I intended to lay back more in this game but that stupid running with the Full house clue in the wrong direction prodded me. And it is ironic that fighting too hard for the hero's is a bad thing. Good luck to you all. You may see a ghost fluttering by muttering 'I told you so'
  13. I was no DL really (doesn't happen often) just left my vote on HM to slow it down. Whoever is protecting - you won't be sorry if you protect me. You will be happy. Everyone have a safe night.
  14. You know in the Graduate where Benjamin Braddock says 'I'm just a little worried about my future' I'm just a little worried about brain slugs Is anyone else worried about brain slugs ?
  15. pass unnoticed? me? I'm dancing as fast as I can.
  16. Drogo you're killing me. Literally. I asked for protection because it is a good idea PLUS who else can the protector possibly have an idea of who to protect? (think back to the Princess Bride. I ask for it when I need it.) And why exactly would a villain work so hard to protect a hero? Villains are blending into the woodwork right now.
  17. Ok you can call us masons. Two quite useless heroes whose only power is to vouch for each other. I know it doesn't mean Jesse and I got irked because you are all being deflected. As HM it might mean Bob. I really thought turning a blind eye meaning Jacks or knights (in the French deck) was significant.
  18. Where did the Lisin clue against Jesse go?
  19. All of the villains know who the heroes are ie not them. Some certain heroes also know who is a hero. If I was a villain I would let you think Full house >>Jesse is the clue. It is not. The heroes will complain someone knew something and didn't inform. Not everyone wants a target on their back. Whoever is protecting tonight I need you.
  20. I don't know how many ways or times to say Full house>>Jesse is NOT the clue.
  21. I am not sure if we go to night if no DL wins a majority here. In case we go to night please if you are looking for someone to protect - protect me. Same as you protected me when I was the boy in Princess Bride but not the way you did when I was Buffy. Protect me and you won't regret it.
  22. because villains always come out of the woodwork day one to support each other. I think HM is claiming Mom. Safe if it is not on the list. As HM said voting patterns are good. I don't think villains would start a DL on Jesse or I. They would jump in later.
  23. You are right 12 to deliver And what Jesse said.
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