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Oinky Boinky

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Everything posted by Oinky Boinky

  1. The list of 23 is helpful for each of us to plot the characters we believe are in play and who of us are them. I think it is also being used to deflect from the list of 8 who we don't trust. We all have a different list of 8 but many are the same on each list. Every time the list of 23 is posted, the list of 8 is supposed to fade from our view. I am going to ask for protection again tonight. Some of you may think it is unwarranted or my asking is a slight against you. Sorry you are wrong. There was some action against me last night - those of you who did it know who you are. It was ineffective and I would like to keep it that way. I am sure you don't know it was ineffective or why. Have a good night. Please protect me and the 15+8 list will be very firm tomorrow morning.
  2. I certainly would put Bender and take away Calculon. Characters who appeared in the stories should be here so I don't think Santa bot. And I sure missed flexo. I was getting excited that it was coming out to 23 and didn't triple check my list.
  3. Bender is a hero and pretty sure he was on my 23 list. I missed flexo as a villain and put Agnew instead. I also realize now there are two characters with creaking joints - the professor and Clamp? who begs to be oiled. So that solves my two professors quandary. Clampy -damn you auto correct. Clamps
  4. One hour? I have 11 AM in Ontario. Thought we had until 2 or 3. Wow let's go folks. Curious to see Drogo s investigation ability.
  5. I have to go out and visit an ailing family member in 20 minutes. Can I have a suggestion for alternate DL please.
  6. People not on my trust list. Taking suggestions if you also can't go with the 3 current DL choices: Biz Lady Calypso Dead Pool Firearcher Lisin Caprice Dougal Mark HB If posting this list is a mistake you may see a DL roll on me comprised of 5 or so of the above. Heroes have the numbers to out vote them. Thank you. Pick one. Many are in this list for the same reason as Biz. Talking but saying nothing and no help or idea of their role.
  7. I am sorry for your troubles Biz and I am sure you will not get DL'd today. I have batted back and forth the telling of family circumstances as a hero or villain and the truth is- none of it changes the role you were assigned well before then. Investigation of Biz is a good idea. I don't like the SS DL. I hate the Drogo DL. I may just pick someone of the 8 not on my trust list and go with that.
  8. So very certain Drogo is a hedonism hero. I just re-read everything. I wrote down everyone I trust and counted. I got 13 on the nose. With 8 scum and 1 serial killer - voila = 23
  9. I got to my number of villains by counting Agnew and I guess I stopped when the total was 23. My 23 of course may be wrong but it seems close to the stories. I think my daughter told me about brain slugs and I thought it was neat and wondered about them.
  10. Leaving Flexo off was a mistake. I was thinking his name was clampy or something and then didn't see it in my roundup. I did propose the idea that everyone has a twin or buddy. I said that was what Janus with two faces meant to me and that they are travelling to the planet TWOP. And while I am proposing the twin or buddy system why would I leave off Benders unless I missed it or forgot it
  11. Not yet. The last time I threw a vote down too soon, people were touchy about it. I was out at the curling match. It's 1AM so I will sleep on it.
  12. Just on a feel/attitude/actions are louder than really hard clues idea. I would go with a Biz DL. That extrapolation to a DL on Drogo is a real stretch. I believe Drogo is Hedonism Bot.
  13. Thanks A1. Jesse and I are like that couple at a party where they put up with the belligerent one cause they love her.
  14. Hoping that if I openly trust you, that you trust me.
  15. *** If I am not here for next several hours I am at the Briar gold medal game. Wonder if I might see Athena there? Don't kill me in my absence please.
  16. Hi Fire... It was your comment about your joints. Can you explain? Was it in reference to anything?
  17. Thank you. Very valuable that. Just clarify that one eyed turning a blind eye was also the Jack clue and I pointed it at OK and TJ...ack. I totally trust OK now. And Firearcher said A LOT. Wish he would come back in.
  18. I saw that but couldn't find who it referred to. Will try again. The character I found said Simpsons unless it is a crossover.
  19. Drogo it's not my fault that I haven't been quite trusting of you this game. The hedonism bot thing is helping.
  20. Heroes: Fry Leela Amy Hermes Professor Zoidberg Scruffy Washbucket Zapp Kif Smitty URL Hedonism bot Nibbler Calculon 15 Villains: DonBot Robot Devil Huge Brain Nixon Agnew Lrrr Mom Dr Ogden 8 =23
  21. It is not likely at all that TJ would be clued against twice. It is significantly more likely that of two potential TJ clues, one is correct. Statistically odds of A + B are exponentially greater against than A OR B It's been a long time: 1/23 X 1/23 versus 1/23 + 1/23
  22. I know the poker table clue was not against Onion Knight. We still have a protector. HM could only protect in defiance of the group's will and in the case of no DL, not at all.
  23. SS thank you for the info on villains starting DLS. The only thing I can say about proving my value is that I have a trust list and you don't. I am not firm on the CP trust any more. This morning I do not have a baddie list yet.
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