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Oinky Boinky

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Everything posted by Oinky Boinky

  1. I think if I was in the slammer, I would want you there and if my buddies wanted to break me out to the place of less slamming I would be 'can we take my new buddy?' And it is totally I couldn't post because of all these life things. Please ignore that I posted every day since the events without mentioning the events.
  2. I was thinking Johnny Fairplay. Am I allowed to think that way? I do believe the accident happened on March 10th but the claim that it subsequently kept her from posting when she posted on the 11th, 12th, 13th is what I was questioning. As I said her role was assigned well before the accident and from the 10th to the 14th no mention of it until the DL started. I am wondering if for that one protection was not in place but the second attempt at a DL it was. That's all. And in comparison no posting again until this DL might go through. We heard not one peep all during the other day and twilight- Biz knew she was safe on that DL. Now we are trying again et voila.
  3. I am going to say this in the nicest possible way and it is all game... The last time Biz spoke up this much was when she was in danger. She was being DL'd and came on to tell us - I was driving all day, my daughter was in an accident, I was at school, forogot my phone- why I haven't been posting - that was March 14th. She had in fact posted on the day of the big drive and the accident - March 10th, on the 11th, 12th and 13th. No mention of problems until she is being DL'd on the 14th. I think the stops were pulled out then to save her, people said so sorry Biz and jumped right onto Drogo and a few onto DeadPool. Vote was split no DL. I kept my vote on Biz saying sorry about your troubles but the role you were assigned was before all of this. She is working pretty hard for us not to DL her today even offering up Mark. Drogo if Biz really would rather see Mark go instead of herself, do you not think that means she thinks she is more important? Do you think scum really is advocating for the heroes when she says take Mark, not me? Or really, having sloshed the water out of the jar is she thinking less straight?
  4. I will happily go with a DL on Mark but are you not worried that we have to hit Biz twice in a row for it to take?
  5. Really? The story said we sloshed the water out of Nixon's brain jar pretty good but he survived. Are you not worried as in another game we need two hits in a row to get Nixon? He may be some sort of blocker or protector also? Let's just not split the vote the way they did it when we had Biz and DeadPool on the hook. Oh and unless some sort of role hiding is in play - you should admit Caprice into the boudoir. Is it possible to ask about your MMCS suspicion? And do you know if Mark is scum if he is as scummy as Nixon? Another point... If Biz was not a two killed but was protected when we tried to DL her - those things are usually you can't protect the same person two times in a row. So it may very well be if Biz was protected from the last DL she can't be protected from todays'
  6. I have begun to question everything so I am re-reading. Trying to get things firm here. I like it firm
  7. So sorry Smitty. I tried to keep you safe buddy.
  8. 'Those red uniformed men' very funny that
  9. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrappa bartender (3 bad days for the heroes)
  10. Thanks Egavasc warning that story is going up is a good idea. And thank you Drogo for making me laugh. And everyone else who made me smile. Oh and every time I see the words 'speed DL' it took 12 hours!
  11. Agreed. Do you think there is any risk that all of our investigators may end up looking at same person? It seems we don't have a serial killer. We had someone with two votes who is dead, and I believe a blocker but can't remember who that was. Wonder what other tricks are at play. Role switcher would explain more than one person appearing to be the professor.
  12. Are we still in twilight? For this story I think we found the clue- whirlygig- Some of us did discuss our thoughts about who we don't trust. Is there something someone wanted to discuss that we missed? Did someone want to DL someone else? I would certainly like to hear that. It is valuable information.
  13. I'm surprised it was 6 and 12 hours. That is pretty decent to me. I think the heroes in this game felt behind the 8 ball, 2 days no DL and one because we ran out of time. I know I was nervous it just wouldn't get done. A roll on someone can go either way really fast and flip really fast. Maybe that is part of the strategy? Up to the individual mod. And what CP said.
  14. I have played so many with people all over the world in different time zones. the ones who make it make it all the time. Non posters don't post. Non voters don't vote. And then there are some who miss occasionally but if they have been posting and discussing they have helped us decide and are there in spirit and influencing that vote we came to.
  15. I so agree with A1. Even if we wait 12 hours it could go very fast then. What about the person who then can't vote 12 hours later? In every single game we have the 'oh darn I missed another vote' people and ones who rarely miss. We had two days of waffling and wasting time and the clock ran out on us with no DL and two days where we made sure we got it done. I would rather get it done. I did tell people to slow down. Maybe something like don't wait to start but put a wait on the last vote. But then what happens if that last vote then doesn't make it? What happens if voting is held 12 hours and we don't get enough in the remaining hours? It happens every game that people miss the vote and in this game that we ran out of time.
  16. Caprice - I have no reason to trust. I have just re-read everything and I don't see her voting or committing or in fact saying anything at any time. MMCS very interesting On the second day vote where we were trying to DL Biz, the ones who latched onto the Drogo DL were DeadPool, MMCS, Curious Parker and SilverStorm. However CP and SS were the first two on the Biz DL and switched to Drogo DL when Biz told her 'my daughter was in an accident story' and people switched off her. So the two very firm on deflecting off of Biz by way of you were DeadPool and MMCS. MMCS did jump on to the Biz lynch today. Since Biz was caught out and identified kind of a skin saving thing to do for a villain.
  17. No not that person. I told them to go slow. Firearcher is so convincing.
  18. One who has puzzled me from the beginning Is Firearcher. Immediately after our first story where the professor took 5 minutes to sit down- FA'S only post was about his creaking joints. That to me he is the professor. That night I learned who the professor is in this game and it is not him. It makes no sense to come right out of the gate with a fake claim on day 1. So a puzzle. Maybe just his sense of humour at play.
  19. Drogo not my intention to have you pull your cards from your chest. From things I shouldn't reveal right now but you will know when I'm gone- I think we are in pretty good shape.
  20. Drogo that is too long to quote but... Please do not worry about my Intel. How about yours? You hinted about potential? The Caprice thing is compelling. Love the whirlygig clue.
  21. Go slow as you want. Discuss just don't miss the deadline. We are gathering valuable voting lists. I agree with A1 we will have 1 or more scum voting with us.
  22. So when I said 10 to prove 'I am not a thief' it should have been 9?Is it correct now? You know if we do have a serial killer they are terrible at it.
  23. Take your time. RIP Lisin. Enjoying the stories. Sweet llamas in pajamas? How about foul alpacas in Curacas? Ants in pants? Goats in coats? Can someone please bold my vote for me. Thanks
  24. Well... 1 to DL BizBuzz (Oinky Boinky) 10 to prove 'I am not a thief'
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