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Oinky Boinky

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Everything posted by Oinky Boinky

  1. 1 to DL The Crazed Spruce(Oinky Boinky) 2 to let Mom rest before her day. A1, if Jesse and I vote as a block, the only way for a kill is to vote with us.
  2. No we have to have vote completed by 4;Friday. Do we have to discuss for 12 hours?
  3. The 4 are Jesse, OB , A1, Spruce. Correct? Duh it's in the story. My brain has gone to mush.
  4. I missed you guys. Yes even the ones who have been trying to kill me.
  5. Please Bob don't get yourself in trouble.
  6. Dougal - do you realize you just lied or does it kick in automatically and you aren't aware? And also respect? I don't think that is what is motivating you. You are scrambiing for the win and dirty, double dealing is the key. If the heroes can't win, I would rather the SK win. I promise the SK, if you are killing a hero for them they are putting in a kill order for you. Think about it.
  7. A1 I hope that if this is true that if you take out TJ or another hero for them, their best chance to win is to kill you tonight. Then there is only 2 hero's vs two of them. They still have to get you dead to win and they can't get that done during the day. I promise you. If you are putting in a death order on a hero they are putting one in on you same time. That would leave two heroes, two villain and we couldn't get a DL so they win, you lose
  8. Just read the story. Now that was funny. The group I belong to 'runners with a drinking problem' all have nicknames. I happen to know a girl named Death by Snu Snu and realize now why that is funny.
  9. Ok there is a good order. Dougal is the poker table faction and Spruce and Machiabelly - Mom faction. It is right to knock out one faction.
  10. No Just in from golf was counting on the discussion period. I though we were going for Machiabelly thinking that was the SK. ? Why Dougal? Do we think there is no serial killer, just two factions?
  11. When next SilverStormm and I are partnered you know we will both want us to fight this hard,be this dogged. Cheers but Fireball? (Whiny voice)
  12. I think I have had this in Jamaica and a Bob Marley I can make that.
  13. Really really glad SS confirmed this means villain.
  14. Love it, Bob Silverstormm telling SK to kill TJ or CP helps solidify my thoughts.Thanks That crazy/ wacky girl has helped me so much.
  15. There is no longer a best hero or most useful hero. We know all the ids and have shared everything or will with whoever is left. Three investigators left - you can at most kill two. Cajoling the 'SK' if there is one to kill a certain way is merely a huge 'don't kill one of us' argument I for one would rather go on hiatus than speed up if it means mistakes or someone not getting in a night action, a vote or discussion.
  16. Regardless of Wernstrom /Machiabelly? There was an implied 'or' in the previous question.
  17. So if we investigate Machiabelly and get Wernstrom - villain Mom is good. If we investigate Machiabelly and get Wernstrom hero Mom is bad on the inside?
  18. Sorry Smitty. I love you to pieces. We have been a great investigative team. And it was way more than just asking the mod a question each night. A1 that helps so much. CP has a great voting history but consequently we never did ID her. I am sure we were going to investigate Machiabelly. If you go the same way it really helps if Smitty and URL don't make it through the night. Please don't anyone investigate mom again. Or you may have a better idea.
  19. I am happy at the suggestion that SilverStormm is either but not both. Having to kill her twice would send me around the bend. Bob I trust you but I can say with the recruiting threat the only person I trust 100% is me and at one point I was wondering if it was possible to investigate Jesse without her knowing.
  20. Spruce ' s voting history is really solid. Machiabelly not great but then yours isn't either. Ok we got Spruce as Mom hero also.
  21. So Mom was not the same person as Wernstrom? I thought you were saying you investigated Spruce as the Mom character and got Wernstrom the second time. But you are saying Mach is Wernstrom so Mom can still be a hero and is not the second side of an evilly split character
  22. Please tell us the name you found as Wernstrom. If it matches what we have- we win.
  23. TJ in this entire game you are showing as having voted 1 time. We have 2 anonymous votes on a different day. As someone blessed in this game to have two votes, can you please explain your voting?
  24. Bob if you know who everyone is. Do you know Wernstrom is in the game and which player it is?
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