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Everything posted by Runnergrl37

  1. Miranda is the best so far. Why? She looks healthy and she’s naturally pretty. Daphne looks like a 35 year old Dallas socialite who doesn’t eat, pops diet pills and smokes cigarettes all day. I can’t believe DCC promotes this unhealthy behavior. And yes I’m an anonymous poster hiding behind my computer, but they do read these boards and hopefully they can see how their demands on weight are quite disturbing.
  2. Megan is really naturally pretty and her boyfriend seems like a nice guy.
  3. Alanna's friend Sarah was supposedly a great dancer, but I felt like they didn't like her look or body. They didn't say on the show but you can tell they edited something to that effect out.
  4. I’m not naive nor conservative. One of my best friends is a gay man. But why am I still shocked Jinelle’s a lesbian?
  5. I had NO CLUE Janelle was gay. Good for her and her fiancé. I think it’s wonderful! A lesbian DCC. Wow. My husband is like why are u freaking out. In our little niche DCC world it’s a first.
  6. Agree on Marshall. Love him!! No Melissa Rycroft unless they finally talk on air about why she's famous...getting dumped on national tv. She could actually use that as a comeback story and it would be so much more authentic than this dancing with the stars bullshit. No more "where are they now". this would've been relevant before IG, but it's easy to see where they are now. Show why some people are called into the office for being bad "locker room". I wanted to see Madeline's bitchyness last year but we just saw the aftermath. NO MORE COWBOYS FIT COMMERCIALS WITHIN THE SHOW. THE VIEWERS AREN'T NAIVE.
  7. I hope Malena doesn't come back. She is so desperate and it's uncomfortable to watch.
  8. That redhead legacy gal gained a lot of weight. Can't remember her name. Kelsey's gained weight? If so, she went from anorexic to normal because she looks great to me.
  9. Kelsey Bond is the worst. So much botox. So much humble brag traveling. Her face doesn't even remotely look like a fresh faced 30 year olds should.
  10. How on earth would Jenn K's opinion keep Kashara off show group?
  11. Kristin saying she'll eat anything in front of her made me naughty laugh if you get my drift...
  12. Not odd because they don't show every reveal on the show. I'd be interested to know if she is in the 2,000 calendars they have.
  13. She's not up front because she was front and center last year. danielle was front and center in season 10 and then was moved the next year. Just the way they do it. ha! didn't see we said the same thing regarding lacey.
  14. she looks like a less pretty Alexandria, the one that allegedly supposedly had a family emergency back home in Boston. A lot of people didn't like Alexandria's look so that means they really won't like Hannah.
  15. I think having Denise in the office wasn't a huge deal. We don't get to see everyone who is brought into the office. Denise might have been in there for other peeps, too. Not just VK Travis might have said other girls were standouts, not just vk. Again, editing. WTF is up with the I watches VK and pageant girl were wearing. I've never seen a girl wear a watch in rehearsals before I love Tess. She seems like she doesn't drink the DCC koolaid and is "normal". Much like red head Stephanie.
  16. you can tell she's had a MAJOR work done since season 3. her eyes look completely different now.
  17. Malena, that was a shady ass thing you did quitting your job. I know DCC's have done it before, but she should've been the first cut honestly. The UCLA thing was cheesy and dumb. I love Jay, but please make that the only segment with him. I've learned watching this show that his segments are boring and it's a great time to fast forward. I"m not a fan of Jayln's hair or look. Just not an attractive girl. Sorry! Jasmine isn't cute either. I suspect that also factored into her not making the team. I don't hate VK. Not yet at least.
  18. omg she's a buzz kill. Stepford Wife.
  19. I agree. Who knows what her personality is in real life. On the show she seems miserable to be in training camp. I would say the same thing about any cheerleader who isn't the daughter of a legacy. Obvi Kelli and Judy picked up on this as well.
  20. this team is ridiculous if tara was indeed fired for her weight. She's probably 5'3, 110 lbs. I'm so effing tired of the DCC management and their TOXIC expectations.
  21. NO! Don't go! Seriously, your input has made this board a million times more interesting and fun.
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