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Posts posted by FanOfTheFans

  1. I'm beginning to think Leah Messer is delusional. It really clicked for me tonight, when watching her at dinner, where she told a CLEARLY uninterested Jeremy, "I feel like you regret that we didn't stay together." I know, I know, love is blind, etc. but he couldn't be more over her if he tried and anyone w/even a basic grasp on reality would be able to see that.

    I actually felt sorry for Leah tonight. She obviously wants a guy to just love her unconditionally but there are so many issues with her that are not being dealt with and she continues to spiral down. Leah doesn't seem to have any sense that until her true problems are addressed, she is pretty much screwed out of finding her happiness. I thought the scene with her sister was very telling also. She, the sister knows the scoop and there was such a look of hopelessness on her face.

    • Love 2
  2. So Chelsea is on vacation and I am thinking, well at least Aubrey gets a break from being grilled and the scene cuts to Grandma grilling her about Adam. They need to stop with the constant comparisons between Adam and Cole. That is bad for Aubrey and will eventually lead to resentment towards them. Kids want to love their parents despite their faults and yes I know Adam has many but he is still Dad and not going away. Aubrey will figure things out on her own. Kids are smart that way. I like Chelsea but she is hurting Aubrey more than Adam which I feel is probably her true goal.

    • Love 14
  3. So last week, Kathryn was all about being independent and this week she is asking Thomas to co-sign her lease. She complains about not being invited to events but continues to make a scene everywhere she goes. What is the matter with her? She is her own worst enemy and Thomas is no better. Those poor babies.

    Then we have Landon with rich girl problems. Does she not understand that most people have to work for a living and is this the first time her Dad has given her a reality check? I don't think she expected that. She really seemed depressed about her life in general.

    • Love 10
  4. 50 year olds need bras no matter what size, especially a c cup. I didn't wear a bra in college because I was size 30 AA. luckily I filled out a bit with my weight with my late 20's and wouldn't go without a bra. I'm not a girl anymore.

    Yes thank you Lemons. I so agree with this and I am a small chested woman too. Wearing a bra for me is a necessity.

    I have never had luck with the technique of going down a band size and up a cup size. If one poked me in the boob while wearing this size, you would leave a dent in the bra cup. Victoria's Secret is always trying to get me to do this because they never have my correct size.

    I am side eyeing Carole that she is a c cup. Not buying that at all.

    • Love 6
  5. Yeah, they definitely went the campy route with his return, but I cheered when I saw Deacon.


    I think he was pretty clear that he didn't trust her not to kill him again, plus he doesn't want to be aiding and abetting a criminal.  However, when she mentioned the money, I think he was starting to crack.


    IRL, he should call the cops, and file a civil suit against her for attempted murder.


    But in soapland, I think he will stick with her.  Sigh.  She was trying to explain away her attempted murder of him, and seriously, there is no way to explain that away.  Then she thought saying I'm Sorry, would work.

    Yes I loved the way Quinn was trying to minimalize attempted muder. Acting like Deacon was blowing it out of proportion. My head would have cracked open at that had I been Deacon.

    • Love 6
  6. Somebody tell Romona that conversations are a two way exercise. I had to lol when she said Carole should talk more. But Ramona that would mean you need to shut up and listen for at least a few seconds. Never change girl.

    Beth's face looks different to me and it's not the haircut which I do like. I also liked Dorinda's shorter cut.

    Looks like it will be a fun season. I love the city of NY.

    • Love 13
  7. I lost my Mom less than a year ago to Alzheimer's. I miss her at a gutteral level, like it is actually physically painful at times. That call scene got to me, I'm not gonna lie.

    As far as this ongoing war, I am staying somewhat neutral because too much of the fight details happened off camera. I have been reading everyone's comments and so many good points by all. the only thing I felt strongly about last night is that Yolanda is still smug and condescending.

    As someone with a chronic disease, I cannot relate to this woman at all. Yes people need to get on with their lives. I love my family and friends and I don't want them to have to worry about me. I want the time they spend with me to be enjoyable. It helps me too. Plus if I need help from them, I can pick up the phone and request it. This works well because it gives them a chance to feel like they are helping me in a constructive way, and they are. That is one thing Yo needs to assume some responsibility for. She seems to think she never should have to reach out to anyone. People aren't mind readers.

    And in memory of my wonderful Mom who always told me, there are a lot of good people in this world and all any of us has to do is reach out. Reach out Yo.

    • Love 16
  8. The main reason I feel cynical about this relationship is because it has moved very fast. If Rob had all these problems and now he is suddenly fine, I am skeptical. I am not a big believer that one person can solve another person's issues by falling in love with said person. That comes from personal work on oneself. If there isn't any true growth, well the problems will rear their ugly head again. Most likely when the honeymoon phase of the relationship ends. But maybe Rob's problems are not what they seem and were blown out of proportion. I just don't know.

    • Love 4
  9. Shep is coming off as bitter and it is not a good look.

    Kathryn and Thomas are so toxic together. They both own some of it but I give her a bit of a break for her age. I googled that by the way and Bravo has a little diddy that says she is 24. Sorry I missed her on wwhl last night.

    • Love 3
  10. Just want to add that since they tapped into Latin soul funk last night, I hope they can give us some Eric Burdon and War. They already had some major hits out in the early 70's. Spill the Wine comes to mind for one. Nobody did it better. Talk about some talented musicians.

    • Love 4
  11. This show needs to give us someone to root for. There is a true lack of a true protagonist. I want to like this show so much but come on writers. I love the era and coming off one of the greatest decades for music, both the sixties and seventies are ripe with music history. I know in my lifetime, there will never be another era like this musically speaking. The talent of that time is unbelievable. It would be nice for young people to experience it.

    • Love 5
  12. I really like Chandi and her Mom was great. Caitlyn delivers these platitudes or dare I say lines in the script, the sentiments are good but there is zero emotional connection to what she is talking about. You can't fake sincerity. But Chandi always gives me that in spades. She has an interesting story.

    • Love 5
  13. What's worse is that it wasn't on the couch, it was on the floor. For a second I thought she was actually going to clean up a little before her sister brought the girls home, but nope, she just grabbed the blanket and pillow and took a nap on the couch.

    I don't love Leah, but I think a lot of people take for granted that we all have different thresholds for the amount of pain, stress, heartbreak, etc. that we can take, especially if you're a person who's been through a lot and you see others crumble over something that you overcame. I'll totally admit that I used to be judgmental as hell until I had my own experiences with depression and anxiety (and hid it) and realized that what's seen on the surface is usually just a tiny fraction of what's going on inside. Sometimes, the simple act of being can be overwhelming. I honestly think Leah is a very dim girl from a state with very poor education who has little to no coping skills. Everybody has catered to her or favored her because she was pretty and that led to a lot of her self-worth being tied up in her looks as opposed to education or skills and her mother did nothing to discourage that. Throw in twins at 16, one of them being special needs, and you've got a perfect clusterfuck.

    It's always been my opinion that every step and misstep she's made after having the twins has been in an effort to find out who she is now because her entire persona was based around external validation. If she's not "pretty girl Leah Messer" anymore, who is she? Is she the young, hot MILF? Is she the special needs advocate mama bear? Is she the small town mom working as a dental hygienist? Is she the savvy Mary Kay businesswoman? Hell, if you aged her up a couple of years, a lot of her actions are classic midlife crisis: Cheating with an old flame that made you feel young and desirable again, constantly buying new, pricey things, having a band-aid baby, etc. Leah has no clue who she is, what she wants or what she's good and she's terribly insecure. She probably hates herself. It's indicative of her state of min that her drug of choice seems to be downers, she craves escapism over euphoria.

    This is a good analysis. I think people in general (excluding her rabid fans who already think she walks on water), would like to give Leah a break if she would take some personal responsibility for her lot in life. I realize there most likely is denial issues related to an alleged drug problem but even before that issue existed, she has always had poor self awareness.

    Personally, I would cheer her on if she would exhibit some emotional growth and she would certainly start to feel better about her life too. Like you said, one problem is all the sycophants she has surrounded herself with.

    • Love 5
  14. I'm beginning to think my dog has Munchiehoundsens.  As soon as she gets over one thing, it's something else and I'm the one stuck driving her around and paying the bills.  I had to make 5 trips to various vet's offices this week.  She displays atypical symptoms of uncommon ailments and makes it hard to get a diagnosis.  Her treatments involve weird injections.  I'm pretty sure that if I bought her a white doggie robe and put it on her she'd wear it.  She's also been unusually interested in the lemon tree out back.  I'm beginning to understand how David feels.

    OMG, that is hilarious. (not the sick dog but your take on it). Thanks for the belly laugh.

    • Love 2
  15. So Rinna is mad about something that the viewing audience has no clue about. This is the stuff that drives me crazy. Bravo should not push storylines that leave us viewers scratching our heads in confusion cause we are out of the loop. It seems like BH has been particularly guilty of this too over the years.

    • Love 12
  16. I'm sorry if I offend anyone here but I hate, hate, hate people who smoke inside a house where children live (or in the family car for that matter).  I would be willing to bet that Leah has lit up plenty of times both inside the house and car on the basis that the kids aren't home or nearby.  It doesn't matter!  Second hand smoke is so damaging and lingers.  I completely understand that smoking is a serious addiction but for the love of the children, don't do it under a roof.  


    Sorry if this sounds patronizing but with all the knowledge we have today, smoking around children is IMO one of the most selfish things a parent can do.

    I'll go even further than that. I am a nurse and often would take care of infants in the hospital with respiratory distress. Most would be diagnosed with reactive asthma. Nine times out of ten, there was a smoker in the house. As a nurse, you do your patient education with the parents regarding smoking. I can't tell you how many times, people would say, but I don't smoke in the house. It does not matter because you carry it on your clothes and the child is still exposed.

    I know it is an addiction and tough habit to break but those are the facts relating to children and asthma.

    • Love 4
  17. We all know the drama on these shows is manufactured, so my following commentary applies to real life vs. Real Housewife life...


    When someone offends you by word or by action, and you let that person know in a mature manner that you were offended, there are only a limited number of scenarios to play out...

    1) the offender can offer a sincere apology, "I'm so sorry I hurt your feelings.  It wasn't my intention, but I can see how it affected you. I hope you accept my apology & please know I won't do/say that again.".  The offended party can either accept or reject this.

    2) the offender can offer a lame non-apology, a la "I'm sorry if you felt that way" or "I'm sorry you misunderstood...". The offended party can either accept or reject this type of apology too. 

    3) the offender can choose not to apologize at all.  Again, this is on the offended party to accept or reject.


    But if you choose accept it, move the fuck on, and do not rehash the past. You can not have a do-over and demand a new & improved "I'm sorry". You cannot make people apologize in a custom designed manner to meet your specific criteria.  People either know how to apologize with empathy and sincerity or they don't.  If someone builds a reputation of being an insincere (or non-) apologist, then, again it Is you who is in the position to make a choice. You either deal with it or you disengage if you can't tolerate that in a friend/acquaintance. Do not expect constant haranguing over getting the apology you think you are "owed" is going to change the other person's response.  It won't.  Ever.


    This is what I was taught by my mother and it is what I have passed on to my daughter.  It would save a shit-load of unnecessary drama and resentment if people could figure out the only behavior you have control over is your own.

    Your mother is one smart cookie. It really is that simple.

    • Love 1
  18. This is the stupidest fight ever. I feel like Katherine might have nailed it when she said both Lisa's could be right. I think they are both remembering different things with each convinced, their version is right.

    How ironic is it too, that Eileen, by trying to expose Lisa's manipulations, has herself become manipulative. Egging Rinna on to confront Lisa.

    I was actually enjoying the fun parts of the show tonight. Kyle squeezing into the wet suit and goofing off. I enjoy the animal scenes. But Lord, every time these women sit down to eat, here comes the conflict. Not organic at all.

    • Love 24
  19. Yeah, I don't think you can always go by the number of posts. For example, Kyle herself really gets discussed more in Kim's thread.

    I don't know what Bravo thinks regarding any of these people. As to who will stay or go. Don't have a clue.

    Personally Yo fascinates me from a human nature standpoint. I often find myself saying, I can't believe the crap she spews and gets away with. I guess it intrigues me at some level. Not sure what it says about me, but there it is. However, I don't find her particularly intelligent. I think Lisa and Eileen are smart but Lisa is more fun to watch IMO.

    • Love 8
  20. Regarding Jo and Javi getting along last season, it is a moot point. Javi is emotionally abusive and it is just a means of control that he can exert over Kail. The same way he used his son as a control when he demanded to see him. That is the essence of abuse. There is no rational thought processes to a person who abuses in this manner. We can look at it and see things clearly but I guarantee, Javi does not view it that way. He sees himself as the victim.

    I don't care for Kail either as she can be manipulative and puts the boys in the middle of adult problems but she doesn't deserve the abuse. I don't have much hope for that marriage. People that have abuse issues are not likely to change without A LOT of therapy if even then.

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