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Posts posted by FanOfTheFans

  1. Yes, I agree it is total BS that they don't want the media attention. They all thrive on it, as evidenced with their inability to put their phones downs not to mention, their main money maker.  

    The times they get annoyed with the media is when paps catch them in a truthful moment and it isn't the info they want to brainwash the public with. Usually, those are the times, Khloe takes to social media to obnoxiously tell people off. Plus we know that we can then look forward to their version of the story, propaganda basically, being addressed on their show.  They are forever rewriting history. So fake.

    • Love 1
  2. 35 minutes ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

    That was just sad....Reza never get near a stage again. I would be more then pissed off if I opened my door and some guy shot silly string all over me. I loved Mike and his "Take that shit with you" and making him take the silly string off his floor. (Although it's really Reza who should have come over and cleaned it) and I loved GG with the knife (!) at the door. Notice she didn't get covered in that crap? HAHAHAHA

    STOP throwing cake and spraying champagne. Low class.

    MJ it's NONE of your business who's splitting up. Yeah we all gossip but not 5 feet from the person we're talking about! Clueless they name is MJ.

    I swear to heaven if Reza starts with the RA that GG has is fake I will scream so loud they will hear me on the west coast. Just......NO. That's been done to death of shows way more popular then your little show and nobody wants to hear it. GG has an actual disease not some made up crap like Yolanda and her kiddies. And she's had TH's where she (quite eloquently) explains the pain and WHY she trys alternative treatments like the salt baths. And didn't I hear her say the RA has moved to her heart? Serious crap.

    Yes, as a nurse I have taken care of patients who have died from the disease. It is no joke. The disease on its own is devastating but the drugs to keep it at bay, have horrible side effects too.

    • Love 3
  3. 11 hours ago, MsJamieDornan said:

    Well , I don't think she wanted to lose customers for that reason. I think there is a lot more to it than that.

    You may very well be right. The reason I thought that was because it let Eve and Nolan accept the generosity of Sally but at the same time allows them some privacy to advance plot points. If they were in the main house, they would have to be more careful with the shadiness. But yeah, maybe there is a body buried down there or something nefarious.  This show always surprises me, that's for sure.  And just when John gets through one problem and you think he can breathe again, another fire pops up.  I feel like another poster who said it has been exhausting to watch.  Good but exhausting.  

    One interesting plot point was the comment that Beau Bridge's character made about Sam Shepherd's character being able to buy the Inn on a military salary.  There is a story there, no doubt. 

    • Love 5
  4. I liked the Rob Sr. BD party, how they were present in body only. Again, they are looking at their phones through most of it.  These people couldn't carry on a normal conversation if their lives depended on it.  They would bore me to death. Then they talk about not wanting the publicity. Sure, that's believable. 

    Khole is beyond obnoxious. She would be tough to be around long term if she is always spouting off in that manner 

    Kylie, makeup free, I mean when you see her real face, something is off big time. Things just don't go together.  It's more than the slug lips. It is just odd. 

    Most poignant part of the show was two addicts having a conversation.  I do feel Scott speaks from his heart but he is as lost as Lamar. A truly sad scene. 

    • Love 13
  5. Reza's idea of comedy is insulting and cursing at the audience. That's a unique way to win people over.  Only Don Rickles gets away with that routine, but he is actually funny, so there's that. 

    So over the food fights on this show.

    Shades of mommy dearest coming from MJ.  Hmmm. 

    • Love 3
  6. 6 hours ago, Maizie131 said:

    Did anyone have the misfortune to watch Scorned: Love Kills ("A playbook for murder") last night?  (I was really bored.)  Anyhow, yet another I.D. show that at least provided comic relief when I googled it after the show.  If you haven't seen it yet ... well, don't waste your time ... and I apologize if I didn't do the spoiler feature correct & gave away the ending.  Ya just can't make this stuff up.  P.S.  Yesterday I finally got to see the last 10 minutes of the Miss Pee Pants episode of American Monster.  EWWWWW!!!!  Hope the cops had a towel to put on the seat of patrol car!


    Maizie, I watched it. I kept thinking that poor guy who was murdered also had to go through his life with the last name of Boob.  Yikes. I also googled. That lady was a piece of work. 

    • Love 5
  7. Regarding "True Lies", I think the husband did it. His first wife died under suspicious circumstances. He totally got away with it too.  He creeped me out. The son had issues for sure, the type of kid that needs to be strongly guided to succeed in the real world. He was very immature for his age but I don't believe he killed his mother.  I think the step-dad set him up.  He struck me as very manipulative. 

    • Love 5
  8. My take on bungalow 3 was that the shower remained faulty and therefore, it was not customer worthy, but Sally could use it to house Eve and Nolan. 

    I think I am one of few who actually feels bad for John. I keep thinking, no good deed goes unpunished. His whole family has taken advantage of him at some time or another in their lives. He can't even get his wife and daughter to stand by him. 

    Kevin is the worst. Always acting on impulse. Gah, can't stand him and Meg was a disappointment too. 

    John Leguizamo plays sleazy well.  A pure sociopath.  He makes my skin crawl  

    • Love 11
  9. You guys make good points about reasons he did not disappear on his own. For me, I have a hard time getting by the first disappearance he did. People are creatures of habit in my experience. The meds and the money left behind could have been to throw people off his trail. Also, he couldn't have had his meds refilled without leaving a trail. Plus I am a nurse and you can't believe the amount of patients I've see who are non-compliant with taking their meds so that didn't hold much weight for me. 

    I felt sorry for his wife and kids. She said, he wouldn't leave his kids but he did leave them once before. I don't know. I also admit a lot of the way I feel is just gut instinct. 

    • Love 2
  10. I wonder if these stories about the HW are really put out by Bravo as a way to get feedback from the public's reaction to who should stay or go. Dummy stories, so to speak. I am always skeptical to believe any of them. How do you guys feel about that?

    As far as Yolanda, truthfully, I'd like to see her held accountable for once. She really has never had a season where this has happened. It seems like she has always been able to pick and choose trips and activities. Often leaving early from events, even before her illness was a storyline.  If the story isn't Yo centric, she was outta there early.  Maybe Bravo feels they can never hold Yo accountable because of her illness and they are cutting their losses.  

    But I don't want another season like this past one. It was a total failure, regarding the Munchausen debacle.

    • Useful 1
    • Love 4
  11. Luann was pretty funny in the kitchen. I think she felt like she was in the twilight zone. Dorinda says it's not her birthday but here is a birthday cake spiel was hilarious. Then Dorinda misunderstands and rips her over the cake and her Mom which was totally random as Lou wasn't dissing her Mom.

    Bethenny had some points about Lou with her countess verses who she really is but Behenny's delivery is beyond obnoxious and that has always been her problem. Lou should just own her behavior and fly that flag cuz this is 2016 and slut shaming is a no go and Bethenny, get thyself back to the therapist. 

    Gotta say that one thing I appreciate about the NY ladies is they don't drag out their arguments like on BH. Direct and to the point. I'm all for that. None of the BS that was, or wasn't said, off camera.  That was pretty much the whole season of BH. 

    There was just a lot of little gems in the show tonight. I think I need to watch it again. 

    • Love 15
  12. Yeah, at this point, Danny needs to go. It's not like he hasn't been warned a gazillion times. Hannah was right about him not knowing his boundaries 

    Interesting that the worst comment you can throw at a guy in a heated argument is to basically call them a woman. Does Bravo realize, that most likely, the majority of their audience is probably women?  Maybe women viewers need to be the ones who are legitimately offended with that whole scene. 

    • Love 21
  13. I think Robert Hoagland disappeared on his own. He was stressed out and had used it as a coping mechanism before. Too many things for me point in that direction. I find myself getting angry with people who disappear on purpose. It is such a cruel thing to do to family members and loved ones. I mean, I could be totally wrong but that is my gut instinct. 

  14. The ship has sailed where Craig is concerned. He peaked in high school and college. He is one of those kids who everything came easy to through those years. Now he can't function in the real world which requires grit and hard work. He just doesn't get it and it is doubtful he ever will.  I did a major eye roll when he said he never missed a social function because of work.  Really Craig. That's the world you think people live in. Give me a break Mr. Clueless.

    i agree with you guys about JD making those comments about the baby's due date. What a jerk. The more I see of him, the less I like him. 

    • Love 14
  15. 18 hours ago, ghoulina said:

    Except Adumb has been known to just randomly show up at things without having said anything to Chelsea. I still remember the time he showed up at her house without notice to take Aubree somewhere. Of course Chelsea already had plans, so she had to be the "bad guy" and say no. I remember him just popping up other times, when they thought he wasn't coming. Then he'll actually say he'll be there and doesn't show. I don't think there's ANY way Chelsea could handle it that would ensure Adumb doesn't fuck up and Aubree isn't disappointed. This is all on him, IMO. 


    A-freaking-men! And he probably would have awkwardly brought some friend of his. Because he can't ever seem to hang out with his daughters without some sort of distraction. 

    I do think Adam has always gotten off on emotionally punishing Chelsea.  He has been very cruel to her at multiple times. He jerks her around, using Aubree to do so. I totally get why she would want to erase him from their lives.

    I want happiness for herself, Cole, and Aubree.  Adam is not going away. Aubree will figure things out on her own without the questions, etc. I don't want her to resent Chelsea down the road because in a teenager's mind, that could happen if she continues with the suttle talks that she has with Aubree concerning her Dad. She can interpret it as parental alienation.

    It isn't fair to Chelsea or Aubree cause Adam is a piece of work and I don't believe he puts his daughter's needs first. I know it is a very difficult situation for Chelsea as in her mind, I'm sure she is doing it as a protective measure. I wish she would just step back and see the bigger picture as this plays out over the years. 

    • Love 7
  16. I think most of us on this forum agree that Adam is a sad excuse for a father. I totally understand Chelsea's frustration with his nonchalant attitude concerning Aubrey. He is emotionally damaging that child. Having said that, Chelsea has to stop with constant comparisons to Cole and questioning Aubrey because she too is damaging her with that behavior. No matter how much she may try to explain the situations to her to ease her disappointment, kids still internalize and will take the blame. The message she gets is that she is not good enough for her Dad's attention. This will blow up big time when the teen years roll around. 

    • Love 17
  17. 7 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

    Let's not forget her killing Señor Montemajor (the writers did)!

    LittleIggy, I did not realize she had a murder under her belt. Where was I when that happened?  I must have blocked it out like the writers did.  Wow.  She needs some repercussions and this coming from someone who likes RS as an actress.  Truth be told, they have kind of pushed her over the edge for me. 

    • Love 2
  18. Bryan has a Dudley do right chin. That is all I see when I look at him. 

    I thought there was a lot of negative women coments going on last night. First we had Bryan with the emotional comment about all women. Then there was Hannah with her comments that came just short of slut shaming. Plus her general attitude towards them through the whole cruise where she could do less for them and they wouldn't notice cuz you know they aren't worldly. Last but not unnoticed how the Captain referred to them as professional flirts. 

    I don't care for Hannah. There is just something about her that rubs me the wrong way. 

    Jen was better last night. She is very pretty when she smiles. 

    Danny was ridiculous and he hasn't learned his lesson.  Stay tuned for more of the Danny show.  Hormones run amok.

    • Love 11
  19. I am watching now and just partially into the show and I'm already seeing red with Leah and Jenelle. 

    Why is it that every time Leah and Corey talk she describes him as being argumentative and difficult. All he did was bring up a real concern about Ali's weight loss. He wasn't angry or defensive at all. Ridiculous. 

    Jenelle complains that her health problems are not anxiety and then gets pissed when they won't give her anxiety meds. Irony at its best. 

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