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Posts posted by FanOfTheFans

  1. I didn't feel the scammer lady was sincere at all about her theft. In fact, she didn't even seem to think of it as theft in some weird way. That constant smirk on her face was irritating. I agree with the prison counselor who thinks she will probably con again once she is out. 

    The army lady I had mixed feelings about. When she said she slit his throat to end his suffering because it was taking him a long time to die, well she lost me at that point. She slit his throat to get at those drugs faster. that was a horrendous crime as she butchered that guy. Sad what addiction does to people. 

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  2. I think the whole Kylie has anxiety is a way to generate sympathy for Kylie. Maybe all the internet bullies will take notice and quit snarking about her. These people are so used to controlling the media that they can't stand when bad opinions get posted by us mere mortals. Did you notice that Kylie also spoke to Kris getting booed at some event to garner sympathy for her too. None of this family seems able to take any criticism. 

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  3. 7 hours ago, Maizie131 said:

    I'm looking forward to watching the premiere of The Coroner on July 18th.  From the promos, it looks promising.  I really miss Dr. G: Medical Examiner.  I loved that show!

    I agree Maizie. I loved Dr. G but I also love all the medical and forensic shows.  Science is not biased. 

    Count me out on Cry Wolfe.  I was hoping we wouldn't see that one again.  It feels too fake. Sometimes  the guy is comically cheesy though, I have to admit.  Plus he is very protective of young women which I can appreciate  

    • Love 5
  4. I don't think it's any coincidence that Lu's feeling her oats in regards to Bethenny.  Lu about to marry into money has given her the courage to speak out against Beth.  I saw shades of Lu the snob last night. Not that Carole and Beth don't have it coming but I still was reminded of the old Lu last night. 

    I felt sorry for Jules and thought the lack of compassion displayed by Carole and Bethenny was sick. If her life was falling apart at the time which we now know it was, it makes sense that her eating disorder would flair. It's her only sense of control I suspect. 

    • Love 8
  5. 15 minutes ago, EVS said:

    Isn't that one of the symptoms of...idk...maybe something called...Munchausen Syndrome?

    Lol EVS. I purposely avoided that word. I believe she really feels ill for whatever reason.  I'm not accusing her of faking an illness. She just needs to slow her roll on this journey. Quit taking all this stuff and let her body adjust. She could be hurting herself more than helping. Sometimes medically, less is better. 

    • Love 3
  6. We need some new blood on this soap. Some decent love interests for Liam, Brooke, Sasha, etc.  

    The writers can try to put a ribbon on the relationship between Caroline and Thomas but it will still always be sullied. It can never be a great love story as much as they seem to be headed in that direction.  

    Katie's contentment lasted all of two seconds. I'm so sick of her ranting, she has me rooting for Brill.  

  7. I can't stand the mysonginistic views about a woman wanting to put her career front and center. I don't blame Kail as she is finishing up college and needs to put her education to use. Men never get called out about that. Javi is a control freak.  Maybe he could give up his career and stay home with a new baby.  How about that Javi?

    Adam refusing to answer is his same M.O.  He has always been passive aggressive to the extreme.  He has not grown emotionally at all.  Grow up and be a real father to your daughter. But no, he is poor put upon Adam, always the victim  

    • Love 11
  8. Wasn't there a scene with Yo and Erica in her new condo which showed a big pile of books that she intended to use for decorating?  Yo does not strike me as a well read person at all. She doesn't seem to put much value on education so I could see her using the book, not knowing the history of the author. But I am surprised that once she was called out on Instagram that she did not remove the picture. As far as I know, the pic is still there. 

    • Love 3
  9. I don't know if I have the energy for another HW show. I think I am getting to the end of the line with the BS. VickI has always harped on women needing their own job and money as not rely on a man for security, yet she is unable to live her life alone because even she can't stand herself, one on one.  Think about that Vicki. 

    Megan and her histrionics with the needle. Sorry but major eye roll. I have seen way too much of that as a nurse. Usually it is about the attention. I bet she will move her mother in or hire a nanny when the baby arrives. She is such a woman child and needs to grow up. You don't get to be the biggest baby in the room once you have a child. 

    New girl is gonna stir the pot big time. Tams and Heather, same old, same old. 

    • Love 13
  10. I don't believe anything Kim says anymore. She lies way too much to be considered credible. I also think it is ironic she is accusing Taylor of playing the victim when that whole family constantly does that. From Kim claiming Bette Midler body shamed her to Kylie's and Kendall's claims of being bullied online and in the press. Don't even get me started on Khloe. 

    • Love 10
  11. I think Kim believes she is convincing the world that, that is what she really looks like.  As if she can control all images of herself that are put out there. And if she can't, that's when she relys on wearing the coats.

    Even Kylie in real life looks much different than her Instagram pics. Seeing her last week without makeup showed she has had a lot of work done to her face IMO. At times, you get a glimpse of her old face in there somewhere. Just shades of it though. Sad part with her is that she is still so young. 

    • Love 4
  12. I like Sonya as she can be amusing to watch. However, she does have a history of being inappropriate when it comes to buisness. I read that lawsuit which cost her the seven million and it does not paint a pretty picture of her. She screwed with some hardworking people who were trying to make a living.  And it is her niche to play the victim after the fact. Thing is she has the personality to get away with it too.  However, she isn't as innocent as she portrays. With that I agree with Beth. Yet, she is smarter than Beth, in the sense, she knows you have to exhibit some kindness, not to come off as a shrew and gain favor with people.

    Beth can't get out of her own way. That woman is all sharp angles. There is no softness for anyone to lay their head. She says she is nothing like her own mother, but she can be brutal.  It is really ironic. 

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  13. Cam's Mom advice is correct in regards to any fool can have a baby. The hard part comes when you have to raise said baby, hopefully into a well adjusted adult.  That's no joke there. It's hard work. When I think about having to get kids through the teen years again, well it exhausts me just thinking about it.

    Personally, I have never pressured my kids for grandchildren either. 

    I am pretty sure Craig gave up the law temporarily for reality fame. That's fine but if he had been smart, shouldn't he have taken the bar fresh out of law school, before he forgets his education. I mean, at least for a back-up plan.  

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