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Posts posted by FanOfTheFans

  1. Yeah, I will avoid, "Scorned: love kills", mainly because the story is more concerned with making it all about sex verses the truth. Once you start goggling the real people and they are nowhere as attractive as portrayed, the story loses credibility. We are talking about true crime here. Truth is kinda the point isn't it?

    I have mixed feelings about Disappeared. The original show was well done but it always left me so depressed for the families. The murder stories are awful too obviously, but there is something about never getting an answer that feels hopeless. I really feel for those people. Every now and then, I will google to see if some people have been found.

    I have stopped watching at night because I fall asleep and that darn ad with the opera singer jars me awake. They can beat people, rape and kill people but it's that singing that wakes me.

    Anyway I originally stopped by to say I see they are advertising a new season of Dissapeared starting in April. It was my favorite. I still get chills watching the re-runs of the one about the college girl who left her car in the snow in NH. It's not a long drive from us.

    I just had to reply to your experience of waking to that horrible add. I too fall asleep to ID cause I can turn my back to the tv and still follow the story by just listening. Last night, again, I awoke to that add. They played it no less than three times inside of ten minutes. It really is the worst.

    • Love 7
  2. Watching Darden have O.J. put on the glove is one of my clearest memories of the trial. I had only watched on and off between classes and annoyed that the soaps were not on. Yet somehow I caught that moment live. I remember thinking that it was obvious that O.J. was putting on an act for the jury. When I watched the news and talk shows later that day, I thought that everyone would be rolling their eyes at O.J.'s act instead almost all of them bought it, talking about how the glove did not fit and what a mistake by the prosecution. It was at that moment I understood how easily the media and most people could be manipulated into believing a lie and fraud. It was absolutely ridiculous.


    Nailed it.

    • Love 4
  3. Wow, catching up on this board is always interesting

    WireWrap, just wanted to tell you I am sorry for your accident. I am glad you are doing better and I can only imagine what a difficult road you have had to travel. It is people like you who keep on, keepin on in the face of adversity that shine.

    Regarding Yo and her behavior. For me, the illness stuff, though annoying, has not been why she bugs me the most of the current cast. It is the way she condescends and dismisses others' opinions and experiences.

    I would like to see her do some actual volunteering and getting her mind off of her own issues. It would actually help her health too. Not gonna happen, I know but it is good advice to her. All the years she has been on, she really manages to make most of her appearances strictly about herself. She has avoided most of the group activities that don't revolve around her.

    • Love 9
  4. Harsh, IMO.

    I think Debra is mentally ill and that caused a lot of problems in Farrah's childhood. I think Debra treated michael like such shit and always tried to convince people and Michael that HE was the one with issues, not her. I think years of hearing that beat him down to the guy we currently see. I think years of dealing with Debra has clouded his thought and made him the way he is.

    I think the "irritations" Farrah was talking about were dealing with Debra's mental illness and outbursts. She's a narcissist, in my opinion, and that has to be hard to grow up with since everything was always about Debra, with Michael even cow-towing to her, which meant he probably avoided being home and contributed to Farrah's feelings of abandonment and her issues. I think the rage Farrah has is over constantly having to do things Debra's way and because Debra was always the one getting everyone's attention through her antics. Farrah has so much resentment about having to deal with a mentally ill mother as a kid. I feel like Debra was probably good at hiding her issues at the right times so Farrah's feelings about what went on in private were never validated and that's why she cannot trust Debra. I think that's why she has expressed wanting to limit Sophia's time with her but the sad fact is that Sophia is no better off with Farrah. I also think it pisses Farrah off to see Debra gush over Sophia and want to spend time with her because I think Farrah feels like she was never treated that way.

    It's extremely hard to deal with a mentally ill parent when no one else acknowledges it and it makes the kid(s) feel like they're the crazy ones. The sad thing is because of this Farrah is even worse than Debra, somehow more of a narcissist and more toxic. It's truly scary how Sophia will turn out. These are just my feelings.

    (Ugh, I hate you autocorrect...when someone wants to write "ill" it's not necessary to automatically change it to "I'll" every damn time. No more phone posting for me!)

    I think this is a very good assessment and makes total sense.

    • Love 5
  5. You beat me to it. What a load of BS. I have seen thousands upon thousands of medical records and I have never seen beautiful in an H &P. I've seen looks older/younger then stated age, well nourished /underweight, agitated/comatose, etc that's some Yo BS right there. Vicki8675209 can you weigh in on this? Have you ever heard of such a thing? And she can thank David for forcing her to get a body scan that found the leaky implants. She clearly has more money then sense. And jeez she might jump off the roof if one more person calls her beautiful

    ITA. Let's play out this scenario with a doctor documenting Yo as beautiful in his chart. Let's pretend that she accuses said doctor of inappropriate behavior towards her and she decides to sue. Now the documents are read in court where he calls her beautiful on the record. How's that going to look in court? Case won for Yo right there.

    Doctors pay a huge amount of money for malpractice insurance. Does anyone really believe they are going to chart in this manner? It does not happen.

    • Love 10
  6. Do doctors really write "beautiful 48 years old women"?

    Yoyo is completely insane point blank period.

    She was prescribed seroquel which is prescribed for bipolar disease.

    Sounds like she simply did not accept her diagnosis lol

    Night sweats?

    Hello , MENOPAUSE, it's me Yolanda.

    I can tell you as a nurse with years experience of reading doctor's documentation that no, no they do not write that type of drivel. Medical records are legal documents and they write in a clinical matter. This woman is ridiculous. I don't know what her motivations are but nothing makes any sense. The more she talks, the worse she looks.

    There were several red flags from a medical standpoint with what she said. I just don't have the energy with her anymore. I truly feel for her family. With her, I don't know if it is mental issues or she is just that manipulative.

    • Love 14
  7. The problem with Yolanda is Yolanda and her quacks. Lyme disease isn't known to cause autoimmune disease and this is another example of her insidious spread of misinformation. Sarcoid is a fascinating** yet horrible disease and I am sorry you have it. I find it so frustrating that people like Yolanda who could be a benefit are actually harmful. I've had some experience (interactions) with patients with neurosarcoidosis and it is a bitch of a disease. IVIG, methotrexate, prednisone, imuran, cytoxan, etc....the treatment can be as harmful as the disease....definitely complicated balance of medicine helpfulness vs harmfulness. Sarcoidosis is definitely a disease that could use more awareness and research. I hope you are doing well.


    **the great mimicker since it can present in such a variety of ways (at least it can if it affects the nervous system)

    **unknown cause: multi system granulomatous disorder of unknown etiology that is characterized pathologically by the presence of noncaseating granulomas in involved organs.


    Thanks. It is nice to hear from someone who has awareness of the disease. I am staged late but holding my own right now. I was diagnosed through lung and bone marrow biopsies. It has been a trip. (I mean that in the hippie vernacular) I refuse to say journey. Lol.

    Regarding Yo, yes ITA. She has a platform where she could be doing some good. Obviously most people don't have her opportunities. These injections she and the kids are taking are curious. It makes me worry for her kids. Maybe they are harmless but thing is, does anyone really know? Like someone mentioned up thread, there isn't any published data about them. At least not that I have found.

    • Love 10
  8. FYI, she will be on dr oz to address the haters/doubters this Tuesday.

    The teaser is incredible as she says that people accused her of being "sick in the head",

    I'm thinking this will also be her line of defense at the reunion also. If she has her feet held to the fire for her inconsistencies, she will throw this out. It will just be a lot of subterfuge. And Andy for sure won't give her the Vicki G. treatment. No way will he tear her down to the point she will have to come to the reunion heavily medicated just to survive like Vicki did. I'll be shocked if this is the case.

    • Love 5
  9. If someone has an infection then you don't want to suppress the immune system.


    Is Yoliar now claiming to have BOTH and autoimmune disorder AND chronic lyme (doesn't exist but post treatment lyme syndrome exists)? Silicone breast implants are deemed safe and do not cause autoimmune disorders so does she think she has Lupus or Sjogrens or Scleroderma or something else.... So Yolanda, the "face" of lyme and invisible disease is spreading awareness by using medically incorrect terms like "chronic lyme disease" which doesn't exist (instead of saying post treatment lyme syndrome) and spreads misinformation like silicone breast implants are dangerous (i.e., promoting the hysteria that leaked silicone causes autoimmune disease which has been disproven by scientific research and that is why silicone breast implants are still being used....also why people can get silicone injected into their face---that's safe). That bothers me more than her injecting unapproved shit into her kids for their non-existent diagnosis (since chronic lyme disease is not recognized by the medical community including the CDC and research has been done into this...hence the diagnosis of post treatment lyme syndrome). 


    I know I repeat myself but I see so much of Yolanda''s misinformation being used as if it were true and it is not.  I previously backed up these statements with respected references so unless a Yolanda acolyte (or believer of the misinformation) knows more then the medical community or disbelieves the medical community then I just don't understand why she and others keep saying chronic lyme disease and keep attributing medical problems to leaky breast (sure it can cause clumps that maybe painful or bumpy appearing depending when the leaked material pools but it shouldn't cause and autoimmune disease like we once thought--which was why they weren't used for a while but then science showed they were ok so now they are used).  Ok, I'm getting off my soapbox.....END OF RANT. Menopause, depression and psychiatric illness as well as post treatment lyme syndrome seem reasonable but it could be any number of medically accepted diagnoses. I just wish she stayed away from quacks.


    Also Yo claims to still be bedridden 18 or 21 hours a day (I know it doesn't make sense but that is what she has claimed recently) so all this quackery isn't working so she should also let her cult of followers know they can stop wasting their money on it.

    It is a fine line these doctors are trying to achieve. Trying to curb over reaction by the immune system and at the same time trying not to suppress the immune system. I can say with my autoimmune disease, sarcoidosis, the damage to my organs is caused by my immune system in overdrive. It forms granulomas which in turn damage my organs. So apparently these doctors also feel lyme can be a bacterial infection that morphs into an autoimmune disease. The medical stuff is interesting to me though I know it bores many. This is where Yo has had a chance to educate people but she has not done so plus she aligns herself with questionable doctors.

    • Love 7
  10. I didn't see this article until today. Does anyone know what is in the 2nd picture?


    It looks like something for her and the non-Gigis. There are no vaccines for Lyme and is she injecting herself with lyme to "stimulate" the immune system? If she has lyme then she doesn't need to give herself more lyme. It seems like more quackery. If immune system is defective then see an immunologist and get an HIV test and lay off the steroids. I wouldn't be surprised if she was injecting lyme (antigens) into herself and her kids thinking it was like getting allergy shots. That is not a recommended treatment for neuroborreliosis/lyme.

    Yep I am pretty sure it is an intradermal injection to desensitize the immune system from over reacting to the lyme bacteria. Much the same way allergy shots work. Anyway that's the theory behind it.

    • Love 3
  11. The show continues to do a wonderful job balancing people believing themselves to be the heroes of their own stories. Timothy Hutton, in particular, is doing yeoman's work as a guy who gives these inspirational speeches, but speeches filled with oh so much empty sentiment behind them. Michael feels "vindicated" by Taylor's actions. Eric's mom thinks she's saving her younger song. Sebastian is a creepy dude with anger issues who, nonetheless, might be putting his anger issues to "good" use. It's all so well balanced, with people just not willing to look past their personal biases, like the principal of the other school who truly doesn't understand what the problem was with calling the Hispanic kids "thugs." 


    This show being this show, I suspect we won't get a single "happy" ending to any of this, with pretty much everyone losing their respective jobs (Principal Dixon, Dr. Graham, Coach Dan) and Taylor behind bars (I wouldn't put it past Kevin, by the way, to try to get in front of whatever Eric might have on HIM by suddenly being willing to tell the cops that he thinks Eric DID rape Taylor). But if it is as well done as all the episodes have been so far, I can more than live with that. This show is excellent.


    Although....holy shit, does the actress playing Becca stand out like a sore thumb. Britney on Glee was less blank in her facial expressions than this actress, and Britney on Glee was A. not hired as an actress initially but as a dancer who kept getting more and more lines and B. made fun of on the show on how blank she was.

    I really like the point you make regarding people's inability to see the other side of the coin. A lot of self-serving characters who have dug their heels in and plowed straight ahead, damn the consequences. It speaks volumes about the society we live in today. Then you add social media to the mix and it becomes even more muddled.

    In many ways I feel like our country is more divided today than it has ever been.

    I thought the scene with Becca where she was watching students grieve Wes's death was telling. I felt like she was viewing them as an outsider. An outsider having difficulty experiencing empathy for a dead classmate. Is she a sociopath? She did rat herself out so I'm not sure but that thought has crossed my mind.

    • Love 3
  12. Good Lord. You people are killing it with your comments. Maybe one of you could take over Caitlyn's therapy. She would be better off. Did Cait say the party was at her dad's house? He has always seemed like a normal guy. I wonder why he didn't step in to take her during April's meth years??

    I have a hard time watching Amber and Matt. I admit I have to fast forward through most of it. Can't stand the BS they spew. They are both so so bitter. Not a good look. Gary and Kristina's baby is adorable.

    I don't believe for a nano second that Maci was not aware of her pregnancy. If you have to drink while pregnant, you have a problem. Get some help. I love Bentley and wanted to scoop him up last night during the discipline scene. If Maci thinks his behavior is bad, wait till the teen years. There is no comparison. I understand wanting to instill some respect but that scene felt more like she just lost her crap. Not effective.

    Farrah is beyond ridiculous. For the love of God, quit talking to Sophia in a baby voice. The kid doesn't know how to talk like a normal kid. It is really interesting to me how Sophia mirrors Farrah's behavior towards Grandma. I think Sophia is so intent on pleasing Farrah that she treats Deb that way for her approval. It makes me wonder how much time Farrah actually spend with her. I've seen that type of idolizing from kids towards absent parents.

    Farrah has ruined her looks. The ass is so ugly. She so bad wants to be Kim K. She needs to take a look at Kim recently. Granted she is trying to lose baby weight but her ass has grown substantially. If it is a natural one it looks normal but these fake ones are just so bizarre looking. IMO.

    • Love 6
  13. Kris has all these girls so dependent on her, they LITERALLY (uugh) cannot live on their own or do anything for themselves. They only book jobs because Kris hustles. She books everything and holds their hands the whole time. It is pathetic and weird.

    When she kicks the bucket, they are all fucked. Or...set free? Maybe that would be the best thing for them.

    I think Kim will just slide right into Mama's job. She is practically her clone already. It will then be the next generation thrust on us. It is never going to end.

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