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Posts posted by FanOfTheFans

  1. 1 minute ago, mbaywife123 said:


    Did anyone else notice that when the ambulance arrived that they gave Brianna a puke bucket and no O2 tank was present?

    Yes I noticed that. Plus Briana has worked as an ED nurse and most likely has seen deaths from pulmonary embolisms.  You don't mess around with that. Didn't Vicki say that Briana said she thought she had a blood clot in her lungs.

    • Love 4
  2. Any shortness of breath is utmost important to get quick help. All nurses know this. It is the ABC of emergency care as in airway, breathing, and circulation, in that order. 

    I agree WireWrap that we don't have all the facts but it smells off to me.  Just a gut instinct. But I certainly wouldn't put it past Vicki to exaggerate for sympathy.  

    • Love 17
  3. This whole thing has been very calculated.  This family has mastered their public image. I don't believe anything they do is innocent.  I felt the scene with Kris saying Taylor's Mom is nice and some other kind words was just to be used as an out if things didn't work as planned. That way they could use it as a saving grace in a worst case scenario or even to show that they never have any ill motives. Well BS to that. All they care about is publicity in regards to making money and their ever growing egos. I swear these people cannot be stopped.  And I don't believe TS is innocent either but they are still the ones who keep dragging her back into controversy.  

    • Love 5
  4. 8 minutes ago, MargeGunderson said:

    She would be a fool if she did. Even if she won such a lawsuit, what most people are going to remember is that she lied big time. Suing because she's embarrassed that she got caught isn't going to make it go away; if anything it makes her look like a whiny baby.

    I agree but I was wondering if she even has a legal foot to stand on. This could get even messier. 

  5. Didn't Kim say last night that it isn't illegal to tape one without knowledge in NY.  There are reports TS is considering suing for taping without consent.  What states were involved if anyone knows and how does that work?  Thanks for any answers. 

    • Love 1
  6. I can't get over how all of this family with their multiple plastic surgeries are looking on film. When you see a still pic, it isn't so bad, but holy cow, when you see them in real time trying to animate, it is frightening.  These are not attractive people.  Add in the lack of personality and education and it is such an odd mix.  When one is at the point where you struggle to carry on a basic conversation, well it is time to reevaluate your life choices.  The lack of intelligence boggles my mind. I guess this is what flies in the world we live in today, but it is so devoid of any true worth, it makes me sad.

    When Khole was getting her makeup done and continually making duck lip faces, I had to look away.  So strange.  

    As far as the TS mess, she is not perfect, true, but she isn't the one obsessed with this weird dynamic that Kanye seems to have about her.  Plus this whole family constantly plays victim, so they lose me on that complaint. 

    • Love 8
  7. 10 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

    Sonja and her tooth reminded me of this story I heard about Jane Fonda being at a party at George and Amal Clooney's house and Jane's front tooth fell out. Sonja, you're in good company.

    No one can dissuade me from my theory that Sonja's internships are a very well disguised human smuggling operation.

    I think Sonja can be nice unless things start to threaten her comfort and then she can be nasty. I've read up about her movie deal. She was a jerk when things stopped going her way.

    See, this is me too.  I find the whole intern thing creepy. But I admit I am influenced by that lawsuit which put Sonja on a whole other level for me. I kind of look at her like a grifter now, but admit she can be pretty entertaining on the show. 

    • Love 7
  8. Just wanted to add that I have a ton of sympathy for Erin's father.  I think he is denial about his daughter but whatever gets him through the day. It's a miracle he has been able to go on with his life with some normalcy.  I can't even imagine what he has been through emotionally. Just the thought that a child you have loved and raised could wipe out most of her own family is beyond my comprehension.  Those poor little boys. 

    • Love 10
  9. Erin Caffey has got a lot of attention for her crime. I saw her on Dr. Phil also. I agree, she is awful and most likely a sociopath of the highest order. I thought she came off as very calculating. She really is careful not to give answers to direct questions or to let herself get painted into a corner with her replies. Plus that soft voice and sheepish demeanor. Really creepy.

    • Love 9
  10. I have always felt that both Thomas and Kathryn wanted the pregnancies for different reasons.  They both knew full well what they were doing. I have never bought this "in a moment of passion" line that they both spew.  

    • Love 6
  11. 1 hour ago, valleycliffe said:

    mal young said travis leaving was not the end of the story, just the end of a chapter (or words to that effect) and to think of him as arnie in the terminator..

    anyway, if and when he comes back, at least he won't just be some guy who owns a bar..  maybe he will come back as "corporate travis" or something.

    I know.  I was responding to the fact that he was fired in the first place. What an idiot JFP is that she can't judge talent in the slightest. Her picker is way off. 

    • Love 9
  12. So I thought Heather said in one of the previous show's talking heads that she wouldn't be talking about the cost of the house and furnishings. Hmmm, that didn't last long. She just can't help herself. She is the type of person I would love to see trying to live off of a five figure salary for say a year. Now that would be entertaining.

    Dont care one iota about Meghan and her IVF. I mute her when she is on.  Don't care about new girl either  

    As much as Vicki annoys Briana, she sure has made herself dependent on Vicki for her lifestyle. I am sorry she is having health issues and I truly wonder what is going on with her immune system but I don't need her to be an ipso facto housewife. 

    • Love 6
  13. 8 minutes ago, absolutelyido said:

    I missed why Brianna had to have surgery. What exactly is the health issue she is having?

    If I heard correctly, it sounded like she had an incision site where they removed some lymph nodes that became infected. What I wasn't sure about is if she then had a second surgery for debridement purposes of the infection site.  Anyway she ended up on antibiotics also. Apparently the oral antibiotics weren't cutting it, hence the picc line for IV antibiotics. 

    • Love 5
  14. 1 hour ago, Almost 3000 said:

    I find many times people coming from a place of victimhood often have a lot of power because they get people to do things for them as apposed to just getting on with life on their own. Kim Richards is a good example of this. Kathryn's managed a star position, while not even being an original cast member, on a Bravo show, a close to downtown townhouse, nannies and a pretty good salary and probably lots of freebies. If she screws it up that's on her but someone will probably help her out because she's such a victim. The cycle will continue ever downward as she loses her youth and looks. A Tennessee Williams' story in the making. I hope she does better but I doubt it.

    Yeah but Kim is hardly someone in a good place. She continues to have raging addiction issues along with chaos in her life. She is hardly in control of her life. She is a mess. I am not talking so much about financial power as I am about emotional maturity and self esteem issues. That is what makes people winners in life. Sure you can go through life dependent upon manipulation to fulfill your needs but it is hollow and makes you still dependent on others.  

    • Love 1
  15. Their is a power inequity between Thomas and Kathryn. This is why she is so frustrated.  But she can only control herself and for some reason she doesn't seem to have learned this reality in life. She would feel so much better about herself if she worked on herself as in education, job, her passions in life, etc.

    People are always at their weakest when they are coming from a place of victimhood.  Whether fair or not, that is just life. She has the power to turn it around though and that is the beauty of it.  Yes, she may have to dig deep within herself but thats how one also builds self esteem. All the money being dumped at ones feet will never give her that. It is really that simple in my mind. 

    • Love 6
  16. Kylie really needs to get a handle on her poor responses.

    Buisiness 101 - the customer is always right. Not good PR for her to be whining that she is sick of people coming after her company and none of it is her fault. Customers are giving her their hard earned dollars and expect a product in return.  Huh, imagine that concept.  

    This is a multimillionaire 18 year old who doesn't have a clue about how the real world works.  All she knows is that everyone is picking on poor Kylie. This family is ridiculous.  

    • Love 9
  17. I have never been so grossed out as I was by the self-blinding woman and that is saying a lot as I'm a nurse and have seen many things. But for some reason, looking at that lady with the serous bloody liquid oozing out of her eye was just so bad.  Of all the times Dr. Phil has needed to give someone his personalized handkerchief, this was it.  I had to quit watching because I swear every time the camera cut to her, there was the blood running down her face.  I just wanted to scream, for Gods sake, somebody give that woman a Kleenex.

    How the heck does the medical profession even begin to treat someone with this obsession?  

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