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Posts posted by FanOfTheFans

  1. I don't see anything wrong with the ladies dressed up for a theme party. I thought they all looked pretty damn good. It is not like they are running around in their daily life dressed as such. It was a party to let loose and have fun. There are too many rules for what women can wear and be seen in as they age. This gave them a chance to forgo the rules for a night. I say more power to them.

    • Love 18
  2. So is this show turning into the familiar story of the cover up being worse than the crime. They sure are making Leslie appear sinister and now we have this father who settled his daughter's case out of court.

    I don't know what to make of the actual event. It seemed like Taylor was kind of smirking at the end while he was lying on his bed. Maybe I am reading too much into it but the camera work makes me feel like the real story is in the facial expressions rather than dialogue due to all the close ups. Lol. It's making me paranoid as now I don't trust what people are saying half the time.

    Still enjoying the acting. Thought the coach's wife and daughter had an interesting scene tonight. As a mother, I too would have been freaked out by the daughter's reaction. It seemed very cold. A lot of little side stories going on.

    • Love 2
  3. I remain unconvinced Hannah is an innocent woman -- just a lucky one. She can hide all she wants behind her "godliness," but something is majorly fucked up there.

    I agree. I don't like the use of hot spice added to food and drink. What is the purpose of doing this other than to punish. I really don't get why people do this. Was this ever spoken too? I have seen this case on another show long ago but don't remember all the details.

    I watched today's show about Amber. It was very one sided. I have also seen this on another show and many details were left out. Looks like it is continued tomorrow.

    • Love 1
  4. I blame Aviva for starting this whole reveal of medical records. Oh good times, NOT. I would not look at someone else's records. No way. Lisa needs to just cut her losses and issue an apology and say she misunderstood or something along those lines to politely back out. Yo has them all over a barrel and no one is walking away unscathed if they comment on her illness or her kids illness. Yo is sitting pretty good in that regards by her own design.

    Regarding her new hairstyle, it looks good. It is hard to carry off super short hair and she has the bone structure to do it.

    • Love 6
  5. She gets to crawl through homemade mazes of empty Natty Ice cans and discarded syringes at Grandma April's apartment with the eventual goal of learning how to feed herself. That's plenty of stimulation.

    Tyler and Catelynn aren't broke. They can afford baby music classes or Gymboree. What's the excuse except for laziness and disinterest?

    Just cause they can afford it doesn't mean they are doing it. Plus I was really referring to HER parents teaching her and setting an example to become a well rounded person.

    • Love 1
  6. The thing that makes me worry for Nova is whether she is getting enough stimulation. Baby brains are like little sponges. They have a remarkable learning capacity. Is she being read to, exposed to music for example. This is so important for her future when it comes to school and reading, learning, etc. You can't go back and reclaim those early years but they definitely set the groundwork for her success in academics.

    • Love 4
  7. I don't think Yo has Munchausen. I do think she views her kids as an extension of herself though. I have since season one viewed her as a stage Mom after the episode where Gigi had a photo shoot.

    It is interesting to me how she sits high up on this hill figuratively and literally looking down on everyone. Waiting for people to visit and pay homage to her. She picks and chooses her involvement with the show. She whirls into an event and lays down her platitudes and whirls out. Granted she has been sick and this has curtailed filming for her but really she has limited her filming since season one. Back then, it was because she and her true love were always jetting away, now it is her health.

    Do I think she has been ill? Yes I do but I don't think that gives her carte blanche to condescend to others and everyone has to walk on eggshells around her. I hope she gets better and returns to her normal life. I don't think she fits in well with an ensemble cast. This woman needs her own show. She craves the spotlight IMO.

    • Love 8
  8. Fred and Kim's pain seems as raw today as it did back during the trial. It must have been terribly frustrating to sit through that farce of a trial. The victims were like an afterthought.

    The trial is historic in the sense, it began the trend of putting the cops and forensics on trial.

    One thing I will never forget is the look on Robert Kardashian's face when the verdict was read. I actually think he was disappointed OJ was not convicted as he knew he was guilty without a doubt. The guy looked more devastated than the prosecution team. Would like to know what was behind that.

    • Love 7
  9. He was a bartender from the first season. He spilled the beans about Jax' cheating and knocking up a chick in Vegas. Stassi immediately broke up with Jax and started dating Frank. Like literally waited 5 whole minutes before she started dating Frank. Stassi stopped being friends with Kristen and Katie because they didn't like Frank. Lisa later fired Frank when he disrespected a customer.

    Thank you. That rings a bell.

  10. I wonder if Kim approached Kanye and told him that, being pregnant and exhausted, she didn't want a big party for her birthday.  And then Kanye, being Kanye and wanting to show off his wealth, style, and party-planning expertise, went ahead and did it anyway.


    Without the men, this is a show about women who pet their hair, wear too much makeup, discuss each other based only on how they look that day, throw extravagant parties, and have awkward and boring conversations that consist of long shots of them staring at each other and someone ending a scene with the word "Yeah."  Pretty sure this show is on its last legs, unless Kris can figure out a way to get Lamar, Scott and Rob, with their respective dramas, back on board.

    Yes laurakaye, the conversations with the constant yeah, yeah, yeah and head nodding. Oh so stimulating. What a bunch of morons. Pick up a book and read something people or get out in the world and see how other people live. I agree that without the guys, these women appear even more vacant of any intelligence and emotional depth. No personalities beyond their obsession with their looks and the money they continue to rake in. Sad, really sad.

  11. The cat was also the family cat. Killing any animal is bad but I would assume there would be an emotional attachment by his own family for this animal. It gives insight to the type of person he is at his core. Sickening IMO.

    • Love 10
  12. Wasn't it posited that most of those wounds came post-mortem, which accounts for the lack of blood? That's been my comforting thought, that Betsy died quickly from the neck wound and she was gone when the rest happened. Gosh i hope that's true.



    Yeah, I heard that Pam made flyers and went door to door to collect money for a cancer patient, without the family's knowledge, and then the patient/family didn't see any of the money and wasn't even aware that Pam had done that. But it could be hard to prove because one doesn't often get a receipt for a cash donation at the door, and so Pam could just deny it all...

    I am glad most wounds were post mortem. I missed that. Weird that she would keep stabbing her though. That lady is going to hurt somebody again. Ticking time bomb.

    • Love 4
  13. This whole case was like bizarro world. I don't understand how the investigators can even sleep at night. So much shady doings. I kept thinking, this would never of happened if Lt. Kenda investigated this case. (Shoutout to HomicideHunter) That is the type of cop you need on the job. Let the evidence do the talking. It is really disheartening to see corruption at this level. What is the matter with people?

    The other thing I can't get off my mind is the number of times Betsy was stabbed. Talk about overkill. That poor woman. What a horrible death she suffered.

    And no one is held accountable. I'm glad at least the judge mentioned on record how inept the investigation was. I know there are a lot if sociopaths out there that can pull the wool over people's eyes but this lady seemed shady from the get go. I don't understand why they let her skate. It was just so obvious.

    • Love 8
  14. Farrah thinks it's so funny to mock grandma in front of Sophia now but just wait because ten years from now it's going to be her crying while her ungrateful bitch of a daughter treats her like shit.

    Does Sophia go to school? We're like five episodes in this season and Farrah has dragged that kid all over America. She's been to Nebraska, Missouri, San Diego, Las Vegas and Seattle (I may be missing some place too.)

    Anyway, Ryan can't even fake five minutes of enthusiasm while doing a wholesome activity with his son. That guy is like a walking Valium.

    I was literally yelling at Butch to leave Carly alone at the wedding. I wouldn't be surprised if B and T don't show up at anymore family events because Cate and Tyler's people have no concept of boundaries.

    I loved the Bud Light can in the background while Cate and Teresa were having their special moment. Stay classy Cate.

    Council Bluffs is in Iowa. It sits next to Omaha with the Missouri River separating them.

  15. I have never bought for a minute that Scheana didn't know Eddie was married. I hate when people tell obvious lies and expect everyone to swallow their BS. I feel sorry for her husband. I know he is no ball of fire but she doesn't give a crap about a single one of his needs and you can see that in his face in their scenes together. That marriage is doomed.

    • Love 15
  16. Why do I think once this season ends and divorce is over, she'll have a miraculous recovery.  And she'll tout some alternative cure.  She'll be fully made up, dressed to the nines again, possibly on her own reality show with her children (I think she wants Kardashian fame) and she'll be looking for her next wealthy man.

    I think a show of her own has been her goal since the get go. I don't see Yo as a ensemble cast kind of girl. She likes being the center of attention. I feel part of the reason she chose Brandi and Kim as allies is because it still lets her remain top dog in her group. She see herself above them so to speak. She is threatened by the likes of LVP, hence the history we have between them. She is also savvy enough to know there is money to be made with her kids.

    I do believe she was ill but has complicated her recovery with some of her treatments and the supplement mania. I cannot tell you how detrimental unregulated supplements can be to people. As a nurse, when we admit patients to the hospital, supplements are included in our med reconciliation. There can be so many problems with interactions with supplements and prescription drugs too. Serious stuff.

    Believe me, I have understanding of what it is like to live with an autoimmune disease. Heck, I spent a year on oral antibiotics and steroids, trying to get myself in remission not to mention other icky meds. My head looked like a bowling bowl with the steroids and I felt like I was climbing out of my own skin. It sucked but I have had to readjust my life to some truths. One of them being, I will never feel as I once used to. But you move on and life is good. Let's face it, nobody gets out of this world without some heartache. I think Yo is having a hard time adjusting to this fact.

    Yo just looses me with her behavior towards others. I honestly don't think I have ever heard her give someone a genuine compliment. When she does dole out a compliment, she is still at the center of it. It is tough to be around people like that. They just suck the lifeblood out of you.

    • Love 15
  17. I am really enjoying Real Detectives. You can tell these cases have taken a human toll on these detectives. I mean all of these guys for being in a tough guy type of job have really shown their vulnerability. It is definitely a job that one takes home with them everyday.

    • Love 4
  18. I just want to say, I LOVE your name.  Found my old Sweet Valley books last weekend and had a blast reminiscing.

    I wouldn't call "Axeman 2: Overkill" an upcoming Hollywood hit, but it looks like someone will hire her!



    Maybe she can have a successful B-movie career.

  19. The thing about Yoyo is that she is so hard to like.

    In the last episode, for instance, on the private plane ( poor her ),she proclaimed that she felt pity for the people who doubted her.

    The hell?

    So wrong on so many levels.

    I can't believe Erika could keep a straight face and say nothing.....

    So smug...

    LIMOM, you just summed up my main problem with Yo. She has this habit of elevating herself at other people's expense.

    • Love 8
  20. I don't like the camera work. Especially when you have two people in a conversation and they only show one person. It is like watching a movie with blinders on.

    I'm sticking with it for the acting which is quite good. Loved the look on Felicity Huffman's face in that last scene. A total oh shit moment she was having wondering how she would be able to manipulate the situation now.

    • Love 7
  21. Derek was fair skinned with blonde hair. If you Google Farrah Abraham Derek Underwood, pics come up. Sophia does look just like him facially minus the dark hair she has.

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