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Posts posted by FanOfTheFans

  1. True love or Kylie's getting some excellent sex that's got her all confused and dumb on top of her being a "baby"

    Yeah I highly doubt it's true love though at her age she may think it is. I hope this isn't the beginning of a break-up and get back together scenario repeated ad nauseam.

    • Love 1
  2. I remember paying the paper boy directly.  Giving him extra at Christmas.

    Yep my brothers were paperboys and they had to collect. Some people would actually hide and not answer the door during collection time. My brothers would be bummed out cuz the deficit came out of their pocket. At Xmas time they would get tons of candy though. I loved it as they would share their bounty with me. Lol. I was just a wee little whippersnapper at the time.

    • Love 3
  3. It felt like Argentina pretty much knew he was guilty but wanted to stick it to the US. I have a feeling his wife knows too but you know true love and all that. Blah! I'm just gonna wait for karma to kick this guy's ass. Feel sorry for his murdered wife's family and friends.

    • Love 7
  4. Truthfully, not to require that any person enters an isolation room without PPE (including family members) is just bad infection control protocol. These ineffective infection control practices are precisely why we have so much MRSA and VRSA infections in our communities.

    Yes at the hospital I work at, we definitely require visitors to gown up. We have an excellent infection control nurse. She is like a nazi with our protocol. Lol. She has actually recruited non medical staff to basically spy on medical staff to make sure protocols are being followed. She had someone in the housekeeping dept doing this and lord knows who else. But it has payed off because our hospital has a low infection rate.

    Next to MRSA is VRE which I have seen more of but the patients have been coming to us already colonized. VRE is even worse to treat. It is the big daddy of antibiotic resistant bacteria.

  5. For me, this show is in such a rut. I ff'd Myra's ascension to sainthood and Nicole is boring and the actors are talentless. Also ff'd all Thomas related stuff and guess what? No show left to watch. lol

    They are making Ivy completely unlikeable and unrootable. I don't feel sorry for Wyatt because this is much deserved, the only time he was tolerable was when I liked Ivy.

    It causes actual physical pain to look at Steffy and Liam's a snooze, as usual.

    With all this it's still better than watching everyone come all over Myra.

    OMG, this is exactly how I feel. In fact every time I start liking an actor I can pretty much assume the writers are going to screw that up for me.

    Case in point, I liked early chemistry between Ridge and Caroline but current storyline has obliterated that. Ivy had potential but they have ruined that with lecherous Thomas.

    Don't know how much longer I will hang on. There is no one to root for. Isn't that kind of a must for soaps?

    • Love 3
  6. I didn't find it so bad.  I just thought they should have given America's Most Wanted more credit in helping solve the murder.  My memory is they made a sculpture of his head and it was new and experimental-again if i am wrong let me know.  I always thought that show was important.

    Applecrisp, I remember it the same way. Also remember how the eyeglasses they picked for the sculpture were spot on for his actual glasses. Uncanny really.

    • Love 5
  7. Part of Yolanda's first year revolved around Gigi and her modeling career. There was a scene with Yolanda overseeing a photo shoot with Gigi. At the time, I remember thinking she seems like a stage mother and I have never been able to shake that feeling about her. It feels like her kids accomplishments are more about her than the kids. She loves the spotlight. My gut feeling is that the blind is about her.

    • Love 10
  8. I lost my shit when they were showing Lala from Vanderpump Rules admit to being "arm candy" and Princella, after a long pause, exclaims "SO SHE A HO?"

    I love Princella. She cracks me up. Loved her telling her son that someone she birthed wasn't going to tell her she couldn't have a cat.

    Really all of the peeps make me laugh except for not Bea Arthur but the other two play well off of her so she serves a purpose too.

    Such a light hearted and fun show. A welcome escape for me.

    • Love 4
  9. Most of the main story lines right now revolve around the younger cast. I would also like to see the more seasoned cast utilized too. Somebody above made a good point about Brooke going for quite awhile without a guy. She seems to be relegated to a character only on the periphery. I mean her story line doesn't have to be about romance but maybe something corporate. Then there is Quinn and Deacon, Bill and Katie too. The older characters bring more nuance to the show. I don't get why the writers seem to be ignoring them. Seems like it would make for a more well rounded show.

    • Love 5
  10. I wondered what the stepfather was thinking after the results of the lie detector. Has he been sleeping next to a complete stranger or does he really know the true nature of the woman he is married to? The daughter seems to have love for him so it makes me wonder if he has been bamboozled by the Mom too. The damage that woman has caused is immense but I bet she will never admit to her lies so I see little chance of her getting better or helping to improve her daughter's life.

    • Love 5
  11. I thought it was interesting when Rocky was under the covers and realized Emile was present, she wanted him outta there. At first I thought she was telling Eddie to leave but no it was Emile. The guy who was trying to uphold her honor. She used that guy so bad. Walked all over him, spit on him, and he still continued to defend her honor. This chick doesn't give a flying fuck about anyone but herself. Eddie came off as a total jerk too.

    I believe they did hookup. Rocky was way too irritated during the beach scenes for me to believe it was acting. She got played and that realization was written all over her face.

    • Love 12
  12. By next season Vicki will be asking for praise for uncovering a cancer scam.  She will set herself up as the intelligent businesswoman who was taken in by a con man.  There is just no way she can come back from this.

    I so agree with this but I am afraid that Bravo will set Vicki up for a redemption year and give her good editing. That is if they choose to keep her.

    For me the whole cancer story and con have been deplorable. A total slap in the face to those truly suffering with illness. I am a big believer in Karma and I wouldn't want to be walking around in Brooks or Vicki's shoes.

    • Love 4
  13. I still haven't decided if I think Gaga can act or not, but I don't know if it matters - she sure seemed like she was having fun this episode and that was nice for a change!

    You know, I'm right there with you on her acting abilities but she sure can wear the hell out of the clothes they put her in.

    • Love 1
  14. I think these pictures are excellent from an educational standpoint.  In every case, they show what can happen when something goes wrong with the implant, and they're a strong argument against having the surgery in the first place.  It's one thing to be told what happened to a woman after the implant and its removal, but it's quite another to see the damage.  I'm glad that this is one decision I don't have to make.


    Many people in Hollywood have had cheekbone implants and chin implants and all sorts of reshaping of their faces.  I'm wondering about those people and whether or not they, too, should have their implants replaced every 10 years (as this article states).  I would assume that an implant is an implant and that they, too, need to be conscientious about replacing them.  Scary! 


    Did anyone notice in the video of Yo pictures, she wears no make-up, even when she's dressed up?  She is one who needs makeup to hide the dark circles under her eyes, etc., but she looks more pitiful without it.  I can't help but think that was planned.  Who would make a sad video like that anyway?

    I want to respond to your section of post regarding makeup. My ipad won't let me isolate just that part so forgive me on that.

    I have a chronic autoimmune disease that I will live with the rest of my life. Just note that my disease has been proven by biopsy so no controversy there. Lol. Anyway, I have found that wearing makeup and presenting myself in a well groomed way makes a huge difference regarding how I feel. When I am in public and people I know see me, they always respond with how well I look. This in turn helps me feel better too.

    I guess it is a personal choice but I wonder sometimes if the non-makeup issue plays into Yo's whole idea of how she wants to be perceived. I feel bad even saying this about her because I do feel something is wrong with her but I am not sure she has the correct diagnosis.

    Yo seems to take things to the extreme. All those vitamins she was taking and her diet come to mind. The makeup is another along that line, especially for someone who used to make a living being made up. I would understand if she never wore any before so why start now. That isn't the case with her. Maybe she feels like doing these things gives her control over her life in an area where she has lost control. And maybe I am just overthinking things.

    • Love 11
  15. Has anyone seen Andy's post on the Bravo website about if he believes Brooms or not? I saw it last night, and it honestly kinda confused me because it didn't really address anything outright and basically if Vicki doesn't believe Brooks anymore then it must not be true, but then it sited that people did take him for chemo... I don't know if it didn't make sense becaus it was late or if it just doesn't make sense. If I can find it again I'll try to post it.

    I had addressed Andy's ambivalence earlier when it pertains to clarifying muddled topics at the reunion. Every year we are promised answers only to get more controversy. This is his M.O. He loves to do this because I suppose it helps drive the controversies and pull more viewers in. But for me, I can't stand it and it leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth. Crazy like a fox that Andy.

    • Love 5
  16. What I think Bravo is good at, is letting the ladies know they expect drama from them. Bravo then sits back and waits to see which mess garners the most publicity and viewer interest. At that point Bravo pushes the storyline. I feel Bravo never wants to give us any clear cut answers either. They love the endless speculation over any given subject. Bravo has fine honed passive aggressiveness. As with all true passive aggressive people, they want no resolution as it strips them of their power.

    Seems every year they promise resolution too at the reunions only to then muddy the waters more. Andy never asks the questions I want answers to. It drives me nuts. I feel very manipulated and don't know why I continue to watch. However I did not watch the OC reunion for this reason. Just read here cuz you guys give a much better analysis anyway.

    Now having said this, obviously the women play along too. They know who butters their bread.

    But I still enjoyed the early years the most when the show still seemed organic. Sigh. Those days are never coming back.

    • Love 7
  17. I don't think the Beverly Hills housewives will go after Yolanda as rabidly as the OC hens went after Brooks.  Brooks is a nobody.  They had nothing to lose by exposing him.


    Yolanda and My Love have connections.  None of them can really afford to drag her name through the Beverly Hills mud without repercussions.

    Great point. David wields some power, definitely.

  18. The thing is, women go to court after men are arrested for beating them to claim the cops lied. Women make up stories about their black eye or explain away why what the guy said in front of other people wasn't that bad

    . He was drunk, I pissed him off, he was having a bad day etc. It is a cycle. They lose self esteem and actually believe they can't do any better so they go back and minimize the abuse. It doesn't make sense to people outside that relationship, it never does. I should add that Men are also abused in the same ways and react the same way. What you just said about Vicki is exactly what everyone says about abused people. This is why they don't want to admit it to anyone, ever. I just wanted to point this out to aid understanding of these situations. Oprah did it years ago but I don't think people talk about it much anymore. It goes for emotional and physical abuse equally. I know many don't like Vicki, actually abused people who go back often come off as unlikable and frustrating. It's a complex mind fuck. Sorry about the after school leture but I feel it's important.

    Edit to add I don't know that she was abused but more so in case someone who is abused is reading this thread.

    Sing it. You are spot on. Until one has lived it, it very hard for people on the outside to fathom. Abusers also count on this. It lets them off the hook when victim blaming becomes the norm. Why do women stay or go back? Because they are emotionally drained. All their energy is put into trying to survive. Again part of the cycle.

    I don't know what went down with Vicki and Brooks but it wouldn't surprise me if there was abuse involved.

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