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Posts posted by FanOfTheFans

  1. First off to all that have shared your stories, I am very sorry for what you have been through. It takes courage to talk about it and kudos to all. You have all made so many good points too and nobody understands these things as well as survivors of abuse. Your insight is invaluable.

    Cosby has inflicted pain on countless people. Not just the women he abused but all the people that love them also become victims. That is some evil shit right there. He really needs some consequences for his crimes.

    • Love 6
  2. Thanks Avaleigh. Ha The haircut is fine, I just hate Yolanda right now. And it is like this guy is inside Yolanda's brain:  http://www.quackwatch.com/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/lyme.html


    It is a long thing, but so interesting how he has Yolanda's pattern down pat, if you read the whole thing, which I did

    because I am interested in how Lyme has been hijacked by quacks, either on the caregiver side or the patient side. This whole site has Yolanda's mode of operation down pat.




    If you aren't inclined to read the whole thing, it does pay to skim the article to look for Yolanda-isms. She is caught up in a whole scam. If you scroll down to the paragraph title Reliable sources which provides links in blue, it should clear up questions about lyme and then the paragraph title Bottom Line sums up Yolanda completely.

    Thanks for that link. Very interesting read. Notable that the overuse of antibiotics for Lyme can cause neurological side effects.

    Another thing with Yolanda that I have always worried about was all the vitamins and herbal meds she was taking. In my nursing experience I have seen serious side effects from these types of drugs. Usually cardiac in nature but the toxicity of taking so many different drugs can also be hard on the organs which process and filter them too. More isn't always better.

    • Love 4
  3. Lemon juice (freshly squeezed) and steeped chamomile flowers (buds).  Apply, sit in the sun, repeat often.  Worked great for dirty blondes like me.  But then, I used baby oil with iodine as a suntan starter.  :~)

    Boy does that bring back memories. Raise one for the "good ole days" when ignorance truly was bliss.

    As far as Yolanda I really don't know what to make of her. She certainly seems to have an agenda where her children are concerned.

    • Love 2
  4. I am enjoying the scenes of Ridge and Caroline. It is the best acting going on the soap right now IMO. I'm curious to see what they will do with this story. Common sense tells me it will blow up big time But for now I am just going to sit back and enjoy. I'm trying not to overthink it too much.

    I have only been watching this soap for around 1 1/2 years. I appreciate that many of you are long term fans and I understand where you are coming from cause I have that type of history with Y&R and holy moly that soap is off the rails. And now I have to shut up cause I am going off topic.

    • Love 8
  5. The enema fiasco was so fitting because this whole season has been a load of crap.

    The scene in the restaurant with Tamra, Shannon, and Heather was so fake. It felt like they were tying up loose ends and setting the stage for the reunion. Now the alliances have shifted and the 3 amigos are on the high ground. Only out for truth and justice and such good people cuz you know girl code and all of that too.

    Truth is this was Vickie's season to be the bitch and last season was Tamra's and so on and on it goes. Whose turn will it be next season?

    I feel I have once again been punked by Bravo.

    Edited for incorrect sentence structure. As in the words of Mama Dawn from Teen Mom 2, "that don't make no sense."

    • Love 12
  6. I said it then, and I say it now. If I had been on that criminal jury, I would have been the hold out. Those "ugly ass shoes" that were the same size as Simpson's feet, the photos of him wearing those shoes, the fact Simpson didn't have those shoes in his possession and denies owning such a pair, and the probability that another male wearing those style of shoes was zero, was one major factor to me that Simpson was the killer. That doesn't include the DNA and the impossibility that police officers, crime scene technicians, a handful of detectives, and all the people involved in gathering the physical evidence, were in on some plot or conspiracy to nail Simpson as the killer.


    Can someone clear up for me what was mentioned on the black screen at the end of one of the documentaries? It read "The judge at Simpson's sentencing told him he had the gather his memorabilia and keep it out of the hands of the Goldmans." I am sure I don't have the exact words. I don't recall the judge ever saying such a thing to Simpson. Does anyone else recall the judge saying such a thing? I tried Googling it and haven't come up with anything. I don't even know what that means. Was the judge saying Simpson had a right to get his memorabilia. He just didn't have the right to commit the crimes that he did to get them?  No matter, what a horrible thing for a judge to say. The Goldmans won a civil suit. They have not been able to collect from Simpson a major part of what he owns or earns for various reasons. They have a right to obtain $$ from what is out there. Simpson's memorabilia is out there and available for them to pursue.

    I remember that quote but not verbatim. Anyway I took it as he was saying to OJ that basically he was his own worst enemy. He was so bent on keeping money out of Goldman's hands that he stole the memorabilia rather than see the profit of said items going to Goldman's.

    OJ really seems to get off on sticking it to the Goldman's. Revenge seems to steer his actions. That and pure arrogance. I believe as someone earlier stated that he is a sociopath.

    • Love 2
  7. An integrated PET-CT scan combines images from a positron emission tomography (PET) scan and a computed tomography (CT) scan that have been performed at the same time using the same machine. Because a CT scan provides detailed pictures of tissues and organs inside the body, while a PET scan reveals any abnormal activity that might be going on there, combining these scans creates a more complete image than either test can offer alone.

    This makes sense because I am sure he said PET/CT scan when talking to Tamra. Unless I heard wrong but I don't think I did. I didn't record the episode so I can't go back to listen again.

    • Love 6
  8. There is a difference between a PET scan and a CT scan. Brooks had a CT scan. I don't know why he referred to it as both when talking to Tamra other than his own confusion over the two tests. I believe that CT scans are done at the imaging center.

    Please Bravo end this storyline. It is wrong on so many levels. I have to stop watching this show because I feel very strong about the privacy of patient's med records. That is why we have federal laws in place. The situation is making me angry and that is not why I started watching these ridiculous HWs.

    • Love 14
  9. I like the chemistry between TK and LG. However I do agree that the giggly LG we have been getting lately is not her best acting. I thought her breakdown over losing Ridge was believable and some of her better acting. She really sold me that she was hurting

    I haven't been watching this soap for as long as many of the posters here. But what I find strange is how some story lines move at lightening speed and others get drug out. This week has bored me to tears with all of Brooke's ominous talks with TK and LG. Last week I was all excited about a possible new fashion house and this week just zip on that story front.

    • Love 7
  10. I gotta say I was disappointed today that Bill shot down the fashion house. Setting the plot holes aside, I was really looking forward to the drama it would bring.

    I like Caroline and Ridge together. Their chemistry works for me so now I am dreading the fallout of their secrets.

    So yeah, earlier this week, I had hope for some good story lines I could get behind and now I feel deflated. Big fat bummer. : (

    And why oh why doesn't someone convince Steffy to lighten up on the makeup. It is way over the top and IMO not flattering at all. I just don't get it.

    • Love 5
  11. I am a nurse. Whom ever said it looks like nurses wear their stethoscopes around their neck for looks, I disagree.  Nurses wear them  because  they are their tools.  I have many times said I needed a tool belt to keep handy all of the things I use on the job.  I carry tape, scissors, hemostats , alcohol swabs and any other things I might need in the patient's room.  After all, if you suddenly faint, do you want me to have to go back to the nurses station to get my stethoscope to check your vital signs?   And to the other person, sorry but the days of nurses all in white with hats have been gone for over 25 years.  Scrubs are the best uniform to clean all the blood and guts off  of me.  If you want to know if someone is a nurse, read their name tag.  At the hospital I work at,  almost every job has a different color scrubs to differentiate their position.  Even clerical, office workers are branded with a slacks/shirt look.  We also have our position embroideried on our shirts.  Not hard to tell who is who.  


    Nurses are mad because Joy called it a doctor's stethoscope.  They felt she meant that the nurse was playing doctor in her costume.    The problem with this show, is the preparation.  If Joy and Michelle had bothered to actually watched the clip, maybe they could have come up with more appropriate comment.  Most of the time, it seems like the really have no idea what they are talking about.  It seems like it is all about the easy joke instead of informing the audience.


    Regarding Raven wanting to be entertained by candidates. I can't even with her.  Maybe she wants the debates to have a talent contest.  No wonder so many are jumping on the Trump Train.  They have no idea what is going on, just want to be entertained.

    Thank you for this response. I am also a nurse. Regarding the stethoscope, it absolutely is a tool of our trade and needs to be close at hand. I sometimes wish there was a easier place to keep It because I have actually gotten a sore neck from having to wear it in this manner. This is after a 12 hour shift mind you but yes we need it handy.

    It is a grueling job but I love it and care greatly for the people I have cared for over the years. Peoples lives truly are in our hands and I take that fact very seriously, no matter what Joy may think about our tools of the trade. She obviously doesn't have a clue what we actually do on our jobs.

    • Love 3
  12. Oh dear God.  The pics of Kanye's um, "much anticipated" new line are all over Twitter.  I think North's expression sums it up. Poor child had to look at this garbage in the front row. Imagine the faces she'll make when she's old enough to realize her father designed the stuff?



    These are some ugly clothes. Notice the extra long sleeves. Is this why Kim has been wearing her sleeves so long lately?

    • Love 3
  13. Please don't blame the half-hour format, Edge of Night had three-dimensional characters in storylines so complex, my head would spin.  Blame the writing, or lack of it.  If Steffi's a nasty bitch, show us why.  If she has any redeeming qualities, don't tell us, show us.

    Oh I am not blaming it, just speculating. I don't know enough about the process to give anything but thoughts based on speculation.

  14. Ray Wise singing may have been the best scene I have watched on this show this year. Since I had looked up some other actors' birthdays I thought I would look up his. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that we share a birthday. RW is 68 and turned 10 on the day I was born. : )

    I am getting a kick out of him too. He also makes for a great nemesis for Victor because he is not held back by the ethical restraints that Jack has. Of course I still love Jack. He is one of the main reasons I watch this show.

    • Love 8
  15. I'm definitely going to need more Bill-rolls-his-eyes-at-these-people reaction shots before he near-inevitably gives in and springs for this fashion house that Wyatt wants to run and "earn," absolutely not because of Ivy getting fired, and certainly not because Liam was handed everything and he wasn't...whoops, never mind.  I'm rolling my eyes at these people.  But my earlier post stands: if we're finally getting our first rival fashion house in nearly four years, I'm going to grin and bear it.


    I'm kind of over Steffy, though.  She's only rarely allowed to show any sort of remorse or reconsideration for her increasingly bitchy actions, and that's when she's alone with Liam.  It's plot-mandated, I know, but it still sucks.

    You make a good point about Steffy. These characters need to be fleshed out more. Too one dimensional. Maybe that isn't realistic on a half-hour soap but it would certainly be more interesting for the audience.

    • Love 2
  16. I didn't enjoy the show last night. Too much of Rocky and her ceiling eyes. She is exhausting to watch. Can you imagine trying to have a serious conversation with her?

    She is such a slacker on the job which leaves her workmates to pick up her jobs. But that's ok with her I guess.

    Kate was right about one thing. The Greek God Narcissus fits her well.

    • Love 8
  17. Hey All!


    It's been a long time, but personal family stuff has had me away.  I still remain a fan of CarRidge though...that's my shit! .I guess I'll ride alone, because I dig TK as Ridge.    He's certainly not original recipe Ridge, but that's ok by me.  What I love about this Ridge is that he's not all about Logan.  That bike had been ridden to death and personally I wanted off of it, and I wanted Ridge to finally get off of her.  Literally.  I dig that there's a new love in Ridge's life and it's Caroline.  I am a huge fan of LG's and I love what she and TK are bringing to the show with this May/December romance.  It's refreshing and they are really selling it to me.   What I can do without is that punk Thomas in the mix.  I'm not sure what I think about the actor..he's okay I guess...I think the show wants to make him happen but it's not. .  


    What I can absofuckinglutely do without ...Is JM,  but my gawd is she hideous to watch.  Beyond her horrible acting is her distracting Las Vegas drag look.  Then there's the helmet hair that looks like a wig from the  Raquel Welch line.   I was starting to actually like Liam when he was with Ivy, but now he's become an annoying turd again.   I second KMatula coming back so she can make Steffy suffer.  I despise Steffy.     I want someone...anyone to crush the shit out of her and her loathsome ego.   .  


    Where are Quinn and Deacon?   Those two deserve a front burner story.  I'd love to see Quinn torment and torture Steffy.   Ivy should have confided in her and let Quinn assist her with the blackmailing.  Quinn knows how to make a bitch squirm.   Why is Oliver being wasted?   Ally's death could have been written so much better and all the beats of the grief were missed with Thorne and Oliver.    Oliver especially is cute enough and way more appealing to me than this Thomas character.    


    Bradley needs to understand that  there can be other 20 something characters/romances that are far more interesting than the one's that involve Liam or Wyatt.   Dollar Bill is hot, but his sons remain just meh for me.  I especially never got what Hope or Steffy saw in Liam.   He's never been anything other than just vanilla for me.   Wyatt at least pushes the envelope and lives a bit on the edge...but Liam is not all that in looks or personality and Wyatt shouldn't have to live in his shadow. 


    I don't know how anyone else is feeling but the show is just lukewarm for me now,   Bringing on Thomas and Steffy to shake things up has been a huge dud for me.   I'm not looking forward to a wtd for Caroline, or her getting kicked to the curb by Ridge over this and I especially don't need Brooke gloating or sniffing around Ridge.    Or Steffy's judgmental attitude over it all.

    So many good points in this post. I will never understand the nonuse of actors who can actually act such as Quinn and Deacon. Y&R does the same thing. Good actors sitting on the back burners.

    I am actually interested in a rival fashion house despite the absurdity of it being unlikely. I just want to see Steffy and Liam get their comeuppance. Make it happen writers and give Quinn and Deacon an integral part of the story. It did seem like when Wyatt mentioned it, Bill had a twinkle in his eye. Plus Katie wants a new endeavor.

    • Love 11
  18. My guess is Hayley was probably trusted to stay home and behave like an adult.  It  is not as if she had to go to school.  My point with Meghan is sometimes as a parent we have to sacrifice for our children.  Even our stepchildren.  I think I am tired of hearing how concerned Meghan is for Brooks, and her hurt over Leann cancer, how much love she has for all her stepchildren and how she could not love them more. She just comes off extremely fake and does the fake cry like Tamra. I find Meghan at the ready to dole out the judgments but unable to accept the slightest criticism and that began with the phone call to Shannon.


    It is interesting to me about the pot-stirring Tamra-I haven't seen her slack off at all in her role.  She started crap in Tahiti, she did it again with the psychic and her questions, she did it at the racetrack trying to blame Shannon-after her no secrets rule. Once again Tamra is swinging for the fences with Brooks.  Brooks saying consider the source, is not a big deal.  Shannon saying Tamra is a pot stirrer is not a big deal.   I think of Meghan as almost a professional reality personality and she got the role of a lifetime with RHOC and she has a famous husband. I just thinks he has to dial it back to be believable.  She has made so many age cracks that unless they bring another thirty something on there would be no reason to keep her around.


    My issue with Vicki and Tamra is their roles on the show have become a cottage industry for them.  The high six figure salaries fuel their lifestyles and their adult children to a certain degree.  They can't make a single outside endeavor stick so this is it.  When I saw Tamra moving her son down and her mother in it became clear Tamra will say or do anything to keep this job-including giving up on her first born daughter. 


    As to the Vicki story-was it this season or last season she was told she had to include Brooks?  I thought it was Season 9 and presumed the rule stuck. I don't think Vicki films enough and it is always a stretch with Brianna or even a Michael scene.  I don't mind Brooks-I think he is the perfect man for Vicki.  The are both devoid of any character and having them profess their love for each other and break up annually is just the icing on the cake.  It would be unrealistic for Vicki not to at least claim that Brooks is dealing with health issues.


    I can't give Meghan a break in any way shape or form for butting in on Brooks' health care decisions or diagnosis.  She wasn't asked, she repeatedly tried to force her opinion and was repeatedly asked to stop and she just won't.  She is making herself unbelievable. If she took a job with the requirement that she torture the other women that is on her.  Obviously other woman film and aren't retained-Katie Hamilton and Danielle come to mind.  I can imagine that Jim is extremely embarrassed over her behavior.  Meghan claims she came into this group and expected some sort of cancer support group.  Not only does it  make for bad TV but very strange to try and create a group from a bunch of strangers the majority of which do not have cancer in their lives.   As soon as she said cancer treatments are not secret people talk about them I realized Meghan was just never taught manners.  People may want to talk about them but they should not be forced to or even asked about them especially in a social setting.

    This is a great analysis. Sometimes I think I need to stop watching the HW shows because it all feels so manipulative. We are all (the viewing audience) pawns. But obviously I get something out of it as I continue to watch. I think part of it for me is the challenge of trying to see beyond what these ladies and Bravo put out there. That is why I love to read all these opinions. Just fascinating.

    • Love 4
  19. What a total B!t(h Marissa is! Juliette can spend her birthday wherever she wants to.  I used to go along with plans because I didn't want to upset the apple cart. At some point I realized that sometimes there are situations where somebody wont get their way and be upset, it does not have to always be me. When she excluded  Juliette she excluded her kids too, and their dad has been gone so much. Those kinds of things have a way of coming back to you.  also don't think I could sit across from someone who I had been good friends with and be so cold while they apologized to me.

    Yes I felt the chills through my tv. Yikes. Then throw in that comment about being just friends and not BFF's anymore. Even though Juliet kind of set herself up for that, it came off as mean.

    • Love 9
  20. I with you on this, I'm a nurse also but a person doesn't have to be a nurse or have to see someone dying of cancer to realize that the direction of this franchise has gone entirely off-track when it pushes the drama created by Meghan, Shannon and Tamra about Brooks having cancer. It's more than disturbing, it's despicable and intolerable. I don't even want to watch anymore because I get too angry at Meghan and Tamra and the attempts at getting camera time by continually digging away at this Brooks cancer story. I'm going to a funeral tomorrow for my brother that died of cancer on Sept. 1st and this constant bickering about whether Brooks is lying about cancer is becoming an even more sore subject with me than it ever was. I'm really feeling hatred towards Meghan and Tamra and that's not normal to feel towards some stupid-ass rich strangers in a TV show.


    I totally agree with you. And I am very sorry for your loss.

    • Love 9
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