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Purpose to defraud

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Everything posted by Purpose to defraud

  1. You do write well, HFC. I'd follow your blog.
  2. More like they are in Jim Bob's image, but the Duggars are confused about the difference.
  3. September 27 is Snarking on Fundies Day. Really.
  4. Yes, they did give candy, to their credit. But it's funny the people who claim a two thousand year old book is 100% factually accurate, can't keep a simple story straight themselves, in the internet age. Things that make you go hhmmm.
  5. In another generation, Jessa will be Kris Jenner.
  6. Yes! Back when I was lurking here, there was a conversation about why they kept showing Josie's birth, when it was upsetting to her. The answer, IMO, is it was Mechelle giving birth, her moment of glory. And that was her last crowning achievement (pun intended.)
  7. My daughter had a bad break up, the weekend of her thirtieth birthday. She was super sensitive to all the happy happier happiest stuff on FB, it just hurt her. Well, she had a year or two, and then met someone, got married, etc. But she still doesn't put much up about her happiness, she remembers how sometimes it burns. You have many more happy days ahead, I'm sure. Of course to me 33 is very young (I'm 60) but there is so much time for you to have the good things in life. I hope it for you. Plus I really believe that the more people brag on FB about how happy they are, the closer one of them is to having an affair.
  8. We could start a new thread with possible scandal ideas, to cheer ourselves up. Secret love child (how pissed would Mechelle be if JB had 20 kids and she only had nineteen?) A shoplifter in the family A secret vegan, or Buddhist in the ranks Grandma having a fling with the UPS driver Maybe we'll hit on something true.
  9. I feel responsible, well in one tiny part, for clicking on Duggar stories. I guess even those of us who comment snarkily are feeding the monster. I'm very bummed there are more shows coming. Heck, I've never watched any, but just want these people to go back into obscurity,
  10. Haha I wonder if Jill and Derrick made the We Are Homeless sign, in case the leg humpers wouldn't realize how charitable they are.
  11. Maybe Derrick got the vest from one of the gang members they saved for Jesus. Sorry .My first post, and I screwed it up, trying to reply to liz tudor.
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