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Everything posted by PaperScissors

  1. I tend to agree. Which is why I'm not so sure about all these comments from A&E about how 4b will focus on the "core characters" more - when will they have time? We have three villains who need at least one backstory each, plus Ariel's back, AND Aurora's family is here too.... plus we have a confirmed Robin Hood backstory too from what I recall. We have a flashback on Snowing's "evil past" (eyeroll) confirmed, something on Hook's backstory (yay) and promises of more Will Scarlett (yay - I really like him). Then we also (I think) have some A&E comments about flashbacks to cursed Storybrooke (which I'm guessing would be a Regina centric, or one of the new villains because otherwise it would be rather boring watching Snow give the bluebird lesson again, or watch Charming lie in a coma). So that's eight. Out of a ten story arc. Throw in August, and what I'm guessing is the inevitiable Rumple flashback, and that's all the flashbacks for 4b, done and dusted. I'm guessing perhaps the "evil Snowing" and Hook stories could be combined with the villains' backstories, but if that's the case it'll become less about the "core characters" and more about the shiny new "Queens of Darkness," so I'm not sure about this promised "focus" on the main characters... So I agree, it's a lot to cram in.
  2. I have to confess, I'm not terribly excited about 4b so far. Three villains who all need their sob stories told? Although I'm thrilled that apparently Hook willl have a link to one of the new villains (*fingers crossed it's Ursula*), much of the rest of the spoilers don't fill me with joy. We're going to find out that Snow and Charming might be villains? (Remind me to hide the stemware before that episode). August is coming back for multiple episodes? (*Blech - I like Eion but detested August). Lily will make a mysterious reappearance? (Just when I've almost succeeded in wiping most of 4x05 from my memory). No spoilers for Emma's story other than the Captain Swan tidbits (which I'm excited about), and the promise that Emma's going to be helping Regina find the book author? Sigh. I'm looking forward to seeing Ariel again, and the Captain Swan developments, and I'd love to see more Snowing although I'm pretty nervous about that to be honest with the spoilers we're getting but other than that.... Although, to my surprise, I'm actually looking forward to seeing more Belle, based entirely on how kick-ass she was in that final scene with Rumple at the town line. Who would have thought?
  3. Word a zillion times Shanna Marie and Serena. That attitude - that you can't have a happy ending without a romantic partner - really bothers me too. Yes, Regina and Robin aren't together. But she has her son and friends etc - relationships that would NOT be strong if she were still the Evil Queen. She isn't expecting to ever get back together with Robin... so what happy ending is she actually looking for? Another guy? I thought soul mates weren't a dime a dozen, so what is the end goal of Operation Mongoose? Because other than a romantic partner, I think she's doing pretty well. I do see why missing out on a soulmate would be sad, especially in the fairy tale context, but I am just struggling to understand the point of Operation Mongoose. She has every component of a happy ending right now with the exception of a romantic partner. So is that the point of the quest? Are Emma and Henry now her dating service? Are Emma and Henry going to go out and ask random cute guys if they think Regina's cute? Are they creating an online dating profile for her? I'm confused...
  4. I enjoyed this one. It's not my favourite of the arc, but it was good. I thought all the actors brought their A game - I don't even like Outlaw Queen but I thought Lana did a great job in their scenes, JMo and Colin are both so fantastic they break my heart, I love Elsa/Anna/Kristoff and Bobby as usual. As for Snowing, their scenes were very touching - Ginny is such a great actress, I wish she had more to do because she can really bring the emotion. As for Killian and Emma's one scene.... be still my CS heart. I took Emma's reaction to be about her realizing that she loved Killian, though in retrospect I see that it's more likely that it was because she saw something was wrong. Those Captain Swan shipper goggles are permanently welded to my face, so it's hard to see things any other way I'm afraid. ;) A couple things bugged: Since when do Snow and Charming take parenting and leadership advice (in back-to-back episodes) from REGINA?!? You know, Regina, the one who gaslit her own son for 10 years and who murdered and terrorized Snow's kingdom when she got a chance to rule? I don't disagree with her advice - it would have been the right approach in the season 2 finale, and it was the right approach here - but I would have much preferred Charming to have been the speak that truth. He used to be the pragmatic realist among the pair, after all. So, Heny and Robin are the only ones who believe in you Regina? How about Snow and Emma, who tell you constantly that they believe in you and want you to be happy? But I guess it's easier to forget about them. And yes, taking Henry with you instead of leaving him with the mom who is IMMUNE is a GREAT IDEA guys (*eyeroll*, though Emma went along with it so she gets an *eyeroll* too). Although i'm sure it was to give Regina-Henry yet another emotional mother-son scene. I don't know why Regina and Henry seems the be the only two getting relationship scenes this season (vs Emma-Henry). It's like the writers can't focus on both Emma-Henry and Regina-Henry scenes in the same season. It's other one or the other. It's odd. I actually didn't mind Regina in this episode, but those few things really bothered me. I'm disappointed no one had any reaction to Elsa basically being selfish and risking the whole town for her sister. It must have been a case of "we-know-it's-going-to-all-work-out-so-lets-not-have-anyone-be-angry-about-it"-itis. I love Elsa, don't get me wrong, but she totally pulled a Hook (as someone else stated above) and no one seemed to care after it was all done, and she was still pure enough of heart to use the wishing star...? I have more thoughts but this is long enough so I'll leave it there.
  5. I'm wondering how the time jump would even work though in this context... if the quest for the book is an arc that is going to continue into 4b, I don't see how much of a time jump there could be, unless the book author quest takes them years (ugh, please no). If they can't do a time jump for Henry's age, at least they could write him more like a teenaged (or almost teenaged) boy. That would be a start.
  6. Oooh thanks retrograde - that is really interesting! I'm guessing Belle and Rumple will be one of the "beloved relationships" tested... and who else could it be? Not Snowing, surely? The witches are in FTL? Huh? I'm so confused. Is this supposed to be for a flashback or are we sending some back to the Enchanted Forest again?
  7. Any chance we could get Morgan LeFay as one of the three villainesses? I'm dying to get more into Arthurian legend. Wishful thinking?
  8. Oh! I forgot to mention one of my favourite parts about the episode! Sidney standing up to Regina! You go Sidney! #TeamSidney #Sidneyismyhero #GlassisBack
  9. Wow.... I can't believe I read that review. Like, I feel like I fell through the looking glass into a parallel dimension where everything is upside down. I'm actually angrier about the episode now than I was before reading that. Which is hard, because that episode made me pretty angry. Luckily I was carving a pumpkin while I was watching so I was able to channel some of my anger onto my poor jack o'lantern. Indeed, an excellent question! The only things I liked about that episode: -the Captain Swan scenes - they were truly wonderful! (OMG they are the cutest eva! CaptainSwan 4Life! Yes I recognize I sound like a teenager but I make no apologies. The scenes were that great) - Snowing - they were cute - Ginny really sells her scenes, even if it is just the "B" plot - The Knave. He interests me. - Young Emma, who did a great job channeling Emma's sadness and lonliness (Because of Regina.... sorry, I'm frothing at the mouth again...) ... and that's it. Lily creeped me out, and I have no words for the Regina/Emma scenes, as everyone has already articulated it very well. I'm just hoping this means we don't have to deal with this Regina-being-so-mad-at-Emma thing again. Silver linings, right?
  10. Thanks everyone. I think I've found my tribe! This forum is going to be cheaper than therapy. Anyone think it's odd that they've already released the episode 8 description? I know it's a two hour special but I find it a bit random. They usually don't release press releases until the day after the episode airs to avoid being spoilers.
  11. I'm pretty much coming out of lurkdom because I am so annoyed at the sounds of this episode. I am so disappointed that Emma's centric is turning into a Regina woe-is-me fest. And Lana's comment about how the scenes between them are "comedic." So... Regina continually putting Emma down and mean girling at her while Emma tries to be her friend is comedic? Ugh. I can't deal with Regina. I'm so so grateful they cut the Snow and Regina scenes they mentioned in the press release from the actual episode last week - at least it stopped Snow's character from being further massacred by having to make Regina feel better. Honestly, I'm just annoyed that this woman who is supposed to be strong and independent enough to "rule" a kingdom and brutally suppress countless minions with the flick of her wrist is all crying and desperate because she lost her man? Really? I am far from a Regina fan (obviously) but even I think she's better than that. Nice to meet everyone, by the way! Sorry for the rant. I have a lot of suppressed anger over this plot line, I'm realizing... ;)
  12. Hello! I was an infrequent poster on TwoP but I'm introducing myself as now I'm here. Although I don't get a lot of opportunities to post, I was on TwoP daily and am so glad to see so many posters over here to continue discussions! I was the same name on TwoP - hi everyone'
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