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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. don't forget to accessorize with a penis necklace!
  2. Yes, she has a 10 year old daughter and a son, I think about 7. It's not clear if their fathers are either or both of her two former fiances. She doesn't allow the children to be filmed or be on social media, a surprisingly smart move on her part.
  3. My DVR caught the last few minutes of the prior episode with the Bonus Scene where Larissa and Colt were checking out the wedding venue (I think) and as they left you could clearly see the outline of her thong under her dress.
  4. Well, I was thrilled to see the Slot Machine reappear at Debbie’s condo, but NO Princess Toast or Sargent Baker! I wonder if I watch the SNHU commercial enough I will automatically get a degree.
  5. My god, Eric sure cries a lot for a tough Marine!
  6. I had those same reruns on (in the background) last night. They’re from this past season which aired last January and the discussion begins on page 32 of this forum. Randy’s Line, Black Dress Bride, Pnina’s Assistant’s Gown(s), Glacier Bride, Nanny Bride, Pregnant Twin, Ditzy Texas Blonde, No Color Bride and the others-all with some kind of gimmick or cheesy backstory are there for your snarking pleasure.
  7. I think Leida is doing everything on purpose to get the Tania (and the courts) to take away Eric's parental rights, stupidly thinking that would end his child support obligation.
  8. Asuelu was a paid entertainer at the resort Kalani stayed at in Samoa, and probably encouraged to flatter the single women guests. She might have mistaken this attention as attraction on his part and when he found out she was a virgin (or so she claimed) he was delighted to be her "first." She was more than ready to give it up to someone but to have unprotected sex (after all, she wasn't a "slut person") with a complete stranger was really stupid. She's now gotten pregnant twice, when is she going to put two and two together and figure out how that's happening?
  9. The Mercedes is probably leased and Pao's Louboutins came used from Poshmark. All for show!
  10. That's why I'm convinced it's a rental unit for filming. It looks much too "staged" to me.
  11. I think he said something about paying her "Amazon bill" so she might be filling her days with online shopping, possibly even having things sent to her family in Mexico. And he scolded her for spending six hours on the phone with friends from home. If he's not there, and she knows no one else to communicate with, what's the problem with that? I don't blame her one bit!
  12. I don't think Richie or Oliver is going to win any beautiful baby contests
  13. Trasch can outside an airport-vicinity strip club. There's one in Milwaukee where Marta (remember her?) got her "risky" wear
  14. LOL! That is perfect. I knew it reminded me of something but couldn't place it!
  15. I thought Ashley's friend Brandi (sorry, I always think someone with that name lives in a trailer park) looked like a drag queen and she has one of those "skull faces."
  16. Does (poor innocent) Kalani think we're going to bestow on (evil, horny) Asuelu the "Most Hated Man in America" title just because he GOT her pregnant again? I think there's more to the story and possibly HE decides not to marry her and goes back to Samoa, leaving her in the Cheeto dust.
  17. I wonder what she used for BC when she took Oliver to Samoa? Wouldn’t she be aware of Asuelu’s aversion to using condoms from that visit? He didn’t just show up in America-his 90 day visit was planned way in advance and she knew they would be having sex, why didn’t she look into preventing pregnancy BEFORE he got here? Especially when he made it clear he wanted a big family right away
  18. https://www.google.com/search?q=ventriloquist+dummy+tuxedo&rlz=1C9BKJA_enUS727US734&hl=en-US&prmd=sivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj8lrWMnaffAhVR0FkKHSYBAZIQ_AUoAnoECBIQAg&biw=1024&bih=659#imgrc=og3LfFWLrLSRTM rats, I was hoping photo would show up
  19. I guess Asuelu should have opted for a "Big Bro" onesie for Oliver
  20. Eddie Haskell! NAILED IT! Won't it be at least a couple of years before Richie is aware of a father figure in his life? Why can't he stay with Olga until she's able to bring him to the US? There will be plenty of time for father-son bonding after that.
  21. I think she does, or a clear retainer. I remember her mother also had braces when they showed her
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