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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. Eric's forehead crease matches his lips exactly! It looks like it could talk!
  2. Ashley's daughter is 11 and her son is 9. She wasn't a mother at 13
  3. I am stunned that he is a womanizer. How is that even possible???? He strikes me as the "dirty old man" type who tries to pick up women in bars, but I doubt if he's very successful at it. edited to add: I think if you asked Larissa, she'd also claim Coltee is a womanizer since she was jealous that he "true complimented" the waitress's glasses.
  4. I kept wanting to fix Colt's collar
  5. Big difference. Thanks for posting this (I was too lazy to look it up myself.) The more I look at the before and after, the more I think it's Photoshopped. Even his eyebags look smaller.
  6. There's a picture out there (on the Eric/Leida thread) of Eric with Ashley at some 90 Day event. He's wearing a t-shirt that says something like "It Must Be Proper" and miraculously, his forehead crease is gone! That led to some conjecture that Leida is indeed messing around with Botox injections.
  7. I thought I read she was going to manage a "beauty clinic."
  8. It could be the first time he's ever worn closed shoes. He'd probably be more comfortable in flip flops like the male guests we saw at the weddings, but he might be proud like a little boy of his American style shoes
  9. Kind of like when Loren sided with Paola and ganged up on Anfisa. And Leida just gets to sit there as the bullets fly over her head when I fully expected her to be the one in the hot seat
  10. Don't they get paid $ 2K for showing up to the reunion?
  11. I noticed Leida appeared to be eating something that looked like a salad instead of the pizza. I could see her as the type to demand a special menu.
  12. didn't she threaten to cut off his dick if she ever found out he was cheating? As a mother, she'd better be prepared to follow through or her threats are meaningless and she'll lose credibility with her kids, especially the 20 year old.
  13. literally! But I refuse to look, so I'll have to take everyone's word for it. Some other thoughts from last night: Leida looks like she got dressed and then at the last minute wondered how she could make herself look classy, so she slapped on a string of fake pearls from Charming Charlie which don't go with her outfit at all. I guess Eric is wearing his blue "wedding tie" that Leida chose for him. If production hadn't ramped up the Larissa/Fernanda feud, I don't think Fernanda and Jon would have had anything to bring to the table. It's hard for me to believe Colt and Jon are the same age but they're both douches in totally different ways. That picture of the Snuggie Sisters Snugglin' in the waterfall is downright disturbing. edited to add one more thought: On the video of Asuelu's meltdown, I thought it was interesting that Leida found it so hysterically funny that she told Eric, "I'm going to die, baby" before switching to "calm down, Asuelu..."
  14. Ashley’s inspiration? https://goo.gl/images/nnr4NU
  15. Colt coming into the studio, "Salutations!" What a dork!
  16. The first season, the couples WERE (for the most part) normal. Then when Danielle and Mohammed's relationship went off the rails, it was ratings gold and now many of the couples seem to be based on their mismatched and unlikely love story.
  17. I venture to guess all of us here watched the previous seasons. Danielle and Mohammed are the gold standard of 90 Day couples. But I warn you, proceed with caution because it gets really crazy.
  18. He must have moved on to something else. These were his Gateway Socks
  19. I tried to show the closed captioning at this point where Underbite Kolini, dressed in a blue Snuggie to go with Kalani’s red one said “IT’S my sister’s husband.” And I never expected Ashley to be the most bleeped person at the Tell All. She has quite a potty mouth. Why was Larissa worried about losing her makeup when they were going to do it at the studio anyway? I call BS on the whole lost luggage story.
  20. Producer: “Um, Steven, could you possibly sit up a little straighter? Don’t worry, we’ll still be able to show off your Pot Socks.”
  21. If Leida’s pearls were good quality, they’d be individually knotted. They’re as fake as her Parisian tiara.
  22. I don’t think she can. Her nose job has pinched her septum closed
  23. It’s a program the US underwrites with foreign countries called “Tits For Tots.” (Sorry my comments are so much behind the forum.)
  24. Let's predict how many times she'll look totally befuddled and say, "What just happened here?"
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