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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. You’re right! So going all the way north to DC was REALLY out of the way!
  2. I believe Becky’s husband, Thomas, is Danish. Remember when everyone was bitching about going to Moldova for Libby's wedding and she said no one complained the year before when everyone went to Denmark? I guess it’s okay to marry a foreigner if he’s rich enough
  3. Actually they would have to go North through the DC area then head South to Pappy’s BUT there was absolutely no reason they had to drive through downtown DC
  4. and what’s the point of staying at an AirBnB an hour and a half from the reunion? I don’t want to defend Libby, but the place she booked might have had a ton of room to park the RV, it was just impossible to get to on the narrow streets
  5. I thought he said she had Pull-Ups in her nose. Mike, did you ever think she might not be answering the phone because she’s on the damn operating table? Edited to add: My closed captioning showed Mike saying “Good luck getting back to SWIM”
  6. My town had a flea market today and I could have bought a hat just like Trish’s!
  7. Even if Tiffany relents and spends Christmas in SA, I predict it will be the first and last holiday that they are together. Buying an artificial tree and trimmings was a clear indication that Ronald has absolutely no plan to come to the US unless he's bringing the tree along. It's going to end up in a pawn shop or he'll lose it in a poker game, I'm sure. Since Natalie's surgery occurred during Covid, maybe Mike wasn't allowed to go in the hospital. I had shoulder surgery last November and my husband basically had to drop me off at the hospital door and say "call me when you're done." Supposedly they were feuding the night before, and I bet Natalie just took it upon herself to take the truck and go to the hospital early that morning, leaving that big lunk snoring away in the hotel room. "I don't know where she is..." DUH!
  8. Did he say they arrived in separate cars? I figured they both came in the truck and stayed in the same hotel room but in different beds. What I can't believe is that Natalie was able to get up, get dressed, gather up her stuff and drive herself to the hospital without Mike waking up. She probably had to be there very early and maybe she wasn't answering her phone because she was on the operating table when he called? Mike saying he had "no idea" where she was? Where the heck did he think she was? So a producer drives him to the hospital and he sees the truck in the lot but instead of saying, "Oh good, she's here. I'm going to go see if I can find out what's going on" he drives off in the truck, basically stranding her at the hospital. That'll teach her a lesson, huh!
  9. And why would they stay overnight another night on the road? DC was at least an hour and a half from Pappy's, but why would they stop there? Plus Libby said something about sightseeing in DC? True, it was night by the time they got there and Libby also said something about not wanting to inconvenience the Maryland rellies, but going to a hotel nearby that night and waiting until the next day to see everyone made more sense and appears to be what actually happened. (Okay, here I go again trying to be logical about this stupid fake shit show) I have to admit I got a chuckle seeing Andrei driving that big ass RV past the White House.
  10. that ass looks like something off of "Botched"
  11. There’s always a half hour “first look” shown on Fridays before the new episode airs Sunday night to give everyone a head start on their snarking. It helps with the Live Chat because you don’t have to watch so carefully when it airs and already have some comments ready to post
  12. NO ass Mike. He can do commercials for the drug “Noassitol”
  13. I don’t know the “live Christmas tree” situation in South Africa, but why did they have to spend money on an artificial tree? It’s going to have to be put away and stored somewhere after the holidays. Why couldn’t they get a live tree of some sort, maybe not the evergreen that Americans are used to, but something representing a typical SA Christmas tree? Or a little tabletop tree would be sufficient and fun to decorate. Not a huge fake tree that might not even fit in that apartment! Tiffany is correct, Ronald is manipulating Daniel to stay. You can tell “Ma Boy” feels guilty if he doesn’t agree with “Dad’s”* ideas and desperately wants to please him. (*I cringe every time Daniel says that) Ronald reminds me of a “wise guy” older kid who is trying to get a younger, impressionable one to misbehave. and, good thing the camera crew had roped off that airport escalator for filming Jovi’s return. Who stops and has a reunion at the bottom of the moving stairs? If there had been anyone behind them... Back to the Christmas trees...I looked it up and although it's Summer in SA, people do decorate live fir trees. The article went on to say that artificial trees were also popular and could be ordered online at SANTA'S WAREHOUSE!
  14. I can’t imagine Covid conditions were better when Tiffany went to South Africa last winter and she definitely wouldn’t have been vaccinated, but currently the US government is advising Americans NOT to go there. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/south-africa-travel-advisory.html
  15. Have you watched her “deep throat” the sushi? That’s one of her most controversial videos, preparing Japanese food while wearing Chinese clothing and chopsticks in her hair.
  16. The only thing worse is “sexy Meemaw” speaking of Angela, I know this isn’t a good screenshot, but doesn’t her face and neck look photoshopped or heavily edited in this promo? I know she’s lost over a hundred pounds, but her “turkey gobbler” is totally gone without surgery. No way is that her neck!
  17. Why did Tiffany get an open ended return ticket from South Africa? She doesn’t want to stay and Daniel was counting the days until they go home when he said “That’s two weeks-7 days and 7 days!” Ronald’s reply to that was something like “There’s no return date,” but WHY THE HELL NOT? Having no set return only reinforces Ronald’s delusion that they’re staying. Besides, doesn’t that type of ticket cost more?
  18. I’m even more appalled at those who think Angela is so lovable and her abuse of Michael is just her being an amusing Meemaw
  19. I had the Pillow Talk marathon on yesterday in the background. I couldn’t help but notice the group’s varying reactions to the Natalie/Trish/Mike Thanksgiving shitshow. Some were Team Trish “Why is Natalie being so rude?” “She’s acting like a child” and others were Team Natalie “I can’t believe Trish said that to Natalie” etc. But, everybody seemed to agree that Mike was a huge a-hole. I think Kenny summed things up the best when he said everyone was so awful he couldn’t take sides with any of them
  20. I probably should give it a try. I'm from New Jersey and love Pork Roll which sounds kind of similar (but not as pink!)
  21. In addition, I’m sure Ronald is relentlessly badgering Daniel to convince Tiffany that they should stay in South Africa. The poor kid is probably torn between trying to please Ronald but not really wanting to stay there.
  22. Not that I’d eat it anyway… “In 2018, a South African factory that produced polony and other processed meats was associated with a listeriosis outbreak that killed approximately 180 people and sickened a further thousand.”
  23. Somewhere upthread (or on another sub thread) somebody posted a link to “what is polony.” What I recall is that it’s a bunch of some kind of less desirable animal parts ground together and with food coloring added into a sludge called “Pink Slime.” Definitely cheap “peasant food.”
  24. And two packages of mushrooms! Do they go with polony?
  25. Could we all Live Chat here tomorrow night even if the show isn’t on?
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