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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. We live in the same state as Nicole.. so... only somewhat safe
  2. Open Open Open. I ned something to distract me from non stop hurricane watching. Its going to be way to close for comfort. The only disaster I want to see in the next couple of days are these looneys
  3. The people at the pool were plants. Clearly If Im not in the live chat Sunday its because of that damned asshole Dorian. Hes coming right for me in East Orlando
  4. It happens. Last year I got a call that my daughter was at he ER and was 6 months pregnant. She didn't know she was pregnant. She went to the hospital because her BP was sky high and she felt like hell. Now my daughter is a bit overweight and she also has a medical condition where she only has her period a couple of times a year. They had said it would be very difficult for her to get pregnant. She was shocked but happy and excited. My husband and I went home for the night then, came back in the morning. That morning they did another ultrasound. The baby had died overnight. My daughter then had to deliver that deceased baby. She named him Stephen after my niece Stephanie who had died 4 months earlier. Last year was a shit year. In another case, years ago, my husband worked with a woman who gave birth unexpectedly. She was thin the whole time. It was the way the baby was sitting. A month later that baby died, crib death, but we were always suspicious Last case. I had just arrived at the hospital to have my second child and I was in the room before the birth room. Many of us were just separated by a curtain. They brought a women in who was nearly 6 months along and didn't know she was pregnant. I literally HEARD her give birth to two deceased babies. This happens a lot more than you would think
  5. Yea. I have had it more than a few times, fried, jerky etc. Generally though, Gators dont kill by biting. They drown you and then store you for later. They also are not super aggressive like Crocs. We do have Crocs down here too but nowhere near as many. A simple rule for florida. Treat ANY body of water like there is a gator in it, because there may be We also have bears and venomous snakes and spiders. Florida is the Australia of America. Everything here is trying to kill you.
  6. Yeah, I get that.. But I mean, I put my expensive makeup in my carry on bags and wont check it. $200 is clearly a lot of money to Cesar.
  7. There are quite a few reality shows in the Middle East
  8. Its more that they just both seem oddly shaped. I cant quite put my finger on it. Its not that they are both a little overweight as many of us are, it's weird proportions
  9. That is unfortunate. I have a had a lot of great Indian food there. Unfortunately, there will always be some bad ones, especially when there are so many. I am lucky that I am usually with London friends so they steer me in the right direction.
  10. When I was in the Marines, there were a lot of fundamentalist groups targeting recruits. I saw a lot of people join fundamentalist Christian religions. A lot of them then quickly married. This included my roommate. Many of the marriages were short lived. It seems to be a common thing THIS. I spend a lot of time in the UK and i love it. My first thought was , Wow, I want to live here. After spending a lot of time there, I still love it but I'm not sure if I would want to live there. If I did move there, at least I would go knowing what I was getting into. Being there on vacation is different from living there. I LOVE London. My best friend lives in London SW and I spend 5-6 weeks or so there ever year. Living there is exhausting. Air quaiity is not great. Its crowded. Publix transport, while plentiful can take forever and its CRAZY expensive. My friend is moving to Newark this week after 30 years in London and he cant wait to get out. I live in Orlando and you see the same thing here. People go to the theme parks and decide they want to live here. They have no clue about what it is really like to live here full time Lebanon is not a Muslim country. It is around 40% Christian. IME with knowing many Muslims over the years, many drink despite the rules, just like many Catholics use BC despite the rules.
  11. He looks like Will Sasso playing Steven Sigal on MadTV
  12. There are some empty spaces at St Peter and Vincula
  13. Yeah, You guys have had a bad one. Im always there in the fall when its colder and my friend hates heat. One I went in May and thought it would be warm... nope. But its a nice change from orlando weather
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